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PFM- Missing Years

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Topic: PFM- Missing Years
Posted By: zedkatz
Subject: PFM- Missing Years
Date Posted: December 21 2006 at 14:59
I kind of gave up on PFM after Jet Lag but recently got back into them with stuff like Live in Japan, Piazza Del Campo, Statti  etc.

So there's a gap in my collection. I just ordered Passpartu. Are any of the albums listed worth getting as well? I've seen the ratings/reviews for these albums and am a bit nerrvous about buying without further guidance



Posted By: eugene
Date Posted: December 21 2006 at 16:23
I only had Serendipity and Ulisse and sold both of them as they did not impress me at all - rather disappointed. I can't vote on the basis of two albums only, but I'm inclined to say that none of them worth getting.


Posted By: Mikerinos
Date Posted: December 21 2006 at 18:43
Passpartu is very good.  Poppy with some nice relaxing proggy instrumental bits.  Of the albums listed, I only have Ulisse.  It's pretty good, but honestly not worth it unless you can find it cheap.


Posted By: herbie53
Date Posted: December 22 2006 at 00:09
I voted in 'Suonare Suonare' cause is the only one I have of the above noted, but I don't think the other ones are so bad like the prog rock maniacs says... You know... 'Open your mind'...

Posted By: andrea
Date Posted: December 22 2006 at 02:18
Try with the live album "Performance" where you can find some of the songs from "Suonare suonare" and "Come ti va in riva alla cittą" in a dilated and improved version... "PFM?PFM!" is the worst album in PFM career, the other are not so bad but in a pop-rock vein very far from the symphonic style of the Seventies, though I save "Suonare suonare". Anyway the last PFM's album "Stati di immaginazione" is really outstanding, thay seem at length out of the tunnel...

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