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Rush drumming up support at school

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Topic: Rush drumming up support at school
Posted By: Reed Lover
Subject: Rush drumming up support at school
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 18:55

Rush, Drumline Style!:

The Placer Highschool Drumline, from Auburn California, will be performing a medley of Rush at this Friday's "Winter Drumline and Guard Spectacular". The piece entitled "Red Star" opens with "YYZ", then goes into the intro of "The Spirit Of Radio" and ends with "Tom Sawyer". Placer High Drumline Coach Mark Leftridge writes that "although the line were newcomers to Rush, they were intrigued when a bass player and guitar player arrived at Drumline rehearsal. The music is by far the toughest music they have seen to date as we endeavor to split Neil's arms and legs across 11 drummers!! This is by no means a 'traditional' competition piece, but as this is our innagural year, we wanted to go in and make a statement and not worry about the expected pomp and circumstance of the event, rather to entertain drummers from all over the state." The Winter Drumline and Guard Spectacular takes place this Friday, Mar. 18th, at Del Oro High School in Loomis California. First line steps off at 5pm PST, Placer High is at 6:00pm.

Now, that I would love to see.LOL


Posted By: Cygnus X-2
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 19:00
I know where that place is, I should check it out. Maybe an hour or 2 from where I live actually...


Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 20:05

I would love to hear that. Chances are it will be godawful- after all, how many people listen to marching bands for pure musical enjoyment? - but kudos to them for the chutzpah and discipline it must take to do it. I can barely play Rush while sitting.


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