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Topic: BEST 70’s GERMAN PROGPosted By: DallasBryan
Subject: BEST 70’s GERMAN PROG
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 00:57
Der krankenhaus sloburnokeren!!!
Replies: Posted By: starofsirius
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 01:01
Stratosfear - Tangerine Dream
also have to mention Grobschnitt "Rockpommels Land"
------------- "I'm in a freefall like a snowflake falling down down down down down."
Posted By: Bryan
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 03:14
Neu! '75 is pretty good, although I'd have probably taken Amon Duul II's Yeti ahed of it were it on the poll.
Posted By: Richardw
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 05:33
Can - Tago Mago. Just ahead of Neu 75 and the Tangerine Dream albums.
Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 08:48
Great psyh-oriented stuff played with an eerie touch and finesse, which doesn't stop the band from sounding strong and energetic.
I wish I could have voted for TD's "Stratrosfear", too --- AND NEKTAR ARE BRITISH, NOT GERMAN!!! (no, not again...)
Posted By: DallasBryan
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 09:04
always forget the Nektar thing!
Posted By: Lunarscape
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 09:08
Force Majeure is one of the finest albums of all times....
------------- Music Is The Soul Bird That Flies In The Immense Heart Of The Listener . . .
Posted By: DallasBryan
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 09:12
Lunarscape wrote:
Force Majeure is one of the finest albums of all
I think Cluster - Zuckerzeit and Conrad Schnitzler -
Ballet Statique are right there with it, do you
Posted By: Vegetableman
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 12:28
Out of these, Tago Mago. My top ten+ though would go a little something like this (mostly in no particular order)
Grobschnitt - Rockpommel's Land
Eloy - Ocean
Eloy - Dawn
Can - Tago Mago
Can - Future Days
Triumvirat - Spartacus
Amon Duul II - Wolf City
Agitation Free - Malesch
Ash Ra Tempel
Tangerine Dream - Phaedra
Neuchwanstein - Battlement
Holderlin - Holderlin
------------- "Mister Fripp, your music is quite different than everything else out there. In one word, how would you describe it?"
"Progressive.... yeah, that's it..."
Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 12:50
Posted By: Petra
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 13:11
Tangerine Dream -Force Majeure
If it had been there Wolf City- Amon Duul II would have been my top though.
------------- Don't hate me
I'm not special like you
Posted By: billyshears'67
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 13:28
NEKTAR were actually from England, but I think they formed in Germany.
NEKTAR's "Remember the Future" is really, really terriffic.
Peace & take care
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 15:57
Why do Eloy keep getting ignored in threads about German prog?
As I said before:
ELOY Power And The Passion Review by Rich @ 3:57:16 PM EST, 2004-04-29
— Eloy are probably Germany's foremost prog band and this shows why.It's a concept album about time travelling and has a very nice romantic theme going through it.The playing is impressive and worthy of great prog bands of the time like Genesis and Yes.
Posted By: lucas
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 16:03
Lunarscape wrote:
Force Majeure is one of the finest albums of all times....
I prefer them without drums, that's why I prefer their follow-up : 'Tangram'.
------------- "Magma was the very first gothic rock band" (Didier Lockwood)
Posted By: DallasBryan
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 17:25
Sorry, I just dont do the Eloy, Grobschnitt, Novalis,
Birth Control, etc thing. The German accented
english is worse than Italian that I dont understand.
And they usually get lost in some RUSH like fairytale
crap I cant handle. The wordless, melodic stuff is out
of this world and is much preferred IMO. Most critics
get you going for the commercial stuff(above^) or the
experimental early 70s(Ash Ra Temple, Kluster,
Amon Duul 2, Can, etc) which is a waste of time for
me. Although Kraans best and Jane"Together" are
definite winners in English. I have heard Ballermann,
Rockpommels Land, Sommerabend, Ocean,
Blitzkrieg, on and on and although some parts are
catchy I dont find them something I would listen to
too much overtime.
Posted By: greenback
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 18:20
3 albums: in order of preference:
Posted By: Vegetableman
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 18:23
DallasBryan wrote:
Sorry, I just dont do the Eloy, Grobschnitt, Novalis, Birth Control, etc thing. The German accented english is worse than Italian that I dont understand. And they usually get lost in some RUSH like fairytale crap I cant handle. The wordless, melodic stuff is out of this world and is much preferred IMO. Most critics get you going for the commercial stuff(above^) or the experimental early 70s(Ash Ra Temple, Kluster, Amon Duul 2, Can, etc) which is a waste of time for me. Although Kraans best and Jane"Together" are definite winners in English. I have heard Ballermann, Rockpommels Land, Sommerabend, Ocean, Blitzkrieg, on and on and although some parts are catchy I dont find them something I would listen to too much overtime.
So in other words, this poll should read "The Best of DallasBryan's Favorite German Prog."
------------- "Mister Fripp, your music is quite different than everything else out there. In one word, how would you describe it?"
"Progressive.... yeah, that's it..."
Posted By: progchain
Date Posted: February 28 2005 at 17:10
DOM Edge of Time, definitely kick-ass!!!!
Posted By: kniprekcor
Date Posted: March 01 2005 at 20:28
where's eloy ?!
for me it's eloy's ocean .
Posted By: BebieM
Date Posted: March 01 2005 at 20:36
Woah, so that is embarassing. I'm German and i've only listened to one of these albums yet
Posted By: Spartacus
Date Posted: March 01 2005 at 21:07
This may be the hardest question to answer. 70s German prog is very underrated. This country has produced the most variety of sounds I have ever heard in prog. While most Enlish bands of the 70s were fascinated with symphonic, the Germans were trying all types of new styles.
We have a list with Can, Nektar, Popul Vuh, Tangerine Dream, Ashra, and Triumvirat. What country produced more varying styles than Germany in the 70s?
My vote goes not to the best but one of my all time favs, Triumvirat- Spartacus
Posted By: Emperor
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 08:23
kniprekcor wrote:
where's eloy ?!
for me it's eloy's ocean .
Ya, wer ist Eloy????
Ich bin fur Eloy Silent Cries & Mighty Echoes...
------------- I Prophesy Disaster...
Posted By: Man Erg
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 09:49
Walter Wegmuller - Tarot
I hear something new everytime I play this massive kosmische opus.
------------- Do 'The Stanley' otherwise I'll thrash you with some rhubarb.
Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 10:31
Given these choices I would have to go with Kan Guru although my
favourite Guru Guru album has to be Dance Of The Flames with incredible
Persian born guitarist Houschang Nejadepour. Grobschnitt`s Solar Music
Live is certainly one of the most unusual prog albums ever ( I was at
the show in Manheim ). Jane is one of my all time faves Together,
III, Fire Water Earth & Air, Here We Are and Live At Home are great
albums. I also should add Eiliff, Neu!, Octopus , Novalis, Pell Mell,
Kin Ping Meh, Hoelderlin, Floh de Cologne, Frumpy, The first three
Triumvirat albums before they made the atrocious a La Carte and
Pompeii, Amon Duul up to Made In Germany, certain Eloy albums, the
first three Nektar albums. Whoa! I could go on. I collected so much
Krautrock after discovering it in the early seventies that I don`t even
know what German albums lurk inn the dark recesses of my album
collection but these are the ones I listen to the most. I just bought
ramstein`s Reise Reise although I guess it isn`t exactly prog. The
video for Keine Lust made me buy it. Even if you`re not a fan of this
kind of heavy music try and check out the video it`s totally hillarious.
Posted By: Trotsky
Date Posted: August 10 2005 at 03:28
Amon Duul II's Tanz der lemminge takes the prize
------------- "Death to Utopia! Death to faith! Death to love! Death to hope?" thunders the 20th century. "Surrender, you pathetic dreamer.”
"No" replies the unhumbled optimist "You are only the present."
Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: August 10 2005 at 05:17
our collection is full of Krautrock too, some very obscure bands among them (ever heard of Limbus 4?) some albums are real crap , but Krautrock is definitely one of the wildest and most experimental genrés of prog, and of course some experiments don't work. also Rolf Ulrich Kaiser of the "Kosmische Kuriere" label is/was one of those producers who want/wanted to make a fast buck. he hyped a lot of bands that were not worth it or published material the artists did not want to be published (the albums of the Cosmic Jokers, for example, were never meant to be published; Kaiser ripped off the musicians here. in a strange way one has to thank him for that though, since at least the self-titled album and "Galactic Supermarket" of the Cosmic Jokers are real gems).
Nektar is of course not Krautrock. the musicans are British and just happen to have lived in Germany for a while. and I always wonder why "Remember the Future" is their most popular album. the recurring weak chorus (dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah "Remeeeeeeeeembeeeeeer the Fuuuuuutuuuuuure" dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah) ruins the album for me
A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta
Posted By: Bilek
Date Posted: August 10 2005 at 05:29
^^ now Nektar started to make sense...
Voted for TD (albeit my personal favorite is Cyclone, Force comes close behind), but Amon Düül II is very worthy as well... I would vote for another Can album, Future Days or Ege Bamyasi for instance...
Many missing things in the list, not to mention Eloy.
Hail Krautrock
------------- Listen to Turkish psych/prog; you won't regret: Baris Manco,Erkin Koray,Cem Karaca,Mogollar,3 Hürel,Selda,Edip Akbayram,Fikret Kizilok,Ersen (and Dadaslar) (but stick with the '70's, and 'early 80's!)
Posted By: Bilek
Date Posted: August 10 2005 at 05:34
Walter Wegmüller is added to Discography BTW. I didn't hear it, but the line-up is very promising... (Schulze must have been listed on keyboards, not drums IMHO) Every krautrock fan should check it. Wish I could find it somewhere!
------------- Listen to Turkish psych/prog; you won't regret: Baris Manco,Erkin Koray,Cem Karaca,Mogollar,3 Hürel,Selda,Edip Akbayram,Fikret Kizilok,Ersen (and Dadaslar) (but stick with the '70's, and 'early 80's!)
Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: August 10 2005 at 08:05
beware of Walter Wegmüller! he is one of the hype-cases of Krautrock and his Tarot record is, along with "Gille's Zeitschiff", probably the worst record ever that was produced by Rolf-Ulrich Kaiser. of course that's my personal opinion only, but it is the opinion of a Krautrock-fan.
Schulze started out as a drummer, by the way. he plays drums on Tangerine Dream's "Electronic Meditation" and also on Ash Ra Tempel's self-titled first and on "Join Inn"
A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta
Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 05:53
Since I saw no Grobschnitt (live Solar Music or the debut ) I went for Yatha siddra: flawless.
------------- let's just stay above the moral melee prefer the sink to the gutter keep our sand-castle virtues content to be a doer as well as a thinker, prefer lifting our pen rather than un-sheath our sword
Posted By: Eetu Pellonpaa
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 06:54
Didn't find my favourites... I don't have very deep knowlegde of this area though, but I like very much TD's "Rubycon", RUFUS ZUPHALL's "Weiss Der Teufel" and the early live recordings of ASH RA TEMPEL
Nearly forgot "Phallus Dei" by AMON DÜÜL II!
Posted By: The Prognaut
Date Posted: August 11 2005 at 18:30
This is outraegous! Can't believe you left Grobschnitt out of this poll...
------------- break the circle
reset my head
wake the sleepwalker
and i'll wake the dead
Posted By: Ironing Mike
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 10:24
... or Faust !?!
------------- It's a rainy day, sunshine girl
Posted By: Jeremy Bender
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 10:25
Tangerine Dream-Stratosfear
Posted By: pedro roqueiro
Date Posted: August 15 2005 at 14:28
I voted for Tago Mago, because the Nektar album, which I think is the best of all mentioned in the list is an album from a british band. But I miss albums of Eloy and Grobschnitt.i
Posted By: The Prognaut
Date Posted: August 16 2005 at 17:53
pedro roqueiro wrote:
But I miss albums of Eloy and Grobschnitt.i
I second that!!!
------------- break the circle
reset my head
wake the sleepwalker
and i'll wake the dead
Posted By: King of Loss
Date Posted: August 16 2005 at 18:16
Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 07:27
Good thread
A few essentials missing
Ag free/Last
Popol vuh/Das hohelied...
Posted By: Logos
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 07:57
Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 07:58
&nbs p; &
Posted By: Abstrakt
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 08:58
Tago mago rocks!
Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 09:58
Logos wrote:
Yes, early/mid TD period is essential, without forgetting early Kraftwerk.
Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 09:59
and, Bryan, this is not Dzyan/"electronic" silence, but "electric" silence!
Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 13:57
Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 13:59
Fearuring Florian Fricke
Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 14:00
Do you know this one, Bryan?
Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 14:03
BaldJean wrote:
our collection is full of Krautrock too, some very obscure bands among them (ever heard of Limbus 4?) some albums are real crap , but Krautrock is definitely one of the wildest and most experimental genrés of prog, and of course some experiments don't work. also Rolf Ulrich Kaiser of the "Kosmische Kuriere" label is/was one of those producers who want/wanted to make a fast buck. he hyped a lot of bands that were not worth it or published material the artists did not want to be published (the albums of the Cosmic Jokers, for example, were never meant to be published; Kaiser ripped off the musicians here. in a strange way one has to thank him for that though, since at least the self-titled album and "Galactic Supermarket" of the Cosmic Jokers are real gems).
Nektar is of course not Krautrock. the musicans are British and just happen to have lived in Germany for a while. and I always wonder why "Remember the Future" is their most popular album. the recurring weak chorus (dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah "Remeeeeeeeeembeeeeeer the Fuuuuuutuuuuuure" dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah) ruins the album for me
Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 14:05
Cesar Inca wrote:
Great psyh-oriented stuff played with an eerie touch and finesse, which doesn't stop the band from sounding strong and energetic.
I wish I could have voted for TD's "Stratrosfear", too --- AND NEKTAR ARE BRITISH, NOT GERMAN!!! (no, not again...)
True! under rated album by under rated band.
Last is a big classic, too
Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 14:08
These two others live from 1974 (like "Last") are excellent too: