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Favourite compositions

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Topic: Favourite compositions
Posted By: Niki ( IO )
Subject: Favourite compositions
Date Posted: March 02 2007 at 04:44
What are your favourite "classical" music compositions of  '600 '700 '800 and '900 ?
By who ?
ps: please, list no more then 4 or 5... Thank you in advance...


Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: March 02 2007 at 04:59
Ma mère l'Oye (Mother goose) by Ravel
La mer (The sea) by Debussy

Posted By: andu
Date Posted: March 02 2007 at 05:08
I'm not a connaiseur at all, my knowledge is pretty basic, despite my good intentions. I'd like to name some of my classical favourites, but what do you mean by "composition"? A. something like the track from album (like "Dogs" from "Animals") - I don't have THAT knowledge of classical music - or B. a full concert, symphony, sonata, etc? That would be easier.

"PA's own GI Joe!"

Posted By: Niki ( IO )
Date Posted: March 02 2007 at 05:57
I'm not a connaiseur at all, my knowledge is pretty basic, despite my good intentions. I'd like to name some of my classical favourites, but what do you mean by "composition"? A. something like the track from album (like "Dogs" from "Animals") - I don't have THAT knowledge of classical music - or B. a full concert, symphony, sonata, etc? That would be easier.
I mean...A or B...As you wish...


Posted By: andu
Date Posted: March 02 2007 at 06:09
Well let me think.
Vivaldi's Seasons.
Bach's Well Tempered... (with Glenn Gould)
Haydn's Late Sonatas (Gould again)
Mozart's Clarinet Concerto and The Hunt Quartett
Beethoven's Moonlight.
I'm more of an XVIIth and XVIIIth century music fan.

"PA's own GI Joe!"

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: March 02 2007 at 06:26
Honegger - Symphony No. 3
Faure - Requiem
Holst - The Planets Suite
Barber - Second Symphony
Satie - Gymnopedes

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