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Symphony X

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Topic: Symphony X
Posted By: yoel?
Subject: Symphony X
Date Posted: September 22 2007 at 11:05
ive gathered up fifteen pounds over the last two weeks and am deciding which symphony x album I should get that I dont have. I already have:
symphony X
 V the new mythology suite
paradise lost
 Your advice would be much appreciated or you could suggest to me some of the solo projects various members have done-i dont know about any of them

Posted By: Barla
Date Posted: September 22 2007 at 11:13
Great someone out there wants to listen to Symphony X! Great band, dude!

With eyes closed, you ought to buy the materpiece The Divine Wings Of Tragedy. First class (Power) Prog Metal!! Clap
Then The Odyssey, which is more metallish, and Twilight In Olympus, which are still very prog. I feel The Damnation Game is for fans, I love the band and I like it very much.


Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 22 2007 at 11:17
haven't heard the others... but I loved The Divine Wings of Tragedy.  

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: September 22 2007 at 13:04
First get Divine Wings, then The Odyssey ... then Twilight in Olympus. Of course you'll need Damnation Game too ... Big%20smile

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Posted By: Jared
Date Posted: September 22 2007 at 13:13
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

First get Divine Wings, then The Odyssey ... then Twilight in Olympus. Of course you'll need Damnation Game too ... Big%20smile
^^^ exactly like the man says...Wink
but here's a thought... you're in the UK, and the almighty £ is very strong at the moment, especially against the dollar.... click onto Amazon, and check out the prices through Caiman or ImportCDs; I bet £15 will currently get you 2 of those titles, AND pay the P&P too!

Music has always been a matter of energy to me. On some nights I believe that a car with the needle on empty can run 50 more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio. Hunter S Thompson

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: September 22 2007 at 13:16
^ of course ... here are some offers: -

I'd recommend either import_cds or caiman ... they've never given me any trouble. Even including shipping you shouldn't pay more than 8 pounds for each CD.

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Posted By: yoel?
Date Posted: September 22 2007 at 19:01
thankyou for the advice-and thanks for telling me about how much cheaper it is on amazon ill get divine wings of tragedy and then odyssey-my birthdays in a week so ill get loads of money hopefully and ill be able to afford a few of the others like damnation game. Thanks alot

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: September 23 2007 at 09:39
Divine Wings.... and Twilight.... are the best of those, dont think much of The Odyssey and havnt heard the first two and live SX albums.

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: Shakespeare
Date Posted: September 23 2007 at 09:44
The Odyssey is wicked. I've only heard the title track, but it was an amazing blend of video game music and crazy prog metal, with a few soft interludes.

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: September 23 2007 at 11:48
^ It's also their heaviest album - some songs are quite thrashy, not unlike to what Dream Theater did on Train of Thought.

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Posted By: Shakespeare
Date Posted: September 23 2007 at 11:53
Well I can't speak for the rest of the album, only the title track. (Which wasn't particularly trashy as I recall.)

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: September 23 2007 at 13:13
^ the riffs in the middle sections are quite thrashy ... a definitive nod to Megadeth and Metallica - and to their predecessors (Judas Priest, Mercyful Fate etc.).Cool

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Posted By: Komodo dragon
Date Posted: September 23 2007 at 17:38
twilight in olympus or  the divine wings both of those are for me fine examples of good and honest work


Posted By: puma
Date Posted: September 23 2007 at 18:17
Definitely get Divine Wings first. But only do that if you never want to listen to your other Symphony X albums ever again, because that's what is going to happen. It's that good.

Posted By: ProgBagel
Date Posted: September 23 2007 at 19:28
Divine Wings of Tragedy is more Cheesy then The Odyssey.

Posted By: Bj-1
Date Posted: September 23 2007 at 19:39
Twilight and Divine Wings. Some of the bands best songs are on those ones!

RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!

Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: September 23 2007 at 20:38
such a band requires everything some stuff is better than other stuff  pending on mood I'd start with The Damnation Game and work from there  to get a clear picture of what symph x is really all about.  Their best CD from the list is probably "Divine wings of Tragedy"  if you can afford to get both together . Tongue

Posted By: sean
Date Posted: September 24 2007 at 10:37
i think they're all great, but divine wings of tragedy is a masterpiece. i think it's the best thing they've done, so i would go with that first. however, i recommend getting all their albums, because they are a great band. 

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: September 24 2007 at 11:36
Originally posted by Shakespeare Shakespeare wrote:

The Odyssey is wicked. I've only heard the title track, but it was an amazing blend of video game music and crazy prog metal, with a few soft interludes.

the Odyssey is an excellent song, its just the rest of the album that I have a problem with. Its effetively the same as Divine Wings and Twilight but with a worse bass player.

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: Barla
Date Posted: September 24 2007 at 18:38
Originally posted by sleeper sleeper wrote:

Originally posted by Shakespeare Shakespeare wrote:

The Odyssey is wicked. I've only heard the title track, but it was an amazing blend of video game music and crazy prog metal, with a few soft interludes.

the Odyssey is an excellent song, its just the rest of the album that I have a problem with. Its effetively the same as Divine Wings and Twilight but with a worse bass player.

I like very much Miller's work, he's more imaginative. Clap And the sound on Divine Wings is great, I think it's a fretless, but I'm not sure. Also, a fretless for metal is kinda odd.
And about Lepond, I have problems trying to distinguish his bass from the rest of the music when I try to play a SX song.

I just remembered when they came here like 3 months ago, around the middle of the concert, a bass/guitar duel showed me the great technique Lepond has! Clap
It was funny, it semmed like a Lepond - Romeo competence. LOL


Posted By: yoel?
Date Posted: September 26 2007 at 05:20
I just bought divine wings of tragedy and the odyssey
and im being given the damnation game for my birthday tomorrow
and eventually ill buy them all
thanks for your thoughts

Posted By: Melomaniac
Date Posted: September 26 2007 at 16:25
my least favorite is Twilight in Olympus...
Other than that, get them all !

"One likes to believe in the freedom of Music" - Neil Peart, The Spirit of Radio

Posted By: martinprog77
Date Posted: September 27 2007 at 02:54
the divine wings of tragedy

Nothing can last
there are no second chances.
Never give a day away.
Always live for today.

Posted By: Dim
Date Posted: September 28 2007 at 19:28
I got my first Symph X album yesterday, paradise lost.
Repetetive much?


Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: September 29 2007 at 01:40
didn't like paradise lost I consider it power metal , I really hated it actually  and I do like very much Symph X normally   so it was an unusual reaction for me to have for such a band. played Paradise Lost t 5 times then I snapped and grabbed the CD and cut it into little pieces and threw it in the bin  ... wasn't fully an emotional decision to destroy it I felt good after I did it actually  very calm Tongue

Posted By: Dim
Date Posted: September 29 2007 at 19:55
Originally posted by Yorkie X Yorkie X wrote:

didn't like paradise lost I consider it power metal , I really hated it actually  and I do like very much Symph X normally   so it was an unusual reaction for me to have for such a band. played Paradise Lost t 5 times then I snapped and grabbed the CD and cut it into little pieces and threw it in the bin  ... wasn't fully an emotional decision to destroy it I felt good after I did it actually  very calm Tongue
I'm gettin gthe new mythology suite on monday, so I will know whether or not I have a disc chopping party or not!


Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: September 29 2007 at 20:02
I began appreciating Paradise Lost after the 5th spin ... your action might have been premature. Tongue

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Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: November 01 2007 at 13:03
Originally posted by yoel? yoel? wrote:

ive gathered up fifteen pounds over the last two weeks and am deciding which symphony x album I should get that I dont have. I already have:
symphony X
 V the new mythology suite
paradise lost
 Your advice would be much appreciated or you could suggest to me some of the solo projects various members have done-i dont know about any of them
   Frankly I got bored  with Symphony X type of progressive metal, but I'm just writing here to recommend a side project of Russel Allen with Jorn Lande - Allen-Lande. There are two albums, I listened only to the first one, entitled" the Battle". The album was a success because they released a second album "The revenge' - i Have to listen to it because i enjoyed the first one a lot.

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: November 01 2007 at 13:57
^ and you consider the Allen Lande albums less boring than SyX? I enjoy listening to them, but they're not exactly adventurous.

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Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: November 01 2007 at 14:15
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

^ and you consider the Allen Lande albums less boring than SyX? I enjoy listening to them, but they're not exactly adventurous.
   SyX is not that adventurous either. And that Malmsteen influence that they have really annoys me these days.Big%20smile

Posted By: heyitsthatguy
Date Posted: November 01 2007 at 14:18

I rather enjoyed Paradise Lost, but The Odyssey still trumps it....sorry, I just really like that album Embarrassed and I'm the only person that I know of who was slightly disappointed with Divine Wings (great title track and good enough album but not as good as everyone cuts it out to be)


Posted By: aapatsos
Date Posted: November 01 2007 at 19:55
Originally posted by fandango fandango wrote:

Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

First get Divine Wings, then The Odyssey ... then Twilight in Olympus. Of course you'll need Damnation Game too ... Big%20smile
^^^ exactly like the man says...Wink

exactly like the man agrees Wink

Posted By: Dim
Date Posted: November 01 2007 at 21:03
Originally posted by schizoid_man77 schizoid_man77 wrote:

Originally posted by Yorkie X Yorkie X wrote:

didn't like paradise lost I consider it power metal , I really hated it actually  and I do like very much Symph X normally   so it was an unusual reaction for me to have for such a band. played Paradise Lost t 5 times then I snapped and grabbed the CD and cut it into little pieces and threw it in the bin  ... wasn't fully an emotional decision to destroy it I felt good after I did it actually  very calm Tongue
I'm gettin gthe new mythology suite on monday, so I will know whether or not I have a disc chopping party or not!
Well, I never got the new mythology suite.


Posted By: aapatsos
Date Posted: November 02 2007 at 22:19
Originally posted by Yorkie X Yorkie X wrote:

didn't like paradise lost I consider it power metal , I really hated it actually  and I do like very much Symph X normally   so it was an unusual reaction for me to have for such a band. played Paradise Lost t 5 times then I snapped and grabbed the CD and cut it into little pieces and threw it in the bin  ... wasn't fully an emotional decision to destroy it I felt good after I did it actually  very calm Tongue

you could have just lend it to me...LOL
I have only heard the title track which is close to the typical SyX sound

Posted By: Dim
Date Posted: November 02 2007 at 22:21
The actual song paradise lost is one of the two non power metal songs that are listenable.
Beleive me, listening to that album is a waste of time.


Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: November 02 2007 at 22:31
I consider "V" to be their best, followed by "The Odyssey".

Agree that Paradise Lost was a real letdown.  I'm also in the minority that doesn't really love "Divine Wings"

Posted By: Melisma
Date Posted: November 02 2007 at 22:47
Devine Wings and then The Odyssey... and V.
Devine Wings is more powerful especially more wicked vocally than Odyssey and V...

Life is a trip! Death is an odyssey...

Posted By: Barla
Date Posted: November 03 2007 at 00:15
Originally posted by schizoid_man77 schizoid_man77 wrote:

Originally posted by schizoid_man77 schizoid_man77 wrote:

Originally posted by Yorkie X Yorkie X wrote:

didn't like paradise lost I consider it power metal , I really hated it actually  and I do like very much Symph X normally   so it was an unusual reaction for me to have for such a band. played Paradise Lost t 5 times then I snapped and grabbed the CD and cut it into little pieces and threw it in the bin  ... wasn't fully an emotional decision to destroy it I felt good after I did it actually  very calm Tongue
I'm gettin gthe new mythology suite on monday, so I will know whether or not I have a disc chopping party or not!
Well, I never got the new mythology suite.
I was kinda dissapointed with the album, but it's not crap. I hoped better things after 4 years without new material (and The Odyssey which was fantastic).
It just seems very Heavy Metal formulaic, and not the adventurous SX we know. What is more, I don't know where Pinalla is on the record! Confused Too much in your face guitar riffing. LOL
Probably, my expectations were too high, a similar thing happened to me with new DT.


Posted By: magnus
Date Posted: November 03 2007 at 11:47
Originally posted by schizoid_man77 schizoid_man77 wrote:

Originally posted by schizoid_man77 schizoid_man77 wrote:

Originally posted by Yorkie X Yorkie X wrote:

didn't like paradise lost I consider it power metal , I really hated it actually  and I do like very much Symph X normally   so it was an unusual reaction for me to have for such a band. played Paradise Lost t 5 times then I snapped and grabbed the CD and cut it into little pieces and threw it in the bin  ... wasn't fully an emotional decision to destroy it I felt good after I did it actually  very calm Tongue


I'm gettin gthe new mythology suite on monday, so I will know whether or not I have a disc chopping party or not!


Well, I never got the new mythology suite.






definitely one of my favourite albums this year!

The scattered jigsaw of my redemption laid out before my eyes
Each piece as amorphous as the other - Each piece in its lack of shape a lie

Posted By: prog4evr
Date Posted: November 04 2007 at 06:02
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

haven't heard the others... but I loved The Divine Wings of Tragedy.  
I have heard New Mythology Suite and, if you like that, you will like Divine Wings too...

Posted By: Nightfly
Date Posted: November 04 2007 at 07:59
Paradise lost is the only cd by them I own or have heard for that matter. Looking at the results I guess I should be getting The Divine Wings of Tragedy next.

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: November 04 2007 at 08:48
Originally posted by Nightfly Nightfly wrote:

Paradise lost is the only cd by them I own or have heard for that matter. Looking at the results I guess I should be getting The Divine Wings of Tragedy next.

Either the two poll winnders or V: The New Mythology Suite - my favorite SyX album.

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Posted By: aapatsos
Date Posted: November 08 2007 at 07:50
Originally posted by schizoid_man77 schizoid_man77 wrote:

The actual song paradise lost is one of the two non power metal songs that are listenable.
Beleive me, listening to that album is a waste of time.

Well the Serpent's Kiss is absolutely stunning!!!
great guitar playing and groove
that makes it two out of two great songs from the album Big%20smile
still need to listen to the rest...

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