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Topic: ELP
Posted By: Guests
Subject: ELP
Date Posted: February 21 2005 at 19:20












Posted By: chorus of one
Date Posted: February 21 2005 at 19:31
Boohoo, grow up.

Posted By: Rob The Good
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 05:02
"Boohoo"?....good one.

Aww come on Karnevil...I love ELP too!

And Jesus said unto John, "come forth and receive eternal life..."
Unfortunately, John came fifth and was stuck with a toaster.

Posted By: AngelRat
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 06:17
I'll miss him. Why are ELP fans so sensitive, lack of humor maybe?


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 07:28

How does that Queen song go?

Oh yes,


Another one bites the dust...........LOL


Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 07:30

Hello pot, this is kettle calling.


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 07:34

Sorry Karny that you feel that way.I think there are some jerks on this site (me included) but the poor sods need someone to go.I mean where else are you going to talk about Gentle Giant,Ash Ra Temple and various other bands that time forgot and the world doesn't give a stuff about? I don't expect aything from this site other than to read stuff (good and bad) about musicians I appreciate.I wish there were more ELP fans in the world but there aren't that many.But I am happy to be part of a small previleged group of people who understand what great music is.The rest can bugger off! As the man said ''Don't let the mailto:b*%&$@#s - b*%&$@#s get you down!''

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 07:47



Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 08:20



Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: arcer
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 09:07

what a strange individual

first some of the most deeply scary obsessive behaviour ever witnessed on the site

then a tearful apology admitting he'd gone too far and would behave

then a little tantrum and an exit

hmm, I spy a personality disorder (infantilism, perhaps) somewhere...



Posted By: tuxon
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 10:12

It was just a cry for hELP.


ELP me, ELP me.........ELP me
Let us share this hope
That we may close our eyes in peace
Follow what may rise from this
Standing in the halls of grace
Let my people go
Was the cry I heard from far away
I should have known
Not to trust every word I heard them say

ELP me, ELP me.........ELP me 

There's a face I can see
Staring back in desperation
Nowhere to turn to now
Drowning in this three of fate
Don't run! Don't hide!
The devil will find you anywhere
We should never have lied
The sin was always there

ELP me, ELP me.........ELP me

This choice must be free
Answers do not grow on trees
We must face our enemies
With faith in one another
Don't fall down! Don't lie down!
You can lean on me my friend
The future may not bring us luck
But together we can go down fighting!

ELP me, ELP me.........ELP me
ELP me, ELP me.........ELP me

I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT

Posted By: greenback
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 13:23

Do you know the series of tracks having the same name on arena - songs from the lion's cage:

the crying for ELPLOL


Posted By: tuxon
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 13:52
Originally posted by greenback greenback wrote:

Do you know the series of tracks having the same name on arena - songs from the lion's cage:

the crying for ELPLOL

No, tell me more


Who makes these choices
Who waves the final hand
When wisdom is more than
age or reason
Who makes these choices
Who makes the final stand
When solitude is all
that you believe
It's all the same
And you really should have known
It's all the same
When your heart grows cold
and you're all alone
This has no name
This feeling that I used to know
It's here again
I can see the tortured souls
as they cry for ELP
Take my hand
I'll lead you through the
traps and snares
Take my hand
I'll feed you and I'll clothe you like
My only child
There is nothing left to fear
My only child
There is nothing left
to hurt you now!

Who makes these choices
Who waves the final hand
When all around
I hear the sound
Of pleading for a helping hand
Who makes those choices
Who makes the final stand
When far away I hear them say
They couldn't give a damn....
Give a damn!

They're crying for elp....
elp me!
They're crying for elp...
elp me!
They're crying for elp...
elp me!
They're crying for elp...
elp me!

I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT

Posted By: Aaron
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 13:57

i am confused, what happened, people made fun of elp, so he left?


Posted By: Cluster One
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 14:37
He spelled 'sane' wrong.

Marmalade...I like marmalade.

Posted By: tuxon
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 15:04

Originally posted by Cluster One Cluster One wrote:

He spelled 'sane' wrong.

No he correctly spelled saine, you just misspelled it and put words in his mouth that weren't there in the first place

I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 20:34
Oh Andr'e... you have to learn to fight the good fight... but you're right, there's lots of people on here who need a lot of 'elp'!!!


Posted By: Prog_Bassist
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 20:58
...I like Elp!

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: aqualung28
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 21:30
Hey ELP is great but you don't need to leave because very few people think they're great.  Hell, if I left "forever" everytime someone talked crap about any of the music I listen to (ie Beefheart, MIke Patton, Boredoms, prog in general) then I wouldn't be able to live in my house or go anywhere. Come on dude, grow up! And being insane is a gift,not a disability, so I take your remark offensively (not really, you can't offend me).  Just loosen up dude

"O' lady look up in time o' lady look out of love
'n you should have us all
O' you should have us fall"
"Bill's Corpse" By Captain Beefheart

Posted By: Rob The Good
Date Posted: February 22 2005 at 22:57
I was just a little upset that he labelled everyone here as a jerk...Like I said, I'm an ELP fan too

And Jesus said unto John, "come forth and receive eternal life..."
Unfortunately, John came fifth and was stuck with a toaster.

Posted By: Swinton MCR
Date Posted: February 23 2005 at 07:36
I also like ELP (in parts only) - Just think that THEY ARE NOT and NEVER have been a major league prog-rock band - why - because they only produced about 30% good stuff and the rest is crap !

Play me my song, here it comes again

Posted By: Lunarscape
Date Posted: February 23 2005 at 10:54
Originally posted by arcer arcer wrote:

what a strange individual

first some of the most deeply scary obsessive behaviour ever witnessed on the site

then a tearful apology admitting he'd gone too far and would behave

then a little tantrum and an exit

hmm, I spy a personality disorder (infantilism, perhaps) somewhere...




This was diagnosed 2 weeks ago....Well he got an enema for his 12th year birthday !



Music Is The Soul Bird That Flies In The Immense Heart Of The Listener . . .

Posted By: Hangedman
Date Posted: March 01 2005 at 20:36

bye karnevil if you mean it this time. Im sorry i dont think ELP is the best band in existance... Im so unworthy to be called a music fan at all because i dont. Im a horrific person and i barely deserve to live.

Posted By: tuxon
Date Posted: March 01 2005 at 20:39
You should be hanged for this Hangedman

I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT

Posted By: Rob The Plant
Date Posted: March 01 2005 at 20:57
Originally posted by Karnevil9 Karnevil9 wrote:












haha you spelled Sane wrong.

Collaborators will take your soul.

Posted By: Rob The Plant
Date Posted: March 01 2005 at 20:58
Originally posted by Swinton MCR Swinton MCR wrote:

I also like ELP (in parts only) - Just think that THEY ARE NOT and NEVER have been a major league prog-rock band - why - because they only produced about 30% good stuff and the rest is crap !

I hate to break it to you, but the band on your avatar there didn't fare so well in the later years either mate.

Collaborators will take your soul.

Posted By: Spartacus
Date Posted: March 01 2005 at 21:53

What the hell is wrong with ELP fans?  I really like ELP, but why is that so many ELP fans just can't accept that there are so many other great prog bands and some much better.  I think most people on this site enjoy ELP but they do not see any reason to dedicate their lives to this band.  Just tell me why so many people hear ELP and their lives seem to just come to an end and they start thinking things like the best album of 1994 is In the Hot Seat.  Enjoy the music and explore some the thousands of bands in the archives.  You might just discover that there is more prog than just ELP. 

I have been holding of on saying anything about these damn topics but I just can't take it anymore. 


We all know that ELP was a skillful, complex, important prog band, with a lead singer that had all the groupies in the 70s, but lets move on and return the forums back to discussions of enlightenment not stupidity.


Posted By: greenback
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 11:57

well, i guess, by noticing your nick spartacus, that you love triumvirat! bravo!

actually, there are maybe only 2 members involved, maybe 3 if karnevil9 is not threefates! LOL

but we all like 3f8s because she is like our sister! threefates is not snob at all, and she always answers your questions. she likes communication. watch the miscellaneous nice photos she posts here. she is generous. she loves elp, that's ok! i prefer someone who constantly shows his/her enthusiasm on an artist than someone who consistantly bashes a band that you like!

when does threefates say Triumvirat is s*&t? Never, or very rarely! that's a correct attitude!


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 13:52
If Karn Evil 9 is so hypersensitive that he can't take criticism for his favorite band, maybe we are better off without him. It is like natural selection on the Prog Forum! (Even though I really don't believe in the evolution fluff) 

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 14:36
Originally posted by Hangedman Hangedman wrote:

bye karnevil if you mean it this time. Im sorry i dont think ELP is the best band in existance... Im so unworthy to be called a music fan at all because i dont. Im a horrific person and i barely deserve to live.

Why resurrect this thread Hangedman?.i would be quite happy to see it deleted.I wish some of you would stop baiting Karny deliberately.He is learning and will be a valuable poster on this forum I'm sure.He just lets his passion for ELP spill over wihich seems to result in a certain amount of baiting from other members of the forum.Perhaps it will help if I admit ELP are total crap and beg for forgivness on behalf of them for the terrible crimes theyv'e committed to music. I even created a thread so you could give ELP a good bashing.What more do you want?

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 19:33
Hangedman wrote:

bye karnevil if you mean it this time. Im sorry i dont think ELP is the best band in existance... Im so unworthy to be called a music fan at all because i dont. Im a horrific person and i barely deserve to live.

Rich wrote:

Why resurrect this thread Hangedman?.i would be quite happy to see it deleted.I wish some of you would stop baiting Karny deliberately.He is learning and will be a valuable poster on this forum I'm sure.He just lets his passion for ELP spill over wihich seems to result in a certain amount of baiting from other members of the forum.Perhaps it will help if I admit ELP are total crap and beg for forgivness on behalf of them for the terrible crimes theyv'e committed to music. I even created a thread so you could give ELP a good bashing.What more do you want?

Ah no sweat Rich...I don't fall into the trap now..I don't let my passion over spill,it's just that the few rip them up for no reason/un-fairness.But it's all water under the bridge now.We've all agreed that ELP are fantastic.

he he he

Posted By: Hangedman
Date Posted: March 03 2005 at 19:24

Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

Why resurrect this thread Hangedman?.i would be quite happy to see it deleted.I wish some of you would stop baiting Karny deliberately.He is learning and will be a valuable poster on this forum I'm sure.He just lets his passion for ELP spill over wihich seems to result in a certain amount of baiting from other members of the forum.Perhaps it will help if I admit ELP are total crap and beg for forgivness on behalf of them for the terrible crimes theyv'e committed to music. I even created a thread so you could give ELP a good bashing.What more do you want?

I wasnt aware i resurected it..... and i like elp, just not IM LEAVING BECAUSE I CANT HANDLE OTHER PEOPLE OPINIONS threads.

Posted By: goose
Date Posted: March 12 2005 at 17:06

Guest Group
Guest Group

Joined: January 29 2004
Online Status: Online
Posts: -10


I appreciate I haven't been following the forum too closely of late, but what's this all about?


edit: Whoops, sorry I resurrected the thread, I forgot I'd been linked to it from another one...

Posted By: dougiejs
Date Posted: March 12 2005 at 18:34

I'll admit to being fairly new to this site but I don't get all this beef about ELP.I don't particularly like them despite years of trying(although I would admit that 'Still you turn me on' is a damn good song) surely the point is that there will always be differant tastes and VIVE to that.I would agree that PERSONALLY lambasting someone for their taste is childish but by the same token you should learn to ignore such foolishness.I for instance am a long standing devotee of Van der Graaf Generator and if I had taken personal offence over the last 25 years or so to anybody that had said that they thought Peter Hammills voice was rubbish or that the music was overblown incomprehensible s**t I'd have had to leave the planet or kill somebody.So Karn just take it on the chin man and laugh it off as the loss to us that do not understand what you know to be the true light!

 STILL WAITING FOR MY SAVIOUR........................................

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 12 2005 at 18:43
Originally posted by goose goose wrote:

Guest Group
Guest Group

Joined: January 29 2004
Online Status: Online
Posts: -10


I appreciate I haven't been following the forum too closely of late, but what's this all about?


edit: Whoops, sorry I resurrected the thread, I forgot I'd been linked to it from another one...

A member has been removed.By his own volition,but he has been removed.

Betting on next casualty:

1/2 karnevil
5/2 Larks Vomit/VC/etc
5/1 Reed Lover
10/1Rob The Plank
10/1 Tuxon
16/1 Joren

Send all monies to reed lover at my usual address!Wink


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 12 2005 at 20:52
Originally posted by Spartacus Spartacus wrote:

What the hell is wrong with ELP fans?  I really like ELP, but why is that so many ELP fans just can't accept that there are so many other great prog bands and some much better.  I think most people on this site enjoy ELP but they do not see any reason to dedicate their lives to this band.  Just tell me why so many people hear ELP and their lives seem to just come to an end and they start thinking things like the best album of 1994 is In the Hot Seat.  Enjoy the music and explore some the thousands of bands in the archives.  You might just discover that there is more prog than just ELP. 

I have been holding of on saying anything about these damn topics but I just can't take it anymore. 


We all know that ELP was a skillful, complex, important prog band, with a lead singer that had all the groupies in the 70s, but lets move on and return the forums back to discussions of enlightenment not stupidity.

Sorry to be late.. but need to address this stupidity...

Excuse me, but there are about 5 true ELP fans here... 2 or 3 hard core.  There are about 10 here who bleed Genesis... so give me a frigging break.  If you want to add up threads.. lets see how many are dedicated to ELP and how many to Genesis...

If you can't say something a bit more intelligent or at least accurate.. then maybe you should hold off a little longer....

Also being an ELP fan doesn't mean we don't listen to other bands.  I think I've proven more than enough that I listen to a lot of other prog bands.. some I love, some I'm trying... but ELP is my favorite band... always have been.  They're a big part of my life.. and if I want to praise them, as everyone else praises their favorite bands... then I should be able to without someone giving me a hard time or bashing ELP just for my sake...

In my opinion, they are the greatest... now accept that.. and move on...


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: March 12 2005 at 21:01

You tell em Linda.


Posted By: goose
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 06:23
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Sorry to be late.. but need to address this stupidity...

Excuse me, but there are about 5 true ELP fans here... 2 or 3 hard core.  There are about 10 here who bleed Genesis... so give me a frigging break.  If you want to add up threads.. lets see how many are dedicated to ELP and how many to Genesis...

If you can't say something a bit more intelligent or at least accurate.. then maybe you should hold off a little longer....

What! He didn't say don't talk about ELP; I believe he said don't have stupid and pointless (well, more than neccessary...) discussions (and you must admit, there have been many recently involving ELP). I assume that it's addressed to both "sides" as well, and to me seems both more intelligent and accurate than the mudslinging that's been going on... if I misinterpreted him, I apologise, but regardless of which this is my last comment on the matter.

Posted By: plodder
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 06:35
I've lived with everyone taking the p*ss about my liking of ELP since I was 11, I'm now 46 and it still happens.

Walk tall, walk straight and look the world right in the eye.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 08:29

plodder wrote:

I've lived with everyone taking the p*ss about my liking of ELP since I was 11, I'm now 46 and it still happens.

Hi Plodder

I don't know what it is about Prog fans & ELP...christ,i'm an Avid ELP fan & personally think they are the Greatest band of the era...we'll they are

But i also have a deep passion for other bands ie:Yes,Genesis,Floyd etc i would'nt dream of directly ripping those bands apart...To me their NOT as good as ELP, but have the upmost respect for them...What i can't get my head around,is fans of the mentioned bands ripping ELP up ...very odd indeed,surely it works both ways..


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 08:35

Maybe because we dont seek sexual relationships with our favourite bands!Confused

Loving someone's music is one thing but being besotted with the individual members suggests a more juvenile attachment.Broadcasting it to adults like schoolyard gossip is only going to elicit one reaction:abject derision!
Why this is difficult to understand is beyond me.

This is not a pre-teen fansite.Grow up.Instead of certain individuals coming back with something smug and dismissive,why dont they listen to the bulk of the members on this forum.I am NOT a lone voice,nor do I dislike ELP.

Rationalise it even further:if ELP are so good,why did they go bankrupt all those years ago? All the band members are still alive and do not appear to have fallen out.So why are they not a viable marketable commodity? Rush can do it,even Yes can.This is the same audience!
You love them, good for you.Logic,in the absence of something more tangible,suggests that they are neither the best,nor the most popular.You enjoy them,fine.
Save the fanclub stuff for the bands website where it belongs.Smile Please!Confused


Posted By: plodder
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 08:37
I think ELP didn't help themselves to be honest.

They were very humourless and the pomp that they surrounded themselves with alienated the majority of other music fans.

I have had the pleasure of listening to them all my music loving life. Like you I also like a whole lot of other bands but I always get that extra buzz when I put an ELP vinyl on the turntable.

I suppose at my age things like people hating my choice of music really doesn't matter to me anymore.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 09:14
Reed Lover

Maybe because we dont seek sexual relationships with our favourite bands!Confused

Reed i here this sh*t from you generally aimed at three fates..for god sake drop it & leave her alone...

Loving someone's music is one thing but being besotted with the individual members suggests a more juvenile attachment.Broadcasting it to adults like schoolyard gossip is only going to elicit one reaction:abject derision!
Why this is difficult to understand is beyond me.

I'm not besotted with ELP at all actually i hardly listern to the band from day to day.This is a forum right! a marketing tool to discuss & promote you fav bands..i'm taking the oportunity ok...Reed you do enough Rush promoting yourself..

This is not a pre-teen fansite.Grow up.Instead of certain individuals coming back with something smug and dismissive,why dont they listen to the bulk of the members on this forum.I am NOT a lone voice,nor do I dislike ELP.

Reed your the most sarcastic b*****d on here..I find your behaviour against peoples comments really child like..I'm almost convinced you do this on a purpose...There's no rules on here about how you can promote you band so live with it Reed..It might break your heart to see ELP posts here & there but tough live with it instead of coming back with some childish jibe just to piss certain members off...

Rationalise it even further:if ELP are so good,why did they go bankrupt all those years ago?

One example,you know full well ELP were show men par excellence with excess being in abundance..Works tour: Royal Philamonic orchestra on tour with them was a key contributer to cash loss amongs other things..

 All the band members are still alive and do not appear to have fallen out.So why are they not a viable marketable commodity?

I'm gonna stick my kneck out here..Look at Yes these*t in short drastic style change from younger thanks...Same with Rush,Genesis etc...I'm actually hoping that ELP do no re-form,i know i won't like there style if '3' & 'ELPowell' are anything to go by... 

You love them, good for you.Logic,in the absence of something more tangible,suggests that they are neither the best,nor the most popular.You enjoy them,fine.

Yes i do enjoy them as they were in there hey day & yes they were very very popular.thank you.


Yes please get of ELP fans case......


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 09:31

Originally posted by Karnevil9 Karnevil9 wrote:

This forum... a marketing tool to promote your fav bands.There's no rules on here about how you can promote you band ..

ShockedWrong.Where did you get this banal idea from? This forum is a discussion site for Prog Rock music and the bands who play it,fan sites are for marketing bands.Confused

So,we now understand your problem. You mistakenly believed this site was designed for fans of certain bands to advertise and promote those bands. Well it isnt! You should apologise to the Admin Group,The Moderator and Forum Members for making this wildly inaccurate assumption.
What you have been doing is what we call "spamming" and is against Forum Regulations.
So there we have it.

Out of the mouths of babes and................Angry


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 09:38

Well lets al go with crap bands then..not menton ELP or show any pics ok....So you stop posting Rush pics aswell....

This is also a prog site so members mentioning & driving on about bands such as Uriah heep,Judas priest  etcare not welcome here too yeh.


I love the admin,moderators s**t you always bring up..

Get knotted Reed.


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 09:45
Originally posted by Karnevil9 Karnevil9 wrote:

Well lets al go with crap bands then..not menton ELP or show any pics ok....So you stop posting Rush pics aswell....

This is also a prog site so members mentioning & driving on about bands such as Uriah heep,Judas priest  etcare not welcome here too yeh.


I love the admin,moderators s**t you always bring up..

Get knotted Reed.


This site is for discussing bands and the music scene in general.It is not designed as a marketing tool for the aggressive promotion of individual bands.This is called "spamming" and you have inadvertantly admitted that you are guilty of it.Why dont you just aplogise and stop prolonging your embarrassment?Big smile


Posted By: frenchie
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 11:27
reed, you constantly keep shooting my tie fighter down

The Worthless Recluse

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 11:30

Choose your weapon:


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 11:32

frenchie wrote:

reed, you constantly keep shooting my tie fighter down


Contantly pissing me off more like.I know where he wants that phaser!


Exit stage left.....

Spam alert...whoops!

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 11:34
Damn,span to spam,man- spoiled my plan!


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 11:46
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

Maybe because we dont seek sexual relationships with our favourite bands!Confused

Your green monster is showing again...  

Loving someone's music is one thing but being besotted with the individual members suggests a more juvenile attachment.Broadcasting it to adults like schoolyard gossip is only going to elicit one reaction:abject derision! Why this is difficult to understand is beyond me.

Not unlike your childish tactics of changing pictures with humorless slams or making childish comments to everyone who has an opinion on this site...

This is not a pre-teen fansite.Grow up.Instead of certain individuals coming back with something smug and dismissive,why dont they listen to the bulk of the members on this forum.I am NOT a lone voice,nor do I dislike ELP.

To take a point from either Jim or Dan... Hello Mr. Kettle, this is Black calling.... This is a forum for discussion on prog music.  I think I've proven the fact that I can discuss prog music and other bands besides ELP.  Here's where your problem lies... you worry more about my sex life than anyone else on here. I don't remember you saying anything against sexual connotations regarding Phil Collins children... or Roger Waters children... or any of the guys fantasies about the girls from Magenta, Kate Bush, Annie Haslam.. or any of the others...  No you don't notice the male talk of sex, just mine.... WHY IS THAT????  Again, this all comes back to your obsession with me!

Rationalise it even further:if ELP are so good,why did they go bankrupt all those years ago?

What does financial success have to do with the quality of the music...  To tell you the truth, why they almost went bankrupt.. besides the fact that they took an orchestra out on the road... was because they had a really sucky manager...

All the band members are still alive and do not appear to have fallen out.

What???  Have you not been listening...  Keith Emerson and Greg Lake have a falling out that measures right up there with David Gilmour and Roger Waters.... shows how little you really know about them... and again how little you know about which you speak...

So why are they not a viable marketable commodity? Rush can do it,even Yes can.This is the same audience! You love them, good for you.Logic,in the absence of something more tangible,suggests that they are neither the best,nor the most popular.You enjoy them,fine.
Save the fanclub stuff for the bands website where it belongs.Smile Please!Confused

As soon as you stop the fan stuff on Rush... and the rest of the site does on Genesis and Yes.. then I'll think about it...

P.S.  You are not my father or my boyfriend... and should stop trying to act as such!!!


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 11:58
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

Maybe because we dont seek sexual relationships with our favourite bands!Confused

Your green monster is showing again...  

Loving someone's music is one thing but being besotted with the individual members suggests a more juvenile attachment.Broadcasting it to adults like schoolyard gossip is only going to elicit one reaction:abject derision! Why this is difficult to understand is beyond me.

Not unlike your childish tactics of changing pictures with humorless slams or making childish comments to everyone who has an opinion on this site...

This is not a pre-teen fansite.Grow up.Instead of certain individuals coming back with something smug and dismissive,why dont they listen to the bulk of the members on this forum.I am NOT a lone voice,nor do I dislike ELP.

To take a point from either Jim or Dan... Hello Mr. Kettle, this is Black calling.... This is a forum for discussion on prog music.  I think I've proven the fact that I can discuss prog music and other bands besides ELP.  Here's where your problem lies... you worry more about my sex life than anyone else on here. I don't remember you saying anything against sexual connotations regarding Phil Collins children... or Roger Waters children... or any of the guys fantasies about the girls from Magenta, Kate Bush, Annie Haslam.. or any of the others...  No you don't notice the male talk of sex, just mine.... WHY IS THAT????  Again, this all comes back to your obsession with me!

Rationalise it even further:if ELP are so good,why did they go bankrupt all those years ago?

What does financial success have to do with the quality of the music...  To tell you the truth, why they almost went bankrupt.. besides the fact that they took an orchestra out on the road... was because they had a really sucky manager...

All the band members are still alive and do not appear to have fallen out.

What???  Have you not been listening...  Keith Emerson and Greg Lake have a falling out that measures right up there with David Gilmour and Roger Waters.... shows how little you really know about them... and again how little you know about which you speak...

So why are they not a viable marketable commodity? Rush can do it,even Yes can.This is the same audience! You love them, good for you.Logic,in the absence of something more tangible,suggests that they are neither the best,nor the most popular.You enjoy them,fine.
Save the fanclub stuff for the bands website where it belongs.Smile Please!Confused

As soon as you stop the fan stuff on Rush... and the rest of the site does on Genesis and Yes.. then I'll think about it...

P.S.  You are not my father or my boyfriend... and should stop trying to act as such!!!


Ridiculous over-reaction at what is basically a problem with another member,who does not understand the kerfuffle over ELP on this site.If that final statement was an attempt to provoke me,then it has failed miserably.What on earth makes you think I am obsessed with you?LOLEmbarrassed
I have not got and never will have an oedipus complex!Tongue

Answer this question,indulge me for once:




Do you think karnevil9 is normal?LOLLOLLOL


Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 11:59
Threefates got a boyfriend 

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:07
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

[QUOTE=Reed Lover]

Maybe because we dont seek sexual relationships with our favourite bands!Confused

Your green monster is showing again...  

Loving someone's music is one thing but being besotted with the individual members suggests a more juvenile attachment.Broadcasting it to adults like schoolyard gossip is only going to elicit one reaction:abject derision! Why this is difficult to understand is beyond me.

Not unlike your childish tactics of changing pictures with humorless slams or making childish comments to everyone who has an opinion on this site...

Ridiculous over-reaction at what is basically a problem with another member,who does not understand the kerfuffle over ELP on this site.If that final statement was an attempt to provoke me,then it has failed miserably.What on earth makes you think I am obsessed with you?LOLEmbarrassed
I have not got and never will have an oedipus complex!Tongue

Answer this question,indulge me for once:

Do you think karnevil9 is normal?LOLLOLLOL

So in your "problem with another member"... you need to mention my sexual relationships??? and you wonder why I think you're obsessed with me???? 

And regarding the oedipus complex... thats not what your wife says...

Regarding Karnevil9... he seems just as normal to me as you do....


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:07


Why dont you have a word with your guard dog.He seems to be the one who wants to "mother" you,add an "s" and you will find the only thing I'd want to do with you!Wink

Blazing your grubby sexual relationships with various rock artists across these forums is not my doing!
You have written these things and I, or anyone else on this forum for that matter,am entitled to use this in an argument about ELP obsession and the motives thereof.

The kindest thing I could say is that you are speaking with your heart,not your brain.
I suggest you start using the latter.Confused

Ps My wife is aware of these posts-let's just say she's in no hurry to get a makeover.Wink


Posted By: Sweetnighter
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:10

There are kids in my high school class who act more maturely than this!

I bleed coffee. When I don't drink coffee, my veins run dry, and I shrivel up and die.
"Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso? Is that like the bank of Italian soccer death or something?" -my girlfriend

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:15

Originally posted by Sweetnighter Sweetnighter wrote:

There are kids in my high school class who act more maturely than this!

You must really look forward to school then!GeekConfused


By the way schoolie it is "more mature"LOL



Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:19
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:


Why dont you have a word with your guard dog.He seems to be the one who wants to "mother" you,add an "s" and you will find the only thing I'd want to do with you!Wink

No, actually he acts as a big brother to me... you on the otherhand, are like the big bully in the playground that wants to pull my pigtails to get my attention.  You continually show the miniscule level of your maturity....

Blazing your grubby sexual relationships with various rock artists across these forums is not my doing! You have written these things and I, or anyone else on this forum for that matter,am entitled to use this in an argument about ELP obsession and the motives thereof.

First off, my sexual relationships were never grubby.. the fact that you would say something like that proves you've retained more of your catholic heritage than you would like to admit. Second, you've mentioned my sexual relationships a lot more than I have... your obsession, not mine.  Also I don't doubt that if Alex Lifeson asked you drop to your knees before him, you would be hitting the floor like a ton of bricks...

The kindest thing I could say is that you are speaking with your heart,not your brain.
I suggest you start using the latter.Confused

Unlike you, I use both.  I'm female remember... oh yeh, you don't know what that means!!!

Ps My wife is aware of these posts-let's just say she's in no hurry to get a makeover.Wink

Sure she is....



Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:21

BTW.. don't think I don't realize that you do this because no one else will debate with you here anymore.. and you really only have these little tittats with me... I'm only happy to oblige since you seem to have nothing else...


Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:23
Threefates:  Go suck on a part of Greg, that you haven´t sucked on yet 

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: Sweetnighter
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:24
Originally posted by Velvetclown Velvetclown wrote:

Threefates:  Go suck on a part of Greg, that you haven´t sucked on yet 

Velvetclown.... always the voice of reason!

I bleed coffee. When I don't drink coffee, my veins run dry, and I shrivel up and die.
"Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso? Is that like the bank of Italian soccer death or something?" -my girlfriend

Posted By: The-Bullet
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:25
Usually not a great lover of soaps, but I can't help tuning in to this one


"Why say it cannot be done.....they'd be better doing pop songs?"

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:26
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:


Why dont you have a word with your guard dog.He seems to be the one who wants to "mother" you,add an "s" and you will find the only thing I'd want to do with you!Wink

No, actually he acts as a big brother to me... you on the otherhand, are like the big bully in the playground that wants to pull my pigtails to get my attention.  You continually show the miniscule level of your maturity....

Blazing your grubby sexual relationships with various rock artists across these forums is not my doing! You have written these things and I, or anyone else on this forum for that matter,am entitled to use this in an argument about ELP obsession and the motives thereof.

First off, my sexual relationships were never grubby.. the fact that you would say something like that proves you've retained more of your catholic heritage than you would like to admit. Second, you've mentioned my sexual relationships a lot more than I have... your obsession, not mine.  Also I don't doubt that if Alex Lifeson asked you drop to your knees before him, you would be hitting the floor like a ton of bricks...

The kindest thing I could say is that you are speaking with your heart,not your brain.
I suggest you start using the latter.Confused

Unlike you, I use both.  I'm female remember... oh yeh, you don't know what that means!!!

Ps My wife is aware of these posts-let's just say she's in no hurry to get a makeover.Wink

Sure she is.... [color=pink]reading right now actually[/colour]


So leaning against a PA stack with an audience is not grubby?Shockedunless of course,your previous posts on this subject were exaggerated in some way

I would say that there are very few cultures/religions would accept this as non-promiscuous behaviour.Swingers or hedonists on the other hand....

So go on,why did you tell everyone that you were a groupie?Wink



Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:27

Originally posted by Velvetclown Velvetclown wrote:

Threefates:  Go suck on a part of Greg, that you haven´t sucked on yet 

That would be impossible.. theres not a part of him I haven't tasted...


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:29
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Originally posted by Velvetclown Velvetclown wrote:

Threefates:  Go suck on a part of Greg, that you haven´t sucked on yet 

That would be impossible.. theres not a part of him I haven't tasted...


And all the other things a rock star never reserves for his groupies!Wink


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:31
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

So leaning against a PA stack with an audience is not grubby?Shockedunless of course,your previous posts on this subject were exaggerated in some way

No, it was not grubby... it was hotter than hell!!

I would say that there are very few cultures/religions would accept this as non-promiscuous behaviour.Swingers or hedonists on the other hand....

I don't know... I seem to be one of millions here in NYC... also seemed to be one of millions in London...  There were a ton of young girls at that Astoria Progeny show that reminded me of me.. and would do just about anything to get there hands on Gary Chandler...

So go on,why did you tell everyone that you were a groupie?Wink

I was a groupie... and proud of it... the question is why does that bother you so??


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:33
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:


And all the other things a rock star never reserves for his groupies!Wink

I did get respect and loyalty..... cause there are some things I do very very well....

Fidelity.. is highly overrated.. and misunderstood...



Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:34
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

So leaning against a PA stack with an audience is not grubby?Shockedunless of course,your previous posts on this subject were exaggerated in some way

No, it was not grubby... it was hotter than hell!!

I would say that there are very few cultures/religions would accept this as non-promiscuous behaviour.Swingers or hedonists on the other hand....

I don't know... I seem to be one of millions here in NYC... also seemed to be one of millions in London...  There were a ton of young girls at that Astoria Progeny show that reminded me of me.. and would do just about anything to get there hands on Gary Chandler...

So go on,why did you tell everyone that you were a groupie?Wink

I was a groupie... and proud of it... the question is why does that bother you so??

It doesnt.But it is totally relevant to your opinion of ELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Wacko


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:35
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:


And all the other things a rock star never reserves for his groupies!Wink

I did get respect and loyalty..... cause there are some things I do very very well....

Fidelity.. is highly overrated.. and misunderstood...


I rest my case.

Hopefully this will explain to the newer members what all this over-promotion of ELP and the backlash against it,is all about.




Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:36
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

It doesnt.But it is totally relevant to your opinion of ELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Wacko

Hardly.. I was a huge ELP fan before I ever met them. Again you make inaccurate assumptions. 


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:42

I'll let anyone who is still reading this,judge that final statement.Embarrassed



Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:42
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:


And all the other things a rock star never reserves for his groupies!Wink

I did get respect and loyalty..... cause there are some things I do very very well....

Fidelity.. is highly overrated.. and misunderstood...

I rest my case.

Hopefully this will explain to the newer members what all this over-promotion of ELP and the backlash against it,is all about.


They already knew what it was about... YOu've proven youself over and over... and in more threads than this.

I started a legitimate thread regarding the music of ELP...for those like Frenchie who have never heard them...

YOu go and switch this from being a legitimate thread.. to a thread of attacks and generalizations about specific members.  You added no musical knowledge.. you added nothing of relevance... you just spewed inaccurate and uncalled for attacks.

If you can't add anything of relevance to a thread... then please don't join in.  You even promised me several weeks ago that you would not reply to any of my messages anymore.. and again you lied...

And you want to people to think there is something wrong with KE9.. Next to you, he's the sane one.


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:46




Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:46
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

I'll let anyone who is still reading this,judge that final statement.Embarrassed


Yeh, it won't be hard for them to recognize the drama queen around here... Are you sure you're really straight?? 


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:48
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

I'll let anyone who is still reading this,judge that final statement.Embarrassed


Yeh, it won't be hard for them to recognize the drama queen around here... Are you sure you're really straight?? 

This is getting quite desperate........Embarrassed













Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 12:52


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 13:16

Ignoring the space cadet above with illusions of grandeur... and illusions of having a life...

I'd like to return this thread to that which he is evidently the most threatened by... actual talk of the music.

In regard to those who haven't heard ELP before.. (ELP= actual prog band from the 70s... that is supposedly discussed on this board).

I've just found out that Keith Emerson is releasing a double cd soon of his solo works in the next few months.  It will be called "Hammer it Out"...




Posted By: frenchie
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 13:18
greg lake is so fat that when he bent over in public he got arrested for dealing crack.

ooh that reminds me, i might be getting a copy of "elp" from a friend! i can finally listen to this band and see what all the fuss is about.

The Worthless Recluse

Posted By: plodder
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 13:19
Does this forum has a lock for pointless threads?

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 13:24

Originally posted by plodder plodder wrote:

Does this forum has a lock for pointless threads?


Posted By: plodder
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 13:26


I'm soothing myself listening to Ten Years Gone.

Let the childishness carry on then

Posted By: Pixel Pirate
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 14:00

As someone who has been blessed/cursed with the libido of a Buddhist monk,I must say the groupie phenomenon baffled me for many years. Take this scenario: A man works as a mailman. He does not have screaming girls tearing his clothes off whenever he is seen in public. He then forms a rock band. They become very popular. Now this very same man has screaming girls tearing his clothes off whenever he is seen in public. The only thing that has changed is that he is now on a stage with a guitar as opposed to walking the streets carrying a mailbag. THAT'S THE ONLY DIFFERENCE. And yet it means going from being completely ignored by most women to becoming the sexiest man in the world. Mick Jagger is a very,very unattractive man. And if he had been Mick Jagger the accountant and not Mick Jagger the rockstar his sexlife would have dwindled to having sex occasionally with his wife,if he had been able to obtain one, looking like one of Dr. Frankenstein's failed experiments as he does. But since he is posturing about on a stage in front of a rock band he becomes unbelievably sexy to women who OTHERWISE WOULD HAVE IGNORED HIM COMPLETLY. This didn't make sense to me until I started reading zoology and anthropology. It's a well know fact that the female of most species that has what we would refer to as a mating ritual (not all species do) responds most favourably to the alpha male,ie. the male that somehow manages to stand out from the herd/flock/group. That is what all the fighting in the mating season is all about: Emerging as the strongest male so that the females want to mate with you. And the theory is that the reason why women find a man on a stage attractive for no other reason than that he is on that stage is that he has emerged as an alpha male,he stands out among the other males of the species as being someone of superior abilities to the other males. After all: He's up on that stage wowing thousands of people unlike the anymous everymen they meet everyday,that makes him special,he's managed something not so many males manage,it means he has superior genetic material,so they'll want to mate with him. It's why stags butt heads and it's why young men pick up electric guitars,the mating ritual is depressingly similar and familar. It's also the reason why women find men in powerful positions more attractive than men who aren't. It's the subconscious drive to seek out the best genetic material for her offspring,whether the female in question is a beetle,a goldfish or a woman. The reason women (well a lot of them anyway) deny this is quite simply as I said: It's a subconscious drive that rarely,if at all,surfaces into the conscious mind. Most of what we do is not based on conscious decisions but subconscious instincts genetically passed down the many generations since we first stood upright on the African plain and they still form the basis of most of our actions. Hence the groupie phenomenon. And now Threefates can refute this as I'm sure as an emancipated American woman who came of age in the 70's and 80's,brought up on feminist rubbish,she will do.

And this was far too much for me to write these days so I think I''ll have a lie down now.


Odi profanum vulgus et arceo.

Posted By: Cygnus X-2
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 14:34
Originally posted by Pixel Pirate Pixel Pirate wrote:

As someone who has been blessed/cursed with the libido of a Buddhist monk,I must say the groupie phenomenon baffled me for many years. Take this scenario: A man works as a mailman. He does not have screaming girls tearing his clothes off whenever he is seen in public. He then forms a rock band. They become very popular. Now this very same man has screaming girls tearing his clothes off whenever he is seen in public. The only thing that has changed is that he is now on a stage with a guitar as opposed to walking the streets carrying a mailbag. THAT'S THE ONLY DIFFERENCE. And yet it means going from being completely ignored by most women to becoming the sexiest man in the world. Mick Jagger is a very,very unattractive man. And if he had been Mick Jagger the accountant and not Mick Jagger the rockstar his sexlife would have dwindled to having sex occasionally with his wife,if he had been able to obtain one, looking like one of Dr. Frankenstein's failed experiments as he does. But since he is posturing about on a stage in front of a rock band he becomes unbelievably sexy to women who OTHERWISE WOULD HAVE IGNORED HIM COMPLETLY. This didn't make sense to me until I started reading zoology and anthropology. It's a well know fact that the female of most species that has what we would refer to as a mating ritual (not all species do) responds most favourably to the alpha male,ie. the male that somehow manages to stand out from the herd/flock/group. That is what all the fighting in the mating season is all about: Emerging as the strongest male so that the females want to mate with you. And the theory is that the reason why women find a man on a stage attractive for no other reason than that he is on that stage is that he has emerged as an alpha male,he stands out among the other males of the species as being someone of superior abilities to the other males. After all: He's up on that stage wowing thousands of people unlike the anymous everymen they meet everyday,that makes him special,he's managed something not so many males manage,it means he has superior genetic material,so they'll want to mate with him. It's why stags butt heads and it's why young men pick up electric guitars,the mating ritual is depressingly similar and familar. It's also the reason why women find men in powerful positions more attractive than men who aren't. It's the subconscious drive to seek out the best genetic material for her offspring,whether the female in question is a beetle,a goldfish or a woman. The reason women (well a lot of them anyway) deny this is quite simply as I said: It's a subconscious drive that rarely,if at all,surfaces into the conscious mind. Most of what we do is not based on conscious decisions but subconscious instincts genetically passed down the many generations since we first stood upright on the African plain and they still form the basis of most of our actions. Hence the groupie phenomenon. And now Threefates can refute this as I'm sure as an emancipated American woman who came of age in the 70's and 80's,brought up on feminist rubbish,she will do.

And this was far too much for me to write these days so I think I''ll have a lie down now.


Very Well written.

Originally posted by Pixel Pirate Pixel Pirate wrote:

 Mick Jagger is a very,very unattractive man.

Not to mention Keith Richards.


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 15:16

Could partially be true... but then not necessarily.  If that was all there was too it, I'd have gone after Keith Emerson instead..

Sorry, but you just don't understand women at all.  It has to do with our hearts.  I was 17 when I met Greg Lake for the first time.  It really wouldn't have mattered who or what he was, when he smiled at me the first time, my knees collapsed. The first time he called my name, my body quivered from head to toe.. and 30 years later I still remember it... He was just the most beautiful thing I had ever seen... I would have gone with him, if he had been a long shoreman on the docks..

And actually, as a man you might think that Mick Jagger is unattractive... and Keith Richards.. but there was a time, when they were really cute...




Posted By: Pixel Pirate
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 15:26
Originally posted by Cygnus X-2 Cygnus X-2 wrote:

Originally posted by Pixel Pirate Pixel Pirate wrote:

As someone who has been blessed/cursed with the libido of a Buddhist monk,I must say the groupie phenomenon baffled me for many years. Take this scenario: A man works as a mailman. He does not have screaming girls tearing his clothes off whenever he is seen in public. He then forms a rock band. They become very popular. Now this very same man has screaming girls tearing his clothes off whenever he is seen in public. The only thing that has changed is that he is now on a stage with a guitar as opposed to walking the streets carrying a mailbag. THAT'S THE ONLY DIFFERENCE. And yet it means going from being completely ignored by most women to becoming the sexiest man in the world. Mick Jagger is a very,very unattractive man. And if he had been Mick Jagger the accountant and not Mick Jagger the rockstar his sexlife would have dwindled to having sex occasionally with his wife,if he had been able to obtain one, looking like one of Dr. Frankenstein's failed experiments as he does. But since he is posturing about on a stage in front of a rock band he becomes unbelievably sexy to women who OTHERWISE WOULD HAVE IGNORED HIM COMPLETLY. This didn't make sense to me until I started reading zoology and anthropology. It's a well know fact that the female of most species that has what we would refer to as a mating ritual (not all species do) responds most favourably to the alpha male,ie. the male that somehow manages to stand out from the herd/flock/group. That is what all the fighting in the mating season is all about: Emerging as the strongest male so that the females want to mate with you. And the theory is that the reason why women find a man on a stage attractive for no other reason than that he is on that stage is that he has emerged as an alpha male,he stands out among the other males of the species as being someone of superior abilities to the other males. After all: He's up on that stage wowing thousands of people unlike the anymous everymen they meet everyday,that makes him special,he's managed something not so many males manage,it means he has superior genetic material,so they'll want to mate with him. It's why stags butt heads and it's why young men pick up electric guitars,the mating ritual is depressingly similar and familar. It's also the reason why women find men in powerful positions more attractive than men who aren't. It's the subconscious drive to seek out the best genetic material for her offspring,whether the female in question is a beetle,a goldfish or a woman. The reason women (well a lot of them anyway) deny this is quite simply as I said: It's a subconscious drive that rarely,if at all,surfaces into the conscious mind. Most of what we do is not based on conscious decisions but subconscious instincts genetically passed down the many generations since we first stood upright on the African plain and they still form the basis of most of our actions. Hence the groupie phenomenon. And now Threefates can refute this as I'm sure as an emancipated American woman who came of age in the 70's and 80's,brought up on feminist rubbish,she will do.

And this was far too much for me to write these days so I think I''ll have a lie down now.


Very Well written.

Originally posted by Pixel Pirate Pixel Pirate wrote:

 Mick Jagger is a very,very unattractive man.

Not to mention Keith Richards.

Keith Richards could have starred in any zombie movie and there would have been no need for makeup,yet all through the 60's,70's and 80's,the women who wanted to have sex with him are too numerous to list. They would not have wanted this if he had been an insurance salesman.

Odi profanum vulgus et arceo.

Posted By: Pixel Pirate
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 15:35
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Could partially be true... but then not necessarily.  If that was all there was too it, I'd have gone after Keith Emerson instead..

Sorry, but you just don't understand women at all.  It has to do with our hearts.  I was 17 when I met Greg Lake for the first time.  It really wouldn't have mattered who or what he was, when he smiled at me the first time, my knees collapsed. The first time he called my name, my body quivered from head to toe.. and 30 years later I still remember it... He was just the most beautiful thing I had ever seen... I would have gone with him, if he had been a long shoreman on the docks..

And actually, as a man you might think that Mick Jagger is unattractive... and Keith Richards.. but there was a time, when they were really cute...



Well,I wasn't thinking of you really,more groupies in general who,you can't deny,have sex with men who are famous for no other reason than that they are famous. And I wasn't advancing a pet theory of my own but relaying the latest thinking in zoology and anthropology. And if you're actually (or at least were) genuinely in love with Greg Lake,that's rather sweet. I'm a romantic at heart. But there's absolutely no doubt that the alpha male impulse is very strong in human females as it is in most females across the zoological spectrum.

Odi profanum vulgus et arceo.

Posted By: frenchie
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 15:39
Originally posted by Pixel Pirate Pixel Pirate wrote:

Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Could partially be true... but then not necessarily.  If that was all there was too it, I'd have gone after Keith Emerson instead..

Sorry, but you just don't understand women at all.  It has to do with our hearts.  I was 17 when I met Greg Lake for the first time.  It really wouldn't have mattered who or what he was, when he smiled at me the first time, my knees collapsed. The first time he called my name, my body quivered from head to toe.. and 30 years later I still remember it... He was just the most beautiful thing I had ever seen... I would have gone with him, if he had been a long shoreman on the docks..

And actually, as a man you might think that Mick Jagger is unattractive... and Keith Richards.. but there was a time, when they were really cute...



Well,I wasn't thinking of you really,more groupies in general who,you can't deny,have sex with men who are famous for no other reason than that they are famous. And I wasn't advancing a pet theory of my own but relaying the latest thinking in zoology and anthropology. And if you're actually (or at least were) genuinely in love with Greg Lake,that's rather sweet. I'm a romantic at heart. But there's absolutely no doubt that the alpha male impulse is very strong in human females as it is in most females across the zoological spectrum.

talk like that will only leave you sleeping on the couch

The Worthless Recluse

Posted By: Pixel Pirate
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 15:48
Originally posted by frenchie frenchie wrote:

Originally posted by Pixel Pirate Pixel Pirate wrote:

Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Could partially be true... but then not necessarily.  If that was all there was too it, I'd have gone after Keith Emerson instead..

Sorry, but you just don't understand women at all.  It has to do with our hearts.  I was 17 when I met Greg Lake for the first time.  It really wouldn't have mattered who or what he was, when he smiled at me the first time, my knees collapsed. The first time he called my name, my body quivered from head to toe.. and 30 years later I still remember it... He was just the most beautiful thing I had ever seen... I would have gone with him, if he had been a long shoreman on the docks..

And actually, as a man you might think that Mick Jagger is unattractive... and Keith Richards.. but there was a time, when they were really cute...



Well,I wasn't thinking of you really,more groupies in general who,you can't deny,have sex with men who are famous for no other reason than that they are famous. And I wasn't advancing a pet theory of my own but relaying the latest thinking in zoology and anthropology. And if you're actually (or at least were) genuinely in love with Greg Lake,that's rather sweet. I'm a romantic at heart. But there's absolutely no doubt that the alpha male impulse is very strong in human females as it is in most females across the zoological spectrum.

talk like that will only leave you sleeping on the couch

I have somehow managed to obtain a girfriend along the path of my life and she's never made me sleep on the couch. On the floor occasionally but never the couch.

Odi profanum vulgus et arceo.

Posted By: CrimsonKing
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 16:39
Originally posted by Hangedman Hangedman wrote:

Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

Why resurrect this thread Hangedman?.i would be quite happy to see it deleted.I wish some of you would stop baiting Karny deliberately.He is learning and will be a valuable poster on this forum I'm sure.He just lets his passion for ELP spill over wihich seems to result in a certain amount of baiting from other members of the forum.Perhaps it will help if I admit ELP are total crap and beg for forgivness on behalf of them for the terrible crimes theyv'e committed to music. I even created a thread so you could give ELP a good bashing.What more do you want?

I wasnt aware i resurected it..... and i like elp, just not IM LEAVING BECAUSE I CANT HANDLE OTHER PEOPLE OPINIONS threads.

Karny and 3fates are annoying because they are closeminded to other prog bands and don't promote them as vigorously. With 3fates it's all about Greg. Any newbie that joins the forum can spot that right away. It's tiresome.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 17:01
CrimsonKing wrote:

Karny and 3fates are annoying because they are closeminded to other prog bands and don't promote them as vigorously. With 3fates it's all about Greg. Any newbie that joins the forum can spot that right away. It's tiresome.

How many more times do i i have to say that i don't listern to ELP that much.I actually listern to many many other bands,mostly proto prog bands.Just that i find ELP to be the better band at that time...i think you'll find three fates has mentioned in a past thread that she also has appreciation of other bands.

Believe me i've started or added to threads  regarding other early prog bands i favour,but had no continuation..leads me to believe that many members in the room are either total oblivious of have never heard of these wheres that leave me over even attemping to start on about them...

I have a massive prog vinyl collection & equally massive knowlage of bands that seems to be very much wasted in the room...So how am i close minded!

Being confronted everyday with threads started about non-prog bands of new fangled bands which people think they can pass as that's tiresome.


Posted By: frenchie
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 17:06
Originally posted by Karnevil9 Karnevil9 wrote:

CrimsonKing wrote:

Karny and 3fates are annoying because they are closeminded to other prog bands and don't promote them as vigorously. With 3fates it's all about Greg. Any newbie that joins the forum can spot that right away. It's tiresome.

How many more times do i i have to say that i don't listern to ELP that much.I actually listern to many many other bands,mostly proto prog bands.Just that i find ELP to be the better band at that time...i think you'll find three fates has mentioned in a past thread that she also has appreciation of other bands.

Believe me i've started or added to threads  regarding other early prog bands i favour,but had no continuation..leads me to believe that many members in the room are either total oblivious of have never heard of these wheres that leave me over even attemping to start on about them...

I have a massive prog vinyl collection & equally massive knowlage of bands that seems to be very much wasted in the room...So how am i close minded!

Being confronted everyday with threads started about non-prog bands of new fangled bands which people think they can pass as that's tiresome.


you think you have problems, i had to have my penis amputated!

The Worthless Recluse

Posted By: frenchie
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 17:07
end of.

The Worthless Recluse

Posted By: CrimsonKing
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 17:13
Originally posted by Karnevil9 Karnevil9 wrote:

CrimsonKing wrote:

Karny and 3fates are annoying because they are closeminded to other prog bands and don't promote them as vigorously. With 3fates it's all about Greg. Any newbie that joins the forum can spot that right away. It's tiresome.

How many more times do i i have to say that i don't listern to ELP that much.I actually listern to many many other bands,mostly proto prog bands.Just that i find ELP to be the better band at that time...i think you'll find three fates has mentioned in a past thread that she also has appreciation of other bands.


Everytime you post you are promoting ELP with that logo. A lot of newbies get first impressions. My advice to you is to start promoting some of these less well known proto prog bands that prolly need as much attention as they can get.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 17:14

frenchie wrote:

you think you have problems, i had to have my penis amputated!


You poor B*****d...


Posted By: frenchie
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 17:16
thats right... i am living proof that a man still still survive after having his head cut off

The Worthless Recluse

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 17:21

Originally posted by frenchie frenchie wrote:

thats right... i am living proof that a man still still survive after having his head cut off

dang,just beat me to it.........LOL

anyway,I thought you got itchy feet in February and "was never seen again..........?"Wink


Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 17:21
Originally posted by CrimsonKing CrimsonKing wrote:

Originally posted by Karnevil9 Karnevil9 wrote:

CrimsonKing wrote:

Karny and 3fates are annoying because they are closeminded to other prog bands and don't promote them as vigorously. With 3fates it's all about Greg. Any newbie that joins the forum can spot that right away. It's tiresome.

How many more times do i i have to say that i don't listern to ELP that much.I actually listern to many many other bands,mostly proto prog bands.Just that i find ELP to be the better band at that time...i think you'll find three fates has mentioned in a past thread that she also has appreciation of other bands.


Everytime you post you are promoting ELP with that logo. A lot of newbies get first impressions. My advice to you is to start promoting some of these less well known proto prog bands that prolly need as much attention as they can get.

KE9: if you lose the logo, learn to left-justify instead of center, and use a decent-sized font. I promise I'll never bad-mouth you again!


Posted By: frenchie
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 17:23
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

Originally posted by frenchie frenchie wrote:

thats right... i am living proof that a man still still survive after having his head cut off

dang,just beat me to it.........LOL

anyway,I thought you got itchy feet in February and "was never seen again..........?"Wink


The Worthless Recluse

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 17:23
Originally posted by James Lee James Lee wrote:

Originally posted by CrimsonKing CrimsonKing wrote:

Originally posted by Karnevil9 Karnevil9 wrote:

CrimsonKing wrote:

Karny and 3fates are annoying because they are closeminded to other prog bands and don't promote them as vigorously. With 3fates it's all about Greg. Any newbie that joins the forum can spot that right away. It's tiresome.

How many more times do i i have to say that i don't listern to ELP that much.I actually listern to many many other bands,mostly proto prog bands.Just that i find ELP to be the better band at that time...i think you'll find three fates has mentioned in a past thread that she also has appreciation of other bands.


Everytime you post you are promoting ELP with that logo. A lot of newbies get first impressions. My advice to you is to start promoting some of these less well known proto prog bands that prolly need as much attention as they can get.

KE9: if you lose the logo, learn to left-justify instead of center, and use a decent-sized font. I promise I'll never bad-mouth you again!

and use a spell-checker,get a face lift,and a sense of humour and humility,stop sending unsolicited emails to forum members............................that's what i like about you K9..........












.................bugger all !LOL


Posted By: frenchie
Date Posted: March 13 2005 at 17:26
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

Originally posted by James Lee James Lee wrote:

Originally posted by CrimsonKing CrimsonKing wrote:

Originally posted by Karnevil9 Karnevil9 wrote:

CrimsonKing wrote:

Karny and 3fates are annoying because they are closeminded to other prog bands and don't promote them as vigorously. With 3fates it's all about Greg. Any newbie that joins the forum can spot that right away. It's tiresome.

How many more times do i i have to say that i don't listern to ELP that much.I actually listern to many many other bands,mostly proto prog bands.Just that i find ELP to be the better band at that time...i think you'll find three fates has mentioned in a past thread that she also has appreciation of other bands.


Everytime you post you are promoting ELP with that logo. A lot of newbies get first impressions. My advice to you is to start promoting some of these less well known proto prog bands that prolly need as much attention as they can get.

KE9: if you lose the logo, learn to left-justify instead of center, and use a decent-sized font. I promise I'll never bad-mouth you again!

and use a spell-checker,get a face lift,and a sense of humour and humility,stop sending unsolicited emails to forum members............................that's what i like about you K9..........












.................bugger all !LOL

haha, you got admit K9, he sure has a sense of humour!

The Worthless Recluse

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