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A post rock code ?? WTF

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Topic: A post rock code ?? WTF
Posted By: Black Mog
Subject: A post rock code ?? WTF
Date Posted: March 28 2006 at 17:46

Hello all.. im a great fan of post-rock and yesterday i was searching on the net about somes information about this kind of music.. and i arrived on a site who say that

"Think twice before you see a post-rock band in concert: there is an unspoken post-rock code that states that you must never, under any circumstances, acknowledge that your audience exists."

I want to know what you guys think about that...

This is the website where i find that: - za/Redefining.indie.A.Musical.Lexicon-1658701.shtml?norewrit e200603200059&

2 Rights make 1 Wrong

Posted By: Ty1020
Date Posted: March 28 2006 at 18:18
Seems like a dumb generalization to me. On the contrary, I've heard that post-rock bands like Sigur Ros and Mogwai put on fantastic shows. Actually, in regards to a lot of bands, I've read that they sound a lot better live (Red Sparowes comes to mind). 


Posted By: chamberry
Date Posted: March 28 2006 at 18:23
Well, I haven't been to a post-rock concert (sadly) but the videos of concerts I have in my PC I noticed that they never look at the audience until the end of the show. But not Jonsi and Sigur Ros. In the concert he always looks straight forward or to his guitar and in the end of the concert a big curtain drops from below and a projector plays that says "Takk". They never looked at the audience.

It kinda makes sence . . .


Posted By: Ghandi 2
Date Posted: March 28 2006 at 19:06
...It's a joke.

Posted By: alan_pfeifer
Date Posted: March 28 2006 at 19:51

Originally posted by Ty1020 Ty1020 wrote:

Seems like a dumb generalization to me. On the contrary, I've heard that post-rock bands like Sigur Ros and Mogwai put on fantastic shows. Actually, in regards to a lot of bands, I've read that they sound a lot better live (Red Sparowes comes to mind). 


definite yes for Sigur Ros.  I saw them live, and it was incredible.

Posted By: Black Mog
Date Posted: March 28 2006 at 20:21

hehe me im gonna see Mogwai on May 15 in Montreal...


2 Rights make 1 Wrong

Posted By: chamberry
Date Posted: March 28 2006 at 20:25
He isn't saying that the bands play bad live, Its just that don't actually look at the audience like if they didn't exist or at least thats what I understood by it.


Posted By: Figglesnout
Date Posted: March 28 2006 at 20:31

well it can't be as bad as dream theater's just standing there moving their hands...

or in james labrie's case: clapping the hell do you clap to metal in odd times? i think they're just trying to piss people off.

I'm a reasonable man, get off my case

Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: March 28 2006 at 21:13
^Actually, DT are a great live band... to me at least.

I don't really care if the band isn't "rocking out". Mogwai isn't a hard rock band, I think that post rock, in it's calm and ambient nature is better played calmly...

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Meddler
Date Posted: March 28 2006 at 22:15
Seems to me it would only apply to one band i know: Godspeed You! Black Emperor.

granted, ive never seen em live, but d'you see an orchestra look at the audience?

P.S. I love them dearly.

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: March 29 2006 at 11:49

Originally posted by Meddler Meddler wrote:

Seems to me it would only apply to one band i know: Godspeed You! Black Emperor.

granted, ive never seen em live, but d'you see an orchestra look at the audience?

P.S. I love them dearly.

No you dont, but you dont really go to a classical music rectial to watch the 'band' you go to listen to the music. A rock concert is different. You go to see a show, that entails listening to music, and being treated to a charismatic visual performance. IMO.

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Auto-Rock
Date Posted: March 29 2006 at 14:25
Originally posted by Black Mog Black Mog wrote:

hehe me im gonna see Mogwai on May 15 in Montreal...

No Way! TO, May 16! Post a review of the concert when they come!

Anyway, Godspeed's been very vocal about their audience. they would much rather play in an intimate club with 50 people they know than the large venues they can now sell out.

Posted By: mystic fred
Date Posted: March 30 2006 at 02:25
Originally posted by Black Mog Black Mog wrote:

"Think twice before you see a post-rock band in concert: there is an unspoken post-rock code that states that you must never, under any circumstances, acknowledge that your audience exists."

i have been to some gigs where the audience have not, under any circumstances,  acknowledged that the band existed!!

seriously, if the music is good does it matter whether they acknowledge the existence of the audience? some of those anthemic "everybody-singalong-all-join-in" bands i usually find pretty boring anyway.

Prog Archives Tour Van

Posted By: G_Bone
Date Posted: March 30 2006 at 03:07
Originally posted by The Miracle The Miracle wrote:

^Actually, DT are a great live band... to me at least.

I don't really care if the band isn't "rocking out". Mogwai isn't a hard rock band, I think that post rock, in it's calm and ambient nature is better played calmly...

From the DVD I've seen of theres (Scenes from New York), they would be a great band for the music. They play everything bang on, but the actual show looked horrible. Labries a great singer, but not much of a frontman. Portnoy is the only one who seems to get into it at all, but theres only so much a drummer can do.  Still I'd love to see them, but it would be for the music not the show, so I'd prefer an indoor place with seating.

In contrast, Queensryche's Operation:Livecrime, they put on an incredible show (of course this was a lot earlier in their careers than Dream Theater's Scenes from New York, they were younger; also they are outdoors on a bigger stage; and they are more heavy and less progressive, some of that may explain it).

But back on topic, sorry for being a newb, but what on earth is post-rock?

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