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Famous Prog Artist You Met

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: Famous Prog Artist You Met
Posted By: Sacred 22
Subject: Famous Prog Artist You Met
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 00:51

I remember meeting Frank Zappa in 1976 or 77. I was 19 or 20. Anyway, he was in Toronto for the Zoot Allures tour. Like a kid who listened to Zappa quite a bit, I was excited to meet him. I asked him for a autograph which he gave me and which I lost long ago. Oh well. I ended up with something a bit better. I remember giving him a cassette tape of some of the crazy antics a few of us were doing at the time. A bunch of us would do skits and record them. Anyway, I said to Frank, "if you ever wanna get rid of anyone at a party or whatever, just play this tape." He took the tape, and much to my delight ended up using some of what we did on the tape. We did a skit where we used the phrase, "ram it, ram it, ram it, ram it up your poop chute". In fact we used to say it all the time long before Sheik Yerbouti came out.

I had to laugh after hearing Sheik Yerbouti's Broken Hearts are for Assholes. My buddy and I just looked at each other and said, "he must have listened to our tape". Well, I will never know for sure, but I get the feeling he did, because I do remember what was on that tape.

Part of the lyrics for: "Broken Hearts are for Assholes"

That’s why I say
I’m gonna ram it, ram it, ram it
Ram it up yer poop chute
Corn hole
Ram it, ram it, ram it
Ram it up yer poop chute
Fist f**k
Ram it, ram it, ram it
Ram it up yer poop chute

Wrist-watch; crisco
Ram it, ram it, ram it
Ram it up yer poop chute

Posted By: ViolinCyndee
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 00:57


I have met, and played with both Nik Turner and Harvey Bainbridge of Hawkwind.  Also played with members of The Muffins (Paul Sears, Dave Newhouse), Illuvatar (Jim Rezek), Stinking Lizeveta (Yanni Papadapoulous), Present (Keith Macksoud)..

Also know all of the band Gong--several different lineups.  (Daevid did my coverart!!)

Hung out with Ozric Tentacles, met Annie Haslam several times, met Tony Levin..



Posted By: ClemofNazareth
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 01:11

I got all the members of Camper Van Beethoven to sign an album.  Sat behind Firefall on an airplane several years ago.  Watched one of my kids get a signed drum stick from Phil Ehart.

meh - that's about it.  Pretty pitiful actually...

"Peace is the only battle worth waging."

Albert Camus

Posted By: lunaticviolist
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 01:18
I've met Eric Burdon, but he's not prog.  Other than that, I haven't met anyone.  I need to get out more.

My recent purchases:

Posted By: ViolinCyndee
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 01:25

For non-prog, I have met:

Paul McCartney

Julian Lennon

sat at a table next to Roger Waters (shoudla put this in the other thread--PF is totally prog!) but didn't bother him

Albert King

The Crickets (of course without Buddy Holly)

Mark Wood



Posted By: Sacred 22
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 01:29
Originally posted by ViolinCyndee ViolinCyndee wrote:


I have met, and played with both Nik Turner and Harvey Bainbridge of Hawkwind.  Also played with members of The Muffins (Paul Sears, Dave Newhouse), Illuvatar (Jim Rezek), Stinking Lizeveta (Yanni Papadapoulous), Present (Keith Macksoud)..

Also know all of the band Gong--several different lineups.  (Daevid did my coverart!!)

Hung out with Ozric Tentacles, met Annie Haslam several times, met Tony Levin..



Very cool indeed.  I hear Tony is quite the eccentric

Posted By: Blackleaf
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 01:31
I live in Australia.

Therefore, the number of bands that I listen to that have toured here in the last decade is very close to zero.

Ah well.


Posted By: Cygnus X-2
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 01:35
I met Ike Willis (of Frank Zappa fame) when he was touring with the Paul Green School of Rock two summers ago. Ironically, at the time I wasn't a big Zappa fan, but now I that I am, I feel that I had missed out on a great opportunity to learn more about Ike's take on Frank.


Posted By: ViolinCyndee
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 01:39
Originally posted by Sacred 22 Sacred 22 wrote:

Originally posted by ViolinCyndee ViolinCyndee wrote:


I have met, and played with both Nik Turner and Harvey Bainbridge of Hawkwind.  Also played with members of The Muffins (Paul Sears, Dave Newhouse), Illuvatar (Jim Rezek), Stinking Lizeveta (Yanni Papadapoulous), Present (Keith Macksoud)..

Also know all of the band Gong--several different lineups.  (Daevid did my coverart!!)

Hung out with Ozric Tentacles, met Annie Haslam several times, met Tony Levin..



Very cool indeed.  I hear Tony is quite the eccentric

He was very down to earth and sweet!  He even mentioned the idea of playing with me!!  (yes I was in total shock!)   Of course, I'd be in shock even more if it were to actually happen!!!!! 



Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 01:40
I've met Richard Sinclair of Caravan/Hatfield and The North whilst at a Hatfields gig last year, a very friendly guy, he's cool.

That's as close as I get really.  Except I recorded a tune with the brother of my old school friend who is a guitarist in the prog metal band "Biomechanical".


Posted By: memowakeman
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 01:47

i have met California Guitar Trio members and Pat Mastelotto

also all the members of Cabezas de Cera


Follow me on twitter @memowakeman

Posted By: CaincelaOreinim
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 01:49
I've met Trey Gunn and Pat Mastelotto of Crimson even though they're nothing to boast about...they're like every/anyone else (I'm not starstruck whatsoever)...The California Guitar Trio, and Aloke Dutta (tabla master)...all in a brief outing in California.  They were all performing at part of a festival I attended.

Posted By: dima_olkov
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 01:51
I've only met with Tony Levin and talked to him about his plkans with King Crimson for 2007

PF, Genesis, KC, Yes, VdGG, GG, Camel, Jethro Tull

Posted By: Sacred 22
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 02:01


He was very down to earth and sweet!  He even mentioned the idea of playing with me!!  (yes I was in total shock!)   Of course, I'd be in shock even more if it were to actually happen!!!!! 



Tony has played with just about everyone on this planet, so maybe your time is coming

Posted By: pierreolivier
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 02:14


I've met Steve Hogarth,Steve Rothery and Peter Trewavas from Marillion during the Marbles tour in 2004 in Montreal.They were just coming after dinner to the venue for the concert and passed near the fans who were in line for the concert and they simply came talking to us! Those guys are really cool and they like their fans a lot and it was a pleasure talking to them.They are not phony and are very simple guys.

Another band member I met(even if it's not prog) is Nicolas Godin from the french band Air.I met him during the "Moon Safari" tour in Montreal in 1998.I was going to this concert with my uncle(who is 12 years my senior) and was waiting for him at a newstand near the venue of the concert.I was reading some music magazines when I heard someone asking with a french accent"Do you have french newspapers here?".I turn my head and recognize Nicolas.He pay for his newspapers and came near me checking some music mags.Then, I began talking to him and we talked a lot about vintage synthesizers and mellotrons.He was a little rushed by the time and he invited me backstage during the opening band where I met the rest of the band and specially Brian Kehew and Roger Manning of the Moog Cookbook,who were side keyboardist for Air during that tour.There, we talked more about synths and mellotrons(those guy are real amateurs and connaisseurs on the subject).We had a very good time backstage,drinking a beer and chatting.My uncle didn't beileve his eyes when I say to him that we will meeting the band when he arrives for the concert.He was laughing at me for my love of old synthesizers and mellotrons some time before this concert saying it was the past music(he loved prog music but then he just discovered techno music and renied everything he loved as a youngster).After that,he never laughed at mellotrons again.

Air came two more times in Montreal after that tour in 2001 and 2004.I've never remet Nicolas but each time he waved his hands at me (I'm always near the stage).My friends,with wich I came for those two latter concerts(they replace my uncle) where very suprised by that.

For those who don't know this band very well, I recommand the "Virgins Suicide" soundtrack wich is more close to progressive music.That album is influenced by early Pink Floyd and King Crimson and all the tracks contain (real) mellotron and is very dark in atmosphere.Very recommanded.

Posted By: razifa
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 02:46

I have met "Michael Manring", one of the best jazz-fusion guitar man of nowadays.  He gave an autograph and I keep it with me very carefully.

I also met the three members of "Cabezas de Cera", a mexican band of avant progressive rock. I have the autographs from all of them and BTW I bought all their discography: four albums and one DVD....



Posted By: erik neuteboom
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 04:04

In the early Eighties I had a short talk with Peter Gabriel when I noticed him opening a side-door from the building were he should give his performance, we were sitting in a queue, waiting for the door to be opened. He was very friendly but avoided my question when I asked his opinion about 'poppy Eighties Genesis'...  

I met French progrock legend Francis Decamps in the dressing room shortly before the Ange concert in 2003 in The Netherlands. He was pleased with my words of appreciation about 30 years Ange and gave me literally a big hand  !

I had a long talk with Thijs Van Leer about vintage keyboards after his concert with Focus on a open air festival in Holland a few years ago, he was very enthousiastic. I even helped him bearing his Hammond L100 from the stage to his van, a historical moment for me!

In the Nineties I did interviews (working for several Dutch progrock magazines) with Arjen Lucassen (Ayreon), the late Rick Van Der Linden (Ekseption/Trace), Ton Scherpenzeel (Kayak/Camel), all the members of Finch (drummer Beer Klaasse from Q65 and Finch appeared to live 5 minutes away from me!).

These were unforgettable experiences for me because when I was young I admired all abover mentioned musicians and many years later I could have a pleasant talk with my childhood heroes!


Posted By: Playa10
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 04:10
Hey ,, I met Lenny Kravitz w/kids and Lisa Bonet (post breakup) at Miiami International on their way to the Bahamas... They were very cool and unpretentiou--I was impressed!!!!!

Posted By: Christian
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 04:12

I have met the man himself, Peter Gabriel, in 1977.

I also met all of the City Boy band in 1979

I met the Swedish rock act Wasa Express

I saw BB King in an airport

I saw Sinead O Connor in another airport

I just happened to be in the same record store as Evergrey two weeks ago in Malmö! They were signing records.


I do live quite close to where Ayreon lives, so I hope I will get a chance to meet him

Posted By: erik neuteboom
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 04:16
I hope you will have a chance to meet Arjen at his wonderful home, Christian, it's a two floor farmhouse and a high tech own studio, deep in the rare Dutch woods, a kind of heaven on earth to live, there he gets his awesome inspiration!

Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 04:17
In the non-prog world, I chatted to the members of Gov't Mule (except Andy Hess who went to the tourbus and was avoiding people!).  But I still managed to get set list signed by the whole band, which was cool.

They're very down to earth as well, except they were in a rush clearing equipment and this geeky fan had about 100 CDs of various bands associated with Warren Haynes and he was going through them with Warren himself, I felt so sorry for him!

I was inches away from Peter Green once and managed to get my CDs signed as well by him.

My mate Dave got drunk with the guys with Muse once in Leeds, he was actually sat chatting to Matt Bellamy!

Lucky him.


Posted By: Bob Greece
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 04:22

Members of Genesis, Yes, Pink Floyd and Jethro Tull usually hang around at my house during weekends but apart from that I haven't met anybody. Beat that Violin Cyndee!

Seriously though, I did shake hands with Ozric Tentacles Ed Wynne after a concert and I got Jethro Tull's ex-bassist Dave Pegg's autograph once after a Fairport Convention concert. That's peanuts compared with Violin Cyndee though - I am jealous!

This is not prog but Stanley Matthew's brother wallpapered my mum's dining room. Really, I'm not kidding. I am so close to the rich and famous.


Posted By: Phil
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 04:37

We've had this thread at least once before I think.....I briefly met Rick Wakeman at Wimbledon tennis one year (we'd queued since 6 AM but I don't think he had...)

...also met Bruce Dickinson in a bar in a Paris suburb once....

Posted By: Evolver
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 07:52

Anderson Bruford Wakeman & Howe (& Levin) at a backstage party.

Trevor Rabin, Brian May at (separate) record release parties.

Ike Willis during intermission at a Zappa show. Zappa at one of his PMRC debates. Bruce Fowler before a Toshiko Akiyoshi/Lew Tabackin concert.

Stanley Clarke & Stewart Copeland after an Animal Logic show.

Ian Anderson backstage after a Tull show.

Hundreds of jazz greats (I did some work for jazz festivals in the early 80's).  Larry Coryell played his version of Chick Corea's "Spain" at my request.

Trust me. I know what I'm doing.

Posted By: daz2112
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 12:13
Met Andy Powell of Wishbone Ash 3 weeks ago when i saw them live at Stratford. Really friendly guy! Signed new cd as well! Top Bloke

In the constellation of cygnus,There lurks a mysterious force...The black hole

Posted By: Trickster F.
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 12:24

Not sure if you would count changing e-mails with Toby Driver, but to me having a musician answer a bunch of your most wanted questions carefully is perhaps even more important than seeing them face-to-face. Great great man!

 -- Ivan

Posted By: Single Coil
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 12:41
I met Adrian Belew at a bar, and Symphony X at Gigantour. In both cases, they seemed really cool and down-to-earth.

If it's worth playing, it's worth playing loud!

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