Just found this rather amusing article...
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Topic: Just found this rather amusing article...
Posted By: Fritha
Subject: Just found this rather amusing article...
Date Posted: April 10 2006 at 19:10
I tried to perform a search to see if this had already been posted a few months back, but due to the search function not working properly, I wasn't really successful in that. Anyway, for those of you, who haven't seen this before, this is quite a fun -and encouraging- read. 
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,22875-2007511,00.html - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,22875-2007511,00.htm l
Mystery Jets? Never heard of them, must check them out...
------------- I was made to love magic
Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: April 10 2006 at 20:05
"Rees sees a progression towards progressive beginning with the rise of the Strokes, followed by the Libertines, Franz Ferdinand, Bloc Party, the Arctic Monkeys, Antony and the Johnsons."
Yeah...what island have you been on for the past decade! I actually remember a CNN brief about the Arctic Monkeys saying they were the "new prog." After a minute or two, they played a bit of their music, which as it turns out, is pure thrash/pop/indie crap! These people appeantly don't know that classical-sounding prog is flourishing now in the same way progressive metal was in the late 80s/early 90s. I think this is the best time for prog since Marillion's peak, disregarding the crap bands (who are not even close to prog) mentioned in the article. 
------------- http://soundcloud.com/drewagler" rel="nofollow - My soundcloud. Please give feedback if you want!
Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: April 10 2006 at 21:46
mmm intersting...yet...I have never heard of this bands    
------------- "You want me to play what, Robert?"
Posted By: goose
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 11:47
Posted By: Fritha
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 17:23
^^^ Have you heard something by The Mystery Jets then, Goose? Their debut is only a month old, I will seek it out the next time I make my extensive record shops round in downtown Helsinki... When a band is described as incorporating, among many other bands, the sound of both Pink Floyd AND King Crimson, they must be worth a try! 
To Stonebeard: due to me having been completely out of touch for a decade or so now in regards to mainstream music, I am not at all familiar with the music by The Strokes, but I did catch a song of theirs on MTV yesterday, something from the debut if memory serves, and it was very very VERY far removed from anything one might be able to call prog! Those other artists and bands are not exactly high in prog content either, lol, but The Strokes?? Yikes!
------------- I was made to love magic
Posted By: salmacis
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 17:41
I'd agree that prog does seem to be making something of a comeback; we may never see the days of Persian carpets, capes and grand stage shows involving cannons and inflatable dinosaurs again (a blessing in disguise, I'm sure you'll agree..) but musically, people are tending to sidestep the barbs and delve into the prog of yesteryear.
I've heard The Mystery Jets' album and am in fact seeing them live in May, however it's not your daddy's prog, so to speak. I do find them a little over-reliant on indie at times, but the ambition is there. I'd say the more psych tinged prog bands like Caravan and early Floyd with a smidgeon of King Crimson was the best reference point. Some songs are pure prog though. They have attempted a 10 minute epic called 'Moonlight Satellite', which is VERY KC, but for a lapse into 'Listen To The Flower People' silliness in the middle...They've also done a prog as you like instrumental called 'Zoo Time', with fiddly time signatures, squiggly synths and angular guitars.
Posted By: The Ryan
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 18:32
Is this what the mainstream media is promoting to try to cater to younger people?
Posted By: Blackleaf
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 21:51
Honestly, blending "indie" with older sounds is a recipe for disaster. The indie kids won't like it, because it's too fiddly and difficult to listen to, and the prog kids won't like it because it's got indie in it.
Any chance of getting them, and a sample, on the site? They sound fairly genuine, especially with the dad in the band, who probably will be less likely to sell out and go mainstream.
Also, regarding that article, I got the notion that the writer knew nothing about prog, and sort of made up for it at the end with the reference to Close to the Edge and Tull. Maybe it's just me though ;)
Posted By: salmacis
Date Posted: April 12 2006 at 15:05
Honestly, I must say that none of this relatively mainstream 'new breed' of prog have floored me, but they are making the genre more widely appreciated and less subject to derision. This can be seen in Q Magazine's recent '50 worst albums ever'- not one prog album made the list; I expected there to be at least mention of TFTO (which I love) or A Passion Play (which I don't), but no- it was, happily, a prog free zone.
Posted By: ProgBoy
Date Posted: April 12 2006 at 15:24
Blackleaf wrote:
Honestly, blending "indie" with older sounds is a
recipe for disaster. The indie kids won't like it, because it's too
fiddly and difficult to listen to, and the prog kids won't like it
because it's got indie in it.
chance of getting them, and a sample, on the site? They sound fairly
genuine, especially with the dad in the band, who probably will be less
likely to sell out and go mainstream.
regarding that article, I got the notion that the writer knew nothing
about prog, and sort of made up for it at the end with the reference to
Close to the Edge and Tull. Maybe it's just me though ;)
I totally agree with you there.
Especially with his reference to Time and a Word and Steve Howe.
Wasn't it Peter Banks on that album?
I feel sure it was.
------------- http://www.last.fm/user/closetotheedge/?chartstyle=minimalLight">
Mum to Mud to Mad to Dad to Dam to Dum to Mum
Posted By: Fritha
Date Posted: April 12 2006 at 15:53
salmacis wrote:
I've heard The Mystery Jets' album and am in fact seeing them live in May, however it's not your daddy's prog, so to speak. I do find them a little over-reliant on indie at times, but the ambition is there. I'd say the more psych tinged prog bands like Caravan and early Floyd with a smidgeon of King Crimson was the best reference point. Some songs are pure prog though. They have attempted a 10 minute epic called 'Moonlight Satellite', which is VERY KC, but for a lapse into 'Listen To The Flower People' silliness in the middle...They've also done a prog as you like instrumental called 'Zoo Time', with fiddly time signatures, squiggly synths and angular guitars. |
Thanks for these very descriptive words, this definitely sounds like my kind of stuff! I'm also no stranger to some of the (more popular) indie bands out there any longer so that is just fine by me... I'm probably more likely to buy something from an indie band than, say, a FK album, anyway
I also feel that something bigger is brewing on the prog front atm... We might not see the kind of explosion that was witnessed in the early 70s, but just to give an example: today I read in the paper that The Who will attempt to go back the sound of their more proggier efforts on their next album, writing a "mini-opera" no less! If that isn't a sign of something then what is! lol And yeah, the word that nobody dared to speak not so long ago, seems to crop up in the media more and more these days... It's really interesting to see how things develop
------------- I was made to love magic
Posted By: salmacis
Date Posted: April 12 2006 at 16:34
Some people have a very skewed idea of prog- The Strokes, The Libertines, The Arctic Monkeys, Bloc Party?? Lord no- Those acts are about as prog as AC/DC!!
Posted By: Zoso
Date Posted: April 12 2006 at 23:26
I agree, it seemed like the author of that article hadn't the foggiest notion as to what prog is.
Posted By: mystic fred
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 06:12
Posted By: goose
Date Posted: April 15 2006 at 05:36
Fritha wrote:
^^^ Have you heard something by The Mystery Jets
then, Goose? Their debut is only a month old, I will seek it out
the next time I make my extensive record shops round in downtown
Helsinki... When a band is described as incorporating, among many
other bands, the sound of both Pink Floyd AND King Crimson,
they must be worth a try! 
To Stonebeard: due to me having been completely out of touch
for a decade or so now in regards to mainstream
music, I am not at all familiar with the music by The
Strokes, but I did catch a song of theirs on MTV yesterday,
something from the debut if memory serves, and it was very very
VERY far removed from anything one might be able to call prog! Those other artists and bands are not exactly high in prog content either, lol, but The Strokes?? Yikes!
No idea about the Mystery Jets, but I was talking about stonebeard's post 