Bands you never upgraded to CD
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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: Bands you never upgraded to CD
Posted By: fogwalker
Subject: Bands you never upgraded to CD
Date Posted: June 05 2006 at 14:43
Back when CDs came out, I started the long process of replacing my vinyl collection with CD's. However, there still remain some bands who never "made the cut" and I still only have on vinyl (floundering in my mum's garage, as it happens - she keeps threatening to throw them out but she never does!).
For me, the bands I never bothered getting on CD are:
Genesis (sic)
Steve Hillage
Tim Blake
Blue Oyster Cult
and probably some others I've forgotten.
How about you lot?
Posted By: AcostaFulano
Date Posted: June 05 2006 at 14:45
i dont own any vinyls xD
Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: June 05 2006 at 14:55
I was just talking about "Grazing dreams" with Zac.
Of course, no comparison between the CD and the original vynil! (whereas it should be good, as it's a ECM CD also). The original vynil is incredible...
Posted By: GoldenSpiral
Date Posted: June 05 2006 at 14:57
since I was not around in the glory days of vinyl, there are certain bands that I ONLY buy on used vinyl instead of buying CDs, mostly because they just seem better in that format, such as Genesis, Yes, Rush, ELP, and whatever other prog (or good 70's bands) i can find.
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"Oceans Down You'll Lie"
coming soon
Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: June 05 2006 at 15:00
Since that rock is bumped and trafficked on CD, it's really better to turn on vynil. The issue is that these vintage vynils were owned by people not always tidy and/or who use bad cartridge, which result in ruining the vynil by a plotter action.
Posted By: Hierophant
Date Posted: June 05 2006 at 15:00
A thread for geezers
Posted By: Zac M
Date Posted: June 05 2006 at 15:04
If I buy a vinyl release (all my The Pop Group albums are on vinyl,
minus the first e.g.), I usually consider it an upgrade, as I will end
up spending more on the vinyl release than the CD release.
------------- "Art is not imitation, nor is it something manufactured according to the wishes of instinct or good taste. It is a process of expression."
Posted By: Chicapah
Date Posted: June 05 2006 at 15:04
Geezer here (and proud of it!):
Haven't upgraded to cds on King Crimson yet. Mostly Genesis, Yes and ELP. Will probably get some Dream Theater before buying KC.
------------- "Literature is well enough, as a time-passer, and for the improvement and general elevation and purification of mankind, but it has no practical value" - Mark Twain
Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: June 05 2006 at 15:06
The last japanese HDCD KC versions are great.
Just bought "Lizard" and it's wonderful for CD.
Beautiful mini LP design.
Posted By: GoldenSpiral
Date Posted: June 05 2006 at 15:17
oliverstoned wrote:
Since that rock is bumped and trafficked on CD, it's really better to turn on vynil. The issue is that these vintage vynils were owned by people not always tidy and/or who use bad cartridge, which result in ruining the vynil by a plotter action. |
Admittedly I have bought a few that are in sub-par condition (I found the original Genesis Live and it turned out to be hopelessly warped ), but mostly they are just dusty or dirty and a little careful cleaning can clear them right up.
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"Oceans Down You'll Lie"
coming soon
Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: June 05 2006 at 15:23
If it's just dust, that's nothing. There are solutions to clean.
The problem is when the vynils distors.
There's no absolute way to tell if a vynil is in good condition, infortunately. A tip is to look closely to it and to see if it's shining...The "rays" have to look very "tight". If not, it mean that it has been plowed by a bad cartridge...A tern look is a bad sign also.
But a vynil can look good, and be very bad when listening and vice-versa.
Posted By: E-Dub
Date Posted: June 05 2006 at 15:48
Blue Oyster Cult
Posted By: erlenst
Date Posted: June 05 2006 at 16:39
Actually I upgraded all my prog CDs to vinyls after I found ebay. CDs suck!
Posted By: Nipsey88
Date Posted: June 05 2006 at 17:16
Well, I had about 200 vinyl albums until I bought a CD player in 1987
and started to replace them with CDs. within a year or so I had
replaced all of the important ones. At the time, this meant Rush, Zepp,
Jimi, Yes, BOC, and Ozzy (hey, It was the 80's, what can I do?) So
about that time, my record player broke, and a buddy offered me 50
bucks for the whole collection. So, I guess my point is, I upgraded to
CD exclusively right there. But I guess some things that I used to have
on vinyl but never bothered to buy on CD would have been stuff I used
to like: 80's skate punk, Euro-synth pop, AOR stuff.
However, albums I regret giving up as I've never been able to find them
again for any reasonable price were some of my 80's college alt rock
stuff like the self-titled record from The Sun & The Moon, the
first couple records from Close Lobsters, Trip Shakespeare's Are You
Shakespearienced?, and the first House of Love. O well.
-------------" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: The Wizard
Date Posted: June 05 2006 at 18:04
I have there stuff and it's great but I need to get the cds.
Posted By: Bj-1
Date Posted: June 05 2006 at 18:09
I actually started to buy vinyls after I started to buy CD's.
But there are several albums in my mp3 archive that never get's upgraded to CD. Not because I don't like it, but because they're rare/expensive or something like that. I'll get'em all sooner or later though.
------------- RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!
Posted By: ClemofNazareth
Date Posted: June 05 2006 at 19:47
Hierophant wrote:
A thread for geezers
Bite me squirt!
( )
Pink Floyd
Kansas (everything up to Power)
Marillion (8 on vinyl, including some picture discs)
Moody Blues
Yes (up through Big Generator)
David Bowie (yes, he is)
Steely Dan (ditto)
plus a bunch of lesser stuff
It's not that I don't like CDs, I'm just cheap so I buy new stuff on CD instead.
------------- "Peace is the only battle worth waging."
Albert Camus
Posted By: Mongo
Date Posted: June 06 2006 at 01:37
Pink Floyd
Moody Blues
Tangerine Dream
Deep Purple
Pavlovs Dog
It Bites
Amber Route
The Beatles(not many anyway)
The Nice
Graham Bond
Anthony Phillips
Flaming Youth 
Phil Collins
The Strawbs
Captain Beefheart
Jon Anderson
Alan White
Eddie Jobson
Adrain Belew
Probably lots more, I had about 4,000 vinyl Lps at one point.
------------- "The options are ever fewer on the ground these days" Fish