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What's your favourite song on Foxtrot?

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Topic: What's your favourite song on Foxtrot?
Posted By: Pneubauer
Subject: What's your favourite song on Foxtrot?
Date Posted: June 02 2006 at 23:03
Though I am beginning to like 'Watcher of the Skies' a little more (its a good song but it never really stood out as a classic in my mind), Can-Utility and the Coastliners and Time Table are really growing on me... so is Horizons I guess...

I think I'll choose 'Can-Utility and the Coastliners' because I've been listening to it a lot and I love the keys on it and the great guitar part before peter sings 'nothing can my peace destroy...'

Mike's wierd rolling bass thing is cool too. (You know what I'm talking about... right?)

Horizons is also amazing... watching a video of it played on Youtube by some guitar instructor... he slowed it down to show how to play it... it sounded like a lullabye or something, so soothing. What a great song. If I could play guitar worth a damn I'd be playing that nonstop.

I guess I would put 'Get 'Em Out by Friday' as my least favourite song on the album... like 'Watcher', it's not bad, but it's not my cup of hot chocolate.

Gah! So... my vote goes to 'Can-Utility...'

Howsabout you?

Remember... no Supper's Ready... too obvious.

Posted By: thellama73
Date Posted: June 02 2006 at 23:44
Foxtrot is the only Genesis album I own. Honestly, I don't see why they are so beloved, but that's neither here nor there...
I agree with you on Can Utility. It is the most coherent song on the album. I like parts of Supper's Ready and Horizon's is a really nice little instrumental, but too short. I also agree about Get 'Em Out. I find all the silly character voices annoying and I dislike the anti-capitalism message. Damn commies...


Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: June 02 2006 at 23:46
Supper's Ready is IMO the best composition in rock, ever.

Get 'Em Out By Friday would be second, then Can Utility.

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Posted By: Pneubauer
Date Posted: June 02 2006 at 23:47
^ I dont really have a problem with the voices, myself... I like when they do stuff like that (like on 'the battle of epping forest') but I feel that the track seems really, really dragged out. and it doesnt really build up or anything cool... its.. well.. its kinda... lame... AAH!

I said it.

Get em out by friday... is... my least favourite Genesis song... at least for the next five minutes or so.


I sorta used to like 'Get em out...' but I guess it grew off of me... and 'Can-Utility', 'Time Table', and 'Horizons' are growing ON me... like a fine vintage fungus... mmm... you can practically taste the awesome.

Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: June 02 2006 at 23:50
Whatever. IMO albums from Trespass to SEBTP are flawless masterpieces without a single weak track, except I know What I Like and More Fool MeTongue

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Posted By: Pneubauer
Date Posted: June 02 2006 at 23:53

You dont like 'I know what I like'?! How can you... what... I....


And what about TLLDOB? or TotT? or W&W???!??!



Thinking about what you said for an extra second or two... W&W probably shouldnt be there because it has 'Your own special way' on it... but other than that its flawless...

Posted By: chamberry
Date Posted: June 02 2006 at 23:55
Can I pick Horizons? Since its really hard to choose a favorite and I don't think many people will vote for it.


Posted By: Pneubauer
Date Posted: June 02 2006 at 23:56
^ Sure, why not. Its a great instrumental. 

Posted By: thellama73
Date Posted: June 02 2006 at 23:57
Originally posted by chamberry chamberry wrote:

Can I pick Horizons?



Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 00:00

Yeah, I don't really like I Know What I like... way below the level of other songs on SEBTP.

The Lamb is great but I don't like it quite as much... the sound is just slightly different and not as great as on the previous albums. TOTT Is excellent, 4 star album, and so is WaW(perhaps a bit weaker though). They're just not as amazing as the first four.

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Posted By: micky
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 00:11
Get 'em out by Friday...

love the bassline... and a sentimental favorite... got my last speeding ticket while enjoying this song so much hahahha..... it was the 'air' bass,  officer... I had no idea I was doing 90 in a 55....

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Pneubauer
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 00:30
Originally posted by The Miracle The Miracle wrote:


Yeah, I don't really like I Know What I like... way below the level of other songs on SEBTP.

The Lamb is great but I don't like it quite as much... the sound is just slightly different and not as great as on the previous albums. TOTT Is excellent, 4 star album, and so is WaW(perhaps a bit weaker though). They're just not as amazing as the first four.

Well I guess I just see it differently...

I think having 'I know what I like' is great (especially since its based on the cover art... and I like the cover art...) and more fool me isnt bad for what it is... I just dont like what it is very much... an acoustic phil collins sung... thingamajiggit... THAT is the weakest song on the album and 'I know what I like' beats it to hell, kicks it in the teeth and steals its wallet. Theyre both fairly poppy sounding too... which isnt a problem... at least to me... I like poppier songs every once in a while, as long as they dont suck (Like 'Love to love you' on 'In the land of Grey and Pink' by Caravan)...

TLLDOB is prooobably my favourite Genesis album (but it feels wierd to admit it somehow). There are just TOO MANY tracks that I love on the album to not say its my favourite. I dont care if there are some instrumentals that are supposedly 'filler', the story is great, the music is awesome, great keyboard solos (in the cage, the colony of slippermen, riding the scree) some awesome guitar and guitar solos (The lamia and I really, really like the guitar on 'The Supernatural Anaesthetist') and some EXCEPTIONAL lyrics and vocal performances from Gabriel like on 'In the Cage', 'Back in NYC', 'The Lamia' I also love the quirky 'Counting out time' and 'it' is great too. If SEBTP deserves five stars, then so does TLLDOB.

TOTT has a lot of awesome songs though it doesnt really have 'classic' title one would give to SEBTP or Foxtrot... The songs are just as strong... but... I just wouldnt give it the same ranking as others... I dont know why... its wierd. Dance on a Volcano = amazing, probably the best song on the album, Entangled is really, really good... haunting, Squonk is definitely a classic wierd theme & lyrics though, Mad Man Moon is a good song, I like it and the lyrics aren't bad either ("and I would welcome a horse's kick to take me back, if I could find a horse not made of sand" [hey, you may not like it but it aint half bad]) Ripples is excellent and Los Endos is a great finisher... must move on to W&W cant talk about the other tracks


Good album. I didnt like it nearly as much as the other Genesis albums for a long time and regarded it as their worst (of the prog years, hehe). After listening to it more and more I found several songs that I like A LOT. My favourite as of now is 'Unquiet slumbers for the sleepers... ...In that quiet earth'... yeah I count it as one song... anyway, its probably one of the best instrumentals ive ever heard and I love the part where it goes to that heavier riff... dun dun dah, dun dun ah uh uh ah, dun dun dah, dun dun ah uh uh ah (you know what im talking about, with the keys playing too... god damn thats so boss...)

ah what a great song. Really. No joking here its amazing.

One for the vine is a terribly underrated song (not rated actually, I never see it mentioned at all)... The story it tells, at least in my mind, is really great and gives me shivers, especially at the part where Phil sings 'He thought he recognized him by his walk, and by the way he fell, and by the way he stood up and vanished into air'... ahh... chills... up and down my spine... The story is pretty easy to 'get' ... you get it right? I love it, its simple but I dont really mind, the music is great too, especially the mid section instrumental and the end.

All in a mouse's night is great too, Eleventh Earl of mar isnt bad as well, and I like Wot Gorrila? not bad.

Your own special way... well... er... uh...

Afterglow is a brilliant last track and it is OUTfreakinSTANDING on 'Seconds Out'.

Really good album... probably 4 1/4 stars or 4 1/2 (I GUESS I wont give it a 5... but its really temptingLOL)

Ah thats all.

Posted By: bhikkhu
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 00:32
      I don't think I have ever tried to pick a favorite from this album, as I always play the whole thing. "Watcher of the Skies" is a little special, because this was the song that made me want to hear more. It didn't take long for this to become one of my all time favorite albums, and Genesis an all time favorite band.   

a.k.a. H.T." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Pneubauer
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 00:32
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Get 'em out by Friday...

love the bassline... and a sentimental favorite... got my last speeding ticket while enjoying this song so much hahahha..... it was the 'air' bass,  officer... I had no idea I was doing 90 in a 55....

Yeah the bassline is great once I think about it... but dont you think the song goes on for about... 3-4 minutes TOO LONG?

I understand they cant just cut the story short but... come on...

Posted By: razifa
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 00:46
Supper's Ready is my favorite but I love the whole album. "Watcher of the skies" has an interlude too long and insipid but the rest is pure magic. I love GENESIS


Posted By: bhikkhu
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 00:47
Originally posted by Pneubauer Pneubauer wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Get 'em out by Friday...

love the bassline... and a sentimental favorite... got my last speeding
ticket while enjoying this song so much hahahha..... it was the 'air'
bass,  officer... I had no idea I was doing 90 in a 55....

Yeah the bassline is great once I think about it... but dont you think the song goes on for about... 3-4 minutes TOO LONG?I understand they cant just cut the story short but... come on...

O.K. now I have to take a stand. No, it does not go on too long, and I have a hard time understanding why you think it does. The story moves along at a nice (almost brisk) pace. While doing so, it never loses it's musical integrity. The instumentals all do a great job of carrying the mood of the moment, without ever becoming filler.

a.k.a. H.T." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 00:48
Watcher Of The Skies = Time Table = Get 'Em Out By Friday = Can-Utility and the Coastliners = Horizon = Supper's Ready


Posted By: Pneubauer
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 00:55
Originally posted by bhikkhu bhikkhu wrote:

Originally posted by Pneubauer Pneubauer wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Get 'em out by Friday...

love the bassline... and a sentimental favorite... got my last speeding
ticket while enjoying this song so much hahahha..... it was the 'air'
bass,  officer... I had no idea I was doing 90 in a 55....

Yeah the bassline is great once I think about it... but dont you think the song goes on for about... 3-4 minutes TOO LONG?I understand they cant just cut the story short but... come on...

O.K. now I have to take a stand. No, it does not go on too long, and I have a hard time understanding why you think it does. The story moves along at a nice (almost brisk) pace. While doing so, it never loses it's musical integrity. The instumentals all do a great job of carrying the mood of the moment, without ever becoming filler.

I guess I'm just impatient?... I don't know what else to say...

I'll listen to it right now and think on it some more... I doubt I wil change my mind though.

Posted By: Pneubauer
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 01:07
Nope. Still dont like it.

I dont know, maybe its because there arent any cool solos or anything... theres that one little guitar bit like 4 minutes in... I think thats all though... not enough to grab me I guess...

The story is sorta cool... I guess...

AHG! I just dont like it. Even if I learned to like it a bit more (which I can see happening), I still wouldn't like it NEARLY as much as 'Can-Utility...', 'Horizons', and definitely not Supper's Ready... Thats just my prediction though.

Well everyone's got tracks they love and tracks they hate... I dislike that song.


Ahhh... sleepy... probably listened to Horizons too many times today... (its like a lullabyeSmile)

it doesnt matter how much I didlike 'Get em out' right now... its still infinitely better than most of the trash out today... (and dont try to accuse me of hating prog metal, neo prog whatever I mean mainstream stuff) ... ahhh Ill probably love it in a few days anyway... Im just a dumb kid... (I was gonna say 'Like "The Lost Chord"'... but that would have been mean... hehe.. ehehe) .... <dont blame me for that last comment Im tired and it is, therefore, completely invalid and you people all know that!

I would never dream of calling it (Get em out) crap because I know its not crap... like I said in the first place... its not my cup of hot chocolate... but with a band like Genesis... theres just so much chocolate to choose from... I think... what a great band... thats why they're my favourite I guess...

damn Im tired... the crap is starting to leak out of my head again...

Okay! Time to go... bye bye everyone... Sleepy

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 01:10
Originally posted by Pneubauer Pneubauer wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Get 'em out by Friday...

love the bassline... and a sentimental favorite... got my last speeding ticket while enjoying this song so much hahahha..... it was the 'air' bass,  officer... I had no idea I was doing 90 in a 55....

Yeah the bassline is great once I think about it... but dont you think the song goes on for about... 3-4 minutes TOO LONG?

I understand they cant just cut the story short but... come on...

I've seen that written about it... that is does go on a bit too long... never really thought so... then again this is one of my fav Genesis song for me... so whatever they were doing.. I loved it hahaha.  Plus I love Yes... belaboring a song... has never been a problem for me hahaha..  Yes fan =/ 'quick and consise'  music fan hahahah Wink

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Zoso
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 01:54


Posted By: Viajero Astral
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 02:09
All song are great, the album is excelent.

but my vote go for the song about the scrambled eggs.


Posted By: Abstrakt
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 02:20
Cant Get "Watcher Of The Skies" out of my head Dead

Posted By: xtopher
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 02:25
I hate to do what everyone else is doing, but in this case it's necessary: Can-Utility all the way. Supper's Ready is great, but Can-Utility has much more value per minute.

Posted By: Dirk
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 05:47
Can-utility here

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 06:15
cannot believe Can-Utility is winning this hands downConfusedClap
So sich of Watchers and I also love Friday

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: Losendos
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 07:36
[My vote goes to get em out by Friday. That bit with the flute and mellotron flute is absolute magic. Can utility is great but doesn't seem to have any structure. There are no weak tracks on this album , one of only a few that I can say that for.

How wonderful to be so profound

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 11:40
Since you've asked not to count Suppers Ready (yet still included it in the poll?Confused) I'll say Can-Utilaty..., but all the songs are great.

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: UnknownFlow
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 12:34
Can Utitlity and The Coastliners is a beautiful piece of work. The whole album is utter perfection for me however, one of my personal favourites.

Posted By: Empathy
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 12:44
I don't follow directions well... I voted for Supper's Ready. Wink I know it's "too obvious", but it's absolutely brilliant. Can-Utility would be second for me, followed by Watcher of the Skies.

Pure Brilliance:

Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 17:09
I think it's more predictable that "Can-Utility..." would be picked by most, as it's just fantastic.

So I picked "Horizons".

The important thing is not to stop questioning.

Posted By: Zargus
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 18:33
Time Table Smile


Posted By: Tommy
Date Posted: June 04 2006 at 07:01
Supper's Ready is the only song I can listen to.

Posted By: Kord
Date Posted: June 04 2006 at 15:19
the first of the album....Wathcer of the skies

Posted By: Pneubauer
Date Posted: June 04 2006 at 16:14
Originally posted by Tommy Tommy wrote:

Supper's Ready is the only song I can listen to.


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