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String Driven Thing

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Topic: String Driven Thing
Posted By: Fassbinder
Subject: String Driven Thing
Date Posted: January 25 2007 at 02:08
Some points here.
1. String Driven Thing (the debut album)
The track list of the band's debut album appears currently as:
1 July morning
2 Say what you like
3 Magic garden
4 Wonderful places
5 I don’t wanna wake up
6 City man
7 Another night in this old city
8 That’s my lady
9 Catch as catch can
10 No more you and I
11 Lie back and let it happen
12 One of the lonely people
bonus tracks
13 Winter is coming
14 Regent st. incident
15 Jack diamond
16 Argyle st.
17 Old love new love
Below is the track list appearing in the band's official website (featuring in the band's page in PA):
1. July Morning
2. Say What You Like
3. Magic Garden
4. Wonderful Places
5. City Man
6. Another Night In This Old City
7. That's My Lady
8. No More You And I
9. Lie Back And Let It Happen
10. One Of The Lonely People
11. Someone Else's City (Home demo '67)
12. Sometimes I Wish (Home demo '67)
13. Waiting For The Sky To Fall (Home demo '67)
14. Magic Garden (Dave Cousins demo '69)
15. No More You And I (D. C. demo '69)
16. Say What You Like (D. C. demo '69)
17. Lie Back And Let It Happen (D.C. demo '69)
18. Lie Back And Let It Happen (+ Colin Wilson '70)
19. Let Me Down (demo, Chris and Colin)
20. Old Love New Love (demo '71)
21. Jack Diamond (Home demo '72)
22. Argyle Street (Home demo '72)
23. Winter is coming (Home demo '72)
24. Regent Street Incident (Home demo '72)
25. To See You (Live: Blackpool, 2001)
26. Circus (Live: Blackpool, 2001)
which means, probably, a remastered version. No other information about the album is given (or, at least, is found by me).
2. String Driven Thing (the second album)
The track list currently appearing at the band's page looks like:
1- Circus (4:48)
2- Fairground (3:22)
3- Hooked On The Road (2:56)
4- Easy To Be Free (3:06)
5- Jack Diamond (5:20)
6- Let Me Down 4:03)
7- The Last Blue Yodell (3:56)
8- My Real Hero (3:56)
9- Regent Street Incident (3:54)
10- There You Are (2:58)
The track list for the same album appearing at the band's official website looks like:
1. Circus
2. Fairground
3. Hooked on the Road
4. Easy to be Free
5. Jack Diamond
6. Let Me Down
7. Very Last Blue Yodel
8. My Real Hero
9. Regent St Incident
10. There You Are
11. Eddie (Live in Switzerland '73)
12. Let Me Down
13. Then I Met the Lady
14. My Real Hero
15. To See You
16. Circus Live in London '95)
17. Pride
whereas tracks 11-17 are, probably, bonus tracks of the remaster.
Pay also attention to the different spelling of the word "Yodel" (which one is right?) as well as to the redundant "-"s before the tracks titles.
Once again, the release information may be found (maybe) since the official website page contains pictures of both face and back covers, but my bad seeing doesn't allow me to see the aforesaid information. This is right about every album mentioned in this post.
3. Suicide - Live in Berlin and Moments of Truth
I have added two albums -- Suicide - Live in Berlin (1994) and Moments of Truth (2007) to the discography. Unfortunately, no information about lines-up is given. Tracks duration is read from the back cover of Moments of Truth -- I'm not sure for 100% that I've managed to read it rightly (once again, due to my bad seeing). The release information may be seen at the back covers of both albums as well (hopefully). I allowed to myself to add the forthcoming Moments of Truth albums only because of the fact that it already appears at the band's official website.
The title of Suicide (both the album and the song) appears with the vertical bar within the "S" -- that's the way it appears at the official website, I just copied/pasted it.
4. The Damage
There is another album appearing at the official website page, namely, The Damage, but it seems that this is not the band's album -- the back cover of it says: "Chris Adams of String Driven Thing", which means that it is credited to the person, not to the band.

Posted By: Joolz
Date Posted: January 25 2007 at 03:16
1. The debut album .....

The track list you give is an album called "The Early Years (Mark Two)" a compilation of material from "1968-1972" on Ozit and released in 2004 ... here's the info - .... it appears to be something different to the original debut album even if it covers the material on the original LP .... maybe a new entry would be better?

2. Second album

Yep, those are bonus tracks on the Ozit re-issue .... done & tidied

3. I PM'ed you before I saw this thread ..... I can't read the scans very well either as they are very low resolution ... as you know, I changed the date to 1995 and put the projected release date onto the new album

Posted By: Fassbinder
Date Posted: January 25 2007 at 03:26
Originally posted by Joolz Joolz wrote:

The debut album .....

The track list you give is an album called "The Early Years (Mark Two)" a compilation of material from "1968-1972" on Ozit and released in 2004 ... here's the info - .... it appears to be something different to the original debut album even if it covers the material on the original LP .... maybe a new entry would be better?
Yes, you're right. I haven't notice the titles difference (surely, I was caught by the similar covers). I agree with you that the new entry should be created.
As for the 2007 album -- let's leave the tracks lengths as they are... until someone with eyes of hawk will find a (possible, not necessary) mistake.
And, what about The Damage? It seems that it shouldn't be included.

Posted By: Joolz
Date Posted: January 25 2007 at 03:40
Originally posted by Fassbinder Fassbinder wrote:

And, what about The Damage? It seems that it shouldn't be included.

Agreed .... it's title says "Chris Adams of String Driven Thing" .... so, yes, it's a solo album

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: January 25 2007 at 03:42
The tracks, timings and spelling for the second album are taken directly from the LP. Yodel is of course misspelled, but that's how it appears.

Posted By: Fassbinder
Date Posted: January 25 2007 at 04:04
The Early Years (Mark Two) (2004) compilation has been added to the discography. Hopefully, without errors.

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