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New TMV album: Amputechture?

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Topic: New TMV album: Amputechture?
Posted By: Ty1020
Subject: New TMV album: Amputechture?
Date Posted: June 13 2006 at 22:29
It's been circulating around the net that the new Mars Volta album will be called Amputechture. Sorry, I don't have an official link or anything, but I've heard this from a variety of sources. Apparently the latest newsletter announced it along with a release date of 11/08/06 - it's unclear whether this means it's coming out in August or November right now, but either way, I'm pretty excited!

So, what is everybody expecting/hoping for from the album?


Posted By: Figglesnout
Date Posted: June 13 2006 at 22:33
well the new single comes out this month (either the 22/28). look foward to that as a sound clip of the album (probably the most "commercial" song on the album though). i'd look foward to more psychadelic craziness from our favorite enigmas in the mars volta. =) there' really no telling what it'll be like.

I have also to say that the very last i heard for a release date was 8/15/06 (August 15th)...but it might've changed.

I'm a reasonable man, get off my case

Posted By: The Wizard
Date Posted: June 13 2006 at 22:34
Sounds cool, I looking forward for it.


Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: June 13 2006 at 22:35
This is my mst anticipated album, whenever it comes out...Smile

I hope they keep up the style of the first two.

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Posted By: Figglesnout
Date Posted: June 13 2006 at 22:39
^^^i do and don't. i'm hoping for something different. adn, though it'd piss a lto of people off, i'd be estatic if they did somethign crazt like "The Sound of Animals Fighting" second release "Lover, The Lord Has LEft Us"...Their first album was just pnukish w/slight experimentations--their second is a puzzling blend of tribal music, techno/electronic stuff, depressing melodies and a bit of punk thrown in for good measure. natuarly about 3/4 of their fans hated it--i recommend downloading/buyign it for any TMV fan here. HIGHLY RECOMMEND actually.

I'm a reasonable man, get off my case

Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: June 13 2006 at 22:43
If it's as different form Frances as Frances is different from Deloused, I'm fine... I just wouldn't want them to significantly change their sound. As much as I hate punk, punk influence on TMV sounds great.

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Posted By: heyitsthatguy
Date Posted: June 13 2006 at 22:45
And now, the new double album by The Mars Volta, featuring ONE WHOLE DISC OF NOISE!

Jk, I love those guys, but hopefully they cut down on it a bit...seriously, in Miranda, that was just overkill. Im looking forward to how different the single will be. Maybe more in the vein of Inertiatic ESP?


Posted By: Meddler
Date Posted: June 13 2006 at 22:46

Thatd be sweet.


Posted By: Figglesnout
Date Posted: June 13 2006 at 22:49
^^^i agree, but i also wouldn't be opposed to them throwing everythign out of the window and redefining themselves--it takes a lot of balls to do things like that. although i would rather something like that happen after a few more albums of their punk-prog perfection...but still. i'm looking foward to it either way--but nto too foward...i hate beign disappointed...not that i think i will came out awfully quickly, and also supposedly omar's already written the fourth album.

de-loused was the best album (in my opinion) and that was the one where both omar and cedric wrote...if the above is true (which i think it is, visit and have a look around) then we have 3 albums writte nby omar in about two years probably...which is amp. is good then my faith will eb restored. i jsut don't want it to be rushed...

and i'd also like it to be a bit better than 10,000 days was--which disappointed a lto of people--the first half was amazing...but it got kinda mushy after that in my opinion...

I'm a reasonable man, get off my case

Posted By: Figglesnout
Date Posted: June 13 2006 at 22:50
^^^the single will problably be an odd commercial take on the album. think: intertaitic, a gateway to de-loused? not really.

the widow: gateway to the mute? not at i'm nto expecting much out of the single but a good song...i'm not judging the album's sound off of what i hear in the single in other words...i still can't wait to hear it...

I'm a reasonable man, get off my case

Posted By: Asyte2c00
Date Posted: June 13 2006 at 22:58
Aufheben-when a person expects a band to something similar to previous abum even though doing something completely different is the next logical step. 
I hope TMV takes this direction with the new album. 
Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness to Adore
Ok Computer to Kid A

Posted By: Figglesnout
Date Posted: June 13 2006 at 22:59
^^i agree. i'd rather have somethign new and refreshing as opposed to an old or even original rehash of old stuff, although i wouldn't be disappointed with either if the material was good. this third release will really tell us what to expect from TMV i think.

I'm a reasonable man, get off my case

Posted By: Ghandi 2
Date Posted: June 13 2006 at 23:17
If they cut down on the repetition and stopped doing so much experimental noise/psychadelic jamming (I don't mind jamming, but I don't think Omar is very good at it) and got down to actually making music then I would buy it. Parts of FTM were amazing, and it would have been a very good album if they had edited it down to 45-50 minutes.

"Never forget that the human race with technology is like an alcoholic with a barrel of wine."
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum: Because in their hearts, everyone secretly loves the Unabomber.

Posted By: chamberry
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 00:08
We'll, when I heard De-loused I didn't expected Frances The Mute to be like it is. I like that, keeping the audience wondering what the hell is going to sound like.


Posted By: Figglesnout
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 00:20
i love bands that "progress" =)

I'm a reasonable man, get off my case

Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 00:21
^Who doesn't

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Posted By: Figglesnout
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 00:24
haha you'd be suprised

I'm a reasonable man, get off my case

Posted By: Figglesnout
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 00:24
miricle--i see you recently bought el cielo---how do you like it?

I'm a reasonable man, get off my case

Posted By: Figglesnout
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 00:25

I'm a reasonable man, get off my case

Posted By: Arsillus
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 00:25
I wish it will come out in August. Cry
TMV = Cool

Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 00:28
Originally posted by king volta king volta wrote:

miracle--i see you recently bought el cielo---how do you like it?

I love it.Smile Excellent album, though a bit poppy.

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Posted By: Figglesnout
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 00:42
yes it's poopy but that doesn't matter ot me. if you don't like the poppy-ness then i'm not sure how you'll feel about CWA--i'd get it though (i love both). dredg is a great band and i'm always happy when i see people discover them. =)

I'm a reasonable man, get off my case

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 00:50
Originally posted by king volta king volta wrote:

yes it's poopy but that doesn't matter ot me...

I can enjoy watching z-grade crappy movies, but for me poopy music just plain stinks.

Posted By: Equality 7-2521
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 00:57
Originally posted by king volta king volta wrote:

yes it's poopy but that doesn't matter ot me. if you don't like the poppy-ness then i'm not sure how you'll feel about CWA--i'd get it though (i love both). dredg is a great band and i'm always happy when i see people discover them. =)
I wouldn't say CWA has a poppy sound as much as it has a alternative-rock sound sorta like Porcupine Tree on Deadwing. Certainly a good album but nowhere near the genius of El Cielo or Leifimoff.
I hope TMV don't go too over the top with experimentation. The amount which was used on Frances is fine, we just don't need them creating a Kid A.

"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "

Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 01:07
No, the popiness doesn't bother me(in this case) because the album is composed perfectly... it's very nice to listen to something catchy for a change

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Posted By: Teaflax
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 01:15
Originally posted by king volta king volta wrote:

"Edit" button broken?


Posted By: Moatilliatta
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 01:50
Originally posted by king volta king volta wrote:

^^^i do and don't. i'm hoping for something different. adn, though it'd piss a lto of people off, i'd be estatic if they did somethign crazt like "The Sound of Animals Fighting" second release "Lover, The Lord Has LEft Us"...Their first album was just pnukish w/slight experimentations--their second is a puzzling blend of tribal music, techno/electronic stuff, depressing melodies and a bit of punk thrown in for good measure. natuarly about 3/4 of their fans hated it--i recommend downloading/buyign it for any TMV fan here. HIGHLY RECOMMEND actually.
Well, the new album what they did was build the songs up for the drum beat rather than start with a melody. That is probably the main reason they sound so different. I didn't like it at all. Their first album was experimental enoguh to suit me, and was actually enjoyable.
Anyway, obviously, I am eagerly anticipating this.

Posted By: laplace
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 02:35
I wanna hear them use even more raw noise, psychedelic effects and distorted, pitch-modified vocals. but perhaps not a half-hour jam this time.

Posted By: Empathy
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 09:48
I'll add my voice to the throng here.

I'd like some John Cage-style minimalism next... Wink

So far, the only output of TMV that has even moderately dissapointed me has been Scab Dates. I'd like to be surprised by what they do next, and I'm fairly confident I will be regardless of which direction they go! Thumbs Up

Pure Brilliance:

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 10:10
Personally I'd love to see Volta throw off the shackles of their indie/punk image and do something utterly unashamedly geeky and strange. I get the feeling they're gearing themselves up to enter the charts again (a goal I'd very ambivalent about if I were them).

Posted By: Empathy
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 10:18
Originally posted by Trouserpress Trouserpress wrote:

Personally I'd love to see Volta throw off the shackles of their indie/punk image and do something utterly unashamedly geeky and strange. I get the feeling they're gearing themselves up to enter the charts again (a goal I'd very ambivalent about if I were them).

I agree... but these days it's a more delicate balance than ever between following your muse, and watching the record company shelve your album. Ouch

Pure Brilliance:

Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 10:40
Hopefully this will involve a southamerican tour...???EmbarrassedEmbarrassedEmbarrassed

Uhh new album, I have a feeling it will be (along with Tool´s 10,000 days) the best album of the year!!!

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: The Wizard
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 10:45
Originally posted by laplace laplace wrote:

I wanna hear them use even more raw noise, psychedelic effects and distorted, pitch-modified vocals. but perhaps not a half-hour jam this time.
I'm hoping for the same.Big smile
I'm actually a bit worried they may sell out to MTV and be one of those bands that were prog in the early days but changed their minds. Otherwise we can hope for more psychedelic madness and what not.


Posted By: Gog/Magog
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 11:03
I'm just hoping for another A1 album Hug

Some swear they see me weeping in the poppy fields of France

Posted By: Phil
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 11:49
Looking forward to it......warts n' all!

Posted By: Space Chief
Date Posted: June 14 2006 at 15:47
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

Originally posted by king volta king volta wrote:

yes it's poopy but that doesn't matter ot me...

I can enjoy watching z-grade crappy movies, but for me poopy music just plain stinks.
In the not too distant future...


Posted By: Myxomatosis
Date Posted: July 09 2006 at 23:19
Amputechture is a brilliant album.  I can't beleive more people are not talking about it here.  Definitely not the same as either of the prior albums but every bit as good.  Ambience is toned way down, tons of actual music.  Huge epic, YES-like songs. I've only been listenting for a couple of days but this may very well grow to be one of favorite prog albums ever. 

Look around...Choose your own ground

Posted By: chamberry
Date Posted: July 09 2006 at 23:57
^ You heard the whole album already?


Posted By: Mikerinos
Date Posted: July 09 2006 at 23:58
Originally posted by chamberry chamberry wrote:

^ You heard the whole album already?

It leaked. Wink


Posted By: chamberry
Date Posted: July 10 2006 at 01:13
Oh. What a shame Thumbs Down


Posted By: Ghandi 2
Date Posted: July 10 2006 at 01:30
Everything leaks. Americans can't keep secrets. Which, incidentally, is the most damning proof that all these conspiracy theories are crap; if they were true somebody would have leaked them a long, long time ago. - Listen to Viscera Eyes . It's quite good. Also, one of the songs is 17 minutes and two others are over 11 minutes; the rest are under 11 minutes. The album is a total of 76 minutes.

"Never forget that the human race with technology is like an alcoholic with a barrel of wine."
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum: Because in their hearts, everyone secretly loves the Unabomber.

Posted By: chamberry
Date Posted: July 10 2006 at 01:35
I'm so hyped about the album that I don't even want to listen to one single song before the release. I want to enjoy it and discover it from the first time I'll have it in my hands.


Posted By: Moatilliatta
Date Posted: July 10 2006 at 02:01
Originally posted by chamberry chamberry wrote:

I'm so hyped about the album that I don't even want to listen to one single song before the release. I want to enjoy it and discover it from the first time I'll have it in my hands.

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: July 10 2006 at 02:05
I actually listened to "Viscera Eyes" (great title!Thumbs Up) and was quite impressed. I'll get the album as soon as it's out. "Frances..." was better than it's given credit for, but the debut was a real cracker. I'm happy to see they have returned to a "shorter" song format rather than go for over-long, noise-filled suites.

Posted By: Figglesnout
Date Posted: July 10 2006 at 02:43
it's a magical album

I'm a reasonable man, get off my case

Posted By: xhamasaki
Date Posted: July 13 2006 at 14:48
this album is amazing, its as good as their previous releases, easily the best release of 2006

Posted By: GoldenSpiral
Date Posted: July 13 2006 at 14:54
I am a bad person and I heard the leak. Embarrassed

I don't think anyone will be disappointed.

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Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: July 13 2006 at 16:21
UUHHH I dont want to downloaded it...I want to buy it...BUT THE CURIOSITY IS TOO MUCH TO HANDLE!!! No, gotta be strong böthyAngryAngryAngry

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: Meddler
Date Posted: July 13 2006 at 16:48
Originally posted by el b�thy el b�thy wrote:

UUHHH I dont want to downloaded it...I want to buy it...BUT THE CURIOSITY IS TOO MUCH TO HANDLE!!! No, gotta be strong b�thyAngryAngryAngry

I held out, for like a minute. Good luck. Tongue

see my review for how I liked it.


Posted By: Zoso
Date Posted: July 13 2006 at 21:39
I'm gonna hold on and wait until it's released, but I hear it's amazing.


Posted By: OpethGuitarist
Date Posted: July 14 2006 at 00:49
Ill wait for a few more listens to give my final judgement, I think its better than Frances but not as good as Deloused.

back from the dead, i will begin posting reviews again and musing through the forums

Posted By: DeepPhreeze
Date Posted: July 14 2006 at 02:18
I'm disappointed. Utterly disappointed. Thumbs Down

Do me a favor. Put on Tetragrammaton, listen to the first minute or so.
Now quickly! Put on Eriatarka from DeLoused. Listen to the first segment, and then cut to the 3:15 mark.

Did you notice something? Maybe that all they did was TURN THE SHEET MUSIC UPSIDE DOWN? Eriatarka had powerful lyrics to make a flood of feeling and emotion. Tetragrammaton is just a mirror image filled with more musical drama and devoid of everything else. How about something new, guys?

The whole album plays out like a bad re-make of DeLoused that got chopped up and sequenced all wrong.

There are some redeeming moments but most of it sounds like they're finding middle-ground between DeLoused and Frances.

To me this translates to "We pushed it as far as we can; now let's make some cash off those people who either liked DeLoused or liked Frances, but not both."

And he keeps breaking down to that cocky "listen to me! I'm talking to you!" tone of voice where he practically raps the lyrics. It's so annoying. There's no feeling in it at all.

What a letdown. ATDI, what happened to you? Cry

Posted By: laplace
Date Posted: July 14 2006 at 04:33
I can't agree with the above post, there's plenty of emotion and experimentation on here. I notice you skip the first three minutes of YHWH which is my favourite part of the album - THAT solo over THAT chord sequence.

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: July 14 2006 at 10:04
A friendly word.
Be careful discussing an unreleased album, especially if it was obtained illegally. What you have may or may not be what is finally released.

Posted By: DeepPhreeze
Date Posted: July 14 2006 at 12:11
Originally posted by Easy Livin Easy Livin wrote:

A friendly word.
Be careful discussing an unreleased album, especially if it was obtained illegally. What you have may or may not be what is finally released.

Oh uh in that case, I haven't heard it yet Ermm
Heh. Yeah. Uhhh... No illegal downloading, officer, I swear!

Quote I can't agree with the above post, there's plenty of emotion and experimentation on here. I notice you skip the first three minutes of YHWH which is my favourite part of the album - THAT solo over THAT chord sequence.

Funny, all I hear is shredding. is that to be considered a solo? I thought solos were supposed to say something, or at least add to the music.

Random shredding like that is the equivalent of scribbling with a crayon.

EDIT: Seriously, try that thing I mentioned in my previous post. You'll see what I mean, I promise.

EDIT2: Another thing that really bothers me --- if TMV is writing concept albums, then how do they manage to write the same song for two albums and have it match both times?
I mean, listen to "Plague Upon Your Hissing" which was intended to go on DeLoused but was cut due to time constraints.
Now listen to "Day of the Baphomets".
Okay, it's been admitted the latter was built on top of the former. But if these really are concept albums, how do they expect a song written for an entirely different story to fit into this one?

Are people so blind as to not see that TMV sold out?

Posted By: anael
Date Posted: July 14 2006 at 14:28
Originally posted by DeepPhreeze DeepPhreeze wrote:

Are people so blind as to not see that TMV sold out?

No way, sold out? Yeah they became too poppy right?

Anyway, it's an excellent, excellent album, higly recommended. I can't wait for the official release


Posted By: DeepPhreeze
Date Posted: July 14 2006 at 14:40
Originally posted by anael anael wrote:

Originally posted by DeepPhreeze DeepPhreeze wrote:

Are people so blind as to not see that TMV sold out?

No way, sold out? Yeah they became too poppy right?

Anyway, it's an excellent, excellent album, higly recommended. I can't wait for the official release

'Poppy'. No, they didn't turn into pop, but they sold out to their image of space-rock horror flick pioneers.

And they're using the same formulas that made them popular in the first place. DITC was brilliant; FTM was ambitious (I give it that much); Amputechture is them taking whatever made either album sell well, rolling it up into one release, and then calling it a new work. RHCP corrupted these guys. Sparta has the decency to promote underground bands; TMV sidles up to already-famous acts to keep their sales up.

Did you read my post, or are you one of those guys who plugs his ears and goes "Lalalalala not listening!" ?

Posted By: necromancing777
Date Posted: July 14 2006 at 14:49
OMG! Shocked  'Viscera Eyes', what a great prog song!!!! Can't wait to lay down my cash for this one. Clap


"Your progressive hypocrites hand out their trash,
But it was mine in the first place, so I'll burn it to ash."

Posted By: Philéas
Date Posted: July 14 2006 at 14:55
I happened to get hold of the album. It's the first thing I heard by TMV, and after listening to De-loused and Frances I still like the new one best. It also has the best-looking cover of any TMV album yet.

Posted By: GoldenSpiral
Date Posted: July 14 2006 at 15:44
Originally posted by DeepPhreeze DeepPhreeze wrote:

Originally posted by anael anael wrote:

Originally posted by DeepPhreeze DeepPhreeze wrote:

Are people so blind as to not see that TMV sold out?

No way, sold out? Yeah they became too poppy right?

Anyway, it's an excellent, excellent album, higly recommended. I can't wait for the official release

'Poppy'. No, they didn't turn into pop, but they sold out to their image of space-rock horror flick pioneers.

And they're using the same formulas that made them popular in the first place. DITC was brilliant; FTM was ambitious (I give it that much); Amputechture is them taking whatever made either album sell well, rolling it up into one release, and then calling it a new work. RHCP corrupted these guys. Sparta has the decency to promote underground bands; TMV sidles up to already-famous acts to keep their sales up.

Did you read my post, or are you one of those guys who plugs his ears and goes "Lalalalala not listening!" ?

Dude, you are waaay too cynical.  You should like a band for their MUSIC, not for who they tour with or how many albums they sell.  Saying a band sold out because they are true to their form makes no sense.  It's like telling a jazz rock band that they've sold out to their image as a jazz rock band.  Wacko

If TMV has made a solid TMV record, can you blame them for that?  Saying they're sellouts because they tour with a big name instead of a nobody, even while they keep to their progressive sound makes no sense at all.  In that mindset you're no better than any other indie-hipster-snob who ditches his favorite bands as soon as they sell records.  Geek

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"Oceans Down You'll Lie"
coming soon

Posted By: Empathy
Date Posted: July 14 2006 at 15:54
Originally posted by GoldenSpiral GoldenSpiral wrote:

If TMV has made a solid TMV record, can you blame them for that?  Saying they're sellouts because they tour with a big name instead of a nobody, even while they keep to their progressive sound makes no sense at all.  In that mindset you're no better than any other indie-hipster-snob who ditches his favorite bands as soon as they sell records.  Geek

Not to mention that it's the LABEL that ultimately decides who they tour with. The RHCP have been at the periphery of TMV since its inception. (Frusciante played on De-Loused!)

The hipster "I can't like a band because they're popular" mentality is something that thankfully, most grow out of.

Pure Brilliance:

Posted By: DeepPhreeze
Date Posted: July 14 2006 at 16:12
Originally posted by Empathy Empathy wrote:

Originally posted by GoldenSpiral GoldenSpiral wrote:

If TMV has made a solid TMV record, can you blame them for that?  Saying they're sellouts because they tour with a big name instead of a nobody, even while they keep to their progressive sound makes no sense at all.  In that mindset you're no better than any other indie-hipster-snob who ditches his favorite bands as soon as they sell records.  Geek

Not to mention that it's the LABEL that ultimately decides who they tour with. The RHCP have been at the periphery of TMV since its inception. (Frusciante played on De-Loused!)

The hipster "I can't like a band because they're popular" mentality is something that thankfully, most grow out of.

I liked DeLoused, but this album is overall weak; why people keep acting like it's some wonderful journey beyond the stars is mind-numbing.

I also can't find enjoyment in listening to music made by people whose hearts are clearly not into it. As a musician, I have come to realize that the most important thing about making music is putting everything you are into your works. From what I see, TMV went from a great band with great potential to a cliche of psychedelia and randomness.

Again, let me point out that they re-titled a song, tweaked its style, and tried to pass it off as an original work made specifically for this story -- but they wrote it for DeLoused.

That'd be like if Pink Floyd wrote 'Welcome to the Machine' for WYWH, didn't put it on because they didn't have room, and then put it on Animals and tried to convince us that it fit the concept. It smells like... *sniff sniff*... a sellout.

Posted By: GoldenSpiral
Date Posted: July 14 2006 at 16:24
Originally posted by DeepPhreeze DeepPhreeze wrote:

I liked DeLoused, but this album is overall weak; why people keep acting like it's some wonderful journey beyond the stars is mind-numbing.

I also can't find enjoyment in listening to music made by people whose hearts are clearly not into it. As a musician, I have come to realize that the most important thing about making music is putting everything you are into your works. From what I see, TMV went from a great band with great potential to a cliche of psychedelia and randomness.

Again, let me point out that they re-titled a song, tweaked its style, and tried to pass it off as an original work made specifically for this story -- but they wrote it for DeLoused.

That'd be like if Pink Floyd wrote 'Welcome to the Machine' for WYWH, didn't put it on because they didn't have room, and then put it on Animals and tried to convince us that it fit the concept. It smells like... *sniff sniff*... a sellout.

Well, I won't try to convince you that you're wrong, as everyone is entitled to an opinion.  However, I don't hear what you're saying at all on this album.  It's as if you're accusing them of sticking to their style.  So what if they re-vamped an old track?  If they feel it fits, why not use it?

I also never said it's some wonderful journey beyond the stars, either.  I also think De-loused is better, but I find that no reason to pan this album.

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