Gilmour against Floyd reunion
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Topic: Gilmour against Floyd reunion
Posted By: lightbulb_son
Subject: Gilmour against Floyd reunion
Date Posted: April 16 2006 at 18:53
I read in one of my Guitar World's a while back about Gilmour's position on Floyd's reunion. Gilmour stated that he was happy with where he was in his life and he did not want to reunite PF. Don't get me wrong I love On An Island, but I would give anything to see Floyd live (given that Waters left PF before I was born). I found Gilmour's position to be a tad selfish, and I know he's got his own solo career going for him, but would a reunion tour really hurt that much?
I'm sure there's already been a topic on this so sorry for the repeat but I wanted to hear what people thought about Gilmour's decision.
------------- When the world is sick
Can't no one be well
But I dreamt we were all
beautiful and strong
Posted By: akiko
Date Posted: April 16 2006 at 18:58
Him and Roger Waters hate each other. So a reunion tour probably won't happen. Too bad though.
Posted By: Witchwoodhermit
Date Posted: April 16 2006 at 19:04
I think it's selfish of "us" to expect David too curb his excellent solo career, in favour of long since defunct Floyd. Live 8 was wonderful, but these guys cannot keep going on and on retracing old ground. The only road to success in an artists career is to keep moving forward. As David has done so very well.
------------- Here I'm shadowed by a dragon fig tree's fan
ringed by ants and musing over man.
Posted By: Empathy
Date Posted: April 16 2006 at 19:12
I personally think it's a good thing that they've both realized that it's time for the next phase in their careers. Waters just scored an opera, fer cryin' out loud!
------------- Pure Brilliance:
Posted By: eddietrooper
Date Posted: April 16 2006 at 19:18
I saw them live in 1995 (without Waters) and it was awesome. I wish I could see that again, but I understand Gilmour's position. He's too old to wake up the dinosaur again with yet another world tour. Too much for his 60 years old. I respect his decision.
Posted By: acheron
Date Posted: April 16 2006 at 19:27
I respect why he doesnt want to reunite with Floyd, but i just saw him and Rick Wright a few days ago, and the entire 2nd half of the show was 2 hours worth of PF favorites.
if he's so against reuniting with PF then he shouldnt have played with Wright, and he shouldnt have played that much PF material.
i'm not complaining it was a fantastic concert, but that seems hypocritical to me
Posted By: Empathy
Date Posted: April 16 2006 at 19:46
acheron wrote:
I respect why he doesnt want to reunite with Floyd, but i just saw him and Rick Wright a few days ago, and the entire 2nd half of the show was 2 hours worth of PF favorites.
if he's so against reuniting with PF then he shouldnt have played with Wright, and he shouldnt have played that much PF material.
i'm not complaining it was a fantastic concert, but that seems hypocritical to me |
Well, that's acually a fair point, but if it makes you feel any better, apparently Waters will be touring with Mason. 
I can't imagine either Waters or Gilmour would risk pissing off legions of fans by refusing to play old Floyd tunes, even if the tours are meant to support their solo efforts.
------------- Pure Brilliance:
Posted By: GPFR
Date Posted: April 16 2006 at 21:12
Empathy wrote:
acheron wrote:
I respect why he doesnt want to
reunite with Floyd, but i just saw him and Rick Wright a few days ago,
and the entire 2nd half of the show was 2 hours worth of PF favorites.
if he's so against reuniting with PF then he shouldnt have played
with Wright, and he shouldnt have played that much PF material.
i'm not complaining it was a fantastic concert, but that seems hypocritical to me |
Well, that's acually a fair point, but if it makes you feel any better, apparently Waters will be touring with Mason. 
can't imagine either Waters or Gilmour would risk pissing off legions
of fans by refusing to play old Floyd tunes, even if the tours are
meant to support their solo efforts.
Well, granted it is somewhat hypocritical, but then again, in several
interviews Waters said even at just live 8 he was holding back argueing
with dave, imagine the frustration on a world tour and an album.
Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: April 16 2006 at 21:18
Posted By: Kotro
Date Posted: April 17 2006 at 04:33
el böthy wrote:
Witchwoodhermit wrote:
I think it's selfish of "us" to expect David too curb his excellent solo career, in favour of long since defunct Floyd. Live 8 was wonderful, but these guys cannot keep going on and on retracing old ground. The only road to success in an artists career is to keep moving forward. As David has done so very well.
I agree with everything but the "excellent solo carrer"...
Three solo albums, three very pleasent listenings. That makes up for a good solo career in my book...
------------- Bigger on the inside.
Posted By: Joolz
Date Posted: April 17 2006 at 05:52
lightbulb_son wrote:
I found Gilmour's position to be a tad selfish, and I know he's got his own solo career going for him, but would a reunion tour really hurt that much? |
To be honest, I am so angry about this sentence that I can't construct a sensible coherent retort! 
Posted By: HeirToRuin
Date Posted: April 17 2006 at 06:19
Nah, the last thing we need is to hear PF get out and play all the
songs we know they're going to play and charge $150 a ticket to hear it.
------------- ARTEMIA -" rel="nofollow -
L.i.E. - http://www.reverbnati
Posted By: An old fart
Date Posted: April 17 2006 at 06:26
For me Gilmour's decision makes perfect sense. He's 60 years old now, he's got a new family, he doesn't even want to play that much anymore, so why would he go on a tour with a band he last recorded with 12 years ago, playing songs mostly from 30 years ago by someone he's not on friendly terms with (I mean Waters of course). As for him nevertheless playing some Pink Floyd songs on his solo tour, why not? He's written or co-written them, those are the songs he still likes and fans expect them also. He's playing them with artistic honesty: with whom and how and choosing the songs he really wants to perform them now.
A Pink Floyd reunion world tour is a completely different thing than playing 20-30 concerts (or whatever he's doing with his own band) on a small scale. Imagine the work and the psychological demands it would request. Getting back together with people that you were last active more than a decade ago, writing new songs, recording them, finishing this stage maybe in 2008 and then all the planning for the world tour. Gilmour simply doesn't have the time and will to do it anymore and I also think he believes a Pink Floyd reunion world tour as an idea would be rather cheap without any new songs in the set since 1994. If he doesn't want to do it, should he do it only for money? In a way, even though or maybe just because of Pink Floyd is my ultimate favourite band, I am glad his artistic dignity is not on sale for big money.
------------- "Make tea, not love"
Posted By: Empathy
Date Posted: April 17 2006 at 09:26
An old fart wrote:
I am glad his artistic dignity is not on sale for big money. |
One could argue that it was in the 80's and 90's... 
I do agree with what you've said, though. Live 8 was the perfect swan
song, IMO. Especially since it was for a good cause. It pains me that I
never got to see Floyd in their prime, but it's not about me. 
------------- Pure Brilliance:
Posted By: man@arms
Date Posted: April 17 2006 at 10:13
If there is one thing that I have learned over time it's to "never say never" $$$$ talks. Regardless of any ill will between Waters and Gilmour or Gilmour's disinterest in "waking the dinosaur again" and playing the old hits, I have a hard time believing they wouldn't reunite at some point before they die. Everybody has a price, no matter what they may say about wanting time out of the spotlight or needing to spend more time with the family, eventually greed wins the day. Look at Black Sabbath, 25 years ago they couldn't wait to get rid of Ozzy, now they are thriving because they are playing with him again. Ego's take a back seat when $$$$ is at the wheel.
Posted By: Joolz
Date Posted: April 17 2006 at 10:24
An old fart wrote:
For me Gilmour's decision makes perfect sense ........etc etc etc |
Well done, mate, and thanks from another old fart. This was more or less the argument I was too wound up to construct earlier 
Posted By: Moogtron III
Date Posted: April 17 2006 at 12:39
Dave Gilmour said in an earlier interview that it would be a project of 5 years to do another Floyd album and tour. I think when DG wants to do a Floyd - album / tour, he wants it to be top notch, perfect. So lots of attention to details, a great sound, a great show etc. So it's all or nothing for DG when it comes to PF. Live 8 is an exception to the rule, I suppose.
I think that because of his age that he doesn't want to do those big Floyd projects again, but that he enjoys to play some PF songs in his shows every now and then. I can understand. He already did so much, and he's 60 years old.
Posted By: ProgFan
Date Posted: April 17 2006 at 12:51
I think it doesn't happen that Gilmour and Waters will join each other in Pink Floyd, but I'm very happy that I'm going to see Waters and Friends (Pink Floyd) at Arrow Rock Festival
