Well, we get the band's side of Kev Moore's departure!
I've interviewed virtually everyone else you can think of - see the list below. But despite several requests (and frankly begging) Kev Moore declined to be interviewed for the book which is a great shame. He just has no interest in anything DT related any more.
Anyway, for your interest, I've posted the book's foreword below (written by Mike Portnoy) which makes a reference to Kevin.
In the words of the Grateful Dead, "what a long, strange trip it’s been..." In the words of the Beatles, it’s surely been a "long and winding road..." In the words of Metallica, "f*** it all and f***** no regrets..." (OK...maybe I should’ve stopped at The Beatles!)
Reading this book has been an incredible trip down memory lane for me and quite an emotional experience - seeing my professional life flash before my eyes...the good, the bad and the ugly, indeed!
Rich Wilson has truly captured the ups and downs that has made Dream Theater’s journey thus far a very interesting story. No, it’s not a typical biography filled with sex, drugs and Rock and Roll road stories, but when you read through the story of our career, it really is a great tale of the fight for musical integrity, strong professional perseverance and living out a deep-rooted belief in oneself.
Rich has done a remarkable job tracking down almost every single person that has been a part of Dream Theater’s first twenty years...from the obvious players such as eight out of the nine "official" members from throughout the band’s history (one glaringly obvious missing member still sadly refusing to contribute and acknowledge his past) all the way through managers, record company personnel, producers, friends, fellow musicians and even some incredibly obscure people from our past whom I haven’t seen or spoken to in well over fifteen years...(Stephen Michael Stone?? Wow!!)
When I put together the 1 hour documentary for Dream Theater’s "Score" DVD, I did my best to tell the story of the band’s first twenty years in sixty minutes, and while I am indeed very proud of that piece, I must say watching that is like "VH1’s Behind The Music" when you compare it to Rich Wilson’s "Beatles Anthology" that you are now holding in your hands!
THIS book is indeed the "whole story"...
It is truly amazing that Dream Theater has achieved all we have in our first two decades – against all odds, trends and fashionable musical styles – and yet we’re still growing and climbing higher and higher each album and tour!
As amazing as this story is thus far, I am sure we still have MANY, MANY more exciting chapters to still write ahead of us....
Enjoy the ride!
Current Band Members: Mike Portnoy, James LaBrie, John Petrucci, Jordan Rudess, John Myung.
Former Band Members: Charlie Dominici, Chris Collins, Stephan Erickson (a.k.a Steve Stone), John Arch, Derek Sherinian, Chris Cintron.
Album Producers/ Engineers: David Prater, Kevin Shirley, Terry Date, Doug Oberkircher.
Cover Artists: Larry Freemantle, Amy Guip, Dung Hoang, Hugh Syme, Storm Thorgerson, Peter Curzon, Dave McKean.
Band Managers/ Record Label Personnel: Derek Oliver, Dante Bonutto, Jim Pitulski, Derek Simon, Rob Shore, Rikk Feulner, Bill Barclay, Frank Soloman, Janna Glasser, David 5-1 Norman, Derek Shulman.
Various: Bruce Dickinson, Pete Trewavas, Ben Huggins, Jamshied Sharifi, Jens Johansson, Chris Jericho, Sebastian Bach, Erik Neldner and Eric Gandras
------------- www.dreamtheaterbook.com