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Category: Site News, Newbies, Help and Improvements
Forum Name: Report errors & omissions here
Forum Description: Seen a mistake in a band bio etc then please tell us
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Topic: SVANN
Posted By: Tuzvihar
Subject: SVANN
Date Posted: March 01 2007 at 09:23
I wrote a short biographical note: - SVANN
SVANN is a unique formation on the polish scene. It consists of members of two bands: Marcin Błaszczyk, Szymon Brzeziński, Mikołaj Matyska and Rafał Ratajczak from a neoprog ensemble ABRAXAS and a polish legendary goth metal vocalist Anja Orthodox from CLOSTERKELLER who is one of two female vocalists, the other one being Kinga Bogdańska. The project proved short-lived. They issued only one album, "Granica czerni i bieli", in 2003 and gave a few concerts.
And the album info has many mistakes regarding polish diacritics. Correct version below:
"Granica czerni i bieli" (in polish only the first letter of the title is italic) CD: Intech (2003)
1. Telefon 4:25
2. Znajdę cię 3:33
3. Pan Cukierjan 5:48
4. Granica czerni i bieli 7:01
5. Papapa 4:07
6. Dotyk nocy 6:50
7. Księżycowy 8:21
8. Książę 5:46
9. Dziecko mroku 6:24
10. Dziś każdy może być idolem 3:37
11. Niedokończony wiersz 8:24
Anja Orthodox - vocals, lyrics Kinga Bogdańska - vocals Mikołaj Matyska - drums Rafał Ratajczak - bass guitar, fretless, Chapman stick
Marcin Błaszczyk - keyboards, flute Szymon Brzeziński - guitars, bass guitar, keyboards, vocals, drum machines programming Przemko Skalec - bagpipes
------------- "Music is much like f**king, but some composers can't climax and others climax too often, leaving themselves and the listener jaded and spent."
Charles Bukowski
Posted By: Joolz
Date Posted: March 01 2007 at 11:14
Thanks for the bio .... that is a welcome addition
Album title .... I have left this as it is at the moment, because we have some decisions to make on this
Changes to tracks and line-up done .... you are sure the new line-up is correct?.... it is different from what was there before .... - Anja Orthodox / vocals .... - Kinga Bogdańska / vocals .... - Marcin Blaszczyk / keyboards, flute .... - Szymon Brzeziński / guitars, bass, keyboards, vocals .... - Mikolaj Matyska / drums .... - Rafal Ratajczak / bass
Posted By: Tuzvihar
Date Posted: March 01 2007 at 14:51
Anja Orthodox - vocals, lyrics Kinga Bogdańska - vocals Mikołaj Matyska - drums Rafał Ratajczak - bass guitar, fretless, Chapman stick
Marcin Błaszczyk - keyboards, flute Szymon Brzeziński - guitars, bass guitar, keyboards, vocals, drum machines programming Przemko Skalec - bagpipes
Well, to be honest I'm not completely sure. I bolded the information that I found on only one website. Everything else is the same everywhere.
------------- "Music is much like f**king, but some composers can't climax and others climax too often, leaving themselves and the listener jaded and spent."
Charles Bukowski