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Brice basses

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Topic: Brice basses
Posted By: sleeper
Subject: Brice basses
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 18:58
As I've posted on another thread I own a Brice HBX-406 bass, I was wondering if anyone else here has played on one of these or any other Brice and how do they compare to other basses, this esentially my first bass and I've never played another bass so I would like to know how it compares to others.

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: Barla
Date Posted: May 06 2006 at 13:35
I haven't used that, but I have a Lazer bass and it sounds very good.

Posted By: Prahainspring
Date Posted: July 30 2006 at 01:15
Hey there (n00b here).

The Brice line, from Rondo music, is a great first instrument. The quality is much higher than that of (Fender) Squires of almost similiar price (although I have seen Brice/SX basses cost as liitle as $100). However, you do get what you pay for as the pickups, pots, bridge, and tuning gears are on the cheap side but hey, it's your first instrument. I would try to play a couple basses to help your decision instead of blindly buying one online. However, if you can't, after you get the bass (if you choose to buy one) go to a qualified guitar tech and ask for a setup. Truss rod and bridge adjustments will help make playing much more enjoyable. Goodluck!

Posted By: Jay440
Date Posted: December 07 2006 at 22:16
Sleeper: I saw this thread back when it was started and have recently been looking at these basses on E-Bay.

How has the bass been holding up over the past 6 or so months?

My main concern is the neck: I hope that the truss-rods are at least decent, because the necks look like they're only one or two pieces of wood.

Unless your bass is one of their neck-through models which has several strips of wood laminated through the length of the bass.

Either way, is everything still in good shape?

I am very tempted to get one of these. -

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: December 13 2006 at 20:51
The bass has held up brilliantly over the year that I've had it, no trouble with the neck bending or anything at all, andI got it second hand. Pickups arent exactly great but you can change those, other than that I've had no trouble with it.

BTW, the pic for that ebay link shows the exact same model and colour as mine, it looks much better in the flesh so to speak than that pic lets on.

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

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