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Fourth-rate bands

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Topic: Fourth-rate bands
Posted By: Logan
Subject: Fourth-rate bands
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 03:13
Fourth-rate, as in band-rated or ranked fourth.  Or more accurately, I mean the fourth band name listed on each prog subgenre list in the 'top progressive albums by genre' pages.  See details in my stats and musing below (I had some time to kill and have forgotten what my point was... All seems a bit silly and excessive now that I've finished writing this out)...

Oh yeah, each album -- like "In  Glass House" -- is the most popular, according to the lists, title by the band.  The popularity of the following particular albums determined the bands 'fourth placement,'  but you can choose to vote based on any single album by the bands I've listed above.

Art Rock: Gentle Giant, whose album "In a Glass House" is ranked 22 in this site's top albums list for "all genres," is the fourth art-rock band-name listed in art-rock.  It's the 7th highest rated album in the art-rock category.  With 3 of the top 5 albums, King Crimson rules art-rock, and is of course one of the top-rated bands over-all at this siteOf course some might say that the Gentle Giant could stomp all over the King's Crimson-ass, but then that wouldn't be very gentle of the giant. 
Canterbury: Soft Machine, at 133 in overall (all genres) album standing, is the fourth Canterbury band listed with "Third," and is the 5th highest rated album of this subgenre.  With the top-two Canterbury albums, Caravan pwns. 
Experimental/Post-Rock: Ulver at is the fourth E/PR band listed with "Perdition City," and is the 6th highest rated album of this subgenre. However, it doesn't quite make the 500 overall (all genres) top albums list.  With 2nd, 3rd, and 5th best album, Sigur Ros dominates the top 5 of this subgenre (but Godspeed You Black Emperor has 3 in the top ten including the number one spot).  'Experimental' hardly dominates the site though.
Indo-Prog/Raga Rock: Codona at is the fourth IP/RR band listed with "Codona 3" and is the 5th highest rated album of this subgenre.  "Codona 3"  is the second album in my poll list which is not represented in the "all-genre" top-500 favourites list.  With the top-two IP/RR albums, Shakti with John McLaughlin pwns. Unfortunately, they don't pwn the top 500 it seems, as S w/ JM, the most popular of the subgenre here, do not seem to be represented in the top 500.
Italian Symphonic Prog: Banco del Mutuo Soccorso takes fourth band position with "Darwin!." It's at number 5 on the ISP top list and at 114 in the "all genres" favourites list.  PFM has baked the roll with the two top albums in ISP, but you can bank on Banco as they have 3 in the top 10.
Jazz Rock/Fusion: Bill Bruford's at 4th best with "One of a Kind."  The album ranks at 167 over-all ("all genres"), and is ranked at  6 on the JR/F top list.  In a well-orchestrated move?, Mahavishnu Orchestra pwns this category with the top two albums.
Krautrock: Popol Vuh is the 4th listed band with "Tantric Songs."  In the "all-genres" category it ranks very low at 489, and is ranked much higher at 5th place in the Krautrock top progressive albums list.  Happened again... Having the top two Krautrock albums, Can kicks the other Krautrockers with a one-two punch (oops, mixed metaphor). 
Neo-Prog: Arena is the 4th listed neo-prog band with "Visitor."  The album's at 124 overall (all progarchives genres) and is number 5 in neo-prog specifically.  Marillion, with albums in the 1,2,8,9,10,11,16 neo-prog category spots is the top 20 favourite.  However, IQ at 3,7,12,14,15 and 21 gives the band a run for its money.
Progressive Folk:  Mostly Autumn is the 4th listed progressive folk band with "The Last Bright Light."  The album ranks at 148 on the "all genres" favourites list, and is down at 8 on the PF chart primarily due to Jethro Tull pwning this category.  Once again, a band, this time Tull, has the number 1 and 2 album spots, but Tull has also the 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 14, and 18 spots in the prog folk category. Pwnd!
Prog Related: Kate Bush is the 4th name mentioned in the PR category for "Hounds of Love."  Overall (all subgenres) it's ranked at 143, and as 5th most popular album in PR.  Ever the diva, Queen must be the center-of-attention and so, in the of four, holds the second and third position, thereby burning Bush a little badly, sadly.
Progressive Electronic: With "Phaedra," Tangerine Dream is the fourth PE band listed.  In th "all genres" favourites list it's at 316, and in fifth position on the PE albums list.  Once again a band takes the top two positions, this time it's Kraftwerk, but no band really pwns this category as the top twenty is dominated by several bands including Tangerine Dream and Klaus  Schulze (1/3 of the top 30 are Tangerine Dream).
Progresive Metal: the band Riverside and their album "Second Life Syndrome" both come in at number 4 on the PM list. It ranks at 34 on the "all genres" top faves list.  With albums at 1, 6, and 10, Dream Theater dominates the top ten PM bands album list, but Opeth and Pain of Salvation are duking it out with DT in the top twenty.
Proto-Prog: Touch is the fourth PP bandname listed.  On the top 500 list here (all genres), the self-titled album weighs in at 465.  For PG the album ranks at 8.  Deep Purple  is battling it out with the Beatles for PP domination.  In the top 20, Purple has albums ranked 1,5,6,15, 16, 20.  The Beatles have the 2,4,7,8, and 11 positions. The Moody Blues with albums ranked 3, 13, 17, and 19 are in the fray, and Procol Harum is a making a strong showing.
Psychadelic/Space Rock: Eloy is the fourth listed band in this category with their album "Ocean."  Ranked rather low at 154 in the "all genres" most popular list, it's listed only at 12 in the P/SR specific category because only Pink Floyd and Porcupine Tree got into the top ten.  Gotta say that Pink Floyd is pwning this category, though Porcupine Tree (I'd thought they were more prog-related) is making a strong showing against the Pink-monster.  
RIO/Avant-Prog: Thinking Plague takes 4th band position with "In Extremis."  For all-genres the album is ranked down at 183, and in R/AP it's at 6.  Clearly Frank Zappa zaps the other bands in this category with album positions at 1,2,3,8,9,11,12,19,20,21,23,25,27,37,35,and 46 in the top 50.
Symphonic Prog: Anglagard is the fourth band mentioned in the SP category with "Hybris."  Over-all (all genres) the album is ranked at 27, and in the SP list "Hybris" is at 11.  Yes and Genesis pwn this major prog category.  In the top 25, Yes has albums in the 1, 5, 7, 14, 22 and number 24 spots, while Genesis, even more impressively, has albums ranked at 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 19, 20 and 23 for this category and for "all genres" they make a pretty impressive showing too, of course.  Even the mighty ELP gets clobbered by Genesis and Yes at this site.  Genesis and Yes fans are strong in the force it seems.
Zeuhl: Koenjihyakket is the fourth band down in the Zeuhl list with "2." (ni) The album is ranked in the Zeuhl most popular list at 8, but it only ranks at 454 in the "all genres" most popular albums list.  Depite not having the top-ranked album, Magma, hardly surprisingly, dominates this category.  With albums (I have included boxsets for the artists) at 3, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 35, 28, 31, 32, 33, and 34 not only have these molten-rock guys been volcanic in the way they've spewed out albums, these guys pwn Zeuhl.


Think I'll go with good old Gentle Giant
here.  It's a safe bet.  Always had a thing for Kate Bush myself, by the way.

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 03:18
OK, I went for Kate Bush and her marvellous "Hounds of Love" - with GG ranking as close seconds.

Posted By: Faaip_De_Oiad
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 03:23



Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 03:23
Wow...i must say this is an original idea for a poll.
In any case...tough call but i think i'll go for the Giant.

Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: Equality 7-2521
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 03:28
Rather easy decision with Gentle Giant. I like most of the other bands but they really don't compare.

"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 03:45
Yup, for a 'fourth-rate' band, Gentle Giant are truly first-rate.

Posted By: horza
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 03:48

Love them

Originally posted by darkshade:

Calling Mike Portnoy a bad drummer is like calling Stephen Hawking an idiot.

Posted By: CaptainWafflos
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 03:53
Anglagard is phenomenal.

Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 03:56
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

<>Krautrock: Popol Vuh is the 4th listed band with "Tantric Songs."  In the "all-genres" category it ranks very low at 489, and is ranked much higher at 5th place in the Krautrock top progressive albums list.  Happened again... Having the top two Krautrock albums, Can kicks the other Krautrockers with a one-two punch (oops, mixed metaphor).

Embryo, Amon Düül 2 or Guru Guru have quite a punch themselves. Albums like "Känguru", "Tanz der Lemminge" or "Rocksession" are on the same level as the best Can albums. And that was just naming one album each of the bands in question.


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

Posted By: Asphalt
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 04:16
haha, that's a good one

i voted for ulver, not for a specific album, but rther for their long term activity, since i'm just not into gentle giant and even though i like anglagard, it just doesn't touch me as much; arena would've probabely been a close runner-up

Posted By: fuxi
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 07:36
I love Gentle Giant and the Softs (especially 'Volume Two'), I've never heard Anglagard (to my regret!), but as far as I know, none of the chaps you mention have ever done anything as marvellous as Bill Bruford!   

Posted By: E-Dub
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 08:07
Arena is the only band on this list that is represented in my CD tower.



Posted By: Trickster F.
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 08:17
Voted for Ulver who released Perdition City, but I am very keen on GG, Banco del... and Anglagard as well.
 -- Ivan


Posted By: micky
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 08:23
not sure if you are looking for group...or the album mentioned in your

the groups... Gentle Giant of course.

the albums....Popol Vuh - Tantric Songs.... I LOVE that album. Slight edge over Darwin which is not  my favorite BdMS album.

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: ANDREW
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 08:25
Banco del Mutuo Soccorso

Posted By: Ounamahl
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 08:52
eloyyyyy ocean!

This is an electrified fairytale

Posted By: Kotro
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 10:00
Just to avoid GG, who are obvious winners, I'm going with Mostly Autumn.

Bigger on the inside.

Posted By: Kotro
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 10:01
Actually, come to think of it, I realy find "The Last Bright Light" better than any GG I've heard. Again, if I put my mind to it, I am having a hard time finding any album better than "The Last Bright Light"...

Bigger on the inside.

Posted By: Bj-1
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 10:03
Gentle Giant.
Octopus and Power & The Glory are among my favorite albums of all time.

RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!

Posted By: Vompatti
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 10:30

A toss between Kate Bush and Tangerine Dream. Gentle Giant comes third.

Posted By: goose
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 10:34
Well, Gentle Giant, Soft Machine and Ulver are all excellent! I really couldn't decide between any of them.

Posted By: bhikkhu
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 10:46
    As much as I love GG, I had to go for Banco. I find myself listening to "Darwin," and even the debut, more often than GG. The funny thing is that I only have those two Banco albums, but I have just about all of GG's studio output.
By the way, I have to agree that this is a great idea for a poll. It gets you thinking about some of our more unsung heroes.

a.k.a. H.T." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: ProgFan
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 11:02
Mostly Autumn with no doubt. Beautifull band!!!

Posted By: Open-Mind
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 11:09

"I'm on a roll, I'm on a roll this time, I feel my luck could change.. "

Posted By: Mikerinos
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 11:23
Soft Machine.  I prefer Volume One, Third, and Softs to anything by Gentle Giant (but they would be #2).


Posted By: mystic fred
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 11:57
I would hardly call Riverside 4th rate LOL but i voted for them  Thumbs Up

Prog Archives Tour Van

Posted By: Forgotten Son
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 12:42
Very close between Mostly Autumn, Arena, Kate Bush and Riverside. I eventually plumped for Mostly Autumn.

Posted By: BebieM
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 14:01
Wow! a poll with Gentle Giant, Soft Machine, Anglagard, Banco and Popol Vuh in it? Impossible to decide, really.

I went for Soft Machine, even though all those bands have at least one five star album!

Posted By: bruin69
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 19:13
Blast! I misread the instructions -thought I was voting for a band I thought was fourth-rate - as in rubbish - so naturally voted for Gentle Giant, because to me they sound contrived and unpleasant... Ouch

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: July 12 2006 at 16:42
Originally posted by mystic fred mystic fred wrote:

I would hardly call Riverside 4th rate LOL but i voted for them  Thumbs Up

Indeed, they're all first-rate bands (despite their 4th place popularity ranking in each given subgenre, which is stilll high -- but I'm galdd, I thought it would be amusing terming them 4th rate).  Gentle Giant, for instance, is one of the most talked about bands here.  And I love Anglagard and Banco.  Hybris is my favourite prog album of the last two decades (my avatar's the Hybris cover with the gentle giant face clonestamped in... badly).

I had planned on continuing this with 5th-ranked albums, then 6th etc. -- therbey increasing the obscurity, but of course some prog, and not so prog lol - subgenres are pretty obscure already, and the top artists of those are largely undiscussed here.

Having noted that certiain bands dominate the top of the list with several highly-rated albums, this started as a minor exercise in stats. I wanted too see how the fourth band-names mentioned in the subgenres categories stacked up against other statistically speaking when comparing the general prog album ranking and subgenre album ranking.  I chose fourth place due to my love for Hybris, happily for me, Banco and Gentle Giant had albums which made them includable in the list.

Fourth place for an album is a high popularity ranking, by 10th (also high for most categories) there's gonna be some really obscure stuff (for most of this community).  There were already bands of 4th place standing who hadn't made the top 500 (all genres).

I wish there was a similarly ordered list here for the top 11, 747 albums.  What are the ten least popular albums at the site?

Posted By: kebjourman
Date Posted: July 12 2006 at 21:43
definitely soft machine

Posted By: memowakeman
Date Posted: July 12 2006 at 21:45
Eloy here!


Follow me on twitter @memowakeman

Posted By: Fassbinder
Date Posted: July 12 2006 at 22:05
Gentle Giant (though I don't know much about the rest except for Soft Machine)

Posted By: The Wizard
Date Posted: July 12 2006 at 22:56
The Soft Machine of course, pure manna they are.


Posted By: N Ellingworth
Date Posted: July 13 2006 at 02:09
Eloy for me.

Although Banco and GG deserve honourable mentions.

Posted By: Dragon Phoenix
Date Posted: July 13 2006 at 03:14
Kate Bush, no doubt. Riverside second, Banco third.

Blog this:

Posted By: Mandrakeroot
Date Posted: July 13 2006 at 12:12


Posted By: MattiR
Date Posted: August 23 2006 at 09:33
Gentle Giant

Posted By: Silhouette
Date Posted: August 23 2006 at 12:11
My top candidates were Arena, Riverside and Gentle Giant, and finally, my vote goes to Arena.

Silhouette - Profile @

Posted By: King of Loss
Date Posted: August 23 2006 at 12:26
Gentle Giant, with Soft Machine coming close.

Posted By: memowakeman
Date Posted: August 23 2006 at 15:41

So many great albums between those bands.... i voted Eloy



Follow me on twitter @memowakeman

Posted By: eugene
Date Posted: August 23 2006 at 18:52
Banco for me


Posted By: Arrrghus
Date Posted: August 23 2006 at 18:54
Where's Steve Hillage? I'll vote for him.


Posted By: micky
Date Posted: August 23 2006 at 18:59
Originally posted by Arrrghus Arrrghus wrote:

Where's Steve Hillage? I'll vote for him.

maybe in the 5th rate division perhaps LOL

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: August 23 2006 at 19:18
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by Arrrghus Arrrghus wrote:

Where's Steve Hillage? I'll vote for him.

maybe in the 5th rate division perhaps LOL

7th rate, actually, LOL according to my methodology.  His top-rated album is in 12th place on the - Canterbury Scene list and his is the seventh listed band/artist 'name'.  In the - "All Genres" Top 500 list, the album ranks at 448.

Posted By: darksinger
Date Posted: August 23 2006 at 22:49
you have eloy, ulver, riverside and tangerine dream...i might have to roll a 4 sided dice to make this decision...


Posted By: Sacred 22
Date Posted: August 24 2006 at 01:08
Originally posted by Ghost Rider Ghost Rider wrote:

OK, I went for Kate Bush and her marvellous "Hounds of Love" - with GG ranking as close seconds.
In my heart I tend to agree with you...............I think she is amazing.

Posted By: OpethGuitarist
Date Posted: August 24 2006 at 02:08
voted for Ulver, perhaps one of the most intriguing bands in terms of history of the band and their discography than any other band

back from the dead, i will begin posting reviews again and musing through the forums

Posted By: krusty
Date Posted: August 24 2006 at 06:17
Couldn't choose between  Gentle Giant, Soft Machine, Bill Bruford,  Anglagard, Thinking Plague Big smile
I also like the albums by Mostly Autumn and Riverside...Tongue

Too easily pleased I guess...LOL

-------------" rel="nofollow - Humanism

Posted By: Mategra
Date Posted: August 24 2006 at 07:53


...followed by GG and Bruford.

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