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Music fans question for you all

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: Music fans question for you all
Posted By: Area 39
Subject: Music fans question for you all
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 08:10
hello everyone.

I am doing some work and i am trying to find out what % of music fans like and listen to Prog-Space-Concept-Rock.

I know this is a hard question but if anyone can help that would be great.

Anyone ?



Man on the moon my arse

Posted By: Paulieg
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 08:30
If youean bands like Eloy, then I listen to this genre a lot.

Posted By: ozzy_tom
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 09:11
Eloy is good. But I prefer their earlier recordings ("Inside", "Floating" and "Power and the Passion" ).
And I think Pink Floyd is space-rock, too.


Posted By: Dirk
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 10:07
Mainly Pink Floyd, Porcupine tree and Lands end. I've heard Eloy and Nektar these bands don't really
convince me though. Eloy is very good as long as the songs are mainly instrumental (Poseidon's creation, Reveil du soleil).

I'm planning to listen to Ozric tentacles in the  near future, haven't got around to it yet.

To be honest i'm a bit dissapointed about this genre, Pink floyd is my favorite band and coming here
I thought this was the genre to begin with for me, not so.

Posted By: stanbrook
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 10:29
What is prog-space-concept-rock?  Surely, there's only one contender... Hawkwind.

Posted By: Ghandi 2
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 11:45
If early Pink Floyd counts as prog-space-concept rock, then yes, I do like it.

Posted By: Area 39
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 17:10

Sorry, i think i may have not come across saying what i said the way i said it.

I am trying to find the number of fans of music such as




I am doing some home work and i am trying to find a number so i can go to some one and say the world has this many fans of these types of music.

For exsample (the world holds 1,265,345,776 fans of prog, space & concept rock music)

Does that come across better ?

Anyone help ?


Man on the moon my arse

Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: April 15 2006 at 01:50
well, I am a big fan of space-rock, which is why bands like Gong or Hawkwind or early Krautrock bands are among my favorite artists


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

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