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Please stop the pop-up

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Printed Date: March 04 2025 at 02:38
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Topic: Please stop the pop-up
Posted By: Gomah
Subject: Please stop the pop-up
Date Posted: September 04 2006 at 14:00
Pleeeeeeeeeeease somebody stop those annoying pop-ups. This site has enough share of ad embeded and I do really understand why it needs them, but pop-ups!! Those even pass through FireFox pop-up blocker. Believe me, nobody is going to click on those, you just repel visitors by annoyingly present a pop-up while somebody tries to enter the search box and such...

Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: September 04 2006 at 15:17
I must say that I have, until now, no pop-up that has passed my Firefox blocker. 


Posted By: Gomah
Date Posted: September 04 2006 at 15:37
This is the piece of code in PA pages that brings those pop-ups, and they are getting more and more smart and pass through Firefox too, because they are not normal pop-ups, they are invoked when you click on a link or the search box.
<!-- TF 468x60 JScript HORIZ code -->
<center><script language=javascript><!--
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language=javascript src="'+((new Date()).getTime() % 2147483648) + Math.random()+'"></scr'+'ipt>');
   <a href="" target=_blank>
   <img src=""
                  width=468 height=60 border=0 alt="Click Here"></a>
<!-- TF 468x60 JScript HORIZ code -->


Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: September 04 2006 at 15:41
My Firefox pop-up blocker is stopping them ok.

Posted By: Tuzvihar
Date Posted: September 04 2006 at 15:50
I use Opera browser and it deals with them well too.

"Music is much like f**king, but some composers can't climax and others climax too often, leaving themselves and the listener jaded and spent."

Charles Bukowski

Posted By: toolis
Date Posted: September 04 2006 at 15:56
i'm ok too...

-music is like pornography...

sometimes amateurs turn us on, even more...

-sometimes you are the pigeon and sometimes you are the statue...

Posted By: Gomah
Date Posted: September 04 2006 at 15:58
Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

My Firefox pop-up blocker is stopping them ok.

I use FireFox and it passes through, it happens only sometimes (time is set through a cookie). I could post a screen shot if there was a way to upload an image. In IE ( i use IE 7 RC1) I had allowed pop-ups from PA because at some point it was needed, don't remember why. Well, I have to remove it from allowed list and make it block all pop-ups. Still don't get it why there should be something like that here, when everyone tries to avoid it.

Posted By: Cheesecakemouse
Date Posted: September 04 2006 at 19:24
I'm getting this awful one that comes up each time I go on this website, its about virus protection or something but its like  a virus in itself. Its quite deceptive you think its one of those microsoft update bthings but it certainly isn't.



Posted By: Eetu Pellonpaa
Date Posted: September 05 2006 at 03:52
Errorsafe, anyone? Infesting also YouSendIt. Well, if site is not funded with membership fees or some kind of foundation, one gets ads.

Posted By: Gomah
Date Posted: September 05 2006 at 10:05
Originally posted by Eetu Pellonpää Eetu Pellonpää wrote:

Errorsafe, anyone? Infesting also YouSendIt. Well, if site is not funded with membership fees or some kind of foundation, one gets ads.

As I said in the first post, I realize the need for ads, but do they need to be in form of nasty pop-ups?     

Posted By: Bob Greece
Date Posted: September 05 2006 at 10:17
I don't think that these pop-ups are official. I use Internet Explorer and I don't get them. I think it's some kind of spyware that is causing it?


Posted By: Gomah
Date Posted: September 05 2006 at 10:28
Unfortunately they are official. I am spyware free, and posted the code that brings them earlier.


Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: September 05 2006 at 10:33
Originally posted by Gomah Gomah wrote:

This is the piece of code in PA pages that brings those pop-ups, and they are getting more and more smart and pass through Firefox too, because they are not normal pop-ups, they are invoked when you click on a link or the search box.
<!-- TF 468x60 JScript HORIZ code -->
<center><script language=javascript><!--
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language=javascript src="'+((new Date()).getTime() % 2147483648) + Math.random()+'"></scr'+'ipt>');
   <a href="" target=_blank>
   <img src=""
                  width=468 height=60 border=0 alt="Click Here"></a>
<!-- TF 468x60 JScript HORIZ code -->


Just use Adblock and your browser won't even execute the script ... which is a damn good thing if the script should contain any exploit for browser bugs!

-------------" rel="nofollow - Release Polls

Listened to:

Posted By: Abstrakt
Date Posted: September 05 2006 at 10:37
How About That One ^
And is it just me, or do you others get thease "Errorsafe" things that shuts down your internet!?

Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: September 05 2006 at 10:45
I am using IE7 and have never had any pop-ups on this site.


Posted By: Gomah
Date Posted: September 05 2006 at 11:04
Here is IE7 RC1 with pop-up blocker set to 'Meduim'.

Posted By: Bob Greece
Date Posted: September 05 2006 at 11:30
This is very strange. I don't get pop-ups and neither do I get the message pop-up blocked. I am using Yahoo toolbar but I think it says if it blocks a pop-up.


Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: September 05 2006 at 11:30 -


-------------" rel="nofollow - Release Polls

Listened to:

Posted By: Angelo
Date Posted: September 05 2006 at 11:43
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote: -


Definitely Wink

-------------" rel="nofollow - ISKC Rock Radio
I stopped blogging and reviewing - so won't be handling requests. Promo's for ariplay can be sent to [email protected]

Posted By: PROGMAN
Date Posted: September 05 2006 at 13:42

This is the result of AdBlocker Plus!!


Posted By: Eetu Pellonpaa
Date Posted: September 05 2006 at 15:20
Originally posted by Abstrakt Abstrakt wrote:

And is it just me, or do you others get thease "Errorsafe" things that shuts down your internet!?
This feature has tested my nerves recently, and created several enviromental hazards to my mental state. It's been discussed with higher detail here: -
Going to try Mike's link, thanks for helping! Big smile

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