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Nearfest 2005

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Topic: Nearfest 2005
Posted By: Garion81
Subject: Nearfest 2005
Date Posted: November 13 2004 at 11:39

Wow this Nearfest has a great lineup this year and now they announce they are doing a Friday night also and Look who just signed up: -

The "other" band to be announced will be PFM!! Damn! I live on the wrong coast for that one.


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: November 13 2004 at 12:06
I see the other band being announced on the Nearfest site is "Le Orme".. but I don't see anything about "PFM".... are you sure about that?


Posted By: Garion81
Date Posted: November 13 2004 at 12:22

Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

I see the other band being announced on the Nearfest site is "Le Orme".. but I don't see anything about "PFM".... are you sure about that?

Yes! PFM is the other band to be announced for the Friday night show. Actually both PFM and P-K were signed at the same time. I just think they (Progresive arts inc)  wait to announce each new band to keep the interest going, kind of a tease.  It was orginally posted by the singer of P-K Lynn Meredith on P-K's Yahoo forum 2 months ago.  I will try to get a copy of it later today (not on my computer at the moment). 

Posted By: Garion81
Date Posted: November 13 2004 at 13:32

Here I the note from Lynn Meredith I mentioned in my last note.  He was telling everyone about their upcoming shows in the Kansas area (this note was dated August 26) and threw in the last paragraph at the end (in Red).


Hello everyone...just an update and reminder that we begin playing
this Saturday in Wichita....and Pittsburg a week after that....

Been reading the posts.... and enjoying them...

Here is some scattered info regarding the shows...

Wichita and Pittsburg have Barak Hill as pre-act... Manhattan is
using my nephew's band the "Gobofiddlers"... Powell has no pre-act.

We will have items for sale at all the shows.... two new shirt
designs, the first cd on Cuneiform, Kerry's Best of cd, and both the
regular and special edition versions of BBA. We have additional swag
items in production, but not ready for these initial shows.

Our set with encores..(hopeful on this point) is almost 2 hours...We
will play live with 7 persons...versus recording with 6 persons. We
also have hired a stage manager and sound man who both will travel
with us for "consistent sound and stage production".... sounds much
more impressive than it really is!

The Wichita show will have a meet and greet after the show at the
venue... Pittsburg will have one at the 505 block from the

The band has been working hard...I think we're ready to go and
confident that we can please all of you... Bolton has been shopping
and will unveil his new performing wardrobe in Wichita. He also
bought a bunch of electronic stuff to run his woodwinds through for
cool sound effects like the old days....

Brad is out shopping tonite for some thingamajig to hook up more tom
toms on his drums as well...

all in all....we're really looking forward to it all and appreciative
of all of your support!

Our set list will be:
1) Alt
2) Totus Nemesis
3) Axolotl
4) Quantum Leapfrog
5) Words of Honor
6) Occasion of your Honest Dreaming
7) Heavenly Man
8) Gloriana
9) Skont
10) Death of Mother Nature Suite
11) encores....

BTW.... Kerry's already writing some cool stuff for the next cd...
we'll probably start recording in the next few months...

and... we've agreed to headline one nite at NearFest next July in
Pennsylvania.... we're playing that nite with PFM...remember them?



Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: November 15 2004 at 22:38
Well no offense really... but if PFM were playing the same night as P-K... why would P-K be headlining...??


Posted By: Garion81
Date Posted: November 16 2004 at 17:02

Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Well no offense really... but if PFM were playing the same night as P-K... why would P-K be headlining...??


I am assuming Lynn was talking of the negoiations going on at that time.  I don't know if that is what is going to be in the end. No"offical" news yet anyway.

Posted By: Garion81
Date Posted: November 17 2004 at 18:15

You were on the right track 3F.  Just got a post from Chad at Nearfest:

Just a friendly reminder that the signup window for the NEARfest 2005 Patron Program opens on Sunday at Noon EST and will remain open until Tuesday, November 23rd at 9:00 PM EST. The ticket limit is four (4) and the price is $225 per ticket. Also remember that the difference between the Patron price and your seat price can be written off your taxes as a donation to a not-for-profit organization.

In the interest of saving space, the entire process is outlined here: -

The Finalized Lineup for NEARfest 2005 consists of:
Le Orme (Italy)
IQ (England)
Present (Belgium)
Kenso (Japan)
The Muffins (United States)
Frogg Cafe (United States)
Riverside (Poland)
Wobbler (Norway)
Steve Roach (United States)
Matthew Parmenter (United States)

Progressive Arts Preshow:
Proto-Kaw (United States)
Headliner TBA this week (???)

(Note: NEARfest ticket buyers are given first shot at the same seats for the preshow. You will be asked if you want preshow tickets when you are emailed to pick your NEARfest seats.)

Thanks to all previous and current prospective patrons... NEARfest would not exist without you!

Good luck in the lottery!

mailto:[email protected] - [email protected]
NEARfest 2005
July 9th & 10th, 2005

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