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Smashin Pumpkins - Zeitgeist

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Topic: Smashin Pumpkins - Zeitgeist
Posted By: stonebeard
Subject: Smashin Pumpkins - Zeitgeist
Date Posted: July 16 2007 at 17:56
I'm thinking about option #3. I rated it 3/5 on RateYourMusic.

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Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: July 16 2007 at 18:05
I have only heard the single they play on my local rock radio station,and thought it was pretty good.
Is the new album out yet?


Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: July 16 2007 at 18:11
Yeppers. I got it at Best Buy a few days ago with a gift card, so I wouldn't feel totally ripped off if it was awful. I'm beginning to like most of it now. Here's my little review for Rate Your Music:

Not horrible. At worst, some songs can be completely lifeless and a waste of time. Even on past Pumpkins albums like MACHINA that don't compare to their best, the  Pumpkins made interesting, varied music, even if the quality of the music was not brilliant. Here, the Pumpkins just meander for awhile in mid-tempo, bland rock songs until finding their niche halfway through the album; Zeitgeist is a rare album that gets better as it progresses. The best moments are oddly non-Pumpkins-esque: the 80s goth/glam-reminiscent "Starz," "Neverlost," and "Pomp and Circumstances." The worst, oddly again, are the radio singles "Tarantula" and "Doomsday Clock,"--even though "Doomsday" is not all that bad-- and "7 Shades of Black" (more like "7 Shades of Bland!" Haha, see what I did there....! Ahhh. *sigh*) The only other big disappointment is the "epic" "United States." I listen to Klaus Schulze albums, and even I have trouble sitting through 10 minutes of Billy making scratchy sounds with his guitar. Sonically, Zeitgeist captures the drumming and the crunch of the guitars perfectly, but it would have benefited if the mix let the backing keyboards in a few of the songs shine a bit brighter. It can also be a bit irritating when the only harmonies to Billy's croon are overdubs of Billy's croon.

The verdict: I have trouble calling this stuff Pumpkins material. Even if Billy was the main/only creative force for the band, I still think it's more of a Billy solo album with Jimmy drumming. Whether Jame Iha actually contributed creatively to the Pumpkins is up in the air, but there's no question the band wrote better songs while he was around. While not on any level near Mellon Collie, Zeitgeist is still decent. Come in with low expectations, and leave feeling modestly rewarded.

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Posted By: BroSpence
Date Posted: July 16 2007 at 21:51
I enjoyed the album.  It isn't their best work, but it is good.  Entertaining and all, sounds like the band is in good form.  Not essential though.

Posted By: Philéas
Date Posted: July 17 2007 at 08:13
I haven't checked it out yet, but all reviews I've read are really negative, so hearing it is not a high priority right now. 

Posted By: valravennz
Date Posted: July 17 2007 at 09:01
Being a die-hard Pumpkin fan I am interested to see how well this album sells. It does not imo, stack up against Melon or Machina but then again it is only half the original band this time around. Will have to give it a few more listens perhaps but I see it sinking out of sight like Billys project Zwan....


"Music is the Wine that fills the cup of Silence"
- Robert Fripp

Posted By: Meddler
Date Posted: July 17 2007 at 11:50
2 stars (or option 2)... I never did like the smashing pumpkins much, and only liked a few acoustic songs. So this all heavy/metaly stuff isn't my type.


Posted By: GoldenSpiral
Date Posted: July 17 2007 at 21:16
It took me about 3 listens, but Ive decided I definitely like it.  It's certainly no Mellon Collie, but it's solid in its own way, and Doomsday Clock just flat out rocks with abandon.  "United States" is a kickass song as well.

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