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Favorite Film?

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Topic: Favorite Film?
Posted By: richardh
Subject: Favorite Film?
Date Posted: February 29 2004 at 18:01

Mine is Blade Runner.I love this mix of Film Noir and Sci-Fi (sometimes called Future Noir).There's a great soundtrack as well from Vangelis.

What's yours?

Posted By: Paco Fox
Date Posted: February 29 2004 at 19:24

Let's say...

Lord of the Rings. Hope they win the Oscar tonight


Posted By: Peter
Date Posted: February 29 2004 at 22:12
 My fave film recently was the brilliantly-done Master and Commander. The Rings movies were great too!

"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.

Posted By: StarshipTrooper
Date Posted: March 01 2004 at 15:02
Another vote for LOTR. Just brilliant from start to finish.


Posted By: Dan Bobrowski
Date Posted: March 01 2004 at 15:33

I thought Sling-Blade was incredible.  

However, LOTR is awesome. I just sprang for the new editions with the added footage. Wow, so much more of the book was added in those scenes. I can't wait to see the ROTK with added footage.

Is the Hobbit next?

I just read the Silmarillion and there's probably three or four more movies in that book.  

Posted By: Redstar
Date Posted: March 02 2004 at 04:17

Best film ever made -TIE: The Exorcist/The Godfather

My favorite film personally: Escape from New York


-call me Snake...

"" - 'There's a fine line between stupid and...clever'

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: March 02 2004 at 07:42
Originally posted by danbo danbo wrote:

I thought Sling-Blade was incredible.  

However, LOTR is awesome. I just sprang for the new editions with the added footage. Wow, so much more of the book was added in those scenes. I can't wait to see the ROTK with added footage.

Is the Hobbit next?

I just read the Silmarillion and there's probably three or four more movies in that book.  

Can't agree more Danbo.....

All 3 of the LOTR films were spectacularly well made (and they said it couldn't be done), ROTK is one of the best films I have ever seen, without doubt & finally, they now recognise Peter Jackson at the Oscars - 11 gongs for ROTK . I too cannot wait for the extended version of ROTK (I have the 1st 2 on DVD already).

As far as the Hobbit is concerned, I understand Peter Jackson is in negotiations for the rights to the book - let's face it, if anyone is to make it, it must be him


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: Paco Fox
Date Posted: March 02 2004 at 10:04
Originally posted by Redstar Redstar wrote:

Best film ever made -TIE: The Exorcist/The Godfather

My favorite film personally: Escape from New York

Congratulations. It's a sign of an intelligent person being able to tell between the best and one's favourite. I'm not crazy about the Godfather, but it's one of the best films in history.

I'm a fan of most of Carpenter's work. Specially 'The Thing' and 'In the Mouth of Madness'. It's a long time since I've seen 'Escape from New York', but I will surelly buy it as soon as it is published here in Spain.




Posted By: Dan Bobrowski
Date Posted: March 02 2004 at 12:12
I bought The Thing on DVD a couiple of months ago. The head that sprouts legs and walks off is still great.

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: March 07 2004 at 14:24



Posted By: Glass-Prison
Date Posted: March 07 2004 at 15:58

Definitely Apocalypse Now.

I think Francis Ford Coppola put an interesting twist to Joseph Conrad's novel by changing the setting to the Vietnam war (As opposed to 19th century Congo)

Another movie I enjoy is Spartacus. The battle at the end is one of the most exciting cinematic sequences I have ever seen. Director Kubrick gets kudos for evoking one of the most suspensful and depressing moments when he shows the Roman legions marching on the slaves. the scene literally covers every step the Romans take, and even shows a second legion slowly peaking oveer the hill as the first is halfway across the battlefield. Definitely a must-see.

Posted By: Radioactive Toy
Date Posted: March 15 2004 at 14:01



Posted By: Glass-Prison
Date Posted: March 15 2004 at 21:25
I will, as soon as I find a copy...

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: March 16 2004 at 03:27
Originally posted by Radioactive Toy Radioactive Toy wrote:



Superb Superb Superb film - I own it on DVD & must have seen it a dozen times......... just don't ask me to explain it!

Great version of 'mad world' on the soundtrack, too.


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: Tauhd Zaďa
Date Posted: March 16 2004 at 03:41

Two of equal merit :


"Out of Africa" - Sydney Pollack with Robert Redford and Meryl Streep

"Wings of Desire" - Wim Werders with Bruno Ganz

The State Of Grace Is Achieved

Posted By: philippe
Date Posted: March 16 2004 at 09:21

Yes! 'Wings of desire' is a real classic...deeply emotional with interesting reflexions about human soul and imortality. 

Very different from the previous one, I personnaly love 'the chesea girls' by Andy Warhol 


Posted By: will
Date Posted: March 16 2004 at 12:50

MY personal favourites are:

The Star Wars Trilogy and The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy.

All the Monty Python films aswell.

Loads of my freinds really like Donny Darko but i never really understood it, all a bit to confusing for me.


Long live progression.

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: March 16 2004 at 17:08
Thanks Will for mentioning Donnie Darko. The plot is indeed very confusing I have to admit.Partly because of this,the writer(who also directed it)  had great trouble in getting the finance to make the film and in the end it was thanks to the actors taking much reduced fees that it only got made. The plot is something to do with a small town being sucked into a parallel dimension that threatens to destroy it and only Donnie Darko can save the day.If you're into DVD then I would recommend it because it comes with an informative commentary that helps explain the plot and the afore-mentioned difficulties of getting it onto the big screen.

Posted By: will
Date Posted: March 16 2004 at 17:44
Cheers Rich that  has enlightened me as to the plot of the film. I will look out for the DVD, i'll see if i can rent it.

Long live progression.

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: December 11 2004 at 12:04

Last post was 16 March!

Mine's "Local hero", a superbly atmospheric film, with lots of quirky moments.

Other favourites are "Field of dreams" and "Dances with wolves".

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: December 11 2004 at 14:49

Schindler's List

LOTR Trilogy

South Park, Bigger, Louder etc

Godfather I & II

Blade Runner

The Deer Hunter

Fight Club

The Matrix trilogy


This Is Spinal Tap

Apocalypse Now.


A lot of violence for someone who hates guns!




Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: December 11 2004 at 19:41

I like the prismatic film that covers the asphalt after an oil spill.

Oh, you meant....

Okay, then: any Kubrick, any Lynch (excpet maybe the Straight Story), any Coen brothers, any Jarmusch, anything with Virginia Madsen, anything with robot zombies, and almost anything with Bruce Cambell.

and Goodfellas.

Japanese Horror.

Easy Rider.

Softcore Vampire porn.



Touch of Evil.

Wedding in Galilee.

Office Space.

Joe the King.


Posted By: Arioch
Date Posted: December 11 2004 at 21:06
River's Edge

Knight of the Swords
Lord of Entropy
Duke of Chaos

Posted By: Quacky
Date Posted: December 11 2004 at 21:52
Vampires Kiss; the Usual Suspects; the Return of the King; Yellowbeard; Evil Dead; The Thing (Both the 50's one and the 1982 release with Kurt Russell); Tobe Hooper's Texas Chainsaw Massacre; Up in Smoke

Posted By: arcer
Date Posted: December 12 2004 at 16:54

impossible - like asking 'what's your favourite record'


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: December 12 2004 at 16:55
Originally posted by arcer arcer wrote:

impossible - like asking 'what's your favourite record'


What's your favourite record Arcer?

(not the 49 unbeaten games hopefullyLOL)


Posted By: arcer
Date Posted: December 12 2004 at 17:03

i'll take that one!!

your shower of useless gimps is never gonna beat it and the puny satisfaction gained in ending the glorious run pales into insignificance beside the awesomeness of the achivement of the all-conquering mighty Gunners!!!  

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: December 12 2004 at 17:07
Originally posted by arcer arcer wrote:

i'll take that one!!

your shower of useless gimps is never gonna beat it and the puny satisfaction gained in ending the glorious run pales into insignificance beside the awesomeness of the achivement of the all-conquering mighty Gunners!!!  

You'll not finish in the Top 2. Maybe not the top 3.
Just the 3 Premiership Titles is it?LOL

And the European Cup/Champions League???????????????

Anyway favourite films, or in your case fantasies?Tongue


Posted By: arcer
Date Posted: December 12 2004 at 17:17

poxy European Cup!!! hate it, hate it!!!! It's not fair!!!!

and we'll win the title in april - hey if Mourinho can say, I can too, still means b***** all!

Favourite flicks include:

Bringing up Baby, Duck Soup in facrt any Marx Bros, Bela Lugosi Dracula, North by Northwest, Shane, The Searchers, any old Flash Gordon serial, Manhattan, Annie Hall, Goodfellas, Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, Blade Runner, Aliens, Night of the Demon, The Shining, Seven Year Itch, Mr Blandings Builds his Dream House, Captain Blood, Spinal Tap, Almost Famous, Raging Bull, Spirited Away, Magnificent Seven, King of Comedy, Cross of Iron, Raiders of the Lost Ark hundreds and hundreds more.....

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: December 12 2004 at 17:32

It seems we can nearly all agree on

Blade Runner
Star Wars
The Shining
Spinal Tap

Christ I forgot Raging Bull, Indiana Jones, Alien(s)
Marx Bros too, good call!



Posted By: arcer
Date Posted: December 12 2004 at 17:34

there's go to be millions more - 'kin 'ell..... King Kong, (not the '70s one) 

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: December 12 2004 at 17:38
Originally posted by arcer arcer wrote:

there's go to be millions more - 'kin 'ell..... King Kong, (not the '70s one) 

what, not even the bit where Jessica Lange's er.. exposed?


Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: December 12 2004 at 18:26
I think I'm the only person in the world who liked "Hudson Hawk".


Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: December 12 2004 at 19:23
Yes! I speak for the other 3 billion who booed when Hawk didnt break his neck jumping from the Auction House, this was a bummer.


Posted By: StarvingArtyst
Date Posted: December 13 2004 at 00:29

My favorite film changes every week....

For now, it's Blazing Saddles. Mel Brooks and Gene Wilder are geniuses.

Get on your feet and do the Funky Alphonso

Posted By: asuma
Date Posted: December 13 2004 at 00:34
my two top movies are probably blade runner, and
waking life.

*Remember all advice given by Asuma is for entertainment purposes only. Asuma is not a licensed medical doctor, psychologist, or counselor and he does not play one on TV.*

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: December 13 2004 at 01:34
  1. The Clockwork Orange: "For being a bastard with no manners, you haven't a dook of an idea how to comport yourself public-wise, O my brother!"  just brilliant
  2. The Godfather 1 and 2. The third one is also good, but not in the same level
  3. Blade Runner: Masterpiece
  4. The Shinning: "Here comes Johnny!!!!!"
  5. Full Metal Jacket: "Ya know, half of these gook whores are serving officers in the Viet Cong; the other half have got T.B. Be sure you only f**k the ones that cough.

As you can see I'm a Kubrik fan, seen his pictures so many times that I remember some quotes, had 'em in Super 8, VHS and DVD.


Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: December 13 2004 at 03:43

"If I'm gonna die for a word, my word is p**ntang."

BTW: anyone see the documentary Kubrick's daughter made during the making of The Shining? Hilarious...Shelly Duvall has a series of tantrums and breakdowns...


Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: December 13 2004 at 08:27

At the moment it's Lola Rennt. Fast, furious, funny, fabulous,

I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: December 13 2004 at 09:51

Run Lola Run..Good choice!



The Shining


Withnail & I

Blade Runner

LOTR (All parts)

Spinal Tap

Twin Town

The Company of wolves

Pulp Fiction

The most 'powerful' film I have ever seen, has dreadful special effects, grainy picture, and is terribly dated. It's Threads, a docu-drama about a nuclear attack on Britain in the early 80's. It's powerful, but not exactly entertainment.

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: tuxon
Date Posted: December 13 2004 at 10:43

I'm a huge fan of Kubrick (I believe I'm not alone here),

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.

I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT

Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: December 13 2004 at 11:14
Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

The most 'powerful' film I have ever seen, has dreadful special effects, grainy picture, and is terribly dated. It's Threads, a docu-drama about a nuclear attack on Britain in the early 80's. It's powerful, but not exactly entertainment.

Bloody Hell - Threads, I'd forgotten about that film. Wasn't that the one which was seen from several different points of view, one in a crisis bunker another from a young couple in the midlands, etc?? 

I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: December 13 2004 at 15:52
Originally posted by sigod sigod wrote:

Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

The most 'powerful' film I have ever seen, has dreadful special effects, grainy picture, and is terribly dated. It's Threads, a docu-drama about a nuclear attack on Britain in the early 80's. It's powerful, but not exactly entertainment.

Bloody Hell - Threads, I'd forgotten about that film. Wasn't that the one which was seen from several different points of view, one in a crisis bunker another from a young couple in the midlands, etc?? 

It was set in Sheffield, and was about two families. It did also focus on the chief commisioner and his team in the crisis bunker. The two main characters were the son from family and the daughter from the other. She gets pregnant and they are planning their future together against a backdrop of a Soviet invasion of Iran. NATO sends troops to the ME and the sh!t hits the fan big time.

The build up to the war is the worst part. The snippets of news broadcasts are very real and reminicsent of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. The public information broadcasts are very chilling. Then early in the morning, some time in March, the rockets start flying!! I remember talking about it in the playground at school. It seemed everyone saw it and everyone was horrified. Thank God the threat of all that has receded somewhat..

Itsstill compulsive viewing, so worth seeing if you can get your hands on - it is still available - but like I said, dont expect entertainment..

The American equivelant 'The Day After' was bad enough, but even that was virtually comedy compared to Threads.


Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: December 13 2004 at 16:28

Apocalypse Now.

The Horror The Horror


Posted By: Wizard/TRueStar
Date Posted: December 16 2004 at 18:33

As of right now:

Bubba Hotep

It manages to be serious/hilarious at the same time. plus Bruce Cambell has learned to act.

Posted By: Batts
Date Posted: December 19 2004 at 15:08
Nothing beats the classic "One flew over the coockoos nest" Jack "the main man" Nicholson is simply out of this to speak....

marching on together!!

Posted By: Syzygy
Date Posted: December 19 2004 at 16:43
I'm with RichardH on this - if push comes to shove it's gotta be Blade Runner, but only if it's the directors cut minus the voice over and the cop out ending.

Posted By: aqualung28
Date Posted: December 19 2004 at 19:16

Dog Day Afternoon is  an excellent movie as is The Man Who Would Be King.  Run Lola Run is friggin awesome also.  Escape from New York is a great action type movie


"O' lady look up in time o' lady look out of love
'n you should have us all
O' you should have us fall"
"Bill's Corpse" By Captain Beefheart

Posted By: Lunarscape
Date Posted: December 19 2004 at 20:53

Its funny to se this thread as the majority select movies done in the seventies or early eighties.

My picks are

1) Bladerunner - A Masterpiece

2) The Appocallypse Now

3) The Mission

4) Fitzcarraldo

5) The Godfather I and II

6) The Exorcist I

7) Ran

8) Last Tango In Paris

9) The Deer Hunter

10) Derzu Usala



Music Is The Soul Bird That Flies In The Immense Heart Of The Listener . . .

Posted By: aqualung28
Date Posted: December 20 2004 at 01:06
Yes! Bubba Hotep was an excellent movie!

"O' lady look up in time o' lady look out of love
'n you should have us all
O' you should have us fall"
"Bill's Corpse" By Captain Beefheart

Posted By: Paco Fox
Date Posted: December 20 2004 at 04:03

Originally posted by aqualung28 aqualung28 wrote:

Yes! Bubba Hotep was an excellent movie!

I woudn't say it is excellent, but it has the stuff that (good) cult movies are made of: taking a really crazy and impossible idea and managing to make a good movie.

I had some problems with the pacing, but it's undoubtful that the filmakers of this movie are to be thanked for their efforts.

Incidentally, this director made one of my fantasy movies guilty pleasures: The Beastmaster.

Posted By: Raymon7174
Date Posted: December 20 2004 at 12:21

Many greats listed here.

A few of my favorites that I believe stand up (or will stand up) as classics:

The Exorcist

Star Wars

Fight Club

The Green Mile

Master and Commander



Posted By: aqualung28
Date Posted: December 20 2004 at 16:23

Oh Yeah. I forgot about Fight Club


"O' lady look up in time o' lady look out of love
'n you should have us all
O' you should have us fall"
"Bill's Corpse" By Captain Beefheart

Posted By: Selene
Date Posted: December 22 2004 at 11:06

Weell... hi

I'm Alice from Greece. And my current favorite movie is Amelie (grr i dont like my reply but i have to introduce my self:P)


Without you,today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's..

Posted By: Dan Bobrowski
Date Posted: December 22 2004 at 11:15
G'day, Alice. Nice to have you on board. Don't be shy, but watch where you step, the janitors been on vacation.  

Posted By: Selene
Date Posted: December 22 2004 at 11:28

 ok, thanx dear.


Without you,today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's..

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