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Kiko Loureiro

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Suggest New Bands and Artists
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Topic: Kiko Loureiro
Posted By: WaywardSon
Subject: Kiko Loureiro
Date Posted: July 27 2006 at 21:56
I was looking for this guy under "Prog metal" and couldnīt find him on the list. If John Petrucci (solo) is on the list shouldnīt Kiko Loureiroīs solo output be there too?
Angra and Dream Theater are Prog Metal.
Loureiro has released one solo album called "No Gravity" which is far more diverse than Petrucciīs Suspended Animation album. 
What are your thoughts on this amazing guitarist? -

Posted By: WaywardSon
Date Posted: July 29 2006 at 14:16

Just been looking at the list (Prog Metal) again..

Should Shaaman be on that list? They sound very Power metal IMO, whereas Angra definitely belong there.

Has no one heard Kiko Lourieroīs solo album?
The title track "No Gravity" is awesome!

Posted By: AtLossForWords
Date Posted: July 29 2006 at 21:04
I'm not a big fan of Louriero as skilled as he is, and I sometimes questions the reasons why Angra are featured here, so I wouldn't be in any hurry to add him to the database.
I think Angra/Shaaman/Louriero are primarily power artists.  They add some interesting elements such as the Hispainic themes, but rarely have I listened to any pieces by them that are more prog then power.


"Mastodon sucks giant monkey balls."

Posted By: WaywardSon
Date Posted: July 29 2006 at 21:08
Have you heard the album "No Gravity" By Kiko? Iīm not a big Angra fan too but I love their version of Genesisīs "Mama"

Posted By: AtLossForWords
Date Posted: July 29 2006 at 21:13
Originally posted by WaywardSon WaywardSon wrote:

Have you heard the album "No Gravity" By Kiko? Iīm not a big Angra fan too but I love their version of Genesisīs "Mama"
Only samples


"Mastodon sucks giant monkey balls."

Posted By: aapatsos
Date Posted: July 29 2006 at 21:40
Originally posted by AtLossForWords AtLossForWords wrote:

I'm not a big fan of Louriero as skilled as he is, and I sometimes questions the reasons why Angra are featured here, so I wouldn't be in any hurry to add him to the database.

I think Angra/Shaaman/Louriero are primarily power artists.  They add some interesting elements such as the Hispainic themes, but rarely have I listened to any pieces by them that are more prog then power.

true, most of their elements are power metal
they have added some prog elements especially in Holy land which is excellent
haven't heard Kiko's solo album though but I suppose it's 'power based'...?

Posted By: WaywardSon
Date Posted: July 29 2006 at 21:47
Itīs sort of a mixture of Vai and Satriani with a bit of "Brazilian bits" in places. No itīs not power metal at all. Itīs all quite moving music really. 

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