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Seattle Prog players?

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Topic: Seattle Prog players?
Posted By: prague
Subject: Seattle Prog players?
Date Posted: September 24 2006 at 18:02
Where are you? I am here.
I thought I was registered here, but I couldn't log in, so I'm starting anew.
The drummer and I need to find some players. Guitars, keys, and vocals. The project is going to make a live DVD.

Posted By: randyhiatt
Date Posted: June 06 2007 at 17:51
look fwd to it, I'm in Seattle ...but a drummer.


Posted By: asimplemistake
Date Posted: June 06 2007 at 19:32
I'm a guitarist/singer, but you never mentioned stuff like what the age of the group is, what you guys will play, and that sort of stuff.  Maybe try to list more info about a specific genre, ages, and whatever else may be necessary.

I'm only 16 though, and don't think I'm really interested in play with you guys, cause I already play with a different group, plus I'm from the Seattle area, but not exactly Seattle.  Sorry, but it's cool to see other progers from Seattle.

Posted By: randyhiatt
Date Posted: June 13 2007 at 18:54

Though we have done prog in the past (early 70's) we migrated to fusion, jazz, rock, etc over the years (I'm 54).  My buds and I have been playing together for 30+ years and in various configurations as time has spread us around the area.

I usually work out of my recroom studio and call my project band Music by Accident because we jam (vocs and all) then overdub our tunes into being, always on the 1st pass (because we hate to ever rehearse, sadly).  When we get stuck in the mud we'll do a cover (again I wish we would rehearse).  We do covers from Camel, Kevin Gilbert, Porcupine Tree etc.  In years past we did quite a few challenging covers from all the old standard prog bands (which we did rehearse but recordings were on cassette tape).

Today we use Mac G4 G5 and ProTools, sometimes Garage Band.  Everything goes into the puter, midi pad drums (octapads too), bass, guitars, vocs.  Then we use headphones to monitor.  It's a nice set up, one I developed when I had my 1st kid (for obvious -quiet- reasions), today he's 18!

I do the engineering but am self taught and seldom use any effects or mastering techniques because I don't know how to use them.  When I tried I seem to squash the sounds rather then making them better, so I just record like it's a cassette recorder :)
Currently I am thinking of getting out there for a gig or 2 a month, looking for a band to do this with. 
Also we are always looking for help with keys and/or vocs on various unfinished covers.  Don't need to be local for this, we can email/dwnload trks as we go.
anyhoo, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


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