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Anyone like Sublime?

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Topic: Anyone like Sublime?
Posted By: slicksurfer28
Subject: Anyone like Sublime?
Date Posted: August 10 2006 at 17:30
anyone here like sublime? theyre by far one of my favorite bands, especially their self-titled Cd and 40 oz. to freedom. my friend at work at umg (also a huge sublime fan) just told me that theyre re-releasing their s/t album on aug 15 for the 10th anniversary of it (wow) and i'm so excited! he showed me the track listing at and it actually looks pretty good and worth the money. it's going to be totally re-mastered, have a 2nd cd with it with remixes, unreleased tracks, AND videos. i also heard something about a boxset coming out in the fall??? that should be very cool as well, but i dont really know much more about it. anyone else heard about either of these?? 

Posted By: heyitsthatguy
Date Posted: August 10 2006 at 18:44
My opinion of them isn't much, they don't annoy me, but I'm just not a fan of the ska genre in general. Still, they're a decent band. And welcome to the archives! Hug


Posted By: JJLehto
Date Posted: August 11 2006 at 13:19
dosnt really do much for me. Although I do enjoy a few of their songs.

Posted By: Bastille Dude
Date Posted: August 11 2006 at 15:18
A lot of my friends from the LBC listen to Sublime, Not my cup of tea though, sorry.


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