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Political Protest Songs

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Topic: Political Protest Songs
Posted By: Certif1ed
Subject: Political Protest Songs
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 08:08

I'm glad to see that the art of the protest song is not dead.

Here's one I found that protests at the quality of services provided by London's "Tube" service, or the London Underground, as it is more correctly known.

WARNING: Parental Advisory, yadda, yadda... the words contained in this song may upset people of a certain disposition who take exception to certain words that are in the English language and most respectable dictionaries. If that includes you, then don't listen to it, or if you do listen to it and are upset by the language, then leave this thread now and don't leave patronising "thou-shalt-not" type comments. You have been warned... - rground.mp3


Any similar protest songs you know of? Any songs that are just funny? Or simply contain lots of words that are capable of upsetting some people?

Post 'em here!

Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 09:43
I've heard this before Cert and you're right it's very funny if a little heavy on the 'f' words. However, if you've ever travelled on the Tube for any thength of time, you'll know the swearing is fully justified.

The unions run the Tube not London Underground.

I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 15:44

The tube is run by unions???!!! There was me thinking it was run as a sideline by the occupants of the monkey house at London zoo.

I highly reccomend using the Waterloo and city line during Rush hour. Its the best way to experience the sweaty insanity of the Tokyo underground without having to spend 14 hours on plane first to get there.

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: gdub411
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 23:45
...I 'm not British but i can relate.

Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: February 23 2005 at 01:02

Protest Song

by Neil Innes

All the prophets of doom
can always find room
In a world full of worry and fear
Tip cigarettes and chemistry sets
And rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
So I'm goin back to my little old shack
And drink me a bottle of wine
That was mis en bouteille before my birthday
And have me a f**kin' good time

Rain on a tin roof sounds like a drum
We're marching for freedom today
Turn on your headlights and sound your horn
If people get in the way

Let me turn you on to the chromium swan
On the nose of a long limousine
Even hired for the day it is something to say
But what the hhehhellll does it mean
I may be accused of being confused
But I'm average weight for my height
My philosophy like color tv 
Is all there in black and white

RAI! .. rain on a tin roof sounds like a drum
We're marching for freedom today
Turn on your headlights and sound your horn
If people get in the way

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: Alucard
Date Posted: February 23 2005 at 09:30

Shipbuilding (Costello, Langer)

Is it worth it?
A new winter coat and shoes for the wife
And a bycicle on the boy's birthday
It's just a rumour that was spread around town
By the women and children
Soon we'll be shipbuilding
Well I ask you
The boy said Dad they're going to take me to task
But I'll back by Christmas
It's just a rumour that was spread around town
Somebody said that someone got filled in
For saying that people that killed in
The result of the shipbuilding
With all the will in the world
Diving for dear life
When we could be diving for pearls
It's just a rumour that was spread around town
A telegram or a picture postcard
Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyard
And notifying the next of kin once again
It's all we're skilled in
We will be shipbuilding
With all the will in the world
Diving for dear life
When we could be diving for pearls

One of my favourite, especialy the Wyatt version!

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