It is very well known that any band can be found by clicking on its first letter in the "Bands/Artists" row at the front page. In order to find a band whose name begins with a number one has to click on "#" -- the whole column of bands beginning with numbers.
However, there are bands like - !T.O.O.H.! and - ÞURSAFLOKKURINN , which can't be found, not by letters nor by numbers. But, actually, this problem is solved -- you must click on "All" in the "Bands/Artists" row, and the former band will appear at the first place in a column whereas the latter -- at the last place in the same column.
Theoretically, the same thing exactly should happen also with albums' titles ("Recordings" row at the front page (formerly "Albums")).
However, there are albums which don't appear in any column, not by letter nor by number. For example -- - SIGUR RÓS - - ( ) , - MORSE, NEAL - - ? , - STRING DRIVEN THING - $uicide.
I don't know whether there are additional albums beginning with a symbol instead of a letter or a number. I don't know whether anybody, anytime, will bother himself to find albums beginning with a symbol. I don't know whether there is a need for such a search. But (in case it is possible, of course) why not to add a symbol to the row of "Recordings", by clicking on which the column of symbol-initial albums will be accessible?
What do you think?