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Is there any album in prog that...

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: Is there any album in prog that...
Posted By: Morgrimoth
Subject: Is there any album in prog that...
Date Posted: March 27 2006 at 08:04

...has a certain message and makes sense music/lyricwise if you listen to it „normally“, but has a different meaning if you programm the tracks a special way (mainly concept albums)?

For example, if you play the tracks like 3,6,9,1,4,2,7,8, the whole concept of the album becomes different because now the lyrics or the story fit together, the mood is not the same etc.

Long introduction, thus I will repeat the question. Does an album like this exist? It came to my mind that Prog should be quite perfect for this idea. Tools „Lateralus“ was supposed to be programmed like a sort of spiral (6,7,5,8,4,9,3,10,2,11,1,12), but it made no special sense to me – neither song- nor lyricwise.

And – in case you do not know such an album – which band would be most likely to create something like this in your opinion?

Thanks for your time


Posted By: ulfskjol
Date Posted: March 27 2006 at 08:20

The canadian band Saga has a concept spread out over different albums. They songs have differnt titles, they all have a "Chapter no .." included. They released the chapters in random order so that we as listeners could interprete ourselves what the story is about. They have now released a live album where they play the songs in a sequence starting with no 1 to please the fans who wanted the whole story in one album.


Interviewer: "So Frank, you have long hair. Does that make you a woman?"
FZ: "You have a wooden leg. Does that make you a table?"

Posted By: Firepuck
Date Posted: March 27 2006 at 08:25

Ah, where has the turntable gone? You can't do this with CD's! (Paul is dead) -


Kryten : "'Pub'? Ah yes, A meeting place where humans attempt to achieve advanced states of mental incompetence by the repeated consumption of fermented vegetable drinks."

Posted By: fairyliar
Date Posted: March 27 2006 at 08:28

yeah Saga did it pretty well.

Maybe Rush too with the different "Fear" parts...

Posted By: cuncuna
Date Posted: March 27 2006 at 08:40
I know about a book, "Rayuela", from Julio Cortazar, wich can be read in different combinations, to get different stories. But an album... I guess not. Ryko disc seem to have made changes to the order of some Frank Zappa albums...

¡Beware of the Bee!

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