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Which system

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Category: Other music related lounges
Forum Name: Tech Talk
Forum Description: Discuss musical instruments, equipment, hi-fi, speakers, vinyl, gadgets,etc.
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Topic: Which system
Posted By: The-Bullet
Subject: Which system
Date Posted: February 11 2005 at 19:21
With all this talk about 1st record heard/bought, I was wondering on what set-up people listened to their 1st prog purchase. My 1st prog buy was CTTE on LP(don't think I can include abacab ). All I had to play it on was an aging mono 1 speakered wooden radiogram. Still, the sound was good enough to hook me for life.


"Why say it cannot be done.....they'd be better doing pop songs?"

Posted By: The-Bullet
Date Posted: February 13 2005 at 19:07
Not  all at once guys, I can't keep up


"Why say it cannot be done.....they'd be better doing pop songs?"

Posted By: Fitzcarraldo
Date Posted: February 15 2005 at 15:06

My first Prog LP was played on a friend's floor-standing radiogram with a wooden case - the sort of unit that was sold in the 1950s and 1960s. I can't remember precisely the first Prog album that was played on it, but we used that radiogram to listen for many a happy hour to all the early ELP, YES, TULL, PINK FLOYD, GENESIS etc. albums (not to mention all the early DEEP PURPLE, RORY GALLAGHER, EDGAR WINTER, ALLMAN BROTHERS and a whole host more of non-Prog stuff). I think it was in 1973 that I built my own valve amplifier (and wooden box to put it in) and used it with a *really* cheap and nasty turntable, but it sounded quite good actually (DSOTM sounded fine, at least to my ears!). Happy days.


Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: February 15 2005 at 15:31

My first system was a second hand record player, plugged into a valve radio. No perceprtion of "quality" back then, everything sounded fine on it.

When I got my first pay cheque, I bought a Pye Cambridge (the white version of the black box for those who remember!) stereo record player. All my LPs were suddenly transformed, it was like hearing them for the first time again. Lasted me for years that system did, in fact I still have it in working order in the loft.

Brings a tear to the eye just thinking about it, happy days!Cry

Posted By: mirco
Date Posted: February 15 2005 at 16:28
Originally posted by Fitzcarraldo Fitzcarraldo wrote:

My first Prog LP was played on a friend's floor-standing radiogram with a wooden case - the sort of unit that was sold in the 1950s and 1960s.

My first prog audition (ITCOCK) was in a device similary to the one described by Fitzcarraldo, . But i listen to my very first purchase in a stereo system composed  by a Garrard turntable, a Scott amplifier and Siemens speakers. Storia di un minuto, BTW. 

Please forgive me for my crappy english!

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: February 16 2005 at 18:53
Originally posted by mirco mirco wrote:

Originally posted by Fitzcarraldo Fitzcarraldo wrote:

My first Prog LP was played on a friend's floor-standing radiogram with a wooden case - the sort of unit that was sold in the 1950s and 1960s.

My first prog audition (ITCOCK) was in a device similary to the one described by Fitzcarraldo, . But i listen to my very first purchase in a stereo system composed  by a Garrard turntable, a Scott amplifier and Siemens speakers. Storia di un minuto, BTW. 

Wow,can you describe the difference?


Posted By: mirco
Date Posted: February 17 2005 at 10:06
It was like hearing the real sea, after be accostumed to hear the sound coming from the inside of a seashell!

Please forgive me for my crappy english!

Posted By: arcer
Date Posted: February 19 2005 at 13:31
I think I have the saddest and (musically)
impoverished story of all but I swear it is true!!

Being from a household where music wasn't valued
that highly (i think this is partly responsible for my
obsession with it) I first heard recorded music on an
old Phillips tape deck, the slim portable, top loading
ones, black and silver with a chromed handle.

We used to listen to that in the car (my mother's Neil
Diamond tapes). This was about 1972/3 I guess.
That machine broke and was never replaced so I
had no facility for recording music or playing tapes or
records. Until we got an answering machine!

I used to record music from the radio into the
machine’s microphone and listen to songs i liked
played back that way again and again.
I also borrowed a copy of Sgt Pepper’s Lonely
Hearts Club band from a friend (the machine used
regular cassettes) and first heard that album through
that machine. And folks this was about 1978.

The following year my older brother got a mono tape
player from a friend and on that machine I first heard
things in any proper kind of form - kansas
Leftoverture, AC/DC's Powerage and Back in Black,
The Police Regatta De Blanc, Led Zeppelin's In
Through the Out Door and Song Remains the Same.
It's terrible, I wish i could remember the brand name
of that machine!

Hooked, utterly hooked. Three months later I made
my dad buy me and my younger brother a Sanyo
portable stereo cassette recorder. I was at a
boarding school at the time and 'ghetto blasters'
were just making their presence felt in electronics
and you just HAD to have one. Ours was tiny and very
quiet compared to some of the monstrosities other
kids lugged around (this was pre-Walkman
people!!!) but I didn't care.

Indeed, I can distinctle recall some kid questioning
my taste in music while I was blasting out the
closing wah-wah guitar solo from Spirit of Radio - I
just sneered, passed some teenage remark about
his inferior musical intelligence and continued

Ah yes, those were the days when rock and roll was
a secret society membership of which had to be
quested after. There was no Kazaa to download
everything you ever wanted from. Then you had to
search, hunt, scour for the records you wanted. You'd
go to bed dreaming of the cool sleeves and imagine
finding and buying those seemingly otherworldly
records. and finding them? Like wrapping your
fingers around the holy grail.

Nowadays I have an expensive, increasingly
high-end system but while I can revel in the bass
extension and the clarity of the top end and the
breadth of the soundstage, it still just doesn't seem
as exciting as slotting a new cassette of some
obscure band just arrived by mail order or sourced
by foreign school friends into a crappy tape deck and
feeling the sizzle of exicitement as those first
incendiary guitar notes arced out of the cheap
speakers and fizzed up and down your spine .

Growing old is a terrible, terrible thing

Posted By: L.V.X.
Date Posted: February 20 2005 at 19:37
Tandberg amplifier (TR something) and speakers, the signal source was a casette player, think it was Philips.

Year 1979, album "The Wall" by PF.   

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: February 21 2005 at 11:11

I had saved up a bunch of money from my newspaper delivering routes to buy the famous Yamaha receiver 1020 with the matching turntable and hand-made speakers from a friend from my father that were absolutely excellent and added some months later a cassette deck from Akai . Except for the cassette deck this set still exists and works quite fine in a friend's cottage in Collingwood , Ontario. Never a repair except for burnt fuses and lightbulb in almost 30 years. They probably don't make them like they used to.

But I listened to my first-bought Crime Of The Century on some 3-in-1 Sony deck from my dad. As I was always accaparating  it (75) , my father told me get my own and paid for a quarter of that Yamaha set.

Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: February 26 2005 at 00:28

I think my first prog listen was "Animals", and it could only have been played on the huge heavy wooden early 70's 'entertainment center' by Montgomery Ward- that my parents had picked up already well used. It consisted of a 19" TV (the biggest they made in them days) that still used replaceable tubes, a turntable, an 8-track, and a pair of speakers hidden behind some sort of ivy-trellis grille. At some point one of our dogs had marked it as his, so one corner was stained and the veneer was peeling- even after repeated cleanings you could smell it, if you got right up to it. Which you had to do often, because we were rarely allowed to "crank it" while the parents were home.

The 8-track went first; I'm not positive it even worked properly when we first got it. Maybe that was the bargain factor. It got to be a pain replacing the tubes on the TV because at some point in the early 80s they stopped being readily available at the local drugstore. Last time I saw that monster it took three of us manly men to load it on the back of my father's pickup truck, headed for the dump. Sleep well, Monty- you earned your rest. This world isn't good enough for such as you.

P.S. The turntable was accessed by lifting the entire top of the unit up on creaking hinges. Before we tossed the thing, my father removed the top and made it into a desktop because it was good solid wood. As far as I know, it's still in use at my parent's house to this day.


Posted By: happythe
Date Posted: March 01 2005 at 20:57
My first was Trick of the Tail, August 2003 on my Dad's Rega Planar 3 with RB 300 arm through Kef 103s. These names mean nothing to me but they've been drilled into my head because every time I wanted to listen to something I get a talk about how the system works.  But no longer! For doing well in my exams last year I got the record player! And long may I keep it. That record (followed by Wind and Wuthering) was enough to drag me away from indie and nu-metal anyway...

Stop me from dreaming?
Okay :-(

Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: March 02 2005 at 03:13

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: March 03 2005 at 16:44
Oh dear, Oh dear - first vinyl prog album would have been 'The Best Of Uriah Heep' back in 1974(ish); as it would have been played on my parents' "stereo" in those days, it would have been a Bush music centre (complete with moulded plastic lid...).

Not so much a record deck, as a lathe!


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: clemdallaway
Date Posted: March 05 2005 at 06:04
My 1st prog album was ELP Brain Salad Surgery, it was played on an early 80's Fischer stereo, i've still got it in working order lol.

Don't eat the yellow snow!!!!!

Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: March 05 2005 at 07:02

Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: March 05 2005 at 07:02
...and don't eat the yellow snow!!!!!

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 09 2005 at 19:21

Originally posted by clemdallaway clemdallaway wrote:

My 1st prog album was ELP Brain Salad Surgery, it was played on an early 80's Fischer stereo, i've still got it in working order lol.


Does it look like this

Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: April 10 2005 at 01:28
What is this crappy homemade turntable?!

I doubt that it workd best than a LP12, even a Rega Planar3!

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 10 2005 at 17:12

Originally posted by oliverstoned oliverstoned wrote:

What is this crappy homemade turntable?!

I doubt that it workd best than a LP12, even a Rega Planar3!


Oliver are you having a problem grasping English?

If you look back you'll see i think Rega & Linn are Tosh,Of course i don't expect you to agree cos your heads in the reviewers clouds.

That happens to be a bag of Bollox Rega'Planar' derivitive,you know Rega do manufacture the Planner for companies such as Moth,Akai,Nad etc...But there essentially the same crap.

All sh*t all the same.

Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: April 11 2005 at 01:54
thius is an obsession!!!

i dont mind about reviews

i've heard a Rega planar 3 on a very big system (with a 1500 € Linn Karma cartrdige)and it was fanatstic.
And i listen to a Linn almost everyday, several hours par day!

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 11 2005 at 08:26

Originally posted by oliverstoned oliverstoned wrote:

thius is an obsession!!!

i dont mind about reviews

i've heard a Rega planar 3 on a very big system (with a 1500 € Linn Karma cartrdige)and it was fanatstic.
And i listen to a Linn almost everyday, several hours par day!


Deaf as well as daft then?

Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: April 11 2005 at 14:23

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 11 2005 at 20:23

Originally posted by L.V.X. L.V.X. wrote:

Tandberg amplifier (TR something) and speakers, the signal source was a casette player, think it was Philips.

Year 1979, album "The Wall" by PF.   


L.V.X Take yer pic buddy:">


  • Tuner Amplifier
    Hi-Fi FM
  • TR 200
  • TR 200 Compact
  • - TR 220
  • - TR 220 G
  • - TR 220 GC
  • TR 1000
  • TR 1010
  • TR 1020
  • TR 1055
  • TR 2025
  • TR 2030
  • TR 2040
  • TR 2045
  • TR 2055
  • TR 2060
  • TR 2075
  • TR 2075 Mk II
  • TR 2080



    Stereo forsterker 2 x 15 watt med FM radio. Kontroller for bass, diskant og loudness. Forhåndsinnstilling av 6 faste FM-stasjoner, og automatisk fininnstilling (AFC). Klargjordt for innplugging av stereo-dekoder. Stereo-indikator lyser ved stereo-mottaking. Ble levert i teak eller palisander. Innganger: Bånd (250 mV), Magn. pick-up (2,5 mV), Ker. pick-up (50 mV). Dimensjoner: Lengde 42,5 cm, høyde 13,5 cm og dybde 21,5 cm. Vekt: 5,1 kg.
    (Kilde: "Tandberg - lytt til levende lyd..." 1969)

    TR 200/TR 200 COMPACT (1971-74)

    Stereo forsterker 2 x 20 watt sinus (4 ohm). FM-mottaker (87,5 - 108 MHz) med forhåndsinnstilling av inntil 6 faste stasjoner. Muting - støydemping mellom stasjonene ved søking. Forberedt eller fullt utstyrt for stereo FM-mottaking. "Loudness"-vender. Også levert som TR 200 COMPACT med platespiller. Innganger: Platespiller (magnetisk pick-up), båndopptaker og en ekstra programkilde. Kabinett: Teak, palisander eller eik. Pris ny: Kr 1.795 (1973). Dimensjoner: Lengde 43 cm, høyde 8,7 cm og dybde kabinett 24,3 cm (+ knapper 1,8 cm). Vekt: 5 kg.
    (Kilde: "Tandberg 1973/74")

    TR 1000/TR 1010 (1972)

    FM receiver med stereo forsterker 2 x 35 watt (8 ohm). TR 1010 har i tillegg AM bølgebånd (mellombølge). Loudness, lavtonefilter og 2 høytonefiltre. Innganger: TAPE 1 (150-500 mV), TAPE 2 (150-500 mV), PHONO (3,6 mV). Dimensjoner: Lengde 43 cm, høyde 12 cm og dybde 30,5 cm pluss 2 cm for knapper. Vekt: 8,8 kg. Pris ny (1973): 2.745 kr.
    (Kilde: "Tandberg 1973/74")

    TR 1020 (1972)

    AM og FM receiver med stereo forsterker 2 x 40 watt (8 ohm). Loudness, lavtonefilter og 2 høytonefiltre. Innganger: TAPE 1 (150-500 mV), TAPE 2 (150-500 mV), PHONO (2-8 mV). Dimensjoner: Lengde 43 cm, høyde 12 cm og dybde 30,5 cm pluss 2 cm for knapper. Vekt: 8,8 kg.
    (Foto/kilde: Thomas J. Brekke/"Tandberg 1972/73")

    TR 1055 (-1975)

    Stereo receiver 2 x 55 watt (8 ohm) med FM og AM (mellombølge). Kontroller for bass, diskant og loudness. Lavtonefilter og 2 høytonefiltre. Innganger: TAPE 1: 150-600 mV, TAPE 2 (EXTRA): 150-600 mV, PHONO magn (cer): 2-8 mV. Dimensjoner: Lengde 44 cm, høyde 13,2 cm og dybde 31 cm pluss 2 cm for knapper. Vekt: 10 kg.
    (Kilde: "Tandberg Hi-Fi Stereo 75/76")

    TR 2045 (1978)

    Stereo FM receiver med utgangseffekt 2 x 45 W (8 ohm), forvrengning 0,09%. Kontroller for bass og diskant, samt loudness (bassheving) og lav- og høytonefiltre. Innganger for TAPE 1, TAPE 2 og PHONO. FM bølgebånd: 87,5 - 108 MHz. Dimensjoner: Lengde 51,5 cm, høyde 14,5 cm og dybde 32 cm pluss 2 cm for knapper. Vekt: 9,6 kg.
    (Kilde: "Tandberg High Fidelty" 1978)

    TR 2055 (1976-77)

    Receiver 2 x 55 watt (8 ohm).

    TR 2075 MK II (1977)

    Receiver 2 x 75 watt (8 ohm, 20 - 20000 Hz), med FM stereo og mellombølge. Utganger for 2 høretelefoner og 3 par høyttalere. Høyttalervelger med 6 posisjoner. Delte tonekontroller for bass, mellomtone og diskant. Loudness, lavtonefilter og 2 høytonefilter. 2 tape og 2 phono innganger. Dimmer for skalabelysning. Sammen med TR 2075 og TR 2080 var dette største receiver laget av Tandbergs Radiofabrikk. Dimensjoner: Lengde 51,5 cm, høyde 15,3 cm og dybde 35,3 cm pluss 2,4 cm for knapper. Vekt: 12,5 kg.
    (Kilde: "Tandberg Hi-Fi Stereo" 1977)

    Posted By: Guests
    Date Posted: April 11 2005 at 20:28
    Originally posted by Sean Trane Sean Trane wrote:

    I had saved up a bunch of money from my newspaper delivering routes to buy the famous Yamaha receiver 1020 with the matching turntable and hand-made speakers from a friend from my father that were absolutely excellent and added some months later a cassette deck from Akai . Except for the cassette deck this set still exists and works quite fine in a friend's cottage in Collingwood , Ontario. Never a repair except for burnt fuses and lightbulb in almost 30 years. They probably don't make them like they used to.

    But I listened to my first-bought Crime Of The Century on some 3-in-1 Sony deck from my dad. As I was always accaparating  it (75) , my father told me get my own and paid for a quarter of that Yamaha set.


    Yami 'CR1020'

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