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Level Five Bass Tab?

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Topic: Level Five Bass Tab?
Posted By: Prog_Bassist
Subject: Level Five Bass Tab?
Date Posted: January 17 2005 at 19:31

Does anyone know where to find a good Level Five (King Crimson) Bass Tab?

I can't find any and my band is gonna cover it.

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Posted By: Valarius
Date Posted: January 18 2005 at 03:20

If you can't find it, tab it yourself.

I do that with a lot of songs, and it feels more rewarding when you play it.

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: January 19 2005 at 12:11
Yeah a lot of bands I've played with just fake it. A lot of really talented talented musicians I've played with can't even read music! Iwas playing with a Black Sabbath cover band years ago and there was  chick who wanted to come up and sing Born To Be Wild by Steppenwolf. Nobody had ever played it before so we just made it up as we went along and it turned out pretty good. I learned 21st Century Shcizoid Man by tuning my guitar to Fripp's alternate tunings and playing along with the record. It took me a while but Ifinally mastered it and Can't even read guitar music. Ive p-layed drums for years and can't even read drum music. Experiment and have fun is my advice. Also, King Crimson sheet music is rather difficult to find although from time to time you'll see something pop up in Guitar Player and other guitar mags.

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