Peoples ignorance towards prog
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Topic: Peoples ignorance towards prog
Posted By: White Feather
Subject: Peoples ignorance towards prog
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 09:37
OK I`m sitting down with some non prog friends and I put on a prog CD (probably not wise) Anyway halfway through the first song I notice them looking at each other then just like that one says "do you take this music seriously ?" I respond "its got some great counterpoint and listened to that Hammond " (I was playing niacin BTW) then without warning I get the lamest response ever , "it sounds like regressive rock honestly kids listen to this crap its such a wank" I couldn`t believe my ears I mean how rude and ignorant is that ?
So whats the worst thing a friend not into prog has ever said to you about your music ? 
Posted By: Xanadu
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 09:40
You're a communist!
Although that's his way of telling me that he just doesn't like it
------------- "Oh, yes, sitting-the great leveler. From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant, who doesn't enjoy a good sit?"
Posted By: White Feather
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 09:41
Xanadu wrote:
You're a communist!
Although that's his way of telling me just doesn't like it | lmao 
Posted By: Xanadu
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 09:42
I was listening to Rush btw, And you bet that geddy lee's vocie was the first thing he commented
------------- "Oh, yes, sitting-the great leveler. From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant, who doesn't enjoy a good sit?"
Posted By: White Feather
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 09:44
Rush have caused me some troubles over the years, me being so into them I have defended geddy`s voice time and time again 
Posted By: Xanadu
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 09:58
Im not very good at persuasiving people so I have, damn my soul, giving up on shareing my music to others who doesn't know better
In retrospect you could say that I've failed were christianity succeded
------------- "Oh, yes, sitting-the great leveler. From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant, who doesn't enjoy a good sit?"
Posted By: Firepuck
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 10:19
In my experience few people are open-minded enough to give progressive music a chance. I find that by it's very nature it is not music you can easily like the first listen - which is probably why I like it so much, even songs I have listened to a hundred times can sound fresh and surprising.
As far as friends go, my days of sitting with a friend and 'listening' to music have long passed. I was fortunate enough to be at that stage in my life during the golden age of prog (70's), and with lots of progressive music getting airplay on FM and especially university radio it seemed that people were more open to listening to something different.
Now-a-days music with friends consists of either background music while we are doing something else (in which case progressive is perfectly acceptable as we don't really 'listen' to it) or going to a concert (in which case you are only going with friends who like that particular musician). I listen to my music either by myself or with my young fellow (who is a musician and while he doesn't like all I play he listens with an open mind).
While I may not like the music someone else listens to I try never to say anything negative about it and I expect the same re comments about my music. Any comments they do make go in one ear and out the other. I just can't be bothered even acknowledging their remark let alone trying to change their opinion. Guess I'm a true Canadian!
------------- Kryten : "'Pub'? Ah yes, A meeting place where humans attempt to achieve advanced states of mental incompetence by the repeated consumption of fermented vegetable drinks."
Posted By: avestin
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 10:49
This is a thread on the subject:
worst prog remarks from friends
-------------" rel="nofollow - Hanging Sounds" rel="nofollow - PA Index of prog music vendors
Posted By: mystic fred
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 11:38
White Feather wrote:
OK I`m sitting down with some non prog friends and I put on a prog CD (probably not wise) Anyway halfway through the first song I notice them looking at each other then just like that one says "do you take this music seriously ?" I respond "its got some great counterpoint and listened to that Hammond " (I was playing niacin BTW) then without warning I get the lamest response ever , "it sounds like regressive rock honestly kids listen to this crap its such a wank" I couldn`t believe my ears I mean how rude and ignorant is that ?
So whats the worst thing a friend not into prog has ever said to you about your music ? 
seems you need to review your social circles!
honestly when i first got into prog in the early 70's my family thought i'd become a born again christian - organs on led zep/purple/genesis/yes/elp etc, though even after some friends making daft comments i managed to explain it to them and interest them in prog and heavy rock, even got them to come along to a gig! it seems most people these days like pop and dance stuff /musak and can't be bothered to put any effort into their listening, they like to "relax" or "chill out" instead. prog, jazz and classical music can be the most rewarding but needs your full attention, it's not wallpaper music, it demands to be listened to. i always give such music the same attention as watching a film. as for people referring to it as "regressive", is classical, soul and jazz regressive??? all these genres including prog are still being developed and will still be enjoyed for many many years to come, it could even become the classical music of the future!
Prog Archives Tour Van
Posted By: Revan
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 11:45
Xanadu wrote:
You're a communist!
Although that's his way of telling me that he just doesn't like it |
I wouldn't go to that extreme but '70s prog idea is mostly socialist. Not the same surely.
Posted By: The Wizard
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 12:08
One thing I like about prog is that no one knows about it so it's 'cooler' to like (at least for me). 
Posted By: Moatilliatta
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 13:49
I get a lot of comments about my music when I play it to the uneducated ear. Just last night I had on "Octavarium," and when the track length was noted, I get "Is that necessary?" It was pretty funny, but she didn't even recognize this as a problem (or at all) until we were 19 minutes into it.
I also get a lot of "Do they sing?" Whether it's all intrumental, or if it's just a segment. I get complaints quite often (though I do have a handful of friends who do appreciate or enjoy it), but I stand my ground and shove them musical terms and theory at them that they don't understand at all In futile attempts to explain the brilliance in the music. I make it known that I understand why they wouldn't like it, but their statements are ignorant, and their musical opinions are basically void.
Still, I'd much rather have it where I am one of very few of the peers in my area that listen to prog. It makes the music more special.

Posted By: Hierophant
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 14:02
I laid In a Glass House on a guitarist friend and he said "he was thinking too much". He asked me to burn it for him though so I guess he found it somewhat interesting. The key is to just lay the least accessible prog album out on someone and hope they'll realize that its not just music it's MUSIC. Baptism by fire. 
Posted By: Firepuck
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 14:12
Riddle me this.
Being older I have friends who are into the classic progressive music of the 70's (Camel, Genesis, King Crimson, Tull, Yes, etc.) but will not try to listen to 'modern' groups or even other lesser known groups from the 70's, groups that I have explored thanks to this web site.
I have learnt that it is easier to paint a moving car than it is to change an opinion. 
------------- Kryten : "'Pub'? Ah yes, A meeting place where humans attempt to achieve advanced states of mental incompetence by the repeated consumption of fermented vegetable drinks."
Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 14:12
No one I know has ever dismissed it as w&nk! 
They wouldn't dare mess with the Blacksword 
Rush has roused some laughter over the years, as have Yes, but the most common comment is that it's either 'boring' or 'not cool' 
------------- Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!
Posted By: Xanadu
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 14:19
Revan wrote:
Xanadu wrote:
You're a communist!
Although that's his way of telling me that he just doesn't like it
I wouldn't go to that extreme but '70s prog idea is mostly socialist. Not the same surely.
It's a joke! Although there was a socialist musical movement in sweden in 70s that was called progg (not prog).
Communism in this case is just a symbol for something bad, not that it necceserily is. Though He might not know the exact content of the statement he is still refering to something, in his mind, bad.
------------- "Oh, yes, sitting-the great leveler. From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant, who doesn't enjoy a good sit?"
Posted By: Jack-a-lynn
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 16:01
its so ironic that this was posted.
i JUST finished reading this post, and didn't really have a comment (at least i thought i didnt), and i'm at work where we all leave our office doors open at all times, since we're all constantly bustling around. Anyways, i'm playing Gentle Giant, and I look up, and everybody's office doors are closed.
oh well
------------- "from the moment i could talk, i was ordered to listen." -cat stevens
Posted By: Cygnus X-1
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 16:56
Ah the amount of times me and my friends try to put prog on in our 6th form common room. So far we have had some Jethro Tull: Aqualung, Hymn 43, Cross Eyed Mary, some of Thick As A Brick, all of Close To The Edge, some Supper's Ready and some other Genesis, some King Crimson, quite a bit of floyd and Mostly Autumn and some other Yes. but usualy any song that lasts over 5 mins gets turned off.
The usual comments are:" This is boring..." "This is crap, it's too long." "I could make this on cuebase!" etc etc. basically there are about 7/8 of us who like prog and force it on!
Posted By: An old fart
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 17:27
I've got various reactions towards prog from various people: ignorance, polite or mild interest, shared enthusiasm, a bit of sarcasm, strong rejection. It's all ok. We don't need to like the same things. And we don't need no thought control!
------------- "Make tea, not love"
Posted By: Fede
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 17:54
Here in Argentina are some people called "rollingas" who like a kind of bands that are fashion and have a similar sound to the Rolling Stones (but toooooo worse) and they're bulls**t.
Some "rollingas" friends of mine, when I put some prog stuff they walk away or say "This is boring!!" or "It's a bulls**t" I can't really understand why.....
Posted By: Dogboy
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 18:13
Generally friends have laughed at the lyrics - eg tales from Topographic
Oceans, ridiculed the music eg. diddly diddly rubbish - Il Balletto di Bronzo's
YS and killed themselves laughing at the covers e.g Foxtrot. Personally I
couldn't care less- I would far rather be ridiculed for a few minutes than
suffer a lifetime of liking Simply Red or The Lighthose Family or whatever
dross people oif my age 'like ' to listen to (or have marketed at them.
Posted By: chamberry
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 18:15
I get all kind of "colorful" reactions towards the prog I hear. But I
try not listen to The Mars Volta or Opeth while my parents are around.
My non prog friends are at times curious about the music I play them
but one of them talks alot of sh** about prog but deep inside I know he
likes some of it.
Posted By: Aaron
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 18:44
i tend to not play prog rock around my friends, although back in the day we always used to listen to music and share it with eachother
so i dont have any harsh comments
but i have had friends say it reminds them of video game music, which i can understand with some bands
someone told me that Magma's MDK reminded them of monkeys making music, which i thought was funny, even if only for the alliteration
i only have two people that i can share my music with now, sucks monkey balls
i dont ever expect prog rock to be popular, but i would like it if more people were passionate about it, so i could discuss it with people that aren't on the internet
Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 19:47
Firepuck wrote:
While I may not like the music someone else listens to I try never to say anything negative about it and I expect the same re comments about my music. Any comments they do make go in one ear and out the other. I just can't be bothered even acknowledging their remark let alone trying to change their opinion. Guess I'm a true Canadian!
I do the oposite...I can show my musci, knowing it won´t be liked...but I say something like "well, it seems only smart people like this music"...jejeje and whenever I listen something in the radio with some friends I tend to show what a lot of crap that is..."don´t you realize this woman didn´t wrote the song nor does she care for what she sings...and thouse lyrics!"...jejejee, I like to inform people of how sh*tty their music is...because obviuosly they don´t realize that for themself
jejej guess that makes me a true argentinian..jejeje
------------- "You want me to play what, Robert?"
Posted By: White Feather
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 22:53
el böthy wrote:
Firepuck wrote:
While I may not like the music someone else listens to I try never to say anything negative about it and I expect the same re comments about my music. Any comments they do make go in one ear and out the other. I just can't be bothered even acknowledging their remark let alone trying to change their opinion. Guess I'm a true Canadian!
I do the oposite...I can show my musci, knowing it won´t be liked...but I say something like "well, it seems only smart people like this music"...jejeje and whenever I listen something in the radio with some friends I tend to show what a lot of crap that is..."don´t you realize this woman didn´t wrote the song nor does she care for what she sings...and thouse lyrics!"...jejejee, I like to inform people of how sh*tty their music is...because obviuosly they don´t realize that for themself
jejej guess that makes me a true argentinian..jejeje
| Um , I`m not gonna say that stuff jejejee 
Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: March 21 2006 at 01:31
I just don't play it to my school friends. Some of them do like bands like Rush and Pink Floyd, but that's as far as it goes. More obscure and serious stuff will only get laughet at
-------------" rel="nofollow -
Posted By: Norbert
Date Posted: March 21 2006 at 03:03
The Wizard wrote:
One thing I like about prog is that no one knows about it so it's 'cooler' to like (at least for me).  |
Yes, it has some charme to like something what other people don't even know.
Posted By: RaphaelT
Date Posted: March 21 2006 at 08:03
The guy from my year after seeing photo of Yes from Relayer times called Patrick Moraz "hairy ape".
This is good that progarchives exist - a place where we could weep that people don't understand our music .
------------- yet you still have time!
Posted By: luc4fun
Date Posted: March 21 2006 at 08:18
The Wizard wrote:
One thing I like about prog is that no one knows about it so it's 'cooler' to like (at least for me).  |
I agree!
Its like listening to something you know most of the people cannot understand.You feel like an elect!
------------- Site Admin at
the first social network for Proggers!
Posted By: Trickster F.
Date Posted: March 21 2006 at 08:44
Cygnus X-1 wrote:
Ah the amount of times me and my friends try to put prog on in our 6th form common room. So far we have had some Jethro Tull: Aqualung, Hymn 43, Cross Eyed Mary, some of Thick As A Brick, all of Close To The Edge, some Supper's Ready and some other Genesis, some King Crimson, quite a bit of floyd and Mostly Autumn and some other Yes. but usualy any song that lasts over 5 mins gets turned off.
The usual comments are:" This is boring..." "This is crap, it's too long." "I could make this on cuebase!" etc etc. basically there are about 7/8 of us who like prog and force it on!
Heheh... You posted "7/8" and you also have a Rush icon. 
I haven't really tried to introduce people to prog, because their tastes in music are quite shallow and I do not expect anyone to understand the whole philosophy of prog without having similar views on music and art in general. Seriously, it goes for literature, films as well as music - people consider to check out only the accessible, popular things. I don't blame them actually.
You can't forget that proggers are ignorant to different things as well.  
-- Ivan
Posted By: Firepuck
Date Posted: March 21 2006 at 09:04
ivansfr0st wrote:
I haven't really tried to introduce people to prog, because their tastes in music are quite shallow and I do not expect anyone to understand the whole philosophy of prog without having similar views on music and art in general. Seriously, it goes for literature, films as well as music - people consider to check out only the accessible, popular things. I don't blame them actually.
You can't forget that proggers are ignorant to different things as well.  
-- Ivan
Exactly what I was saying - don't waste your breath on trying to change people's tastes, it's not worth the effort. I can count on one hand the number of people over the past 30 years I have 'turned on' to prog. While you may not agree with them you can't blame someone for their tastes.
Might as well bang your head against the wall... 
------------- Kryten : "'Pub'? Ah yes, A meeting place where humans attempt to achieve advanced states of mental incompetence by the repeated consumption of fermented vegetable drinks."
Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: March 21 2006 at 16:13
Fede wrote:
Here in Argentina are some people called "rollingas" who like a kind of bands that are fashion and have a similar sound to the Rolling Stones (but toooooo worse) and they're bulls**t.
Some "rollingas" friends of mine, when I put some prog stuff they walk away or say "This is boring!!" or "It's a bulls**t" I can't really understand why.....
jejeje "rollingas" and the "cumbieros" are the cancer of our musical sociaty!!! jejejee It´s always nice to see argentinians in the forum
------------- "You want me to play what, Robert?"
Posted By: ¢¾Old¢¾Hen¢¾
Date Posted: March 21 2006 at 17:01
White Feather wrote:
OK I`m sitting down with some non prog friends and I put on a prog CD (probably not wise) Anyway halfway through the first song I notice them looking at each other then just like that one says "do you take this music seriously ?" I respond "its got some great counterpoint and listened to that Hammond " (I was playing niacin BTW) then without warning I get the lamest response ever , "it sounds like regressive rock honestly kids listen to this crap its such a wank" I couldn`t believe my ears I mean how rude and ignorant is that ?
So whats the worst thing a friend not into prog has ever said to you about your music ? 
I brought Zep into a dance lesson about two years ago .. I think the other girls brought Green Day .. Lol, they HATED it .. called it a load of rubbish. Now it's fashionable to listen to Zeppelin. Hm. But yeah, I was laughed at too .. one girl said it was like UB40 but worse ...
Posted By: emersontarkus23
Date Posted: March 22 2006 at 22:57
Well, I don't think a lot of people are supposed to like prog rock-that's
why we have our own little club, particularly since many prog musicians
have spent their whole lives staying away from pop sensibilities, because
they want to have their OWN persona, unlike anyone else. We fans are the
same. We huddle in our own tiny group and become our own tiny
persona-we also have fun laughing at the people who can't understand
the passion that drives our lives because they don't have patience, or the
right understanding, etc.
As for me, no one I know except my stepdad likes prog rock to the extent
I do. I am 17, and growing up as a teenager in a world of bad pop music, i
don't know anyone who likes prog rock that much beyond Zeppelin and
maybe a couple albums by Floyd(Dark Side and The Wall). I mean, one
day, in Forum, where we just hang out and talk, my teacher suggested
that I put on my LP of Tarkus, which I had bought that day. All the
students were asking "WHAT IS THAT"?!!? openmouthed. I was
embarrassed, and turned it off. It's sad how no one I know likes prog.
Posted By: stan the man
Date Posted: March 22 2006 at 23:17
Aww man when I was in free period during school i was showing one of my friends Pink Floyd with the glory of Echoes when a stupid freshman (you know how freshmen are for all those in high school ) just says o my God that is the most annoying thing i have heard in my life turn that hippie crap off....... &n bsp; &n bsp; He said that while turning on his Toby Keith 
When I was driving home from Chicago 2112 was on and during the part after the Overture when it gets quiet my mom said this is my favourite part of the song because there is no noise. 
------------- true as a lobster in a pteredaktyl's underpants.
Posted By: jesperz
Date Posted: March 22 2006 at 23:50
stan the man wrote:
When I was driving home from Chicago 2112 was on and during the part after the Overture when it gets quiet my mom said this is my favourite part of the song because there is no noise.  |
That is a very nice one from ur mom...
Well, my friends did say about Geddy Lee is a gay cos of his squeeky voice, James LaBrie's voices causing ear Fatique and stuff like that.
When i am playing something like 2112 by Rush or Change Of seasons by Dream Theater, they will probably go like "HUH!? The song haven't end?"
Worse, Discipline by King Crimson... I received feedback like "what is that man? It is so annoying!" Lol... That makes me never play my type of music in camps or whatever... They even could say that PROG ROCK IS AS BORING AS CLASSICAL MUSIC!!!!
What they like to listen are Eminem, 50 Cents or Green day, Chemical Romance.. They really cause me ear Fatique and a bad migrane! But hey, i didn't critisize their music, only tell them to lower down the volume... Due to the fact that they love screaming music.. That is something I dun get it...
------------- <<Dark side of Z' Drummination>>
Posted By: Ultaigh
Date Posted: March 23 2006 at 00:05
I played "21st Century Schizoid Man" to one of my friends and he
replied, "What is this? It sounds like whales having sex!
Is that bagpipes?"
Posted By: stan the man
Date Posted: March 23 2006 at 00:18
Posted By: stan the man
Date Posted: March 23 2006 at 00:23
Ultaigh wrote:
I played "21st Century Schizoid Man" to one of my friends and he replied, "What is this? It sounds like whales having sex! Is that bagpipes?" ..... 
| That is the best! When I had Dancing With the Moonlight Knight the mellotrons came in and my sister said O MY GOD THIS IS SO TERRIBLE ITS PATHETIC.    
------------- true as a lobster in a pteredaktyl's underpants.