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your best 2006 (now)

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Topic: your best 2006 (now)
Posted By: CrazyDiamond
Subject: your best 2006 (now)
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 06:24
Hi I've just bought a few 2006 album releases like
TOOL - 10.000 DAYS
I also downloaded some from P2PClap, because they aren't in stores yetCry.
I'm just curious about:
1. which 2006 album it's your favourite until now (about the 2006 releases listed on PA) 
2. which 2006 album it's your favourite until now (general music releases)
Mine is Christ.0 from Vanden Plas, fantastic album,one of my all-time fav.WinkWinkWinkWinkWinkWinkWinkWinkWink
Any album suggestion?


Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 06:35
I only have heard The Tangent, Tool and Devin Townsend... out of those, The Tangent are the best.

Riverside have a new album out in June, so everyone must buy it!


Posted By: erik neuteboom
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 06:37
I am delighted about the 2-CD/1 DVD compilation Hijos Del Agobio Y Del Dolor (Various Artists) and the albums by the new bands La Maschera Di Cera (Lux Ade) and Sensitive To Light (Almost Human) Clap !

Posted By: Trickster F.
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 06:38

The new Kayo Dot, Enslaved and Novembre! Clap

 -- Ivan


Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 06:39
Oh and I've heard the EP by Pure Reason Revolution and some of those tracks are on the album, which I've yet to buy.  I've got LuxAde, I've just not listened to it yet.


Posted By: Maverick
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 06:56
The Flower Kings - Paradox Hotel
The Tangent - A Place In The Queue

In PROG We Trust

Posted By: rushaholic
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 07:05
The Secret Machines - Ten Silver Drops
The Church - Uninvited, Like The Clouds
Umphrey's McGee - Safety In Numbers
Devin Townsend - Synchestra
Tool - 10,000 Days
O.S.I. - Free
Adrian Belew - Side Three
David Gilmour - On An Island

If you have a chance, get the rerelease of Porcupine's Stupid Dreams - fantastic.

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 07:08 - Wink

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Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 07:19
Nothing like a good old plug!

I think my new favourite will be an unsigned local band, who are releasing a new EP soon, lovely!

Old School Tie - amazing!


Posted By: CrazyDiamond
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 07:55
Glad to see that Riverside is releasing a new album!
P.S. Just went to see LA MASCHERA DI CERA live in Rome, simply amazing!!!!!!
the singer has changed a lot of masks, including a white mask and an alien mask (or something similar) (he reminds me of the glorious times of Peter Gabriel)! and they had two (I forgot the english word for it) "candelabri" (items supporting candles), which reminds me of Opeth's Ghost Reveries (although the music is very different!).
Special guest was Taproban, an almost instrumental Italian Prog Rock Band.
They played Lux Ade and some old classics, Lux Ade is incredible played live!
For those of you interested in Italian prog rock, Taproban is releasing a new album.
(P.P.S. This week I'm going to see Pendragon and as special guest Mind Key!)


Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 07:57
Of the new albums released this year, I only have 4:

Vanden Plas- Christ 0
OSI- Free
Tool- 10 000 Days
Queensryche- Operation:Mindcrime II

Vanden Plas is my favourit of these closely followed by Tool, the other two I find are rubbish. There's still a lot to come out this year and of those CD's already released there's a number I would really like to hear.

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 08:04
Tool - 10,000 Days
The Tangent - A Place in the Queue
Devin Townsend - Synchestra
Kayo Dot - Dowsing Anemone with Copper Tongue
La Maschera di Cera - LuxAde
Novembre - Materia
Don Caballero - World Class Listening Problem
Cult of Luna - Somewhere Along the Highway
Vanden Plas - Christ.0
The Flower Kings - Paradox Hotel
Decapitated - Organic Hallucinosis


Posted By: Paulieg
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 08:15
LuxAde is by far my favorite release of 06.  You are so lucky to see them live.  I can only dream that they will play in the states.

Posted By: CrazyDiamond
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 08:18
Yes they are incredible!!!!!


Posted By: Gog/Magog
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 08:41
Paradox Hotel by The Flower Kings Thumbs Up

Some swear they see me weeping in the poppy fields of France

Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 08:43
Jody, you forgot O.S.I. (and so did I - I've yet to hear it)!

I am also looking forward to Gov't Mule's new album, due for release in July!


Posted By: iguana
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 08:59
O.S.I – "free"

progressive rock and rural tranquility don't match. true or false?

Posted By: Teaflax
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 09:13
Pure Reason Revolution - The Dark Third
Best new album I have heard in years. These guys are so good I'm flying from Sweden to the UK to see them play in June. I feel like a smitten fanboy in a way I haven't for at least ten years (I'm 40).

Sparks - Hello Young Lovers
The Tangent - A Place in the Queue
Morrissey - Ringleader of the Tormentors
Donald Fagen - Morph The Cat
Anne Dudley - Tristan and Isolde OST
David Gilmour - On an Island
Mindgames - Actors in a Play

Posted By: erik neuteboom
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 09:14
I missed early Genesis so I hope to witness La Maschera Di Cera live!

Posted By: mystic fred
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 09:16
this is the only new album i've bought this year, but i like it!Heart

Prog Archives Tour Van

Posted By: E-Dub
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 09:21
The Flower Kings - Paradox Hotel
Saga - Trust
Toto - Falling In Between

I'm going to have to listen to The Tangent's new one; however, first listen didn't do a lot for me.



Posted By: GoldenSpiral
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 09:21
Tool - 10,000 Days
Dysrhythmia - Barriers and Passages
Novembre - Materia
Don Caballero - World Class Listening Problem
Russian Circles - Enter

-------------" rel="nofollow -

"Oceans Down You'll Lie"
coming soon

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 09:33
I am going to have trouble even finding one
Most of those cited in the list do not even pique my curiosity and the Tool album I heard last WE does not come knee-height to AenimaCry
And the new Paatos album, although better than Kallocain is not up to par with the debut Timeloss
not a good year so farShocked

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 10:01
^ have a look at my website, Hugues. Many good albums for many different tastes!

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Posted By: Hatters
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 10:51
What about Mogwai - Mr Beast. Thats a great 2006 CD.

Posted By: Zitro
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 11:02
Tool's and The Flower Kings' albums are easily the best ones I've heard from 2006.
The tangent one is great, but some synth sounds and that singer are annoying. The music reminds you of many many bands. However, some of the best hammond organ riffs/solos are here.

Posted By: laplace
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 11:06
Kayo Dot's Dowsing Anenome with Copper Tongue. I've also heard Tool's latest but it doesn't come anywhere close.

Posted By: eddietrooper
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 11:12
The Flower Kings - Paradox Hotel.
David Gilmour - On An Island.

Posted By: Nasalspray
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 12:03
1. Tool - 10,000 Days
2. The Devin Townsend Band - Synchestra
3. Mogwai - Mr. Beast

Posted By: eddietrooper
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 12:36
Originally posted by Geck0 Geck0 wrote:

I only have heard The Tangent, Tool and Devin Townsend... out of those, The Tangent are the best.

Riverside have a new album out in June, so everyone must buy it!
Where did you hear that news? There isn't any announcement on Riverside's web site...

Posted By: dagrush
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 12:41
I've heard, in order of my liking

The Tangent - A Place In The Queue (****)
Tool - 10,000 Days (****)
The Devin Townsend Band - Synchestra (**)
David Gilmour - On an island (**)

I plan to track down Free shortly. Of course, I'm sure Scarsick is going to destroy all of these.


Posted By: Notch
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 12:59
Pure Reason Revolution are gonna be huge..

Posted By: Teaflax
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 13:04
Originally posted by Notch Notch wrote:

Pure Reason Revolution are gonna be huge..

If they can get heard. They're already getting lots of slams for being Prog throwbacks on the one side and Not Prog Enough on the other (just check the two-star review on

There seem to be some pretty big plans afoot for the US, though. I don't really see the point, as I think they're much more likely to have European appeal.


Posted By: alioshak
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 13:12

My favourites for this year, at the moment are:

Tool - 10,000 Days: What an amazing album!!!! Maybe their best effort until now.
The Tangent - A Place in the Queue: The second disc from this mega-band was a weakly one, but this record sounds like a blast!!! One of the best wotk of the year.
Non prog:
Ahleuchatistas - What You Will: Even that is not here, in the progarchives, this extremily original power trio form the Cuneiform's catalogue made a record that all the fans of free-jazz and punk enjoy. 
That's is, for the moment... i'm thinking in others... prog obviously, like the last of Evergrey, "Resonator", from Tony Levin, Umphrey's last one and, even if it's not prog, the last one of sir Paul McCartney... what a beautiful record is it!!!.

Posted By: Dirk
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 13:20
Look at my sig

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 13:22
Originally posted by eddietrooper eddietrooper wrote:

Originally posted by Geck0 Geck0 wrote:

I only have heard The Tangent, Tool and Devin Townsend... out of those, The Tangent are the best.

Riverside have a new album out in June, so everyone must buy it!
Where did you hear that news? There isn't any announcement on Riverside's web site...

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: eddietrooper
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 13:33
Originally posted by sleeper sleeper wrote:

Originally posted by eddietrooper eddietrooper wrote:

Originally posted by Geck0 Geck0 wrote:

I only have heard The Tangent, Tool and Devin Townsend... out of those, The Tangent are the best.

Riverside have a new album out in June, so everyone must buy it!
Where did you hear that news? There isn't any announcement on Riverside's web site...
I'm afraid that the "new" release is only a world-wide re-edition of the EP Voices In My Head which was a 2005 release in Poland.

Posted By: BePinkTheater
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 14:57
Paradox Hotel is really the only good thing to be realesed this year so far. 10,000 days is alright...

I can strangle a canary in a tin can and it would be really original, but that wouldn't save it from sounding like utter sh*t.
-Stone Beard

Posted By: Joren
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 15:07
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

^ have a look at my website, Hugues. Many good albums for many different tastes!
There's also a useful list on this website, called ProgArchives: -
Ever heard of that website, Mike? Wink
BTW so far I've only heard a few albums this year. I'll post my favourites a bit later on. Smile

Posted By: Deadwing12
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 15:07
Oh my oh my, there have been PLENTY of quality releases so far in's hard to narrow them down!

Tool - 10,000 Days
The Tangent - A Place in the Queue
The Flower Kings - Paradox Hotel
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium
The Devin Townsend Band - Synchestra
Vanden Plas - Christ 0
The Flaming Lips - At War with the Mystics
Mogwai - Mr. Beast

A bad year for prog???Exclamation No way man!

My favorites so far are Tool's and The Flaming Lips' offerings.  On a side note, I recommend everyone find some way to watch the Red Hot Chili Pepper's (not prog, i know, but still awesome) new music vide, 'Dani California.' One of the best (and funniest) vids i've ever seen. I know they have it over at


Posted By: Joren
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 15:26
Originally posted by Deadwing12 Deadwing12 wrote:

Oh my oh my, there have been PLENTY of quality releases so far in's hard to narrow them down!

Tool - 10,000 Days
The Tangent - A Place in the Queue
The Flower Kings - Paradox Hotel
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium
The Devin Townsend Band - Synchestra
Vanden Plas - Christ 0
The Flaming Lips - At War with the Mystics
Mogwai - Mr. Beast

A bad year for prog???Exclamation No way man!

My favorites so far are Tool's and The Flaming Lips' offerings.  On a side note, I recommend everyone find some way to watch the Red Hot Chili Pepper's (not prog, i know, but still awesome) new music vide, 'Dani California.' One of the best (and funniest) vids i've ever seen. I know they have it over at
It's a funny video indeed. The RHCP cover all major movements in rock music (in the video, that is, not in the song), except for prog. Wink

Posted By: Deadwing12
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 15:32
^Yeah, no prog, what gives!?? I can only imagine what the farce would have looked like...I suspect a bunch of really old, washed-up hippies sitting around and playing insanely difficult guitar parts and singing about birds or something LOL

...although the parody on the 70's metal scene (with the UFo landing and Flea's hilarious silver get-up) comes close to the pretentious, bombastic porg shows gone by.


Posted By: Logos
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 15:41
LORDI - The Arockalypse


Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 15:49
Oh, my mistake, yes, that's a reissue of the Riverside EP, I checked earlier.  But still, many people probably don't have this EP, so it's nice to see a reissue.


Posted By: Joren
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 16:02
Originally posted by Deadwing12 Deadwing12 wrote:

^Yeah, no prog, what gives!?? I can only imagine what the farce would have looked like...I suspect a bunch of really old, washed-up hippies sitting around and playing insanely difficult guitar parts and singing about birds or something LOL

...although the parody on the 70's metal scene (with the UFo landing and Flea's hilarious silver get-up) comes close to the pretentious, bombastic porg shows gone by.
A prog parody would look something like Rick Wakeman probably: long blonde hair, a shiny cape and eight different keyboards. LOL

Posted By: The Wizard
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 16:08
The Flaming Lips, At War With The Mystics
The Raconteurs, Self Titled Debut
That's all I have, I know none of it's prog, but it's still great. Wink


Posted By: Trickster F.
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 16:09
Originally posted by BePinkTheater BePinkTheater wrote:

Paradox Hotel is really the only good thing to be realesed this year so far. 10,000 days is alright...
Joke? Big smile
 -- Ivan


Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 16:11
Mickey, I've been told that The Raconteurs album is very good.  It's Jack White's new band I gather?


Posted By: esha9751
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 16:51
I'm amazed that a Danish band is at number one for 2006 on this site. And here in Denmark I hadn't heard a word of news about the release - tells me how little hype there is aroung prog these days

5/5 from 9 people - never seen that before - now I'm just looking forward to actually hearing the thing...!

The album is: - Beyond Twilight: For The Love Of Art And The Making (2006)

Esben @ DK

Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 16:56
Originally posted by esha9751 esha9751 wrote:

I'm amazed that a Danish band is at number one for 2006 on this site. And here in Denmark I hadn't heard a word of news about the release - tells me how little hype there is aroung prog these days

5/5 from 9 people - never seen that before - now I'm just looking forward to actually hearing the thing...!

The album is: - Beyond Twilight: For The Love Of Art And The Making (2006)

Esben @ DK
A good band,but they have to stop the revolving door of lead vocalists.


Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 16:57
Originally posted by Geck0 Geck0 wrote:

Oh, my mistake, yes, that's a reissue of the Riverside EP, I checked earlier.  But still, many people probably don't have this EP, so it's nice to see a reissue.

It's even been released on Napster this week.Big smile

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Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 16:58
You listen to the Arctic Monkeys Mike??????
My daughter is very big on them right now.


Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 16:59
But talking of Riverside... are they in the studio?

I know Taal are, so I'm waiting with baited breath for a new Taal album soon!  The same applies for White Willow.


Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 17:00
Originally posted by TheProgtologist TheProgtologist wrote:

You listen to the Arctic Monkeys Mike??????
My daughter is very big on them right now.

Oh dear... they're quite simply terrible!


Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 17:03
Originally posted by TheProgtologist TheProgtologist wrote:

You listen to the Arctic Monkeys Mike??????
My daughter is very big on them right now.


The EP was released on Napster and I thought - Why not listen to it and review it? There's so much hype around that band ... they've even been interviewed in the Eclipsed magazine. But it really IS hype - there are much better alternative bands. Still quite decent though.

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Posted By: Teaflax
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 17:05
Actually, some Arctic Monkeys tracks have quite interesting structures, even if the bits themselves are nothing to write home about.


Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 17:08
Urgh, the "You Look Good On The Dancefloor" single is terrible.  The cover to the album is terrible also.


Posted By: Kid-A
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 17:12
Cool They're from Sheffield though
 and the best from this year for me are:
 TFK - Paradox Hotel
 Tangent - A Place In The Que
 D Gilmour - On an Island
 10000 days just doesn't do it for me


Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 17:14
So were erm... that band with Phil Oakey in, The Human League was it?  I never liked them either.


Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 17:15
Originally posted by Kid-A Kid-A wrote:

Cool They're from Sheffield though
 and the best from this year for me are:
 TFK - Paradox Hotel
 Tangent - A Place In The Que
 D Gilmour - On an Island
 10000 days just doesn't do it for me

I was extremely underwhelmed by the Gilmour album ... I just don't get it.

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Posted By: Teaflax
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 17:16
Not to make this all about them Monkeys, but their new video View from the Afternoon is a great video, and the way the different musical bits are strung together is quite different in this day and age. Still nothing I would listen to, but I can respect it simply because it doesn't follow the old verse-verse-chorus-verse-chorus-solo-chorus structure.


Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 17:18
Choruses are overrated anyhow.


Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 17:18
Originally posted by Logos Logos wrote:

LORDI - The Arockalypse

You do realise your country will be hosting Eurovision next year?!..the shame,the shameLOL

Posted By: Man Made God
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 17:24
Well, I've heard a few 2006 releases, but I think Novembre's Materia is the best thing what happened to prog in 2006.
Devin Townsend's Synchestra was his best in my eyes, but it just doesn't quite grab me by the horns as Materia.
I haven't listened to Paradox Hotel very much, but often enough to judge it's not as good as Materia is for me.
And Tool is probably too complex for me or something, as I absolutely do NOT understand what all the fuss is about with this band.

Focus on the music... Focus!

Posted By: Rorro
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 17:34
A Place In The Queue and LuxAde are the best albums i've heard by now.

Posted By: Cygnus X-2
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 18:38
  1. Adrian Belew- Side Three
  2. Kayo Dot- Dowsing Anemone with Coppertongue
  3. Tool- 10,000 Days
  4. The Flower Kings- Paradox Hotel

Thumbs Up


Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 18:40
^ agree about Side 3 ... amazing album! 

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Posted By: Cygnus X-2
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 18:41
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

^ agree about Side 3 ... amazing album! 

It was well worth the wait.Smile


Posted By: Joren
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 19:01
I've only heard Tool's 10,000 Days and John Zorn's Film Works XVII: Notes On Marie Menken / Ray Bandar: A Life With Skulls in its entirety so far. Both are very good, but not as good as the band's/artist's very best work. I've heard parts of John Zorn's Malphas - Book Of Angels Volume 3 (performed by Mark Feldman and Sylvie Courvoisier) as well, but I have yet to listen to the entire album. I've seen them (Feldman and Courvoisier) perform a lot of the songs off the album live though, and it really was an incredible concert. I also have Adrian Belew's Side Three on my computer right now, but I will listen to Side One and Two a few times first.

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 19:02
Also listen to Zaar, Joren. Unless you're still angry about me putting them onto the RIO/Avant chart without asking you!Wink

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Posted By: honganji
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 19:07
Mindgames/Actors In A Play
However I haven't got great masterpiece of 2006. The best album I bought in 2006 is Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso UFO/Electric Heavyland. Big smile

Posted By: Soul Dreamer
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 19:09

My favourite which is released this year is:  La Maschera Di Cera - LuxAde

Best Italian album I heard in a long time. If you don't know it, check it out. It's worth it. 

Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 19:15
Probably Adrain Belew- Side Three.
Though The Tangent's comes close.

Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 19:29
According to the ratings on my website my favorites are:

  • Tool - 10,000 Days
  • Devin Townsend - Synchestra
  • Kayo Dot - Dowsing Anemone With Copper Tongue
  • Zaar - Zaar
  • Ostinato - Chasing The Form
  • The Tangent - Place In the Queue
  • Textures - Drawing Circles
  • Vanden Plas - Christ 0
  • Paatos - Silence Of Another Kind
  • Adrian Belew - Side Three
But those are only preliminary ratings!

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Posted By: HeirToRuin
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 19:51
The only 2006 albums I own so far are

TFK - Paradox Hotel
Devin Townsend Band - Synchestra

ARTEMIA -" rel="nofollow -
L.i.E. - http://www.reverbnati

Posted By: HeirToRuin
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 19:51
^ Oh...and the new Tool unfortunately

ARTEMIA -" rel="nofollow -
L.i.E. - http://www.reverbnati

Posted By: Inferno
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 22:55
The albums I own from 2006:

Synchestra (Devin Towsend)
A Place in the queue (Tangent)
Paradox Hotel (Flower Kings)
Si Partie 1 (Nemo)
Kaleidoscope (Karcius)

So far my best are Paradox Hotel and Si partie 1 (That album is Excellent and a great new band I discover this year!!)

Posted By: memowakeman
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 23:12
My Favorite is Synchestra!


Follow me on twitter @memowakeman

Posted By: Logos
Date Posted: May 24 2006 at 00:29
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

You do realise your country will be hosting Eurovision next year?!..the shame,the shameLOL

Yes I do. I'll be there! Tongue

Posted By: Meddler
Date Posted: May 24 2006 at 00:35

Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote: -

Looking at your sig... The Arctic Monkeys? I must say im dissapointed with you.


Posted By: Drew
Date Posted: May 24 2006 at 00:56
Originally posted by TheProgtologist TheProgtologist wrote:

Tool - 10,000 Days
The Tangent - A Place in the Queue
Devin Townsend - Synchestra
Kayo Dot - Dowsing Anemone with Copper Tongue
La Maschera di Cera - LuxAde
Novembre - Materia
Don Caballero - World Class Listening Problem
Cult of Luna - Somewhere Along the Highway
Vanden Plas - Christ.0
The Flower Kings - Paradox Hotel
Decapitated - Organic Hallucinosis
my favs

Posted By: Littlewashu5
Date Posted: May 24 2006 at 01:15
In no paticular order:

Secret Machines - Ten Silver Drops
Devin Townsend - Synchestra
Kayo Dot - Dowsing Anemone with Copper Tongue
Pure Reason Revolution - The Dark Third
Novembre - Materia
Yakuza - Samsara
Enslaved - Ruun
Communic - Waves of Visual Decay
Green Carnation - The Acoustic Verses
Mutemath - s/t
Paatos - Silence of Another Kind
OSI - Free
Proto-Kaw - The Wait of Glory

Top Non-Prog albums:

The Gathering - Home
Celebrity - Mining for Twilight
Poets of the Fall - Carnival of Rust
Snow Patrol - Eyes Open
Amorphis - Eclipse
Katatonia - The Great Cold Distance
Disarmonia Mundi -Mindtricks
Scar Symmetry - Pitch Black Progress
Raunchy - Death Pop Romance
In Flames - Come Clarity
Moonspell - Memorial
Daylight Dies - Dismantling Devotion
Eyes of Fire - Prisons

Posted By: stewe
Date Posted: May 24 2006 at 06:00
PROTO KAW - Wait of Glory.. what a great band!
Tangent - A Place in the Queue
OSI - Free
Gathering - Home
Gilmour - On a Island

Posted By: Joren
Date Posted: May 24 2006 at 06:05
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

Also listen to Zaar, Joren. Unless you're still angry about me putting them onto the RIO/Avant chart without asking you!Wink
What makes you think I was angry about that?
But I can't listen to Zaar if I don't own any of their music... Wink

Posted By: GPFR
Date Posted: May 24 2006 at 06:20
I haven't gotten much prog, but the stuff I like so far is this:

David Gilmour: On an Island
Devin Townsend: Synchestra
The Flaming Lips: At War with the Mystics
My Morning Jacket: Z
The Flower Kings: Paradox Hotel


Posted By: GFoyle
Date Posted: May 24 2006 at 06:55
Definitely Tool:10 000 Days heads and shoulders above others.

These have been okay to good as well:
Vanden Plas: Christ 0
The Flower Kings: Paradox Hotel
Queenryche: Operation Mindcrime 2
Devin Townsend: Synchestra
Katatonia: Great Cold Distance (not that prog, but good anyhow)

I'm suprised to see Novembre mentioned here, I saw them as a warmup for Katatonia few weeks back and they sounded REALLY medicore.

Posted By: Trickster F.
Date Posted: May 24 2006 at 08:38
I simply don't get people who respond to such threads as this, posting more than 20 albums. Can you see that it says "your best"? I could post the list of all new music I've heard this year too.
 -- Ivan


Posted By: prog4evr
Date Posted: May 24 2006 at 08:45
Originally posted by Maverick Maverick wrote:

The Flower Kings - Paradox Hotel...
Agreed.  The Flower Kings continue to be in top form with this album.

Posted By: GoldenSpiral
Date Posted: May 24 2006 at 10:14
Originally posted by Littlewashu5 Littlewashu5 wrote:

Top Non-Prog albums:

The Gathering - Home
Celebrity - Mining for Twilight
Poets of the Fall - Carnival of Rust
Snow Patrol - Eyes Open
Amorphis - Eclipse
Katatonia - The Great Cold Distance
Disarmonia Mundi -Mindtricks
Scar Symmetry - Pitch Black Progress
Raunchy - Death Pop Romance
In Flames - Come Clarity
Moonspell - Memorial
Daylight Dies - Dismantling Devotion
Eyes of Fire - Prisons

All high quality as well, but not in my top list.  Thumbs Up
The moonspell and Gathering albums were both just OK IMO.  nothing terribly special going on.

-------------" rel="nofollow -

"Oceans Down You'll Lie"
coming soon

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: May 24 2006 at 10:34
Originally posted by ivansfr0st ivansfr0st wrote:

I simply don't get people who respond to such threads as this, posting more than 20 albums. Can you see that it says "your best"? I could post the list of all new music I've heard this year too.
 -- Ivan

I've listened to more than 40 albums of 2006 ... and I already have a backlog of more than 20 albums that I still haven't listened to. And the list is growing ...

-------------" rel="nofollow - Release Polls

Listened to:

Posted By: Walri
Date Posted: May 25 2006 at 15:14
The new Townsend is incredible. Other than that, I really haven't heard much of this year's stuff - I'm still giving myself a foundation in prog and metal (though I enjoy a great variety), so I don't feel I have the right to be ranting about how great most new bands are when I haven't heard many of the old ones.
EDIT: Why do people on PA, of all places, give even a moment's notice to new In Flames material? It saddens me.

Posted By: Kleynan
Date Posted: May 25 2006 at 20:49
I don't know about you guys, but i was impressed by Gilmours' "On An Island". A nice and very mellow album. Clap


You've just had a heavy session of electroshock therapy, and you're more relaxed than you've been in weeks.

Posted By: lightbulb_son
Date Posted: May 25 2006 at 21:36
LOL I knew everybody would say 10,000 Days. Im not a tool fan so its not on my list, but my top five so far are (in no particular order)
Enslaved - Ruun Evil Smile
Devin Townsend - SynchestraClap
David Gilmour - On An IslandApprove
Kayo Dot - Dowsing Anemone with Copper TongueThumbs Up
Cult of Luna - Somewhere Along the HighwayHug

When the world is sick
Can't no one be well
But I dreamt we were all
beautiful and strong

Posted By: martinprog77
Date Posted: May 26 2006 at 04:42
Originally posted by Kleynan Kleynan wrote:

I don't know about you guys, but i was impressed by Gilmours' "On An Island". A nice and very mellow album. Clap
i agreeClap

Nothing can last
there are no second chances.
Never give a day away.
Always live for today.

Posted By: Wilcey
Date Posted: May 26 2006 at 04:44
me too...............definitely my fav purchase for a long time!

Posted By: erik neuteboom
Date Posted: May 26 2006 at 05:15
The news I get from other progheads is that most of them tend to fall asleep during David Gilmour's new album, I have to check out this soon Wink !

Posted By: retuow
Date Posted: May 26 2006 at 05:36
The only 2006 album's I've listened to so far are:

David Gilmour - On An Island (rating: 4.5/5])
Peter Hammill - Veracious (rating: 4/5)
Dream Theater - Dark Side Of The Moon (rating: 3/5)

I'm currently wrestling my way through Peter Hammill's back catalogue. So far, I've got 14 albums, 30+ to go . So it looks I'll be spending much of the year purchasing "old" music...

Human beings were created by water to carry it uphill.

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: May 26 2006 at 11:35
I bought the new Ministry album as well as an album by a band from Australia called Wlfmother which reminds me of old Black Sabbath meets Led Zep meets The Doors. I also bought the CD ( finally ) of the Original Vital Information album. The music I buy is usually old music or second hand vinyl.


Posted By: Kleynan
Date Posted: May 26 2006 at 15:39
Originally posted by erik neuteboom erik neuteboom wrote:

The news I get from other progheads is that most of them tend to fall asleep during David Gilmour's new album, I have to check out this soon Wink !
Then they clearly have no taste in music of the beautiful and mellow kind Wink Seriously... check it out, you won't be dissapointed. Gilmour is still just as good at singing and playing guitar. Just check out the solo in "The Blue" for example. He even makes his debut at the saxophone on the album. Very nice string arrangements by polish Zbigniew Preisner by the way. Can't compare it to PF though. 4,5/5. Clap


You've just had a heavy session of electroshock therapy, and you're more relaxed than you've been in weeks.

Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: May 26 2006 at 16:04
I have to add a band I forgot.....Textures and their new album Drawing Circles.
I also just got the new Communic album Waves of Visual Decay today and it's pretty sweet.


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