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Supay's "Confusión" - a different cover

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Topic: Supay's "Confusión" - a different cover
Posted By: Cesar Inca
Subject: Supay's "Confusión" - a different cover
Date Posted: February 07 2007 at 10:47
Hi everyone.
Check this link: -  
There appears the cover for the worldwide edition of SUPAY's "Confusión" album. It would be more accurate to use this instead of the original Peruvian cover that appears in PA: after all, this is the image that Mylodon Records released for Musea and other labels all around the world.
    Kind regards from Lima - César Inca.

Posted By: Joolz
Date Posted: February 07 2007 at 11:13
Hi César

PA's guidelines specify "Where an album is released with different cover illustrations in different countries, the cover used in the band's home country should be used." [you can find it in the SC zone]. - Which means we currently have the 'right' one even though it may not be the one recognised by the majority of buyers worldwide. One of the changes supposed to be happening is that we shall, in future, be able to include more than one cover picture.

Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: February 07 2007 at 22:50
OK, thanks.

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