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Why Not Gentle Giant

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
Printed Date: March 01 2025 at 18:59
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Topic: Why Not Gentle Giant
Posted By: Gomah
Subject: Why Not Gentle Giant
Date Posted: August 18 2006 at 01:53
Maybe I have hearing problem, but this is what hear on the part that Kerry sings on Why Not:

Why not climb a hill
With someone who hates you
Why not hate someone
Who climbs a hill with you
And as time passes by
Your feet are slipping
And you are wondering why
There is no forgiving

And this is the official lyrics:

Why not climb a hill
With someone that hates you
Why not hate someone
Who climbs a hill with you
And as time passes by
Your feet start slipping
You are wondering why
There is no forgetting

Do you hear 'forgiving' or 'forgetting'?

A very nice song any way.

Posted By: Legoman
Date Posted: August 18 2006 at 02:03
Yeah, sounds like forgiving.



Posted By: Supertwister
Date Posted: August 18 2006 at 02:06
It sounds like he could be saying both, the other words noted are definately being said I reckon.

So if there's minor mistakes in there, who knows what's being said.

------------- - [IMG - -

Posted By: cuncuna
Date Posted: August 20 2006 at 00:16
I have a worst problem with those lyrics. I don't know if the fact that I'm not a native English speaker affects my perception, but I think those lines are very lazy written...

ĦBeware of the Bee!

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