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First Progarchive Meeting

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Topic: First Progarchive Meeting
Posted By: Prog-Brazil
Subject: First Progarchive Meeting
Date Posted: March 14 2005 at 08:53

What do you think about?

Where it could be?

What bands would play?

Let the sunshine in

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: March 14 2005 at 08:55
Prog-Brazil wrote:

What bands would play?

Non hopefully unles you transfer us all back in time then i could take you all to see ELP.


Posted By: Man Erg
Date Posted: March 14 2005 at 08:56



I wouldn't care who played.An all expenses trip to Rio
would be just what the doctor ordered


Do 'The Stanley' otherwise I'll thrash you with some rhubarb.

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: March 14 2005 at 09:33
Originally posted by Karnevil9 Karnevil9 wrote:

Prog-Brazil wrote:

What bands would play?

Non hopefully unles you transfer us all back in time then i could take you all to see ELP.


Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: March 14 2005 at 09:43

Rio sounds good to me..

Genesis (with Gabriel)
Genesis (Without Gabriel)
Genesis (With Hackett & Bruford)
Genesis (With Hackett and Thompson)
Genesis (With Steurmer & Thompson)

ELP can play at lunchtime. They get half hour. Just enough time to play Tarkus & Lucky man.

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Emperor
Date Posted: March 14 2005 at 09:50
I'd like to meet you all, but Moscow is very from anyone of you  And my vacations are not so close

I Prophesy Disaster...

Posted By: arcer
Date Posted: March 14 2005 at 10:44

For the inaugural meeting I suggest Zaire, circa 1974 with the following entertainment.....

Ladies and gents,

in the blue corner!!!!! - weighing in at 85 pounds give or take 40 pounds.... with a record of a few pyrhhic victories, most of them by endlessly debating the point until death by sheer boredom occurs..... all the way from glamorous uhhhh Bolton, the Dude of Rude, The Fiend of Spleen, The (wannabe) Manc of Angst, the one, the only.......Reed Lover!!!!

And in the red corner!!!!........ Weighing in with yet another pompous ill-founded, blinkered, scarily obsessive opinion and with a record of about 98 per cent against and 3F8s for.......all the way from Linda's fevered imagination...........The El' in ELP, the p in something beginning with P (oh Palmer probably), yes, the S in scarily obsessed stalker-like creature who'd probably let Keith Emerson have him in some kind of Biblical, Sodom and Gomorrah type way and afterwards cry and say thank you sir, can I have another......   KarnEvil9!!!!!!!!

To paraphrase Jethro Tull  and ELP together

Welcome back my friends...... to the Bungle in the Jungle!!!!!

Now that would be fun to watch


followed of course by Celebrity Deathmatch between

Rush!!! (hooray!!!!)  - featuring

Alex 'Miami Vice' Lifeson

Geddy 'The Grinch' Lee


Neil 'This moustache is a deadly weapon' Peart


ELP (booooooo!!!)


Greg 'Two Tons of Fun' Lake

Carl 'Gumby' Palmer


Keith 'This worn out blues figure is brought to you by the good people at cod-classics R Us' Emerson

Cod Classics - when your tired and weary, sad and dreary r&b stylings need a sprucing up we're there with a slice of Viv, a pinch of Wolfie and just the right dash of Ludwig Van - There's nothing fishy about our cod classics!

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 14 2005 at 10:49
Arcer = waste of a perfectly good imagination...


Posted By: arcer
Date Posted: March 14 2005 at 10:52

It's my imagination and I'll waste it whatever way I see fit

At the moment I'm wasting it imagining that you might actually develop a sense of humour one day

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 14 2005 at 10:54
That was meant to be funny.... I think its you that needs to get some humor...


Posted By: arcer
Date Posted: March 14 2005 at 10:57

oops... sorry!!! Apologies! I was possessed by the hideous image of Alex Lifeson and Greg Lake in leotards ---- uggggggggghhhhh!

Nurse!!!!! My medication .... QUICK!!!

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 14 2005 at 11:09
Originally posted by arcer arcer wrote:

For the inaugural meeting I suggest Zaire, circa 1974 with the following entertainment.....

Ladies and gents,

in the blue corner!!!!! - weighing in at 85 pounds give or take 40 pounds.... with a record of a few pyrhhic victories, most of them by endlessly debating the point until death by sheer boredom occurs..... all the way from glamorous uhhhh Bolton, the Dude of Rude, The Fiend of Spleen, The (wannabe) Manc of Angst, the one, the only.......Reed Lover!!!!



85 pounds + 40 pounds is 125 pounds thats err short of 9 stone!!!
Thanks Arcer but you need to add another 5 1/2 stone to that.LOL


As for fighting,I gave that up after shinning  a metal support column I thought had been clad with foam, but hadnt.....PinchCry


Posted By: arcer
Date Posted: March 14 2005 at 11:10
fat bastard!

Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: March 14 2005 at 11:31

Coincidentally, Marillion have just done what we've been discussing by holding a three day convention in Minehead un the UK over the weekend (Fri 11th - Sun 14th). Fans travel from all over the world to see the band play recent/ancient/rare material and resist the urge to shout 'GRENDEL!' at the top of their voices at inappropriate moments.

I couldn't go this year but I'll be there next year so if there are any forum members planning on doing the same, PM me closer to the date as I'd love to meet any of you guys/girls/obsessive in the flesh.

Arcer I believe will be comparing the event on current form. 

I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 14 2005 at 11:39

Originally posted by arcer arcer wrote:

fat bastard!

I'm 6' 9/2" !!Embarrassed


Posted By: Alucard
Date Posted: March 14 2005 at 11:41


Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: March 14 2005 at 18:51

The ideal prog meeting would take place in Atlantis, or possibly Stonehenge.

Runner ups: Parthenon, Valley of the Kings, maybe Pompeii...Rio is nice, but it just doesn't have that unhealthy ancient mouldering quality.

Personally, my choice of ultimate venue is the ISS.


Posted By: Cygnus X-2
Date Posted: March 14 2005 at 22:52
Originally posted by arcer arcer wrote:

For the inaugural meeting I suggest Zaire, circa 1974 with the following entertainment.....

Ladies and gents,

in the blue corner!!!!! - weighing in at 85 pounds give or take 40 pounds.... with a record of a few pyrhhic victories, most of them by endlessly debating the point until death by sheer boredom occurs..... all the way from glamorous uhhhh Bolton, the Dude of Rude, The Fiend of Spleen, The (wannabe) Manc of Angst, the one, the only.......Reed Lover!!!!

And in the red corner!!!!........ Weighing in with yet another pompous ill-founded, blinkered, scarily obsessive opinion and with a record of about 98 per cent against and 3F8s for.......all the way from Linda's fevered imagination...........The El' in ELP, the p in something beginning with P (oh Palmer probably), yes, the S in scarily obsessed stalker-like creature who'd probably let Keith Emerson have him in some kind of Biblical, Sodom and Gomorrah type way and afterwards cry and say thank you sir, can I have another......   KarnEvil9!!!!!!!!

To paraphrase Jethro Tull  and ELP together

Welcome back my friends...... to the Bungle in the Jungle!!!!!

Now that would be fun to watch


followed of course by Celebrity Deathmatch between

Rush!!! (hooray!!!!)  - featuring

Alex 'Miami Vice' Lifeson

Geddy 'The Grinch' Lee


Neil 'This moustache is a deadly weapon' Peart


ELP (booooooo!!!)


Greg 'Two Tons of Fun' Lake

Carl 'Gumby' Palmer


Keith 'This worn out blues figure is brought to you by the good people at cod-classics R Us' Emerson

Cod Classics - when your tired and weary, sad and dreary r&b stylings need a sprucing up we're there with a slice of Viv, a pinch of Wolfie and just the right dash of Ludwig Van - There's nothing fishy about our cod classics!


Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: March 15 2005 at 03:25
Originally posted by James Lee James Lee wrote:

Personally, my choice of ultimate venue is the ISS

No atmosphere, though....


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: Wizard/TRueStar
Date Posted: March 15 2005 at 15:16

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