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Most recognisable album cover ever

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Topic: Most recognisable album cover ever
Posted By: Captain Fudge
Subject: Most recognisable album cover ever
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 14:12


Teenage sucks hard -- Emo sucks even harder
Epic. Simply epic.

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 14:31

Depends on your generation i suppose.


Posted By: starofsirius
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 14:42
DSOTM hands down

"I'm in a freefall like a snowflake falling down down down down down."

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 14:58

I was going to go with a Beatles one too RL. A toss up between Sgt Pepper and Abbey Road.


Here's an interesting story about the AR sleeve being "doctored" to remove a cigarette. -  

Posted By: Cluster One
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 15:00
This has definitely been done before. Although I think KING CRIMSON's "ITCHYCOCK" is by far the 'best' album cover, there's no doubt that "Dark Side of the Moon" is the most recognizable...

Marmalade...I like marmalade.

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 15:14 -

cant really see the point,but that's the USA for you.


Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 15:41

Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

cant really see the point,but that's the USA for you.

Normally I'd nail you for being anti-USA, but unfortunately you're exactly right. The anti-smoking forces in this country think nothing of re-writing history...what's a little historical misinformation compared to the overt propaganda that Americans are now used to?

The Beatles came at a time when people were willing to let other people pick their poison. Now people are so frightened of the secondhand smoke monster that the loss of personal responsibility and freedom seems like a fair price to pay. It's a small thing, but with huge implications.

It's gonna be really difficult if they decide to remove all the scenes with smoking from "A Hard Day's Night".

Damn, can you imagine trying to get rid of the cigarettes in Jimmy Page posters? Or Keith Richards? Or Humphrey Bogart? And forget about ever seeing "The Twilight Zone" again.



Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 15:54



Posted By: bluetailfly
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 15:56

This one's up there...

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 16:04

Trout Mask Replica? -


Posted By: Possessed
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 18:11

Originally posted by Cluster One Cluster One wrote:

This has definitely been done before. Although I think KING CRIMSON's "ITCHYCOCK" is by far the 'best' album cover, there's no doubt that "Dark Side of the Moon" is the most recognizable...

Yes. Even non prog fans recognise this.

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 18:14

Originally posted by Cluster One Cluster One wrote:

This has definitely been done before. Although I think KING CRIMSON's "ITCHYCOCK" is by far the 'best' album cover, there's no doubt that "Dark Side of the Moon" is the most recognizable...


The album is so generally recognisable that they had to put a name badge on it,that wasnt on the original!!!!!
Blown out!LOL


Posted By: Valarius
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 18:59
Michael Jackson: "Thriller".

Posted By: aqualung28
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 19:55
Definitely not TMR

"O' lady look up in time o' lady look out of love
'n you should have us all
O' you should have us fall"
"Bill's Corpse" By Captain Beefheart

Posted By: maani
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 21:01


Re "historical misinformation" and "fear," are you aware that they not only changed the opening scene of the first Spiderman film (which showed Spiderman capturing two crooks by creating a web between the two World Trade Center towers), but that some studios have actually "brushed out" the towers so as not to cause anyone "trauma?"  Hey, I know that it was one of the most traumatic moments in many people's lives - heck, I was only a couple of miles from it when it happened, and I was affected too.

But eliminating "references" to the WTC from films, TV programs, etc.?  I think that's just a tad overboard, and of a piece with airbrushing out cigarettes.


Posted By: BebieM
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 22:48

its definitely DSOTM....

then maybe ITCOTCK and abbey road

Posted By: aqualung28
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 22:53

I'd say DSOTM then Sgt Pepper


"O' lady look up in time o' lady look out of love
'n you should have us all
O' you should have us fall"
"Bill's Corpse" By Captain Beefheart

Posted By: Cygnus X-2
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 23:36

I'd say this little gem:


Posted By: BebieM
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 23:47
Originally posted by Cygnus X-2 Cygnus X-2 wrote:

I'd say this little gem:

what album is it?

Posted By: Cygnus X-2
Date Posted: March 17 2005 at 23:48
in little print is says Who's Next. Don't tell me you've never heard it... please don't.


Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: March 18 2005 at 02:45
Originally posted by maani maani wrote:


Re "historical misinformation" and "fear," are you aware that they not only changed the opening scene of the first Spiderman film (which showed Spiderman capturing two crooks by creating a web between the two World Trade Center towers), but that some studios have actually "brushed out" the towers so as not to cause anyone "trauma?"  Hey, I know that it was one of the most traumatic moments in many people's lives - heck, I was only a couple of miles from it when it happened, and I was affected too.

But eliminating "references" to the WTC from films, TV programs, etc.?  I think that's just a tad overboard, and of a piece with airbrushing out cigarettes.


Digital technology gives us a wealth of possibilities to clean up history. Imagine how wonderful life will be when reality itself can be edited for content!


Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: March 18 2005 at 03:06
Originally posted by James Lee James Lee wrote:

Originally posted by maani maani wrote:


Re "historical misinformation" and "fear," are you aware that they not only changed the opening scene of the first Spiderman film (which showed Spiderman capturing two crooks by creating a web between the two World Trade Center towers), but that some studios have actually "brushed out" the towers so as not to cause anyone "trauma?"  Hey, I know that it was one of the most traumatic moments in many people's lives - heck, I was only a couple of miles from it when it happened, and I was affected too.

But eliminating "references" to the WTC from films, TV programs, etc.?  I think that's just a tad overboard, and of a piece with airbrushing out cigarettes.


Digital technology gives us a wealth of possibilities to clean up history. Imagine how wonderful life will be when reality itself can be edited for content!

I seem to remember that Dream Theater decided to (had to?) change the album cover of - I think - 'Scenes From A Memory Live In New York' as the original featured a scene of the twin towers on fire.

Back on thread though - I'd have to say Dark Side Of The Moon has to be the most recogniseable album cover of all time (not only do non prog fans recognise it, many non prog fans own it); there are others which come close, though: both Abbey Road and Sgt Peppers are up there...

As is 'The Sentinel' by Pallas - recogniseable as a one of the worst prog albums ever released!


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: March 18 2005 at 03:38

^ I agree...I bought "The Sentinel" on the basis of the Woodroffe album cover alone...and Roger Dean has misled me once or twice as well.

Anyone ever actually SCARED by an album cover? If only while still a child?


Posted By: Pixel Pirate
Date Posted: March 18 2005 at 03:58
Originally posted by maani maani wrote:


Re "historical misinformation" and "fear," are you aware that they not only changed the opening scene of the first Spiderman film (which showed Spiderman capturing two crooks by creating a web between the two World Trade Center towers), but that some studios have actually "brushed out" the towers so as not to cause anyone "trauma?"  Hey, I know that it was one of the most traumatic moments in many people's lives - heck, I was only a couple of miles from it when it happened, and I was affected too.

But eliminating "references" to the WTC from films, TV programs, etc.?  I think that's just a tad overboard, and of a piece with airbrushing out cigarettes.


The political correctness monster strikes again!

Odi profanum vulgus et arceo.

Posted By: Pixel Pirate
Date Posted: March 18 2005 at 04:00
And of course it's "Dark Side Of The Moon"! I thought if it was one thing everyone agreed upon (even prog fans) it was that. What a silly discussion.

Odi profanum vulgus et arceo.

Posted By: Forgotten Son
Date Posted: March 18 2005 at 05:47

Led Zeppelin IV

Posted By: Alucard
Date Posted: March 18 2005 at 11:07

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 18 2005 at 11:44

Confused Recognisable to you lot maybe,but I showed it to my staff today,without badge of course,and 1 recognised it as Dark Side Of the Moon,5 others had no idea! Their ages range from 22 to 45 BTW.

All but the youngest recognised Meatloaf's "Bat Out Of Hell" (with the writing removed)Ouch -


Posted By: Cluster One
Date Posted: March 18 2005 at 12:12

The badge is there surely Reed so that you could point it out to the rest of us.

Go pick on KE9.

Marmalade...I like marmalade.

Posted By: Metropolis
Date Posted: March 18 2005 at 12:32
Originally posted by Jim Garten Jim Garten wrote:

I seem to remember that Dream Theater decided to (had to?) change the album cover of - I think - 'Scenes From A Memory Live In New York' as the original featured a scene of the twin towers on fire.

Yeah, it was actually released on September 11th 2001 and was removed from shelves as soon as the news got out, after only being on sale for a couple of hours.  They replaced the burning new york with a burning apple wrapped in barbed wire (a variation a theme used on earlier albums).  If anyone has got a copy with the original packaging they're probably holding onto quite a rarity.

We Lost the Skyline............

Posted By: emdiar
Date Posted: March 18 2005 at 12:49
Dark Side of the Goon LP sleeve

Perception is truth, ergo opinion is fact.

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 18 2005 at 13:36

According to most lists I've seen... and I think there is a book out on this too, this is the #1 most recognizable album cover:

Of course with my friends, the most recognizable album cover is my avatar...


Posted By: FloydWright
Date Posted: March 18 2005 at 14:25
James Lee--while I am very anti-smoking, I also don't appreciate people messing with somebody's artwork because that's a form of censorship.

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: March 18 2005 at 15:02
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

According to most lists I've seen... and I think there is a book out on this too, this is the #1 most recognizable album cover:

Of course with my friends, the most recognizable album cover is my avatar...

I still have my 12" (LP), with the real zip!Embarrassed

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 18 2005 at 15:50

Originally posted by Cluster One Cluster One wrote:


The badge is there surely Reed so that you could point it out to the rest of us.

Go pick on KE9.

Hey,Cluster Bomb; get off my case.Wink

DSOTM is one of my favorite albums,I am merely pointing out that for the Eminem generation DSOTM is irrelevant and obscure.My daughter is 13 and of course she has heard of it,and would recognise the cover (under duress) but none of her friends would.


Posted By: tuxon
Date Posted: March 18 2005 at 16:31
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

According to most lists I've seen... and I think there is a book out on this too, this is the #1 most recognizable album cover:

Of course with my friends, the most recognizable album cover is my avatar...

Bruce Springsteen

I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT

Posted By: Sweetnighter
Date Posted: March 18 2005 at 16:47
hate it, but its recognizable...

I bleed coffee. When I don't drink coffee, my veins run dry, and I shrivel up and die.
"Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso? Is that like the bank of Italian soccer death or something?" -my girlfriend

Posted By: maani
Date Posted: March 18 2005 at 17:04

Well, it seems that, had a poll been done, the list would look something like this:

1.  Dark Side
2.  Sgt. Pepper
3.  Abbey Road
4.  In the Court

With honorable mentions to: Nevermind, Who's Next, Zep IV, Sticky Fingers, and Born in the U.S.A.  Personally, I would have to agree with Reed Lover (what - again?!?! ).  Although most of us would assume that Dark Side is instantly recognizable, I would have to believe that more people know The Beatles than Pink Floyd, and that Sgt. Pepper would be more recognizable on a global level than Dark Side, especially with a younger demographic.

Two asides.  First, I agree with threefates: I seem to remember a number of lists like this on which Sticky Fingers always ended up at #1.  (And, yes, I also have my LP copy with the real zipper...).

Also, I wonder where The White Album fits here: I'd have to say it's recognizable for its sheer obviousness.  Possibly the same thing re The Wall.


Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: March 18 2005 at 18:00

Just a quick boost for Warhol's cover for "The Velvet Underground & Nico"...though it could hardly be called most recognizable, it's definitely a classic.


Posted By: emdiar
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 08:35
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:


DSOTM is one of my favorite albums,I am merely pointing out that for the Eminem generation DSOTM is irrelevant and obscure.My daughter is 13 and of course she has heard of it,and would recognise the cover (under duress) but none of her friends would.

A lot of my 17yr old daughter's friends wear DSOTM badges/patches. It seems that as soon as something becomes "irrelevant and obscure", it becomes uberhip again. Here in Clogsville, PF are gods.">  Hanging on in quiet desperation till prog rules the world again!

Perception is truth, ergo opinion is fact.

Posted By: Radioactive Toy
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 13:14
ah.. I've finally met a girl who loves pink floyd.. it really scared me! why? she says that the dark side of the moon is the best album to listen when having sex.. Guess I've got to buy the cd then altough I've got the lp..


Reed's failed joke counter:
R.I.P. You could have reached infinity....

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 13:29

Originally posted by Radioactive Toy Radioactive Toy wrote:

ah.. I've finally met a girl who loves pink floyd.. it really scared me! why? she says that the dark side of the moon is the best album to listen when having sex.. Guess I've got to buy the cd then altough I've got the lp..

Hmm sounds like time for a poll


Posted By: Cygnus X-2
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 14:04
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

Originally posted by Radioactive Toy Radioactive Toy wrote:

ah.. I've finally met a girl who loves pink floyd.. it really scared me! why? she says that the dark side of the moon is the best album to listen when having sex.. Guess I've got to buy the cd then altough I've got the lp..

Hmm sounds like time for a poll

Which one did you vote for?

It's quite a brilliant poll if you ask me.


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 18:20
Pink Floyd seem to have a huge teen following in this country also!


Posted By: Eddy
Date Posted: March 20 2005 at 21:08
BAH THATS BECAUSE PINK FLOYD IS POPY AND COMMERCIAL. ITS THE "COOL" thing to lie. everybody at my school has it juts Because evry buddy ELSE HAs it. its good stuff! butr BA! BA!

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 00:25
Thats not the point tho is it Eddy... the point is how many would recognize DSOTM cover... many in this country would recognize that pyramid...


Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: March 21 2005 at 06:30

This has got to be up there... at least top 10 I would think;


And what about this?










("The Beatles" AKA The White Album, of course!).

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