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Pictures Of Prog Giants That Embarrass:

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Topic: Pictures Of Prog Giants That Embarrass:
Posted By: Reed Lover
Subject: Pictures Of Prog Giants That Embarrass:
Date Posted: February 24 2005 at 16:41

They all fall prey to it.A bit of success and the posey pictures syrface,and we have to cringe and bear it.

They all do it,here's some for Rush fans:Embarrassed

ELP fans are excused as their band would never appear in a dodgy publicity shot!LOL


Posted By: Cluster One
Date Posted: February 24 2005 at 17:05
Here's a few Floydian faux-pas:

Marmalade...I like marmalade.

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: February 24 2005 at 17:06

Oh go on then:"> -


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: February 24 2005 at 17:07

Sorry kornevil....Wink


Posted By: mirco
Date Posted: February 24 2005 at 18:11
Originally posted by Cluster One Cluster One wrote:

Here's a few Floydian faux-pas:

Looking at this picture, i had a flashback of my youth: I was barely ten; put on a scarp and go outside, in the elevator, an old woman (maybe 35) ask me if my troath soared...that was my first and last fashion showout...

Please forgive me for my crappy english!

Posted By: Cluster One
Date Posted: February 24 2005 at 18:18
Originally posted by mirco mirco wrote:

ask me if my troath soared
AHA she asked you if your Throat was sore? Gotcha! Funny stuff...

Marmalade...I like marmalade.

Posted By: maani
Date Posted: February 24 2005 at 18:39

Re the PF photo, are you kidding?  That was the height of fashion then!   Those guys are absolutely "in style," hip and groovy in that pic!

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: February 25 2005 at 03:08
At least Nick Mason has the good grace to look embarrassed.


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: dude
Date Posted: February 25 2005 at 09:34

As i gaze at the photograph of Pink Floyd in their halcyon days i am reminded of Darth Bobo from "tripping The Rift"

Posted By: Alucard
Date Posted: February 25 2005 at 10:10

Zappa Frank - Toilet

One size fits all!

Posted By: arcer
Date Posted: February 25 2005 at 12:13

oh dear oh dear

Posted By: arcer
Date Posted: February 25 2005 at 12:16

Bad Santa or what....

Posted By: arcer
Date Posted: February 25 2005 at 12:22

Tony Levin in bizarre cult membership shocker

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: February 25 2005 at 16:47


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: February 25 2005 at 16:50

Evil Smile


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: February 25 2005 at 23:43

Well they aren't all exactly prog... but


Eric Clapton shopped at the same store as Pink Floyd evidently...


Bill Bruford had a few awkward periods...


Great hairdo for David Bowie:


Keith Moon cleans up pretty well -


Something those boys like about toilet shots:

and of course my favorite shot of Yes.... wonder if Chris Squire still has this suit:


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: February 25 2005 at 23:58

I see Reed is being his usual jealous self.... sorry Reed, but there's nothing you can do to ever be in the same light as Greg Lake...


Posted By: JrKASperov
Date Posted: February 26 2005 at 06:42

But he's old, and huge, and wrinkled, and A MAN?!


Posted By: Wizard/TRueStar
Date Posted: February 26 2005 at 14:05

There was a rumor they were gay with each other after this one

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: February 26 2005 at 14:21


Posted By: Joren
Date Posted: February 26 2005 at 14:22
Some people just do EVERYTHING for money...

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: February 26 2005 at 20:08


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 04:34

Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Cant believe Greg would be thinking of me during a gig.More likely thinking about the post-concert menu....

So he reads this site does he?

Maybe he is K9 !

BTW-I presume that you think all attempts at humour are childish..Confused
Amazing that you are prepared to be more scathing of JC and God,than you are of Mr Lake-and you call me childish  (in anticipation of you proclaiming GL as God and bigger than Jesus!)Wink


Posted By: emdiar
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 10:01

Who ate all the pies?

Who ate all the pies?

GREG! (fat bastard), GREG! (fat bastard),

GREG ate all the pies!

Perception is truth, ergo opinion is fact.

Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 10:40
Reed wasn´t  breastfed, he was brought up on bottles of gin 

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 13:39
Oh silly Clown... Reed wasn't breast fed... he was doing the breast feeding... haven't you ever seen the size of his knockers????


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 13:43
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

Cant believe Greg would be thinking of me during a gig.More likely thinking about the post-concert menu....

So he reads this site does he?

Maybe he is K9 !

BTW-I presume that you think all attempts at humour are childish..Confused
Amazing that you are prepared to be more scathing of JC and God,than you are of Mr Lake-and you call me childish  (in anticipation of you proclaiming GL as God and bigger than Jesus!)Wink

Wrong.. I don't think all attempts at humor are childish.... You remind me of the big bully in the sandbox.. and that is childish.  But like with most bullies, I realize thats just your way of making you feel better about yourself.

Never been scathing of God.. so don't know how that relates.. but I do know that Greg regardless of whether he reads here or not, is not deserving of your ridicule!

Or yours Emidar!!


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 13:47

Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Oh silly Clown... Reed wasn't breast fed... he was doing the breast feeding... haven't you ever seen the size of his knockers????

Yeah,we all have our knockers-me,you and ELP more than most!LOL


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 13:48
Yeh, but mine are least natural....


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 13:50

ErmmNo dear,knockers-things that knock ie

"you're not knocking ELP are you?"Wink

sheesh-your worse than Gdub!



Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 13:59
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

Cant believe Greg would be thinking of me during a gig.More likely thinking about the post-concert menu....

So he reads this site does he?

Maybe he is K9 !

BTW-I presume that you think all attempts at humour are childish..Confused
Amazing that you are prepared to be more scathing of JC and God,than you are of Mr Lake-and you call me childish  (in anticipation of you proclaiming GL as God and bigger than Jesus!)Wink

Wrong.. I don't think all attempts at humor are childish.... You remind me of the big bully in the sandbox.. and that is childish.  But like with most bullies, I realize thats just your way of making you feel better about yourself.

Never been scathing of God.. so don't know how that relates.. but I do know that Greg regardless of whether he reads here or not, is not deserving of your ridicule!

Or yours Emidar!!

Needless to say that this is the most puerile post you have come up with yet!

How is he not deserving of ridicule? We all deserve ridicule when we get too pompous!
Lighten up girl-stop talking about bullies and sandboxes.How am I a bully?
You dont know me and you certainly dont understand me-you can witter on all you like about how "you wouldnt want to know or understand me" but you seem pretty obsessed to me.What have I ever done to you apart from get into a debate with you (and you seem ignorant of what that entails) about religious beliefs?
If you cant see that most things in the rock music world are absurd then you have been to close and doe-eyed to appreciate that.This is entertainment we are discussing-something we pay for.That alone gives me the right to criticise,eulogise or ridicule as much as I want.


Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 14:02
Reed all about it !!!!!!!  

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 14:06

Originally posted by Velvetclown Velvetclown wrote:

Reed all about it !!!!!!!  

Reedy or not,here I come ClownBoy.....

take that you oaf!


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 14:20
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

Needless to say that this is the most puerile post you have come up with yet!

How is he not deserving of ridicule? We all deserve ridicule when we get too pompous!
Lighten up girl-stop talking about bullies and sandboxes.How am I a bully?
You dont know me and you certainly dont understand me-you can witter on all you like about how "you wouldnt want to know or understand me" but you seem pretty obsessed to me.What have I ever done to you apart from get into a debate with you (and you seem ignorant of what that entails) about religious beliefs?
If you cant see that most things in the rock music world are absurd then you have been to close and doe-eyed to appreciate that.This is entertainment we are discussing-something we pay for.That alone gives me the right to criticise,eulogise or ridicule as much as I want.

Actually this is quite funny.  I suppose that Greg Lake is the only rock star that has gained a little weight from the 70s and you just picked that picture out of thin air.  I can pull up a few of Dave Gilmour, Chris Squire, Rick Wakeman, etc... who are actually larger than Greg...

Give me a break... you selected Greg's picture as a push at me.. and you know it.  You do it constantly... So I may be obsessed with Greg... but you seemed to have acquired an obsession with me...

Ignorance seems rampart in your neck of the woods also... most of that crap during the "religious debate" I was just spouting off the top of my head to push your's and Maani's buttons.. and you didn't even get it....


Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 14:24
HI ...Girl  

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 14:30
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

Needless to say that this is the most puerile post you have come up with yet!

How is he not deserving of ridicule? We all deserve ridicule when we get too pompous!
Lighten up girl-stop talking about bullies and sandboxes.How am I a bully?
You dont know me and you certainly dont understand me-you can witter on all you like about how "you wouldnt want to know or understand me" but you seem pretty obsessed to me.What have I ever done to you apart from get into a debate with you (and you seem ignorant of what that entails) about religious beliefs?
If you cant see that most things in the rock music world are absurd then you have been to close and doe-eyed to appreciate that.This is entertainment we are discussing-something we pay for.That alone gives me the right to criticise,eulogise or ridicule as much as I want.


Ignorance seems rampart in your neck of the woods also... most of that crap during the "religious debate" I was just spouting off the top of my head to push your's and Maani's buttons.. and you didn't even get it....

But that is the point isnt it?

1. Everyone on the site knew you were talking crap.
2.You joined in a "serious" debate and spouted your "crap" for the fun of it-and then have the cheek to call me stupid and childish.
3.Admitting that makes you appear ridiculous-if you had any sense you would have kept that little admission to yourself or worked it into the debate to "pull the rug from under us".
4.The fact that you didnt suggests that you are making that statement up and feel foolish about your illadvised,inarticulate and ill-thought out contribution.....




Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 14:35
Reed.......He´s all over the place.......

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 14:43

All the girls agree with Reedy !!!

Big smile


Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 14:50
REEDY ALRIGHTY ..............Perv 

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 15:17
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

But that is the point isnt it?

1. Everyone on the site knew you were talking crap.
2.You joined in a "serious" debate and spouted your "crap" for the fun of it-and then have the cheek to call me stupid and childish.
3.Admitting that makes you appear ridiculous-if you had any sense you would have kept that little admission to yourself or worked it into the debate to "pull the rug from under us".
4.The fact that you didnt suggests that you are making that statement up and feel foolish about your illadvised,inarticulate and ill-thought out contribution.....


Yeh, right...  Thats why you and Maani were seeing red... and spouting changed from spouting reference to spouting inane attacks....  Don't think you're convincing anyone here...

Your serious debate was all crap from the beginning... you spouting Catholic idealogy while claiming to be atheist... and Maani completely on the opposite ends.  And I didn't join the debate to have a go at you... but to see what both of you would do with a "middle of the roader".. since you both seemed to have the extremes well discussed... and as I thought.. you both could deal with the extremes, but couldn't handle the middle...

Admitting that only shows how ridiculous your responses were... not my contribution.. But you go ahead and cover up your ignorance any way you can to make yourself feel better... Typical!

Sorry but Maani already knows it... why would I want to bother any further.. I got my answer.  Sure wouldn't put myself thru that any longer just for your entertainment.


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 15:56




Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 16:28
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

you spouting Catholic idealogy while claiming to be atheist >???

That is the most incredibly strange thing to say!!!!!Ermm

I was brought up a Catholic and I dont claim to be an atheist-I am an atheist.

Didn't sound like it... or it didn't sound like you were fully convinced.

Are you familiar with the concept of debate?
When I used to smoke I could spend hours discussing why I shouldnt-does that make me a hypocrite? Or does it suggest that I have first-hand knowledge of the subject so am able to make reasonably informed comment?

The concept of debate doesn't make you any less the hypocrite..

As for "joining the debate as a middle-of-the roader"...rubbish.It was quite obvious to anyone that you hadnt read all the posts on the thread.Confused

Evidently not,  from the responses...

It is very difficult to answer in a reasonable manner when you spout this stuff.Yet why should I ignore it?

Exactly you can't control yourself... we've all noticed that..

Did you read any of the replies by other members during that discussion-or do they not count? Yes I do remember the other members responses... most were questioning or actually giving me their opinion... not attacking me as you did... Great debate tactic, by the way...

I do not remember a single instance of anyone saying "Threefates,I agree with you,you argue so well" You even had Maani flummoxed, not with the incisiveness of your argument but with the total inaneness of your rhetoric!

See that was your intent... but was not mine.  I didn't do it to prove what a great debater I was... I did it to prove that you guys are a bunch of blowhards... It didn't matter what I said or how well I debated.. I got you both flustered, Maani even to a point of losing his demeanor.. and you enough to give in...  and you still can't see any further than... oh but I'm the better debater...

Yeh... that and $10 will get you dinner tonight....


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 16:36


How much do you charge to haunt a house?Tongue


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 16:39
Evidently for you... ITS ON THE HOUSE!! 


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 16:43



Posted By: greenback
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 22:41
now i can explain why 3fates is not often on the main discussion section!LOL


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: February 27 2005 at 23:41
Man, greenback, you should do your research.. cause I post a lot more in the Main Section than I do in here...


Posted By: greenback
Date Posted: February 28 2005 at 00:20

Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Man, greenback, you should do your research.. cause I post a lot more in the Main Section than I do in here...

yeah, you still post there, but less often than couples of months ago!


Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: February 28 2005 at 03:29
Topic: Pictures Of Prog Giants That Embarrass:

Started off quite funny, this thread.......


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: February 28 2005 at 09:08
Originally posted by greenback greenback wrote:

Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Man, greenback, you should do your research.. cause I post a lot more in the Main Section than I do in here...

yeah, you still post there, but less often than couples of months ago!

Thats true for the whole board tho, not just this section.  These days I have to have plenty of energy just to come here...


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: February 28 2005 at 09:11

Back to funny pictures...


Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: February 28 2005 at 11:35
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Back to funny pictures...

OMG, what was Bill thinking?

Oh, I just noticed Jon - AAAAaaaaaaaghhh!!!!

I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill

Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: February 28 2005 at 11:56

Just another day with Sleepytime Gorilla Museum...

...and what was Belew thinking when he bought those glasses?

I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill

Posted By: emdiar
Date Posted: February 28 2005 at 12:10
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

 but I do know that Greg regardless of whether he reads here or not, is not deserving of your ridicule!

Or yours Emidar!!

That's Emdiar, love, pronounced MDR. I realise Greg doesn't deserve my ridicule, but I'm generous enough to give it anyway.  The thing is, he's rich, he's famous, and I don't know him personally, which makes him fair game in my book..

Perception is truth, ergo opinion is fact.

Posted By: greenback
Date Posted: February 28 2005 at 16:41

Originally posted by sigod sigod wrote:

Just another day with Sleepytime Gorilla Museum...

...and what was Belew thinking when he bought those glasses?

Fripp has a "don't call me bob" face!


Posted By: Dan Bobrowski
Date Posted: February 28 2005 at 20:25
Belew is pretending to be Trevor Horn.

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: February 28 2005 at 22:11

I wonder what Bon Scott was thinking when this picture was taken... Oh wait I think I see what he was thinking.......


Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: March 01 2005 at 10:31
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

I wonder what Bon Scott was thinking when this picture was taken... Oh wait I think I see what he was thinking.......

He looks like a brutal version of Mork from Ork...

I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill

Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: March 01 2005 at 10:37
Originally posted by greenback greenback wrote:

Originally posted by sigod sigod wrote:

...and what was Belew thinking when he bought those glasses?

Fripp has a "don't call me bob" face!

That's Mr Fripp, Civil Servant Of The Year 1982, accompanied by three architects. 

I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill

Posted By: JrKASperov
Date Posted: March 01 2005 at 12:50
Tony Levin is cute 


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: March 01 2005 at 14:47

I have two of Geddy's most embarrassing moments:

He looks half baked in this pic.

And in this photo, between the HUGE glasses and the questionable sweater, he looks like my grandma.

Posted By: FloydWright
Date Posted: March 01 2005 at 16:40
Originally posted by maani maani wrote:

Re the PF photo, are you kidding?  That was the height of fashion then!   Those guys are absolutely "in style," hip and groovy in that pic!

The trouble is that Roger has this slack-jawed face that has continued through the years. I know people rag on him for his looks--but all he would've had to do to solve the problem was SMILE. Seriously, he looks all right when he smiles. But he never did. So blehhhhh.

Posted By: FloydWright
Date Posted: March 01 2005 at 16:52
BTW, the first Geddy Lee pic isn't horrible. The second, however...

Here's one.

Michael J. Romeo from Symphony X. I love the band, but he seriously needs to tone it down here!

And...I'm sorry, but Russell Allen needs to button up his shirt:

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 03:07
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

I wonder what Bon Scott was thinking when this picture was taken... Oh wait I think I see what he was thinking.......

A rare shot of Bon Scott when he was still 'Captain Cuddles' the childrens' entertainer - a smile, a song and a hidden balloon animal.


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: FloydWright
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 10:17
LOL...that caption makes it even more frightening!

Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 10:47
Originally posted by FloydWright FloydWright wrote:

BTW, the first Geddy Lee pic isn't horrible. The second, however...

Here's one.

Michael J. Romeo from Symphony X. I love the band, but he seriously needs to tone it down here!

And...I'm sorry, but Russell Allen needs to button up his shirt:

This kind of posturing was popular during the 80's. I give you Chris Impellitari

I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 12:25
Suck in those cheeks!


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: Lark´s Vomit
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 12:38
I really would like a statement here 

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 12:42

Originally posted by Lark´s Vomit Lark´s Vomit wrote:

I really would like a statement here 


Posted By: Lark´s Vomit
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 12:45
Thank you, now that´s more like it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Posted By: Lark´s Vomit
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 12:47
Bilden “” kan inte visas, då den innehåller fel.
Jim Garten

Posted By: FloydWright
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 13:24
Originally posted by sigod sigod wrote:

Originally posted by FloydWright FloydWright wrote:

Michael J. Romeo from Symphony X. I love the band, but he seriously needs to tone it down here!

This kind of posturing was popular during the 80's.

The problem was, this pic wasn't taken in the 80s. It was 1994 at the VERY earliest.

Romeo has taken better pics than that...but on occasion he seems to need to ham it up for the camera to where it's just laughable.

Then again maybe he WANTS to look silly.   

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 13:28

Yeah,it's quite a problem round here too!



Posted By: FloydWright
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 15:28
One more from Symphony X. Sorry guys, the pirate look is out. Didn't you watch Seinfeld???

One of Dream Theater, from Images and Words. Boy did this ever backfire. So there's James LaBrie standing there looking cool in a T-shirt, and the rest (even Kevin Moore, with the statue-face) look WEIRD. If I were LaBrie, I'd be pretty put-off to be in a photo with this bunch, too...Portnoy's outfit especially could put your eyes out.

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 18:49

Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:


Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 18:51
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Back to funny pictures...


Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 18:52

Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:




Posted By: Cluster One
Date Posted: March 04 2005 at 03:54
A classic from the GENESIS fora:

aka "Marillion-Mullet-Mania"

Marmalade...I like marmalade.

Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: March 04 2005 at 05:15
Originally posted by Cluster One Cluster One wrote:

A classic from the GENESIS fora:

Oh dear, I bet NOBODY is happy with that one now...

I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill

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