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Sid Smith Informal Interview

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog News, Press Releases
Forum Description: Submit press releases, news , new releases, prog music news and other interesting things happening in the world of progressive music (featured in home and artist page)
Printed Date: March 11 2025 at 13:46
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Topic: Sid Smith Informal Interview
Posted By: Dick Heath
Subject: Sid Smith Informal Interview
Date Posted: February 16 2005 at 15:31
As promised some time ago, we have saved the Sid Smith (raconteur and author of In The Court of King Crimson) interview  made in November 2003- which in reality is more  of a long leisurely chat  on prog rock and other sundry issues; the recording recovered from a badly crashed hard drive. It is now available for about 4 weeks on at the  Loughborough Campus Radio's website:

At last after nagging an awkward IT controller, somebody has been done something to get rid of the crap output of our live webcast, so you should be able to hear The Alternative Alternative Show this and most Thursday from 8pm to 11. Featured artists tomorrow night: the Johansson brothers and I might fit a track from Fast 'n' Bulbous -but I guarantee a lot of other goodies. Rumours have it the  shows will be also be available as  webarchives for 7 days for download.

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