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How do you like to experience music?

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
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Topic: How do you like to experience music?
Posted By: Blackleaf
Subject: How do you like to experience music?
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 09:21
I'm just wondering how/where/when everyone listens to music.

I used to read at night. Mostly fantasy/scifi, anything interesting and imaginative (fave: Otherland series by Tad William: 4 books for a total of 3600 pages!). But then I ran out of books.

So I bought some nice headphones, and now I listen to music in pitch blackness in the early hours of the morning. I'm semi-insomniac, so it doesn't bother me. But it's almost like sensory deprevation, except for the ears. Last night, I did Larks Tongue for the first time, and while I didn't really like the opening song (bit random for a first listen I think), it went al over the place and I enjoyed it.

Other albums I've done, and remembered, are DSOTM and Sky Moves sideways. Both of which were profound experiences to say the least

So yeah, what's your prefered method for experiencing new (or old faves) music?



Posted By: The Wizard
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 10:19
In the ideal situation I put on a blacklight, some insence, and my brain and let the music take over. It's also nice to go on a hike in the woods with a walkman or mp3 player and be in nature with your music.


Posted By: GPFR
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 10:24
I'm usualy in my room, blast the music to max volume (Isn't as loud as you think, I have a crappy boom box, but still pretty loud.) Normally thats all I pay attention too. If it's something more calm then I'll write a story too it, generally fantasy. (So great to do with Peter Gabriels "Passions")


Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 14:53
In my room, alone, on good speakers. Also I love to sit on rocks the mountains and listen to music in headphones

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: andYouandI45
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 15:00
Headphones in bed, or on speakers during homework. Both with insences lit.

Posted By: E-Dub
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 15:05
Now with a little 3 year old chainsaw with feet tearing aroung the house, my
music experience at home is quite limited. Thank the good Lord for CD
players for the car. That's were I do the majority of my music listening.



Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 15:09
Most of the time i listen to it on the computer. I also love driving around aimlessly blasting my music at top volume. Also, sometimes i play some as i go to sleep, and occasionally portable CD player/iPod.

Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: Dirk
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 15:22
At work with head phones, this doesn't really work very well cause i need to concentrate.
At home reading PA, playing or watching chess and bridge.
Cycling, this is really a very good way for me to get into new music once i'm out of town.
With my girlfriend, we don't have exactly the same taste though so there is some negotiating
involved here. She knows a lot about music though and she's got a very good ear for influences so i pick up quite a lot of useful info here.

Posted By: daz2112
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 16:35
in bed lights out,dark I pod ,Tangerine Dream,Genesis live,PFM,Tony Banks(a curious feeling),Rick Wakeman  1am onwards

In the constellation of cygnus,There lurks a mysterious force...The black hole

Posted By: DeepPhreeze
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 16:41
In my lazy-man (not lazy-boy) chair, occasionally stoned, but always drawing or writing something.

Posted By: chamberry
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 16:41
I like to listen to music while I'm enjoying the view of nature at sunset...
but it almost never happens so I mostly listen to music in my pc enjoying the view from my window


Posted By: Rust
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 16:55

In my backyard, sitting on a long lawn chair, under my tree.

During homework   with speakers.

Headphones for in the backyard, and during night. My bed is right next to my computer so I can lay in my bed with my headphones plugged into the comp and enjoy the perfect sound quality.

I can never stay awake at night for very long though , and that is the majority of my listening since I never do homework , and weather in Texas is preety unpredictable and wild.

We got to pump the stuff to make us tough
from the heart
Its astart
What we need is awareness we cant get careless
Mental self defensive fitness
Make everybody see in order to fight the powers that be

Posted By: Pneubauer
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 17:13
I like listening late at night/early morning with headphones too, but usually Im on the computer listening to music.. which is quite irritating because I have to listen to whatever my sister is playing on the other side of the room... usually crap. I also plug my speakers into my portable CD player in my room from time to time and sit in the comfy chair... and draw thing... usually robots... silly silly robots. And airships. And cool stages for the awesome concerts I imagine myself playing in... If I could actually play an instrument that is. .. .  ah....


Posted By: coffeeintheface
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 17:24
Originally posted by Rust Rust wrote:

In my backyard, sitting on a long lawn chair, under my tree.

During homework   with speakers.

Headphones for in the backyard, and during night. My bed is right next to my computer so I can lay in my bed with my headphones plugged into the comp and enjoy the perfect sound quality.

I can never stay awake at night for very long though , and that is the majority of my listening since I never do homework , and weather in Texas is preety unpredictable and wild.

somebody doesn't like homework very much!

OBQM: (solo project)
nQuixote: (ambient + various musical ideas)

Posted By: coffeeintheface
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 17:26
Originally posted by Pneubauer Pneubauer wrote:

I like listening late at night/early morning with headphones too, but usually Im on the computer listening to music.. which is quite irritating because I have to listen to whatever my sister is playing on the other side of the room... usually crap. I also plug my speakers into my portable CD player in my room from time to time and sit in the comfy chair... and draw thing... usually robots... silly silly robots. And airships. And cool stages for the awesome concerts I imagine myself playing in... If I could actually play an instrument that is. .. .  ah....


try learning how to play the triangle!

OBQM: (solo project)
nQuixote: (ambient + various musical ideas)

Posted By: DeepPhreeze
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 17:48
Originally posted by coffeeintheface coffeeintheface wrote:

Originally posted by Pneubauer Pneubauer wrote:

I like listening late at night/early morning with headphones too, but usually Im on the computer listening to music.. which is quite irritating because I have to listen to whatever my sister is playing on the other side of the room... usually crap. I also plug my speakers into my portable CD player in my room from time to time and sit in the comfy chair... and draw thing... usually robots... silly silly robots. And airships. And cool stages for the awesome concerts I imagine myself playing in... If I could actually play an instrument that is. .. .  ah....


try learning how to play the triangle!

Or you could be a professional -er

Posted By: Flyingsod
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 17:54
Wow, Could I be the only one that sits indian style in the middle of the room with the speakers positioned 6-8 feet away in a perfect equalateral triangle with my head? Pretty loud but not to the point my ears try to close themsleves. Dark, the darker the better but my eyes are generally closed  so anything but a spotlight shinning at me is ok. Granted I can't do this as often as when I was younger but it's still the preferred method.
 Headphones to me take away about 1/3 of the experience of hearing music since I believe your body senses the soundwaves as well as your ears. Stereo effects are nice on headphones but they seem so small compared to a regular loudspeaker setup. I still use them on the computer though and enjoy them. When I lived in the southwest I hiked a lot and music on a walkman while hiking was pretty far out. I do miss that.
 In the car unfortunatly is where I do a majority of my listening these days. I have a 1 hour commute each way so it's a pretty large chunk of free time for me. It's not the best environment because I can't give 100% attention and the speakers of course are positioned wierd for good stereo but it's still pretty enjoyable.

Posted By: akiko
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 18:18

Originally posted by E-Dub E-Dub wrote:

Now with a little 3 year old chainsaw with feet tearing aroung the house, my
music experience at home is quite limited. Thank the good Lord for CD
players for the car. That's were I do the majority of my music listening.


Ditto.  I got a 1 year old and quite music moments are history!  So, my commute to and from work is it.  Also if the whole family takes a long trip, I torture them with so GG or Crimson.  Not Neal Morse though, my wife likes him.


BTW Blackleaf, the Otherland series is awesome!  Who wouldn't like tp be trapped in a VR world? On the fantasy side, try some Robert Jordan.  Mindblowing and goes great with Jethro Tull in the background.

Posted By: Sino
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 18:41
Full-eared. Hehe.

I always carry something that plays music with me -- can't do without these mp3 thingies or a discman or even a walkman. Plus, i really enjoy just sitting in my house with some candles lit listening to vinyls.


I've had a dream that within / A celebration of Sin / You do a dance with Denial.

Posted By: Bj-1
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 18:48
Headphones in bed, or when im on the computer.

RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!

Posted By: eddietrooper
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 18:57

I listen to my mp3 player everyday when I walk to my workplace and when I return home. It's actually the best part of the working day!

At night when my wife goes to sleep (around 23 h) I use to listen to my music in the computer, while reading this forum

I never listen to prog in the living room, because my wife can't stand it.

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 19:33
I love to listen to music most while in the lavatory -- I have a great speaker system there.   While on the toilet I blast it -- especially Gentle Giant.  The grunt in Three Friends particularly gets me going. 

Posted By: eddietrooper
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 19:44

Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

I love to listen to music most while in the lavatory -- I have a great speaker system there.   While on the toilet I blast it -- especially Gentle Giant.  The grunt in Three Friends particularly gets me going. 


Posted By: YYZed
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 20:02
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

I love to listen to music most while in the lavatory -- I have a great speaker system there.   While on the toilet I blast it -- especially Gentle Giant.  The grunt in Three Friends particularly gets me going. 

I also listen to music on the john, as wesl as in the car, in bed, while reading, while on the computer, before school, etc...


Posted By: Trav67
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 20:33

Most of the time, I listen in the car. But sometimes I'll put something on at work before my co-workers arrive(according to them, I have no taste in music).

But I try to listen while at home with headphones on(even the wife thinks I have no taste)

Posted By: stan the man
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 21:09
Right before i go to bed.  Some times i try to fall asleep while listening to the music so that i dream and sleep while hearing the music itself.  It is a very nice experiance.  Especially if  you can dream to the music. 

true as a lobster in a pteredaktyl's underpants.

Posted By: Zoso
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 22:44
When I get a new album, I usually like to play it in my room when I'm alone and undistracted, and lie down on my bed, close my eyes and give it a good listen. The only problem with this is that I often find myself asleep and miss half the album. My room is my main place for listening to music, which I do pretty much constantly when I'm in here.


Posted By: Paul K.
Date Posted: April 10 2006 at 09:29
I listen to music in headphones at my computer, while doing my homework or just close my eyes and listen.

Weasels ripped my flesh

Posted By: int_2375
Date Posted: April 10 2006 at 22:06

In bed, tripping, with headphones.

Posted By: Blackleaf
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 01:43
Well, I listened to Selling England By The Pound in bed last night.

My only complaint at this stage is,  I don't remember any of the songs individually, they're all a little same. But, for a first listen, I was so impressed



Posted By: Sacred 22
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 02:14

I listen to music with the best possible audio system I could put together with the money I had. Ah.............the sweet sounds of Linn.

the best toy I have ever owned.

Posted By: Hesselius
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 02:17
Yesterday I bought my first iPod and the first thing I listen with it was Selling
England By The Pound (after a very difficult choice between Pink Floyd, Yes,
King Krimson, Peter Hammill and Porcupine Tree) while walking by the sea.

Most of the time I listen to music on the car and at home (nighttime)

This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: April 12 2006 at 14:34
Originally posted by YYZed YYZed wrote:

Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

I love to listen to music most while in the lavatory -- I have a great speaker system there.   While on the toilet I blast it -- especially Gentle Giant.  The grunt in Three Friends particularly gets me going. 

I also listen to music on the john, as wesl as in the car, in bed, while reading, while on the computer, before school, etc...

Playing loud tuba music ain't a bad way to drown-out one's wind instrument I find.

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