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What`s The Point of Reviews

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Topic: What`s The Point of Reviews
Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Subject: What`s The Point of Reviews
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 10:45
With all the new technology just about any recording you care to name can be obtained through cyberspace either by streaming them or pirating them if you`re good enough with computers, which is what a friend of mine does. I don`t agree with it , but I was over at his house over the weekend and just to test his claim that he could download just about anything I started naming songs from lesser known prog bands such as Eiliff, Pell Mell, Gate, P.Mobil, FRUUPP, Ruphus etc. etc. and sure enough he got everything I could name off the top of my head almost instantly.
I`ve written 150 or so reviews on this site and try to write reviews for records or CDs which haven`t got that many reviews trying to stay away from stuff like Discipline or DSOTM which have dozens upon dozens of critiques. I`ve said this in the past on this site, when I started out collecting music it was go out and buy the album and hope for the best . If you were lucky maybe you would see a review in one of the few record guides that were available or in magazines like NME or Rolling Stone. If you can hear the whole thing on your computer why read someone else`s lowdown?
Don`t get me wrong, I find it interesting to hear what someone else has to say about an album I`ve had for years or will actually read  reviews at random in hopes of discovering  that  "new band".
So what`s the point of reviews? Are they just redundant or just simply entertaining?


Posted By: lighthouse
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 10:53
Man ... so much in this thread  I only wish I had the time to respond properly, I do believe that reviews are a great way to express on a mini soap box what I always wanted to say, even though the review I`m writing is totally subjective..  when I read a review I accept that opinion of the writer but I keep an open mind ..  sometimes there's some really good points I never thought about .   
Sometimes when I read certain reviews I want to punch the guy who wrote it  sometimes I get very annoyed  Ouch

Posted By: Firefly
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 10:56

I prefer to know a little about the reviewer's taste, so I know how to weigh the opinion.  Depending on the site, that's not always possible, but I find it helps a lot.  Especially if you find one that's somewhat in the ballpark of your own likes and dislikes. 

Posted By: Philéas
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 11:01
If one has a bad internet connection so that downloading takes time, reviews still serve a purpose. Wasting a lot of time downloading something disappointing isn't very nice.

Posted By: man@arms
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 11:06

Even though most reviews will have a certain amount of bias in them, I still enjoy reading them to gauge whether or not I would be interested in buying the album.  For albums I already own I will read the review to see whether I agree or disagree with the comments made by another.  Reviews are helpful, but nobody should take them as fact.  Listen and decide for yourself I say.

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 11:07
There's just too much to listen to ... dozens of albums are being released every month, not to mention all the albums that were released in the last decades. You can use reviews and ratings to find some candidates which you then check out. This is what I do: I read two good German music magazines. They review most albums that are being released, and each month I go through the review section and note albums which could be worth checking out. That way I save a lot of time, and get a good overview of what's being released.

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Posted By: Aspiring hope
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 11:33
If with technological development towards the more extensive and accessive propagation of info, that contemporary communication offers with internet, the reviews are relieved of their more exclusive purpose in spreading the artists' work, then maybe their most prominent and genuine function, now, is to verbalize our impressions of what traverses our ears, minds and lives, to turn an abstract idea into a visible and concrete expression, and to express the social component that music carries with it - since every human being finds the need of social interaction and expression, he/she shares with the world his/her exciting discovery, reason of bliss and admiration or outrage and disgust; and to formalize, structure these thoughts and impressions, are reviews, on sites, magazines or even just scribbled on a misplaced paper at home.
Still, imo, it's perfectly agreeable that no matter how large and accessively the songs are difused for one to listen to, you still need a hint at where to start and that's where reviews come in: not only letting you know what unanimously (or not) is considered quality music, through ratings, it furthers its appreciation through words of experience, allowing you to identify with or reject the album, song or band that you read and speculate is more or less likely to please you.


This is why you should let Robin save the day...

Posted By: mystic fred
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 11:42
You're right about buying albums in the past, Ian, you could only rely on music paper reviews or if you were lucky a mate had a copy you could hear. If you bought a duff album you could hardly take it back to the shop, as they would question you with the utmost suspicion for even thinking about it.Shocked
These days if you wish to keep on the right side of the law regarding piracy we are lucky to have the internet at our disposal for many sources of sound samples and reviews, and there are hundreds to read on PA including your hard work, so keep writing!Smile

Prog Archives Tour Van

Posted By: Chicapah
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 11:53
I believe it's important to bear in mind that the reviews here will still be read 25+ years from now and by then who knows what restrictions may have been imposed on access to music.  The human element can't be replaced and I will always find it interesting to see what someone else thought of an album whether it influences my opinion or not.  While some have the time to download hundreds of songs to sample I would venture that most don't have that luxury and the ability to come to this site, look up an album or artist and get a fair assessment within ten minutes is extremely valuable.

"Literature is well enough, as a time-passer, and for the improvement and general elevation and purification of mankind, but it has no practical value" - Mark Twain

Posted By: progismylife
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 11:58
I read a lot of reviews for a few reasons:

1. I want to know someone's opinion on an album I'll take a look at the review, if it's not there I try to encourage the person to write a review for that album if they have it. (well only for velveteers)
2. I find out about a band that is new to me, so I check the reviews to see what people have to say about the album. I usually end up buying the album but I now have a general idea of what I'm going to listen to.
3. I don't download music too much and I like buying CDs so reviews are always helpful for finding out which album from a band is the best one to get if I have limited money, which is constantly.
4. I like reading opinions on albums I already have to see how much I agree with the people on PA
5. If I'm writing a review I make sure I read every review for that album (well except for cases where there are more than 150 reviews - then I don't bother cause there are too many) so I can see if my review would be helpful or if I can add anything in my review which could make it different from other reviews or to make sure I don't say something in a similar way to a reviewer that could cause suspicion of plagiarism.

Posted By: The T
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 12:17
I write reviews (now 67 of them) because:
1. I just love to write about music.
2. I'm crazy enough to think that somebody will ever read them
3. For some reason, I feel the need to have a big history of reviews behind me...that was specially useful when I was going to study journalism..
4. I can write very well in my own language, and I want to improve my english for it to become at least 50% as good as my spanish.
5. I love to give my opinion in music.
6. When I find an album I really like, sometimes I feel the urge to explain why to somebody.
7. When I find an album I despise, I feel the need to give my opinion.
8. The last one augmented by 100 if the album I dislike is one that has gotten too many good reviews. Sorry, when I see something that is way overrated for my taste, I have to say it. (you know what).
9. I just love to write about things I care.
10. See my signature. I'd like to be considered...CryTongueWinkBig%20smileSmileLOL
Thank you for your patience and kindness.


Posted By: progismylife
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 12:18
^^You forgot:

11. So I can ruthlessly bash Kayo DotEvil%20Smile


Posted By: kazansky
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 12:30
actually i started writting a review just for fun... i'm quite bored and decided to try writting one. for now, i'm writting reviews to learn how to express your feeling toward an album, and to improve my english as well

it's good if someone actually did helped by my reviews, though i'm not expecting anything but a few from them...

as for reading reviews... i always like to find out the good and the bad points of an album...what's special about it,etc...

The devil we blame our atrocities on is really just each one of us.

Posted By: Dick Heath
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 12:32
Originally posted by mystic fred mystic fred wrote:

You're right about buying albums in the past, Ian, you could only rely on music paper reviews or if you were lucky a mate had a copy you could hear. If you bought a duff album you could hardly take it back to the shop, as they would question you with the utmost suspicion for even thinking about it.Shocked
These days if you wish to keep on the right side of the law regarding piracy we are lucky to have the internet at our disposal for many sources of sound samples and reviews, and there are hundreds to read on PA including your hard work, so keep writing!Smile
Absolutely - or you could be sheep-like and preorder many weeks prior to the release date, because you had the band's previous album(s) and naive enough to believe the next one would be at least as good. Doing that twice and getting IMHO the bands' worst albums, cured me of that type of optimistic purchasing. As a result there were quite a few holes in my collections because neither having  an accessible review nor radio play at te time (therefore unawarenes s of release)  or most importantly being broke. Old age and increased purchasing power and huge number of back catalogue albums now on CD, have allowed a lot of catching up. These have been often purchased having heard friends'  LPs 20 ro 30 years ago, then often borrowed to be copied on to reel to reel then cassette.

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Posted By: enteredwinter
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 13:03
I am completely dependent on reviews, both the ones here and elsewhere.

The dilemma is this: there are probably literally a million+ options when it comes to finding new albums to listen to (in general, not just prog). How does one know where to look? For me, I turn to reviews, and the ones on this site are great because people here in general have good taste.

So, I only check out the higher-rated stuff, and without reviews, I'd have very little idea what to listen to. There's only so much time and money any individual can spend on music, and directing that time and money to the best stuff is almost always dependent on other people's opinions, whether it is by review or word-of-mouth. Even if you are one of those illegal-downloading people, you still need to know what you want to download ... you're not going to just do it randomly!

The drawback is that there may be many albums that have low ratings that I might enjoy a lot, but will never experience. Still, though, my way of looking for new music has led me to discover so much good stuff that I'm not very worried about that downside.


Posted By: superprog
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 13:05
Aspiring hope wrote:
If with technological development towards the more extensive and accessive propagation of info, that contemporary communication offers with internet, the reviews are relieved of their more exclusive purpose in spreading the artists' work, then maybe their most prominent and genuine function, now, is to verbalize our impressions of what traverses our ears, minds and lives, to turn an abstract idea into a visible and concrete expression, and to express the social component that music carries with it - since every human being finds the need of social interaction and expression, he/she shares with the world his/her exciting discovery, reason of bliss and admiration or outrage and disgust; and to formalize, structure these thoughts and impressions, are reviews, on sites, magazines or even just scribbled on a misplaced paper at home.

Very well put!!!  Reviewing shldnt just be a buying guide or track by track description of what it sounds like BUT telling the reader about what this album means to you, does to you, what are the qualities in it that make so etc etc etc...........thats the beauty and romance and mystery of rock n' fookin roll my friends!!!!

Posted By: Arsillus
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 13:13
Originally posted by Philéas Philéas wrote:

If one has a bad internet connection so that downloading takes time, reviews still serve a purpose. Wasting a lot of time downloading something disappointing isn't very nice.

It's better than wasting your money on something disappointing.

Posted By: Frippertron
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 13:48

Reviews are a good way of knowing what the majority think of an album, but sometimes it can backfire terribly.. Rush - Snakes and Arrows being a good case, folk who have heard it state how great it is, so being a total Rush fan I purchase the album, and now wish I hadnt.. the worst pile of crap I have heard in a long time!

On the other side you have reviews on Porcupine Tree "Fear of A Blank Planet", I downloaded tracks from various albums by then, made me think that PT could be a good purchase.  Went out and bought it from recommendation from this site, and 10/10 for a great choice.
I think you have to check who are reviewing the albums, if the names are known within the site and how fair they have reviewed albums in the past.
Now I am on a witch hunt for those positive review of snakes and arrows lol.

The Cheerful Insanity of Prog Rock

Posted By: progismylife
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 13:51

It hasn't even been officially released!

How did you buy it? Confused

And you shouldn't trust reviews on an album before it is officially released because you have no idea to what they were listening to when they wrote the review.

Posted By: salmacis
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 14:01
^It has been released in the UK today. I picked mine up today. I'm certainly not going to review it now but I'm very impressed so far...

Posted By: Wilcey
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 14:12
Originally posted by Vibrationbaby Vibrationbaby wrote:

With all the new technology just about any recording you care to name can be obtained through cyberspace either by streaming them or pirating them if you`re good enough with computers, which is what a friend of mine does. I don`t agree with it , but I was over at his house over the weekend and just to test his claim that he could download just about anything I started naming songs from lesser known prog bands such as Eiliff, Pell Mell, Gate, P.Mobil, FRUUPP, Ruphus etc. etc. and sure enough he got everything I could name off the top of my head almost instantly.I`ve written 150 or so reviews on this site and try to write reviews for records or CDs which haven`t got that many reviews trying to stay away from stuff like Discipline or DSOTM which have dozens upon dozens of critiques. I`ve said this in the past on this site, when I started out collecting music it was go out and buy the album and hope for the best . If you were lucky maybe you would see a review in one of the few record guides that were available or in magazines like NME or Rolling Stone. If you can hear the whole thing on your computer why read someone else`s lowdown?Don`t get me wrong, I find it interesting to hear what someone else has to say about an album I`ve had for years or will actually read  reviews at random in hopes of discovering  that  "new band". So what`s the point of reviews? Are they just redundant or just simply entertaining?

The point of reviews?
To hear the opinions of your peers rather than steal from your heroes.

I make up my own mind wether or not to buy an album, but once I understand another persons likes and dislike I will sometimes take advice from them. I sometimes buy a turkey. It happens. I will go to a band's official website and listen to what ever is available. I enjoy reading the reviews of albums I already own, I am constantly fascinated by the differing way many people hear something.


Posted By: Philéas
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 14:19
Originally posted by Arsillus Arsillus wrote:

It's better than wasting your money on something disappointing.

Of course it is, but my argument wasn't anti-filesharing, but pro-reviews. Wink

Posted By: Wilcey
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 14:24
Originally posted by Arsillus Arsillus wrote:

It's better than wasting your money on something disappointing.

Better for who???
Certainly not the musicians who try to earn a living out of album sales.

Posted By: Frippertron
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 14:34
I got Rush "Snakes and Arrows" today (Released in UK).
I do hope it grows on me, but I am so disappointed

The Cheerful Insanity of Prog Rock

Posted By: Atomic_Rooster
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 15:16
Pigk, so you think that reviews arn't important because we can get free songs online?  well... in tht case, maybe someone could get me Hoyry-Kone's first album... but that's besides the point.  I find reviews to be valuable because I have no opinion about music whatsoever and I need someone to tell me what to think.

Seriously, I find reviews valuable, because there are MILLIONS if not BILLIONS of songs available, and I don't have time to listen to ALL OF THEM to find a few minutes of songs I enjoy.  For example:  Say there is an album that is by a band I've heard of, but the album is one song that runs 80 minutes.  38 reviews say that it is the worst song in the history of the world, and I respect many of the people who wrote the reviews, so I'm not going to waste my time listening to 80 minutes of trash just because it's free.

I am but a servant of the mighty Fripp, the sound of whose loins shall forever be upon the tongues of his followers.

Posted By: Wilcey
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 15:22
Originally posted by Atomic_Rooster Atomic_Rooster wrote:

so you think that reviews arn't important because we can get free songs

See the thing is although we all know we can get free stuff on line..... we do all know that it constitutes theft from the artist don't we? We are all clear about that aren't we? This is an activity that is not condoned in any shape or form, that it directly effects the artists you claim to admire in an extremely detrimental way? We are all sure on this aren't we???

It is the best way to totally disrespect, anger, and put out of business the bands. If you want a world without music go ahead and download, but to keep it coming it needs to be paid for.

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 16:02
One thing that does boggle my mind as some people have pointed out here is where do people find time to download all this music and how do they find time to enjoy the music that they`ve downloaded? Do they live on their computer? These people are not really getting it for free but paying for it in time ( time = $$$ ) and in the process taking the livley-hood away from the bands as prog-chick pointed out. I remember when the problem in the industry was cassette taping but now it`s taken on a whole other dimension.Disapprove


Posted By: Frippertron
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 16:18
Yes, the thing is with cassette taping was the quality was always quite bad. so you had to go out and purchase the vinyl.. then of course the vinyl became scratched and started to jump so you had to save your money to get a CD player, with which you bought it on CD (For the huge price they were back then).  Then it gets remastered for a lot less than you paid for it.. So you pull your hair out, cry like a baby, and download it (from which of course you spent a fortune getting a PC).. then you get a virus with your PC..
I suppose there is an easier way.

The Cheerful Insanity of Prog Rock

Posted By: Atomic_Rooster
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 16:22
Originally posted by Frippertron Frippertron wrote:

I suppose there is an easier way.

Develop an audio/visual/photographic memory and go to see the bands you like once and think about it a lot.

I am but a servant of the mighty Fripp, the sound of whose loins shall forever be upon the tongues of his followers.

Posted By: Frippertron
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 16:28
But when I have to tell my friend about the band.. Do I just stand there humming away ? lol

The Cheerful Insanity of Prog Rock

Posted By: Ghandi 2
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 16:33
Because not everyone pirates music (I think more prog fans buy their albums than other rock music fans), and I imagine it would be quite difficult to find a torrent of some of the more obscure albums here. Sure, you have to pay for it, but if you're reasonably sure you will enjoy it it's worth the risk. Or something.

Posted By: Frippertron
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 16:41

Joking apart, there are quite a few indie shops around where I live, and they have Listening Posts.. So you can pick up the obscure stuff and listen it to it on headphones.

Quite a few times I have smiled to myself on purchasing stuff that I hadnt a clue about.
If its Repertoire Records or Inside Out Records, I always thought give them a listen.

The Cheerful Insanity of Prog Rock

Posted By: Philéas
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 16:48
Prog chick, out of curiosity, what do you think of downloading music by an artist who don't care if his/her music is downloaded? And what do you think of the fact that many people buy far more albums after they started downloading music illegally than they did before they started downloading?

Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 17:12
Another thread that is already degenerating due to the debate about downloading......


Posted By: Wilcey
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 17:16
Originally posted by Philéas Philéas wrote:

Prog chick, out of curiosity, what do you think of downloading music by an artist who don't care if his/her music is downloaded? And what do you think of the fact that many people buy far more albums after they started downloading music illegally than they did before they started downloading?

This theory is based on what? your experience?
I can tell you it DOES damage and drastically effect sales. Damaged sales lead to bands deciding to call it a day, or going back to the day job, if your fav band goes back to the day job you can kiss goodbye to long tours or albums.
IF a band doesn't mind, and wants you to have it for free then they will probably give you access via their own site.
If there is no free access via their own site, but rather there is a web-shop then I suggest that it is because they wish to SELL their music.

There is too much guff about the price of a cd, the price you pay isn't the piece of plastic, it's the unpaid year or two it took to write it, to produce it, to record it, to mix it, it's the money spent on engineers and artists and printers, it's the money spent on food and petrol whilst that long process goes on. Unless you are up there with the (very) big boys, (Genesis, Yes etc) then a musician earns less than a street sweeper, yet, you still find it acceptable to take stuff before you pay for it.

If you don't like a meal in a restaurant you still have to pay for it, even if it's not the taste you wanted, I find it SHAMEFUL that folk wil happily just D/L stuff.

Believe me it has a DRAMATIC effect, I will grant you that SOME folk D/L THEN buy, but the majority DO NOT.

It's morally unacceptable to take something before you agree to pay for it.


Posted By: Wilcey
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 17:19
Originally posted by TheProgtologist TheProgtologist wrote:

Another thread that is already degenerating due to the debate about downloading......


That's the saddest thing....this should NOT be up for debate.

The point of reviews?
To hear the opinions of your peers rather than steal from your heroes.

Posted By: Atkingani
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 17:23

I think that P-C said everything needed to be said... and so, this topic is closed.



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