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Category: Topics not related to music
Forum Name: Just for Fun
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Topic: =)
Posted By: Zitro
Subject: =)
Date Posted: April 01 2007 at 11:53

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: April 01 2007 at 11:56

-------------" rel="nofollow">Recently listened to:

Posted By: progismylife
Date Posted: April 01 2007 at 11:58
^^What he said

Posted By: Trickster F.
Date Posted: April 01 2007 at 12:01
That's a good way to make these Aprils Fools jokes funnier: -


Posted By: laplace
Date Posted: April 01 2007 at 12:06
that "Pizzy Reviewa" title is quite the accolade


Posted By: Trickster F.
Date Posted: April 01 2007 at 12:12

One review finished with "You gotta check dis sh*t out yo." I should seriously consider using that, since I am running out of ways to recommend music. LOL


Posted By: progismylife
Date Posted: April 01 2007 at 12:19
Some of my favorites on this so far:

../Progressive_rock_discography_CD.asp?cd_id=1510 - GENESIS
Gang Bangin' England By The Pound

Review by ../Collaborators.asp?id=2647 - Bj-1 (Bj�rnar Lunde)
Prog Cracka

../Progressive_rock_discography_CD.asp?cd_id=5796 - OPETH
Motherf**ka P-to-tha-izzark

Posted By: Trickster F.
Date Posted: April 01 2007 at 12:20
Prog Cracka sounds like an accurate description of Blowfus The W. Tongue


Posted By: moreitsythanyou
Date Posted: April 01 2007 at 12:24 - GENESIS
Gang Bangin' England By The Pound - GENTLE GIANT
Ballin' The Taste

<font color=white>butts, lol[/COLOR]

Posted By: enteredwinter
Date Posted: April 01 2007 at 13:01
When did this Gizoogle thing first appear, and why oh why is this the first time I've heard of it?

This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen on the internet. I foresee countless hours of translating pages that I think would be funny gizoogled... I hope it doesn't get shut down, as I can see certain things (use of the "N" word, etc.) being offensive to some people.


Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: April 01 2007 at 13:20
^ I think that they'll get problems with google ... the domain name and the logo are too similar.

-------------" rel="nofollow">Recently listened to:

Posted By: Zitro
Date Posted: April 01 2007 at 13:40
oh, I just wanted to show something kinda funny for april fools. I apologize for posting on the wrong subforum.

the "textilizer" feature is probably the coolest. It's like the english-spanish google translation but with english -> slang.

For example ... Famous Genesis lyrics: (warning, some cursewords around)

Can you T-to-tha-izzell me where mah country lies?
Said tha unifaun ta his tizzle loves eyes.
It lies wit me n sh*t! cried tha queen of maybe
- fo` her merchandizzles he traded in his prize , ya feel me?.

Bitch late! cried a voice in tha crowd.
Old dawg dies cuz its a pimp thang! tha note he left was signed old wanna be gangsta thames
- it seems hes perpetratin' england by tha pound.

Cizzles of hizzy & glory,
Time goes by - its tha time of yo life.
Easy now, sit you down.
Chew'n through yo wimpey dreams,
They eat witout a dippin' england by tha pound.

Young dawg sez you is wizzy you eat - eat well.
old dawg sez you is what you wear - wear well.
you K-N-to-tha-izzow wizzy you are, you dizzont give a damn;
burst'n yo belt that be yo homemade sham.

the captain leads his dance rizzight on through tha night
- join tha dance...
fizzles on with the S-N-double-O-P! tizzay tha grail sun sets in tha mould.
follow on! tizzy tha gold is cold.
danc'n out wit tha moonlit knight,
knights of tha green shield stizzamp n shout . Snoop heffner mixed with a little bit of doggy flint.

Theres a thick old lady outside tha saloon;
lay'n out tha credit cards she plays fortune.
the deck is uneven riznight fizzle tha start;
and all of they hands is play'n apart.

the captain leads his dance right on through tha night
- join tha dance...
fizzles on so jus' chill! a round table-talk'n dizzay we go.
yoe tha show!
off we go wit - you play tha hobbyhorsizzle play tha fool.
well teaze tha bull
ring'n round & loud, loud & round.

follow on cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map! witta twizzist of tha world we go.
follow on! tiznill tha gold is clockin' out wit tha moonlit knight,
knights of tha green shield S-T-to-tha-izzamp n shout.

Posted By: blaughida
Date Posted: April 01 2007 at 16:39
Ha ha ha nothing like a 'translation' of my favorite prog lyrics--that's incredible.

I like this passage, from Barla's review of Suspended Animation by John Ptrucci: "To start, you dizzon't hizzle ta be a guitarist ta enjoy this album, fo` example I'm a bass playa n I liked this keep'n it real yo"

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