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Yes' "catchiest" prog album

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Topic: Yes' "catchiest" prog album
Posted By: Zitro
Subject: Yes' "catchiest" prog album
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 16:59
Vote for what you think is Yes' catchiest/most accessible album. Don't vote for it you really don't like that album.

This is not a 'best of' poll !!!

I voted for "The Yes Album"

Posted By: cynthiasmallet
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 17:01
Fragile for me, everyone loves Roundabout!

Would you like to watch TV, or get between the sheets, or contemplate the silent freeway, would you like something to eat?

Posted By: Shakespeare
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 17:19
Close to the Edge, surely. 

Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 17:21
Im going with Going for the one, althouh Awaken is not an "easy" song, the rest is some of Yes catchiest work ever: Going for the one is instantly in your head, Turn of the century is too beautiful to look away and Woderous storys even was a top 10 hit or something!

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: Zitro
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 17:28
interesting: a bunch of fragile votes.

Well, it has the catchy roundabout and the "love at first listen" Heart of the Sunrise.

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 17:35
voted the Yes Album as well.. the lyrics are still... always have been ...goofy as hell.. but the music was not as out there...  very prog... but still very focused on the SONG.. rather than creating aural soundscapes than latter albums would be.  

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: proglil49
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 17:40
Relayer got me by the balls, litteraly.

I want to be an astronaut

Posted By: Shakespeare
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 17:44
Originally posted by proglil49 proglil49 wrote:

Relayer got me by the balls, litteraly.


Posted By: Dim
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 17:52
Fragile, the universally accaimled pop album.


Posted By: febus
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 19:04
''Magnification''  of course.....Isn't ''DON'T GO'' the catchiest YESsong ever?Big%20smileLOL 

Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 19:16

Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: Zitro
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 19:19
Originally posted by febus febus wrote:

''Magnification''  of course.....Isn't ''DON'T GO'' the catchiest YESsong ever?Big%20smileLOL 

lol, I can't stand it.

here's my "catchy" preferences in yes albums:
1_The Yes Album (full of pure 70s classic rock with a bit of prog)
2_Fragile (heart of the sunrise and roundabout are instantly lovable)
3_Drama (the bookends are instantly lovable and most of the rest is catchy)
4_The Ladder (many catchy stuff here with beats, or easy ballads)
5_Talk (It's prog-related pop, so this is catchy)
6_Close To The Edge (the title track is anything but catchy tho)
7_Going For The One (except for awaken, another catchy album)
8_Magnification (a grower, few catchy at first songs)
9_Keystudio (not very catchy, only parts)
10_Tormato (attempts to play catchy melodies, but it doesn't work well)
11_Relayer (Nothing is catchy here lol)
12_Tales of Topographic Oceans (The anti-pop)

Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 19:30
Either "The yes Album" or "Fragile", both albums kick off with long prog songsd that are catchy, complex yet perfectly dynamic, with inspired melodies, great solos and perfect vocal parts. Well, since 'Roundabout' stands out as being more structured and having better keyboard solos, I vote for "Fragile". It was my first Yes listen, BTW. When I have my son, I will see that it is also his first Yes experience.
      Kind regards.

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 19:31
Originally posted by Zitro Zitro wrote:

Originally posted by febus febus wrote:

''Magnification''  of course.....Isn't ''DON'T GO'' the catchiest YESsong ever?Big%20smileLOL 

lol, I can't stand it.

here's my "catchy" preferences in yes albums:
1_The Yes Album (full of pure 70s classic rock with a bit of prog)
2_Fragile (heart of the sunrise and roundabout are instantly lovable)
3_Drama (the bookends are instantly lovable and most of the rest is catchy)

would have flip-flopped Drama and Fragile ... for shear cathiest hahah.   a dream combo of New Wave and Prog hahahha.  Great album.  those are my top 3. Clap

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Shakespeare
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 19:33
Originally posted by Shakespeare Shakespeare wrote:

Originally posted by proglil49 proglil49 wrote:

Relayer got me by the balls, litteraly.


Seriously, how is that possible? I want the whole story. Now.

Posted By: aesnogard
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 19:53
I hesitated between The Yes Album and Going For The One. I choosed The Yes Album because The Yes Album has most accessible and basic songs amongst Yes albums.

Posted By: Rubidium
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 20:07
Most accessible?  I assume that means which of these would a non-prog fan be most likely to enjoy on first listen, in which case my answer is The Ladder.

Posted By: ClassicRocker
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 20:07
I voted the Yes Album, but Time and a Word is pretty accessible as well


Posted By: Evandro Martini
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 22:48
I voted for The Yes Album, it's very interesting, not only for prog ears...

Fragile, though it may not seem, was not catchy at all to me... It took more than ten times for me to regard Heart of the Sunrise as more than three or four musicl ideas repeated ad infinitum.

"You’ll never make any money playing music that people can’t sing.” Keith Emerson's father

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 22:57
Tormato ...   a perfect mix of pop appeal with symph

Posted By: Chris H
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 23:00
I have to agree with The Ladder. It's not the greatest, but it is very catchy and accessible.

Beauty will save the world.

Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 23:02
Going for the One for me. 

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Posted By: Tommydouglas
Date Posted: December 07 2007 at 23:09
I guage "catchiness" by what you'd recommend to a new listener. I've always recommended Fragile to people sampling Yes even though it's mostly a solo snippets album. After they've beaten it to death in concert I can no longer listen to Roundabout...ughh. The album I'd really like to vote for is Drama which is THE underrated Yes album and I wish they would have put out at least three more with that lineup--killer stuff.

"I'm not really spiritual, just religious."

Posted By: Harry Hood
Date Posted: December 08 2007 at 00:12
But The Ladder gets my vote here. 'Our home is a world!'Embarrassed


Posted By: ghost_of_morphy
Date Posted: December 08 2007 at 03:05
It's hard for me to choose between The Yes Album and Keystudio.....
But as Keystudio has no votes.....

Posted By: Kim Ankara
Date Posted: December 08 2007 at 04:30
Originally posted by proglil49 proglil49 wrote:

Relayer got me by the balls, litteraly.

Maybe you shouldn't listen to prog in the nude. Tongue

I voted "Drama", I once woke up with "Into the Lens" stuck in my head on the day of an exam. Unfortunately it wasn't a drama exam. LOL


"I'm a dinosaur" - Adrian Belew

"I am a camera" - Trevor Horn

"I am yourself" - Keith Emerson

Posted By: paloz
Date Posted: December 08 2007 at 04:49
Surely Fragile.. It sounds like hell!

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: December 08 2007 at 07:27
Originally posted by Tommydouglas Tommydouglas wrote:

The album I'd really like to vote for is Drama which is THE underrated Yes album and I wish they would have put out at least three more with that lineup--killer stuff.

have some clappies for that...


The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Nightfly
Date Posted: December 08 2007 at 07:48
The Yes Album.

Posted By: Okocha
Date Posted: December 08 2007 at 10:43
The last albums in the list are anything except prog...

Posted By: Shakespeare
Date Posted: December 08 2007 at 10:48
Magnification was pretty proggy. 

Posted By: ProgBagel
Date Posted: December 08 2007 at 13:45
Fragile no doubt. Beside the solo work's all the songs were proggy and very catchy. Amazing album by the way.

Posted By: Abstrakt
Date Posted: December 08 2007 at 13:47
TFTO has many catchy melodies Embarrassed (My favorite Yes, and PROG album, BTW)
But seriously, i believe that Fragile or maybe The Yes Album wins.

Posted By: Baube3
Date Posted: December 08 2007 at 14:29
Originally posted by Shakespeare Shakespeare wrote:

Originally posted by Shakespeare Shakespeare wrote:

Originally posted by proglil49 proglil49 wrote:

Relayer got me by the balls, litteraly.


Seriously, how is that possible? I want the whole story. Now.
I think this guy misread the title of the topic... As the creator of the topic said in the 1st post, you don't chose your FAVORITE album, but the CATCHIEST one...
Or maybe he truly believes that Relayer is the catchiest Yes album... Shocked 
Well there are some parts like in ''Soon'' or in ''To Be Over'' where we can call the music catchy, but it's definitely not the whole album.
By the way, Relayer is my favoriiiiite album (One of my top 5 ever from any band), but the catchiest one is The Yes Album... (which is a fav too)

Posted By: b_olariu
Date Posted: December 09 2007 at 11:46
Drama the most accesible Yes album and quite good i might say.

Posted By: moreitsythanyou
Date Posted: December 09 2007 at 11:48
The Yes Album is most accessible in my opinion and is very catchy. Great melodies on that one.

<font color=white>butts, lol[/COLOR]

Posted By: Teh_Slippermenz
Date Posted: December 10 2007 at 01:49
I'd say "The Yes Album". 

Posted By: zbida
Date Posted: December 10 2007 at 02:54
Maybe 90125...ConfusedLOL

Posted By: Norbert
Date Posted: December 10 2007 at 08:03
Overall, I suppose that Magnification is the most accesible, but it's still rather proggy.

Posted By: steve j
Date Posted: December 10 2007 at 16:21
Originally posted by Rubidium Rubidium wrote:

Most accessible?  I assume that means which of these would a non-prog fan be most likely to enjoy on first listen, in which case my answer is The Ladder.
Got it in one!  This one is easily accessible to the non progger.  Lots of catchy tunes!

Posted By: Shakespeare
Date Posted: December 10 2007 at 16:25
Originally posted by Baube3 Baube3 wrote:

Originally posted by Shakespeare Shakespeare wrote:

Originally posted by Shakespeare Shakespeare wrote:

Originally posted by proglil49 proglil49 wrote:

Relayer got me by the balls, litteraly.


Seriously, how is that possible? I want the whole story. Now.
I think this guy misread the title of the topic... As the creator of the topic said in the 1st post, you don't chose your FAVORITE album, but the CATCHIEST one...
Or maybe he truly believes that Relayer is the catchiest Yes album... Shocked

That's not what I meant by "How is that possible?" What I meant was "How is that possible?"

He said literally. Either he misused the word (BIG PET PEEVE ALERT) or the album somehow grew a hand, jumped off its shelf, and snatched his testes. Which would be funny. And scary.

Posted By: Teh_Slippermenz
Date Posted: December 10 2007 at 16:49
Originally posted by Shakespeare Shakespeare wrote:

...The album somehow grew a hand, jumped off its shelf, and snatched his testes. Which would be funny. And scary.


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