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FLOTANTE in the Archives

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Forum Name: Suggest New Bands and Artists
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Topic: FLOTANTE in the Archives
Posted By: Cesar Inca
Subject: FLOTANTE in the Archives
Date Posted: May 27 2007 at 13:04
There is this very good Chilean called FLOTANTE. Its Myspace blog is at -
It's an instrumental guitar-based quartet whose sound fluidly mixes influences from King Crimson, jazz-rock and Don Caballero. They've already released two albums, tha second one at the end of 2006  
Their style is somewhat close to Exsimio. I think we should pay them real attention and include them in the Archives as soon as possible.
     Kind regards.

Posted By: mystic fred
Date Posted: May 27 2007 at 16:58
nice website CI, but are they Prog - can we hear some music?Smile

Prog Archives Tour Van

Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: May 27 2007 at 17:20
Yes, there's 4 tracks in their Myspace blog.

Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: May 29 2007 at 08:48
While the art rock experts begin to take care of this excellent Chilean band, check this video: -   It's of 'El Desayuno del Oso', a track from their second album "En la Agitación".
    Kind regards.

Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: June 07 2007 at 00:07
I've PM'd some specialists about this Chilean band, FLOTANTE. This one and DEFÓRMICA are the two South American bands that I'm listening the most these last weeks (together with Supay and Flor de Loto due to their recent sophomore albums). FLOTANTE IS A REAL PA WORTHY ITEM!!
    Anyone agreeing?    Kind regards.

Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: June 07 2007 at 01:35
We ask for patience, Cesar.
The Art Rock Team has checked Flotant, they just wanna check up with another Team about some flavors and moments the album has or tends; if no, it will go into Art Rock.


Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: June 08 2007 at 17:32
Dear friend Ricochet - YOU'VE GOT ALL MY PATIENCE, INDEED!!
It's just that anyone who have anjoyed this band cannot blame me for my enthusiasm - it's really a great band this one, isn't it?
    Kind regards and thank you for your efforts and all those efforst by the teams.

Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: June 09 2007 at 00:58
Originally posted by Cesar Inca Cesar Inca wrote:

It's just that anyone who have anjoyed this band cannot blame me for my enthusiasm - it's really a great band this one, isn't it?

Cesar, it is surely a great effort and talent in them (now I've heard better, but I think they're OK, don't know how high is your enthusiasm Wink), they have music for PA, it just that they've mixed themselves into two possible styles.

The appreciation is on-going.


Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: October 12 2007 at 09:20
Hi friends, this is César Inca.
Will FLOTANTE be included in PA soon?... The ysure would find a comfortable place at the Heavy Prog section.
    Kind regards.

Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: October 12 2007 at 10:48
Originally posted by Cesar Inca Cesar Inca wrote:

Hi friends, this is César Inca.
Will FLOTANTE be included in PA soon?... The ysure would find a comfortable place at the Heavy Prog section.
    Kind regards.

Hey, Cesar.
I think the old Art Rock Team once suggested Flotante for Post-Rock, but that team never finished to appreciate and vote on it. Cry
But we have now a new Team for Heavy Prog (we'll it's not that new, only good ol' David and good ol' Raffaella Wink), so they can check again Flotante, maybe even add it.

Sorry for the inconvenience, Flotante are to be very soon checked. And even added, cause I remember they are progressive. Clap


P.S.: By the way, Cesar, do you know anything new about PILFAKA? I know we agreed for them to be added in Art Rock, but they haven't released any album so far. You told me that they will have their debut in late 2007, so that's why I'm wondering....


Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: October 13 2007 at 12:27
   Thank you for your attention and awareness.
   Let's promote these guys once and for all... Smile
I like the new labels better, since they are more explicit regarding the words used. FLOTANTE is predominantly heavy-prog, with elements of post-rock, avant-garde, jazz-rock and math-rock, yes, it's true, but the core is heavy prog. I don't see how one can see otherwise: they are not an avant-prog band with heavy tendencies nor a post-rock band with Crimsonian tendencies. Heavy prog is the core and the otehr elements are additional tendencies they cleverly use to expand their vision and achieve originality. FLOTANTE, AUTÓMATA and OCTOPUS are nowadays the "Holy Trinity" of heavy-prog in Chile.
(BTW, have you listened to DEFÓRMICA yet?)
     Kind regards.

Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: October 13 2007 at 12:30
Originally posted by Ricochet Ricochet wrote:

P.S.: By the way, Cesar, do you know anything new about PILFAKA? I know we agreed for them to be added in Art Rock, but they haven't released any album so far. You told me that they will have their debut in late 2007, so that's why I'm wondering....
Oh, my Mexican friends from PILFAKA. Recently they've had some trouble with their lead guitarist, so they hired a new one, added a couple of tracks brought in by this new guy, and the album's completion will happen anytime soon. Their Myspace blog is still active, and according to the bassist Pável, their sound is pretty much the same as in their demo but with a more polished sound production.
When the time comes, they will make an excellent addition into the Haevy Prog area from Latin America.
   Kind regards.

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: October 13 2007 at 12:32
Hello Cesar,

Deformica were added to Heavy Prog a few weeks ago, and I did the addition myself. We'd be very happy to add Flotante as well.. I'll put a link to this thread in our own team thread, and hopefully we'll be able to add them soon.

Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: October 13 2007 at 15:13
Originally posted by Ghost Rider Ghost Rider wrote:

Deformica were added to Heavy Prog a few weeks ago, and I did the addition myself. We'd be very happy to add Flotante as well.. I'll put a link to this thread in our own team thread, and hopefully we'll be able to add them soon.
Yes, I know  -  I wrote a review on Defórmica's album a few days ago.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: October 13 2007 at 18:43
Cesar-- so sorry for the endless delay... terrific band,  HeavyProg will make this a priority

can you do a bio?  unfortunately their profile info on their page is no longer available..

we can do the bio for Great Labirynth Project, who wealso will be adding soon

Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: October 14 2007 at 17:10
I hope this will be useful:

FLOTANTE is one of the most energetic prog acts from Chile, more specifically, from V Región. Their material is totally instrumental, created out of the interaction of dual guitars and the fluid deliveries from the rhythm duo – the result is a powerful sound inspired by the dynamics of prog-metal, the sophistication of jazz-rock and the weirdness of psychedelia. FLOTANTE’s most obvious influences are DON CABALLERO, contemporary KING CRIMSON, their compatriot bands TRYO and ERGO SUM, with noticeable bits of CAB and TRIBAL TECH in the mix.


Their eponymous debut album was independently released in 2004, with a limited edition. Their second effort “En la Agitación” was released in 2006 under Mylodon Records. The latter shows a band that has matured and expanded their musical vision, including elements of avant-noise and post-rock in their amalgam, also exploring their jam elaborations in a more confident manner.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: October 14 2007 at 18:14
thanks Cesar, that's great.. perhaps I'll expand a little, but not much

Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: November 29 2007 at 23:26
It's done!! I've finally found a properly big cover image for FLOTANTE's debut album!! The second album had been added previously.
    Kind regards.           

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