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Proto Kaw

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Topic: Proto Kaw
Posted By: WaywardSon
Subject: Proto Kaw
Date Posted: October 15 2006 at 20:49
Of these two albums ,which one do you prefer?
I didnīt include "Early Recordings" because I still have to give it a few more listens.
I also didnīt include a tie option.
Although the musicianship on "Wait of Glory" is incredible, I vote for "Before Became After"
On that album we have real classics like "Leaven" "Axelotl" and "Theophany"
I also think itīs some of Livgrenīs strongest song writing since "Leftoverture" and "Point of Know Return"

Posted By: E-Dub
Date Posted: October 15 2006 at 20:55
I prefer The Wait Of Glory. Has more of a progressive sound to me.



Posted By: Atkingani
Date Posted: October 15 2006 at 21:01

They are practically tied in my taste... both are FANTASTIC! But I lean myself slightly to "Before Became After" thanks to the marvelous 'Axolotl'.



Posted By: Masque
Date Posted: October 15 2006 at 21:31
 I prefer  Before became After  just a bit more , that said I am very pleased with everything they have done so far.   Great band can`t wait for the next CD  Wink


Posted By: WaywardSon
Date Posted: October 17 2006 at 11:30
After listening to "Wait of Glory" a bit more, I think I should have had a tie option.
Today I am going to listen to "Early Recordings"
Is it on the same level as these two?

Posted By: Atkingani
Date Posted: October 17 2006 at 11:52
Originally posted by WaywardSon WaywardSon wrote:

After listening to "Wait of Glory" a bit more, I think I should have had a tie option.
Today I am going to listen to "Early Recordings"
Is it on the same level as these two?
I'd say a bit below but it includes the majestic "Incomudro", real great! Smile



Posted By: Garion81
Date Posted: October 17 2006 at 12:23
Originally posted by WaywardSon WaywardSon wrote:

After listening to "Wait of Glory" a bit more, I think I should have had a tie option.
Today I am going to listen to "Early Recordings"
Is it on the same level as these two?
On the same level means all things being equal. That isn't the case between all three of these CD'sWink 
Early Recordings CD was made from demo tapes recorded 30+ years ago never intended for public consumption. These tapes are old so the sound quality is not great in spots.  That said the musicianship and songwriting is great even if the production is not.  Some people love them more because of the experimentation and rawness of the sound.  They had no synthesisers so all sounds were created with "normal" instruments.  Incomudro is great but I also like things like Nactalos, Hedgemonium, Belexis, Totus Nemesis and Skont. (The last three they still play live).  There are bits and peices of stuff you will still hear on later Kansas songs as well.  For isntance the middle instumental section of In the Mountains of Sarne is the same as The Coming Dawn off of Somewhere to Elsewhere.  
As for the other two BBA was a mixture of songs left over from the 70's Theophany, Heavenly Man, Axolotol and songs written new for the CD Alt. More Worlds than Know, Leaven and Gloriana.  I think they held back a little on the recording as they were uncertain of how well they could pull this off. Still I think some of their best moments are captured here and I wish they would play some of the more adventurous songs live.  Wait of Glory is really the first time the band went into the studio with new songs and recorded a brand new CD.  I think it is great as well and if nothing else captures the essence of the band live.
Next year we will hopefully see a live album on the horizon. At least according to their website.
Oh yeah my favorite Wink Since I have to choose here I had to choose BBA.


"What are you going to do when that damn thing rusts?"

Posted By: Trickster F.
Date Posted: October 17 2006 at 12:31
Still haven't heard the debut(?), but the latest is an excellent album.


Posted By: stewe
Date Posted: November 04 2006 at 11:59
Musically both are excellent. But was bit disappointed with Wait of Glory after masterpiece like BBA. It has the edge, I'm blown away and I feel like in the fairy tale when I listen to it. I think it's Kerry Livgren's real opus magnum, even better than Leftoverture.
More similar to BBA is Livgren's Collector's Sedition, also great stuff.

Posted By: ClemofNazareth
Date Posted: November 04 2006 at 13:11
Wait of Glory overall because it shows that the band is currently viable, not just catching up on the past. Kerry is writing new stuff and the lineup has matured, particularly with the addition of Jake Livgren.

Each of their three albums is special in one way or another, but with Wait of Glory we have reason to believe these guys are going to be around for a while and making even more new music.

"Peace is the only battle worth waging."

Albert Camus

Posted By: eugene
Date Posted: November 04 2006 at 13:42
Best Proto-Kaw album is early Kansas recordings released recently under Proto-Kaw name. And out of the two above I prefer the latest.


Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: November 06 2006 at 22:56

What Wayward Son stated in his first message stays very true to my eyes. I feel that the musicianship is tighter in Proto-Kaw's third album, yet it is their 2nd album that contains more memorable and more exciting material in the current era of prog. The sequence of tracks 1-5 is just perfect in its fluidity of various moods, while 'Teophany' is one of the most amazing Livgren compositions ever. It would have been a real Kansas classic epic together with 'Song for America', 'The Pinnacle' and 'Miracles outof Nowhere', but since it is a Proto-Kaw number, it has to be one of the most brilliant symphonic prog songs in the 2000's.

"Before became After" is a much better album, IMHO.



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