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Are you a musician?

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Topic: Are you a musician?
Posted By: Sweetnighter
Subject: Are you a musician?
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 00:33
as i've mentioned on other threads, i play bass, trombone, and some keys. i figured since prog is what it is they're are bound to be a lot of musicians here on the boards, but i was interested in seeing just how many. 

I bleed coffee. When I don't drink coffee, my veins run dry, and I shrivel up and die.
"Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso? Is that like the bank of Italian soccer death or something?" -my girlfriend

Posted By: starofsirius
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 02:26
Yeah I play guitar

"I'm in a freefall like a snowflake falling down down down down down."

Posted By: BebieM
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 02:57

Yup, I play oboe and saxophon, also soon drums and maybe a little bit guitar.

Posted By: Jethro Fish
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 03:11

All the best,
New cd: Salva "Left to burn", out now
Available through:

Posted By: Dragon Phoenix
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 03:28
I play the CD player.


Posted By: Eemu Ranta
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 04:44

Posted By: Metropolis
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 05:31
Bass and tuba

We Lost the Skyline............

Posted By: Richardw
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 05:50
Guitar & Synth. I keep trying to play the recorder too, but i'd never pass the audition for Gentle Giant.

Posted By: Beau Heem
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 06:17
kbds, cello, Gesang

--No enemy but time--

Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 06:32
A practicing one... luckily I still have the day job

Posted By: Valarius
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 07:11

I play Guitar, Bass, Piano/Keyboard, Recorder, Violin, Glockenspiel and the Kazoo.

My family have a big musical background, and I've been learning some of these instruments for 13 years.

We also have a Didgeredoo if that counts?

Posted By: mirco
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 08:38
I played mi door's ring bell for a while, but even that sounded lousy...

Posted By: Valarius
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 08:57

Posted By: alan_pfeifer
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 12:27

I play the drums.




I wish I had the paitence to learn another instument

Posted By: arcer
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 12:47

guitar, bass, bit of mandolin, enough keys to get by (have to bloody do it all as in the true spirit of prog egomania, I hate playing with other musicians, they never play what i hear in my head).

The greatest inventions known to man have to be - drum loop cds and garritan personal orchestra.

Posted By: amused 2 KAOS
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 12:51
i play guitar, bass, keyboards, drums. i play bass in my band though.

Posted By: Man Erg
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 15:08

Guitar & Keyboards


Do 'The Stanley' otherwise I'll thrash you with some rhubarb.

Posted By: Sound Chaser
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 15:11
I play bass, a little bit of flute. I have played the keys in the past and I hope to start playing them again soon.

Posted By: Eddy
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 15:11
i would like to be a producer. i love making music. but i wouldnt think i would play that well. i have a hard time remembering things.

Posted By: Garion81
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 15:20



Piano and am just starting toplay with some midi keyboards. 



"What are you going to do when that damn thing rusts?"

Posted By: goose
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 15:27
Cello, bass guitar, proper bass Smile, and I play the keyboards really poorly occasionally...

I'd love to learn to play crazy percussion. Or french horn.

Posted By: Squirrel_monkey
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 15:40

I'm a pianist, (about 9 years), who plays a keyboard in a band I've started called 'The Passive-Fist'! Like the name?

I'm learning guitar, so far I can play stuff like 'twinkle twinkle', 'happy birthday', and 'the simpsons'... all the classics... Really learnt it so that I could write stuff for it or transpose rather than to actually be good.

i!i!i!i!i! SqUiRrEl MoNkEy i!i!i!i!i!

Posted By: Dan Bobrowski
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 15:54
 I sing a bit, play guitar and am working out some bass lines, however, I don't consider myself a musician, just a player. A musician has to have a certain command of the instrument, which I don't feel I have as yet.

Posted By: Wizard/TRueStar
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 16:11

I'm a devoted guitarist.  Rush and Floyd are my specialty

Posted By: Sweetnighter
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 16:33
Originally posted by Eddy Eddy wrote:

i would like to be a producer. i love making music. but i wouldnt think i would play that well. i have a hard time remembering things.

Thats actually what I plan to be professionally! Hope I can get into a good engineering school

I bleed coffee. When I don't drink coffee, my veins run dry, and I shrivel up and die.
"Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso? Is that like the bank of Italian soccer death or something?" -my girlfriend

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 16:45
I play drums, used to play Tuba, Trombone, Barritone horn. I fake it on piano and guitar but usually don`t kown what the heck I`m doing allthough sometimes I manage to impress non- musicians. My wife is an accomplished classical musician currently working on her Doctorate. She specializes in sackbut and voice with an emphasis on early music. I am currently jamming with a grunge band until they can find a full- time drummer. I`m 43 years young and the second oldest member of the band is the 19 year old female bass player/vocalist.

Posted By: Vaize
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 17:49
I am not a musician (just use a flute almost as a toy) but 2 of my sons are.
They play in a Heavy Metal band in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil ( - Veuliah ) that is soon releasing the first CD, - Deep Visions of Unreality !
Download and listen to the song - Black Spirit to understand why am so proud of them!

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-" rel="nofollow - Veuliah - Brazilian Heavy Metal My page

Posted By: aqualung28
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 17:50

I'm playing bass and Theremin. I am going to start learning keys soon .


"O' lady look up in time o' lady look out of love
'n you should have us all
O' you should have us fall"
"Bill's Corpse" By Captain Beefheart

Posted By: Syzygy
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 17:51

I'm a bedroom acoustic guitarist in the three chords or nearest offer sense of the word - I don't play much prog stuff though, more folk and acoustic rock. I can also manage a bit of gob iron and mandolin.

My other half is a highly accomplished singer, pianist and flautist who can also play just about anything else you could care to mention reasonably well. We tried playing together years ago, but she gets frustrated with my limited, or in her words  non-existent, musical ability.

'Like so many of you
I've got my doubts about how much to contribute
to the already rich among us...'

Robert Wyatt, Gloria Gloom

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 18:21

I'm a drumer, don't know if that means being a musician

Now seriously, I studied piano for several years but I never had patience, so I went for the drums.


Posted By: bobthesalesman
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 21:05

Ive been playing drums/percussion since i was 4 or 5.  My brother started teaching me snare very early.  I joined the school band from 1st-10th grade.  I started taking drum set lessons when i was 8 and have been playing every day since then.  I also play Tuned percussion

Other instruments

Gutiar - 4 years seriously

Bass - 3 years seriously but the bass is my 2nd favorite instrument.  I love jammin on it.

Piano/Keys - My brother grew up as a piano player so i learned alot from him.  A few things i can play are Close to the Edge by Yes, Heart of the Sunrise, Siberian Khatru,  Some Mars Volta, a very limited ammount of ELP(its hard to follow Keith unless youve been playing seriously for awhile).  I try to play piano @least once a day and use it as my main music writing Tool.

Brass Instruments - I also have picked up some things on Tuba, Trumpet, and Trombone(trombone mostly)over the years. 

String Instruments - I taught myself Amazing Grace on the Fiddle a few years ago



Thats about it.  Id also love to learn the Sax but i dont think its gonna happen.

Posted By: Bryan
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 22:08
I play guitar.  Poorly.

Posted By: penguindf12
Date Posted: January 16 2005 at 23:31

Used to play keyboards/piano when I was 8, and I took lessons for 3 years...then I promptly forgot them because I had no drive to learn. Then, in May of 2004 I picked up the bass and started playing thru the "Bass Guitar Primer Book" with Burt Casey. When I finished that I moved on to playing "The Wall" (pretty simple, really) and then the tougher "Thick as a Brick" bass parts (I never did get that last section down pat). Then I learned "Gates of Delirium" and "Close to the Edge," and started playing normal guitar only two weeks ago and I can already play Steve Hackett's "Horizons." Once I learn Steve Howe's "Clap," I'm gonna start a band.

Posted By: Rob The Good
Date Posted: January 17 2005 at 03:32
I have very little patience, and learnt to play trumpet, tuba, euphonium, guitar and piano and made a mess of them all....however;

I am a singer! Yes! I sing allllll the time!

Actually I'd like to pick up another instrument, but it seems to depends on what mood I'm in. Flute, sax, violin....

And Jesus said unto John, "come forth and receive eternal life..."
Unfortunately, John came fifth and was stuck with a toaster.

Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: January 17 2005 at 12:26

Yes, for my sins. I've played drums now for twenty one years, guitar for fifteen, and the spoons for three months. I also sing a bit.

I used to be in a prog band called FREEFALL back in the 80's and I'm in another prog band now called TINYFISH (for my sins).

I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill

Posted By: asuma
Date Posted: January 17 2005 at 12:48
i mostly play the piano/synth. i'm ok. not that great, but i could be a lot worse. i play keys in a band called acquired taste ( - ). i also do a bit of trombone and guitar.

*Remember all advice given by Asuma is for entertainment purposes only. Asuma is not a licensed medical doctor, psychologist, or counselor and he does not play one on TV.*

Posted By: Cygnus X-2
Date Posted: January 17 2005 at 12:55
Guitar, Bass, Drums, Piano, Organ... I like to dabble in it all. Most interested in getting a lap steel guitar and a mandolin at the moment, trying to broaden my horizons.


Posted By: Cygnus X-2
Date Posted: January 17 2005 at 12:58
Originally posted by penguindf12 penguindf12 wrote:

 Once I learn Steve Howe's "Clap," I'm gonna start a band.

Good Luck buddy... "Clap is a b#$%h to play", I've been playing for a long time and still can't get that down.


Posted By: Swinton MCR
Date Posted: January 17 2005 at 14:32
I have dabbled with keyboards and drumkit - So a sort of musician, if not good enough to be in a prog band - although I have created some ambience with synths that TD fans may sort of appreciate.

Play me my song, here it comes again

Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: January 17 2005 at 14:33
i play triangle

Posted By: Radioactive Toy
Date Posted: January 17 2005 at 14:36

Originally posted by Useful_Idiot Useful_Idiot wrote:

I play guitar.  Poorly.

name an random opeth song.. I can play it


Reed's failed joke counter:
R.I.P. You could have reached infinity....

Posted By: Tarkustra
Date Posted: January 17 2005 at 14:50

I play guitar and I'm pretty good on bass also. I've played gigs for the last 5 years with high school friends, but now that I'm in graduate school upstate and they are still in NYC, we don't play together as often.

I write and perform my own stuff, but I can also play the hell out of Comfortably Numb, well it was good enough that Threefates didn't want to strangle me. Don't attempt any ELP around her though, well atleast not anything that requires vocals. She can get violent.

When you speak, is it you that hears? Are your ears full? You can't hear anything at all.

Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: January 17 2005 at 21:59

Mervyn Peake wrote "He was not an artist, but a perfect imitation of one."

That's pretty much my musical ability. I can make something that sounds a lot like real music, but I'm also perceptive enough to realize that the higher spark of real instrumental or songcrafting gifts weren't given to me. Still, I do love messing around with my guitar, bass, keys and programming. With PC tools like Cubase and Sonar, it becomes very much like the most open-ended video game ever created.


Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: January 18 2005 at 11:54

Originally posted by oliverstoned oliverstoned wrote:

i play triangle

A very underrated prog instrument.  

I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill

Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: January 18 2005 at 12:10
it appears on Tubular bells, no?

Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: January 18 2005 at 12:42

Originally posted by oliverstoned oliverstoned wrote:

it appears on Tubular bells, no?

It does indeed and during 'In That Quiet Earth' by Genesis.  

I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill

Posted By: Sweetnighter
Date Posted: January 18 2005 at 13:06

Originally posted by oliverstoned oliverstoned wrote:

it appears on Tubular bells, no?

Yeah, just like "two slightly distorted guitars"

I bleed coffee. When I don't drink coffee, my veins run dry, and I shrivel up and die.
"Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso? Is that like the bank of Italian soccer death or something?" -my girlfriend

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: January 18 2005 at 13:09
Originally posted by sigod sigod wrote:

Originally posted by oliverstoned oliverstoned wrote:

it appears on Tubular bells, no?

It does indeed and during 'In That Quiet Earth' by Genesis.  

And Carl Palmer was an expert on Triangle also...


Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: January 18 2005 at 13:21
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Originally posted by sigod sigod wrote:

Originally posted by oliverstoned oliverstoned wrote:

it appears on Tubular bells, no?

It does indeed and during 'In That Quiet Earth' by Genesis.  

And Carl Palmer was an expert on Triangle also...

Different kinda triangle I suspect. Oh what a lucky man he was...

I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: January 18 2005 at 14:43
I believe Threefates has been known to play the pink oboe occasionally


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: January 18 2005 at 14:45
Originally posted by danbo danbo wrote:

 I sing a bit, play guitar and am working out some bass lines, however, I don't consider myself a musician, just a player. A musician has to have a certain command of the instrument, which I don't feel I have as yet.

Exactly the way I see my Hammond & synth playing, sir - I'm slowly getting better though, thanks to my teacher - but the question remains, do you enjoy doing it? If so, that is all that matters!


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: January 18 2005 at 14:51

Originally posted by Jim Garten Jim Garten wrote:

I believe Threefates has been known to play the pink oboe occasionally

And I've been told I'm quite the expert at it... even written a few rock operas of my own...


Originally posted by Jim Garten Jim Garten wrote:

...- but the question remains, do you enjoy doing it? If so, that is all that matters!



Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: January 18 2005 at 16:30
I play guitar as well as electric bass and keys.

Posted By: Dan Bobrowski
Date Posted: January 18 2005 at 16:47

Originally posted by Jim Garten Jim Garten wrote:

Originally posted by danbo danbo wrote:

 I sing a bit, play guitar and am working out some bass lines, however, I don't consider myself a musician, just a player. A musician has to have a certain command of the instrument, which I don't feel I have as yet.

Exactly the way I see my Hammond & synth playing, sir - I'm slowly getting better though, thanks to my teacher - but the question remains, do you enjoy doing it? If so, that is all that matters!

Enjoy? You Betcha!

Time? Not nearly enough.

Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: January 19 2005 at 12:12
I can't quite believe that Prog Bassist hasn't posted on this thread yet...

I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill

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