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Prog Metal catfight!

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Topic: Prog Metal catfight!
Posted By: Dr Know
Subject: Prog Metal catfight!
Date Posted: April 02 2006 at 22:51

Seems that Mike Portnoy and Geoff Tate are really at each otherīs throats! Check out, itīs getting pretty nasty.

Nothing like a bit of action on a Sunday!Wink

Posted By: Dr Know
Date Posted: April 02 2006 at 22:58
Actually itīs pretty sad to see these guys arguing. Itīs also on Mike Portnoyīs forum where he posted and ran down Tate personally.Cry

Posted By: Empathy
Date Posted: April 02 2006 at 23:31
I'd be curious to see what Tate actually said "bashing" DT in the press.

I will say this... Having just seen them this Thursday, I was truly struck by how much of a Primadonna Portnoy is. The stage hand that was in charge of the boom mic that Portnoy uses to sing missed a couple of cues, and Portnoy threw a tantrum that was noticeable (and frankly distracting) from the nosebleed balcony seats I had.

I've never heard anything else negative about Tate before this.

Pure Brilliance:

Posted By: Rising Force
Date Posted: April 03 2006 at 00:35
It would be funny to see Jericho body slam Tate.

Posted By: Dr Know
Date Posted: April 03 2006 at 13:52
Reading all the comments on Portnoyīs website I think he has blown the whole thing out of proportion! Writing in his own forum that Tate is a two faced douche-bag is a bit muchLOL

Posted By: Valarius
Date Posted: April 03 2006 at 19:01

Meh... people always sl*g other people off. And people always come on message boards and talk sh*t about other people. So whatever... if these two wanna do it, by all means do it. I don't see why because their famous musicians they're instantly labeled as "assholes" or whatever for doing a bit of sl*gging off.


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