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Prog rock

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
Printed Date: March 12 2025 at 15:31
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Topic: Prog rock
Posted By: Sexyav21
Subject: Prog rock
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 15:12
What was considered so 'progressive' about progressive rock?Ermm

Posted By: Chicapah
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 15:15
Didn't you get the pamphlet on your way in the front door?

"Literature is well enough, as a time-passer, and for the improvement and general elevation and purification of mankind, but it has no practical value" - Mark Twain

Posted By: erik neuteboom
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 15:15
In the late Sixties it was progressive to broaden the horizons of the average rock music by adding folky, psychedelic, classical and jazzy elements - I recommend the book Rocking The Classics by Edward Macan to read more about this topic!
By the way, nowadays most progressive rock is more regressive rock ..Cry ..

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 15:16
It was completely new, the early bands were doing something that had never been done in prog before, progressing rock if you will, and somewere along the line some one coined the phrase prog rock.

Posted By: Meddler
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 15:19

Please read.

Huh, the URL doesnt work. Theres a button near the top of the main page. "Prog Rock?"


Posted By: soundspectrum
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 15:21 that a serious question?

if so progressive rock is just rock and roll intergrated with any other form of music not normally played in a rock and roll style. Up until that point (about 60's) everything was
blues based, and for pop was not very creative pushes everything to its creative limit...mixing odd time signatures, schoenberg esque harmonies, electronics and musicianship (as well as compositional technique) and really tries to be more then just a rock takes on an aura, a show, and a sence of hard work. which is really what progressive boils down become, not to stick to one general place...king crimson is a perfect example, they are ever all true meaning of the word, they are progressive...and they make a point of trying new things..even if that new thing  is a pop song, they still are tackeling challenges and breaking down borders....

if you arent serious then i hope you accidentally eat immodium.

Posted By: Sexyav21
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 15:26
yes it was a serious question!..xSmile

Posted By: Sexyav21
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 15:27
wot are u on about

Posted By: Sexyav21
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 15:41
oh i know its gone downhill since the 1960-early 1970's.. thats when 'Yes' were good. the only problem i think is because of all this change..being progressive and trying new things, the band got worse that they were before..

but what have they progressed from?

Posted By: R o V e R
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 16:08
Originally posted by Sexyav21 Sexyav21 wrote:

What was considered so 'progressive' about progressive rock?Ermm -

Posted By: Horlequism
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 18:50
GOOGLE works too LOL

Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 20:18
Originally posted by erik neuteboom erik neuteboom wrote:

In the late Sixties it was progressive to broaden the horizons of the average rock music by adding folky, psychedelic, classical and jazzy elements - I recommend the book Rocking The Classics by Edward Macan to read more about this topic!
By the way, nowadays most progressive rock is more regressive rock ..Cry ..

But that doesn´t make them bad, right? Wink

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

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