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Best Meshuggah album

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Topic: Best Meshuggah album
Posted By: yface1
Subject: Best Meshuggah album
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 16:47
Reason I'm asking is cause I'm posed with buying either of the 3 and I don't own any Meshuggah (sadly)yet so am keen to see most people's reaction to which is better! Obviously I can't vote but will no doubt end up buying the best album!

So now the question - Which is better in your opinion and why?

My entertainment dollar is burning in my pocket!

Posted By: ProgBagel
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 17:43
Uh....wheres Chaosphere?

That album sounds like a bunch of damn machines.

Posted By: Minimalist777
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 17:49
Definetly get Chaosphere, it is their best. However if you absolutely must select between those three I would get Nothing. (havent heard Destroy, Erase, Improve though)  Wonderful band  Clap

What Would OliverStoned Do?

Posted By: 1800iareyay
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 17:57
Indeed, Chaosphere and I are Meshuggah's best

Posted By: ProgBagel
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 18:04 must add Chaosphere...or just go out and get that one, it's the bomb!

Posted By: yface1
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 18:08
I would but... the price I can get theother 3 are practically daylight robbery! If I told you the price, you'd want to know where I got it. Let's say say it's well under 5 British Pounds.  ;)  

But yeah, I've heard a lot about Chaospere so it's on my hit-list of needed CD's.

And before someone suggests I buy all the CD's, with my budget on other CD's right now I can't afford it...

My entertainment dollar is burning in my pocket!

Posted By: Sunhillow_
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 18:12

Posted By: yface1
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 18:17
Get out!!! If you haven't at least heard of Meshuggah go to -   and listen to the streming. It's heavy prog metal and it's awesome! Then go and buy Chaosphere - apparently...

My entertainment dollar is burning in my pocket!

Posted By: ProgBagel
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 19:59
Best price won't get you the most satisfaction...this is music were talking about.
But!, Nothing is a great CD, just make sure it's the remaster.

Posted By: Bj-1
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 21:09
I'll rank their albums, best to less best:
DEI (10/10) (their best introduction too,btw)
Chaosphere (10/10)
Nothing (9.5/10)
Catch 33 (8.5/10)
Contradictions Collapse (8.5/10)
and the EP's:
I (10/10)
None (9/10)
Selfcaged (7/10)
True Human Design (6/10)

RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!

Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 21:15
Chaosphere is my favorite thrash album ever. Out of these, Nothing>DEI>Catch.

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Posted By: stomp
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 22:53

"I" is my favourite, followed by chaosphere/catch 33. so im not voting in this poll.

Posted By: King of Loss
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 22:58
From these, I think Nothing remastered or DEI.
But can't choose!

Posted By: Lex C
Date Posted: August 11 2007 at 04:28
I am a Catch 33 fan, out of the options presented, while I is my favorite, but all of their albums have different flavor, get them all is my best advice :)

You think we've developed fast that we're civilized and intelligent I'll let you in on a secret...We've developed things the rest is just knowledge passed on.

Posted By: Hatters
Date Posted: August 11 2007 at 06:49
I would just buy all/either Chaosphere, Catch 33, I and/or Nothing. They are all equally brilliant. I would just buy the cheapest! Tongue


Posted By: yface1
Date Posted: August 11 2007 at 19:17
Originally posted by Hatters Hatters wrote:

I would just buy all/either Chaosphere, Catch 33, I and/or Nothing. They are all equally brilliant. I would just buy the cheapest! Tongue

That's what I'll probably do to be honest. Although, if I had to choose - right now I'm a buy "Nothing" and if I can DEI... But I need one extra vote - who shall grant me the deciding one???

My entertainment dollar is burning in my pocket!

Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: August 11 2007 at 19:20
Make sure the Nothing you buy is the re-release with the blue cover though

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Posted By: Bj-1
Date Posted: August 12 2007 at 19:36

I prefer the original version actually, and it's better to get that one before the re-release to fully understand the difference between those two.

RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!

Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: August 12 2007 at 20:48
DEI got me re-interested in metal. After that album I was a little disappointed with the sound quality of the subsequent albums. The poly-rythmic feel was still there, but I thought the next few albums lacked contrast. I and Catch-33 seem to recapture those elements. Soulburn was the first song from them I heard, I was in the car and had to pull over when I heard the drums in the intro. Sick. Wacko
The point is, get DEI first.

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Posted By: Firefly
Date Posted: August 13 2007 at 07:19
Originally posted by Bj-1 Bj-1 wrote:

I'll rank their albums, best to less best:
DEI (10/10) (their best introduction too,btw)
Chaosphere (10/10)
Nothing (9.5/10)
Catch 33 (8.5/10)
Contradictions Collapse (8.5/10)
and the EP's:
I (10/10)
None (9/10)
Selfcaged (7/10)
True Human Design (6/10)
I agree with all of this.  So from the list, I chose DEI.

Posted By: yface1
Date Posted: August 14 2007 at 21:26
Thanks to all... umm, I think I might just make this simple and buy them all now (if I can) cause everybody seems to love all their albums. Such confusion!!!! Cheers for the help!  Thumbs%20Up

My entertainment dollar is burning in my pocket!

Posted By: JayDee
Date Posted: August 15 2007 at 07:55
Destroy, Erase, Improve, followed closely by Contradictions Collapse.


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