Not sure if this is a bug or not....
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Topic: Not sure if this is a bug or not....
Posted By: Kyle
Subject: Not sure if this is a bug or not....
Date Posted: July 31 2007 at 21:07
If I recall, it was a few weeks ago and I was looking at The Moody Blues discography. Their KEY albums at that point were "Days of Future Passed", "On the Threshold of a Dream", "To Our Children's Children's Children" and the complilation "This is The Moody Blues". The next day I looked at the very same discography and noticed that "Days" and the compilation's ratings dropped. "Threshold" and "Children's" were no longer key albums, and had dropped dramatically in rating. The number of ratings for each album were exactly the same as the previous day. Later that day both of those albums were back at the KEY status and had the same rating as the day before. The same applied to Catapilla's discography, but later that next day the ratings were back to what they originally were the pervious day. It appears that the same thing has happened again today, at least to The Moodies page. The number of ratings is the same, but most of the albums have dropped in rating. Can someone explain these erratic rating changes?
Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: August 01 2007 at 03:38
The algorithm was changed recently Kyle. There were a few bugs in the new one which took a couple of weeks to iron out.
Posted By: Kyle
Date Posted: August 01 2007 at 10:02
Alright, thank you for the explanation.